Vote for "Glamberts"!
Filed Under (Others,random ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, April 06, 2011
The Online Music Awards has a poll up asking for the best fanbase from an artist. Glamberts are one of them! CLICK HERE to vote!

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Oh Gosh, How will I ever Choose?????? Maybe the Lambert kid, I hear he's pretty good...JAK
Info please
What does -web -like -tweet- mobile -mean on voting page????????...if I don't click on one of those is my vote not counted???????JAK.....?
JAK - Just vote with Twitter. It's easier....I just did.
None of these polls really matter. What matters is the companionship of all Glamberts across the world ! Love !!
Tried to vote, but not sure it took the vote. Will try again.
Tried to vote....chose FB for social network but then nothing happened. Did not say if my vote counted etc. How many times and how often can we vote?
Tried to vote also, chose FB and the thing just kept spinning. Guess I'll go try twitter. Come on glamberts I know the tweenies are experts of this kind-of voting but we can do this. We are afterall the most passionate fan base out there today!
I tried to add Adam in a couple of different categories as per the suggestion of Renee Snyder of the Examiner (article written today) but it doesn't take the nomination??? Has anyone tried to nominate in different categories?
well it just took my vote on twitter! But you have to acknowledge "allow or deny-" I allowed, hope this doesn't mess up my twitter since I have no clue what I'm doing anyway? Someone explain if I did the right thing. thanks. Where's the other category to be voted on?
At the top of the voting page there is a drop down menu with at least 20 other which category you want and then the page reloads with Nominate at the top with blank lines for you to type in the nominee you want...then click on Submit.
The voting was a bit complicated but it worked for me on twitter.
More polls for the Glamberts. Glamberts like polls.
IIISSS this a poll??? Thought from what I read it was actaully VOTED on... or is it NOT fan voted????
Of all the polls this is the lamest. Too difficult. Will not even try to vote again.
I tried to vote, but it didn't work. I would have voted for Echelon. I think they are very nice people.
Do you have to be on FB or twitter to vote? This doesn´t work.
I can't vote since I'm not on twitter or facebook..( & whatever the other one was)I am still voting for idol of the month for Adam.Please bookmark; it's:
On Facebook, but it just spins. I hate this s**t! Who comes up with all these polls? If I was 15 and had nothing better to do and nothing between my ears, this would be simple.
I am glad he is nominated but I think I'll skip this one. I don't like doing things via my social networks. I really miss commenting on the examiner for that reason, still love to read the articles though.
I opened mu twitter account just for Adam about year ago. And this is easy to vote on twitter.
Just go on AO, open twitter account, Adam will get more twitter follows and you can vote in this poll. And, I am sure we can use out twitter account to vote for Adam in the future!
I got 5 points for Glamberts and 5 points for "F***Yeah" noms.
@anon 9.08
I often used to write comments on Examiner articles, and enjoyed reading other peoples comments but have not written one since they changed to Yahoo and facebook, and it seems that can be said of everyone as most articles only get 1 or 2 comments, if that. Do still read them though.
I've read the Terms of Use and unfortunately, only U.S. residents can vote. :(
Voted already, don't forget to read this Adam Lambert: The Quest for Platinum
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