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Adam Lambert Explains Why Haley Reinhart's His Favorite American Idol Contestant

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 10, 2011

From 95.5 WPLJ:

If Adam Lambert wasn't gay, we'd think he has a crush on Haley Reinhart. He's always tweeting about how much he loves the season 10 finalist's performances, and he even called her show-stopping performance of "House of the Rising Sun" the "SEXIEST thing EVER on Idol." So why does Adam love Haley more than any other contestant this season? He explains, "I love the sound of her voice, the texture of it. Musically, her choices are incredible." He gushes, "I don't even think people are realizing the things that she's doing vocally. I think it's because she's so effortless about it."

Describing Haley's performance style, Adam says, "She's not trying too hard. She's just there, she's just embodying it. She's so comfortable. And to me, that's what a real star is."


Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam 100% about Haley. I want her to win and wouldn't it be great if she were to be one of his opening performers on his next tour?

barometz said...

Isn't this just a rehash of what he said in the Hit Fix interview two weekd ago?

I'm getting tired of the season 10 topic and I think Haley is just over-rated now.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this topic is a repeat but I still like Haley the best and agree with Adam's comments.

There are some really nice pictures of Adam and his mom after the concert posted on another site but I can't post them here.

Anonymous said...

I love Haley. Adam understands much better than those lame judges what a great voice is. James was so pitchy but still gets positives especially from Randy. Doubt Haley will win, but hopefully she will have a great career ahead of her. She also seems like a real strong woman and I like that about her.

Anonymous said...

The voting on billboard fan favorite ends May 20th, I think this is pretty important. Adam should have been on the list to begin with and surprised that Pink wasn't on it either.

Honey said...

IT's not S10 that is the topic, but that Adam has opinions on it. He will probably will be asked about X-factor, too, when it starts to air, so better bear the articles!

At first I didn't even notice Haley, she blended in. But then she sang "Benny and the Jets" in the Elton John week and I was immediately hooked. With good enough songs, she could be the next Adele :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you anon 10:31. I really wished Adam had taken that position to be a judge on American Idol. He's always spot on with his opinions on the contestants and I think they would benefit more from from listening to Adam than J.Lo, Steven and even Randy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam. Haley is a risk taker. She sang that Gaga unreleased song, she took that harsh comments like a trouper and then came out and killed her next song for a standing O from the judges.

She will have a successful music career providing that she does not allow the music industry to "puppet" her talent.

I agree she is a strong person. She remains true to herself and picks the songs she knows fit her voice and always pushes herself to the max.

Adam's experience in knowing how complex and demanding what she does with her voice really represents.

Would love to see Adam do a duet with her someday or maybe even have her as an opening act on his next tour -- who knows??

Adam really acknowledges talent and is so supportive and encouraging - he loves to compliment and is not SHY about expressing himself!!


Anonymous said...

This is what Adam posted on Twitter today:

"Harem Pants. All over runways the past few seasons. Why do they get policed and always called 'MC HAMMER PANTS' #getwithitcritics"

Fans started sharing their opinions on harem pants (with some saying they're not lame and out-dated) until they realized Adam disappeared. One fan even tweeted:

"@adamlambert I say we discuss it some more. Come baaaack!!! :-/ Don't just twat & run again!" LOL

Anonymous said...

everyone vote Q102.....Adam is dropping fast!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has always said that SEXY is SEXY. she brings sexuality into her performances. everyone loves the growl.

Anonymous said...

David A. is now ahead of Adam. The reason being I am sure the claymates are voting against Adam. Love Haley and Adam always has liked sexy women. Remember his first crush was on Paula Abdul.

Anonymous said...

Haley had me hooked from benny and the jess also and adele song. I would love it if she won! Adam is so right on this, I for 1 will start voting for her- if all glamberts that like her did, she might just win.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a lot of influence. With him saying she is good it could really help her. Of course I wouldn't vote for her if I didn't think she deserved. She is the best and most versatile and current. I think Scotty will do just fine in country music. Lauren is good but seems a bit immature. James Oh James you are just too pitchy but could win cause the judges never say anything negative about your performances.

Adamluv said...

the fact that Adam is gay has nothing to do with his liking a female singer! And yes, he could even have a crush on her!!!! This is the year 2011, havent we learned anything? ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

YES,DAVID beating Adam on the q102 ultimate poll.Come on,David is NOT an ultimate idol,but Adam come,on let's vote this last week.Maybe if Adam wins,then q102 will play his music link to the ultimate idol voting is: ( Adam needs your votes NOW!!)

Anonymous said...

Adam, harem pants look like MC Hammer pants, ugly! They only look good on girls. Haley is an okay singer but will be surprised if she records much. See her as a lounge singer.

Why would Adam want to be a judge, that's for stars on their way out not just starting to rise?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has been smokin' too much dope lately.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:47 pm,

Why are you jealous ha!ha!

Join the club or just shut your big hole face!!!!

Carry on my dear Adam life is too short to listen to this type of shits!!!!!!

adamsluvjnes said... watch the Voice! It is the bomb! That's what I call singing!!

Anonymous said...

Adam knows what it takes to be a viable
recording artist in today market.
Haley fits that bill...she's young,sexy and she can sang!

p.s. I like that ideal of Haley opening up for Adam's next tour!

Anonymous said...

@6:05 Haley opening for Adam, I also like that idea, who knows what the future will hold for Haley. I hope she wins or at least to the top 2. Her and Scotty. Please pitchy over rated James must go, sorry if it sounds mean.

Anonymous said...

Lauren or James should go next.

Paula Abdul is going to be a judge on X Factor with Simon Cowell.

Anonymous said...

Well, we know that the best person sometimes doesn't win..

Anonymous said...

Haley's smile would light up the world! She's a gorgeous-looking, musically-talented girl and I wish her all the very best. I just hope Adam giving her the thumbs up doesn't mean that Adam haters won't vote for her. We're living it on the Ultimate Idol Poll with Clay Aiken's disgusting fans BOT voting against Adam. They are pathetic, miserable, jealous people PLUS there'd be other Adam haters voting against him as well.

Haley - I wonder if her hair is naturally curly/wavy coz it's so lovely. I want hair like that!! Her straight hair look is cool too but it's the curls that give her hair the oomph!! look. :D

Anonymous said...

I reckon Haley is a fantastic jazz singer.
She is so talented for just 20.

Bing said...

It is a shame that Haley's talent and potentials are not properly recognized by Randy, JLO & ST due to their individual biases. And i'm so glad that Adam did it for them in a way. Thanks Adam for supporting Haley because she simply deserves to be acknowledged! It could help boost her morale and inspire her some more to keep on challenging herself and at the same time just enjoy what she loves to doing most. Hubby and i are jazz lovers that's why she has become a favorite. I can also see that she is a versatile singer.

The 3 judges are not doing these kids any favor by patronizing their favorites. They need to be honest and realistic with their comments in order to bring out the best in these young contestants who are equally talented but actually misguided. And finding excuses for instance for being pitchy is just too much and unacceptable.

As far as i can recall AI is a singing competition so i believe that there should be more focus on the vocals, the quality of the performance and the whole package. When it is all gimmick without substance, it defeats the purpose of the show. It's sad and quite pathetic but to each his own and this is JMHO :)

Anonymous said...

Did you see on this weeks Idoloonies with Michael Sleazak, you can hear (although its very quiet), where Randy leans in to Jlo while Haley in singing and says I'm not rooting for her.

Anonymous said...

Haley collects the feminist votes.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a right to his opinion just as we have.
However being a singer does not mean your taste and opinion hold any more weight than ours.

Adam also thinks Kesha, Katy Perry and Gaga are great! I don't agree. CL