Sending Positive Energy to Japan
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, April 7, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, April 07, 2011
Japan had a 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake today, nearly one month after the big 9.0 hit the country. Please send thoughts and positive vibes for the Japanese people!

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Does anyone know how are Adam's Japanese fans doing? I used to see their tweets daily. But not anymore. :( Hope they're okay!
Another one?!! omg...I hope all the Japanese Glamberts are fine and safe.
Thank you Adam for your kind and loving heart! Japanese people and fans are also in our thoughts and prayers. Sanni
I follow Bani(japanese fan) on twitter and she seems fine. I hope nothing bad happens to Japan again. The past month have been very tragic and bad experience for them.
What a tragedy this is. Continued thoughts and healing energy being sent to all the people of Japan in this time of tremendous loss. To all the Adam fans, your families, your friends and the people of your country, I pray that you are OK and that your country will heal and rebuild even stronger than before. You are a beautiful people and culture.
I don't know how much more the people of Japan can stand, but they are so strong, resilient and resourceful, I believe they will inspire all of us with their bravery and fortitude. My thoughts and prayers go out to them and I hope the world will rally around and give aid generously and quickly. So sorry for their losses. funbunn40
I can't even imagine a 7.6 "aftershock" and I live in So. Cal. This morning (our time) the quake was in the same area as the nuclear generating plant but was felt for over a minute in Tokyo - over 100 miles away. These poor people. 16,000 still unacounted for after the tsunami, and hundreds of thousands with nothing left but their lives. My nerves would have been shattered long ago.
I wonder why the news is not even mentioning the quakes in NewZealand. They've been horrific.
@funbunn40, 1:32 PM and @Anon, 1:17 - thank you both for beautiful posts. At a loss of words of my own, may I concur with yours?
GGD Gal, respectfully
@GGD Gal, I have just found words that will touch all of our hearts and souls on JuneauXena twitter Love and Light from Sendai. It is profoundly moving and personalizes the courage, humanity and loving unselfish spirit of the people of Japan. It's a lesson and inspiration for us all as to what really matters when all external trappings are stripped away. It's humbling and beautiful. I have much love and respect for these strong people and pray for their safety and comfort. funbunn40
NZ has suffered greatly, as Haiti and the US with Hurricane Katrina.It makes us realize how fragile life is and how it can all be gone in an instant. It also brings out the best in us and the power of survival. Many miles may separate us, but I feel as if they are right next door. Adam fans are everywhere, sharing a common bond that is Adam. That bond makes these tragedies so real and puts an even more personal face on it. I feel a real kinship with so many of you because of the many postings and there is worry and concern when any are in harms way. I hope the quakes will finally stop..a sad day today..funbunn40
It's true guys!!!! We don't know what will happens next so just pray for the Japanese and around the world. Life is too short and the only thing that we can do is spread the love like what Adam is doing right now. Spread the love, spread the love guys!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Not psychic - just general feeling of something big to come in the US. Large quake in the Seattle area or along the New Madrid fault east of the Mississippi. Just saying
I just heard about 6.5 earthquake today 370 miles south of Mexico City. The Rim of Fire is a shakey bakey place lately.
I feel so bad for these people. I wish I could do more. I guess all we can do is pray and help the professionals who have the means to help by donating money so they can continue with the resorses they need to carry on.
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