Adam Lambert Heading to Finland Next?
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, May 28, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, May 28, 2011

This was a tweet by Cristal Snow (a friend of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen), along with a picture attached of Cristal Snow and Sauli taken in Finland today. Cristal Snow is the owner of "Jenny Woo's" the trendy and upscale bar-nightclub that Adam and Sauli met in November 2010 in Helsinki. Assuming Adam is there now or will be soon. Moscow isn't all that far from Helsinki so easy flight.
Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
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Hurry to Finland and out of Russia Adam. Be safe.
I bet Sauli is happy to be home and seeing friends and family. He will be even happier when Adam arrives and completes that picture.
Why out of Russia? 0.o Is it THAT dangerous?
Read the thread on the right side of the page called - Gay Activist Dan Choi Beaten in Moscow to understand the first comment.
That picture LOL Here is a picture from Adam and Cristal Snow
I hope too that Adam gets out of Russia soon although I was happy to see his performance and fans in Russia.
Urk. I don't like Cristal Snow, he is one for a shameless self promotion. (Being and Finn and following the scene, I know.) Actually, Sauli's life is pretty much what he has probably imagined for himself!
On the other hand, if Cristal Snow is there, there will be pictures...
Anon 12:57 Cristal is also a performer so of course he is doing self promotion. That's part of the job.
Look at Sauli's hair. He doesn't have the new mohican he had for a couple days ago in AI-pics. Maybe Cristal Snow is teasing Adam with that old pic.
The plane Moscow - Helsinki will arrive in one hour. Exciting to see if Adam is on it.
Cristal is cool dude, he has never given up no matter how much pressure ppl had put on him, you either like him or don´t. He lived many years in New york u might want to read his bio and u might like him or hate him too.
Well i don´t like anyone to call Adam a bitch but i understand it a common language these days and from Cristal it was expected haha
I hope that if adam goes to finland there won't be fans stalking him 247. I just hope they give him some peace and freedom from being photographed all the time :/
Maybe Adam goes to Sweden meet his producer Max Martin. It's also short flight from Moscow to Stockholm.
Anon 3:33 AM in Finland people are usually shy and I can imagine that if fans see Adam they are just giggling behind the corner.
Adam fly back to home LA, I think. He is now in LA.
Anon 4:32 AM When did he arrive?
Why do some gay men and drag queens use words like bitch, hunty, fish and making the v with 2 fingers and sticking your tongue thru it to describe women..I find it vulgar and disrespectful....same with rap music....ho, cunt....ughhhhhhhhh
this is NOT news unless he meets with MaxMartin.Personal life is personal.ACTUALLY LESS of this would be great. Meeting with Sauli,holding hands etc. is ALL great,but his PUBLIC performances and ability to be super sexy to women and some men is what it is about,and of course his VOICE! Cristal Snow???who cares/smoke that bitches......(now I too am sooooo cool)(not)
I first thought Cristal is one of the owners of Jenny Woo bar, but I'm not sure. Maybe he just hosts there, I don't know. Cristal and the other host Nikola make parody videos for the same tabloid as Sauli and Katri make Tutka. They make parodies of finnish unnecessary celebrities and reality shows. Sometimes they are clever and funny.
@Anon 6:21 AM
Oh my. Of course it isn't big news,but its out there all over the twitterverse anyway. Just a little tidbit. And its absolutely true that its about Adam's voice and performances..However, his happiness is important to some of us. I would suspect if Adam does go to Finland, or Sweden for that matter, we won't see much in the way of pictures and he will have his privacy. Perhaps he IS combining this trip with a trip to Sweden to work with Max Martin. Who knows. Would be awesome. Seems like he said previously he would be working with him. Sounds like the perfect time to do so. He's in the neighborhood!
@Anon 5:02 AM
Gay men call each other bitch. They do because they do.
Latest post from Adam's twitter acct. He was sitting at the airport an hour ago waiting for a flight to somewhere. Who knows to where! Doesn't matter really....Obviously he knows. : ) And it would have been about 6 pm Moscow time..
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Heavy pour. #nostrovia
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Airport bar in Moscow. Sipping Russian vodka and Bad Romance is playing. #nostrovia
1 hour ago
There's a flight from Moscow to Helsinki landing in about 50 minutes time in Helsinki (6pm local time). And I heard that there were no flights to Sweden from Moscow today. So maybe he really is on his way to Helsinki, that would be so nice for him and Sauli.
Anon 7:13 AM I've heard that there is a flight from Moscow today to Helsinki and also to Stockholm but not to LA.
Maybe Adam is going home. Why he is going in Helsinki now? Sauli is here but he going in LA next week, I think so.
Cristal and Nikola have both won finnish Miss Drag Queen competition some years ago. Cristal may have learned the bitch word from Gaga.
Anon 7:17 AM to see Sauli's family and friends perhaps. Sauli has already met Adam's family and friends.
Oh my what a photo to send from Sauli to Adam "missing this tongue, duh??" xD
No pics yet, but I read there is a possible sighting of Adam in Finland.
Anon 7:25 AM It's not from Sauli to Adam, it's from Cristal to Adam. Sauli is wondering that who the heck is that dude LOL
Oh, there's another rumour that Adam is still on the way to Finland..
If Adam is coming to Finland today the flight has not yet arrived but will be soon.
I so hope he´s coming here !!
anyone at the airport ( helsinki-vantaa ) ATM ?
the moscow plane has landed abt 15 mins ago.
anyone seen if adam came here ?
Lots of rumours around about Adam's location...:) The Helsinki flight has landed...No matter where you are Adam, have a good time...!
helsinki flight ? what does that mean 8:07 ? :O
Anon 8:11 am Helsinki flight is a flight from Moscow to Helsinki which landed about 20 minutes ago to Helsinki.
I'm sure Adam will tweet us when he wants to about where he is. Relax. Sorry just find it so funny we want to know whee Adam is.As long as he is safe and happy. The Moscow concert seemed like a great success and he totally rocked it! Can't stop watching the vids. Think my family is getting a little fed up with me this weekend, but its been so long since a concert!
oh yeah, i have been watching new pic and vids, too. :)
Is the Adam & Glamberts thing some sort of protest by the US Glamberts, because Adam might be in Finland? So sad, if it is.
Me too...watching the vids and pics many, many times. Adam is so gorgeous and his voice so incredible. Be happy and safe, Adam, wherever you are! Thank you for sharing your news with your loving fans.
9.13 what do u mean ?
9:19, on twitter the US fans are trying to trend the Adam & Glamberts. Seems cray to me.
No sign of Adam yet? If Adam uses the VIP-terminal at Helsinki airport, we'll never get to know if he was on that flight.
to 3:33
we don´t have here stalking paps.
and btw, still waiting for the news if adam is here in Finland.
I hope there will be no pics for a while. Love to see the crays go bonkers. xD
wanna see Adam live....:) wherever he is...i love Adam Lambert..:)
Now I have a huge temptation to make a list..
what list ?
The language?? Get used to it!! Remember how Adam introduced the Indiana Glam Nation performance that is now part of the permanent DVD that we all own and love??? I didn't hear any whining about that. You just can't take those kind of words literally - they ARE meant affectionately. REALLY!! To me, it says "you get me" and together, we are a special phenomenon that is just ours and it is not fluffy and repressed, it is real, tough and strong!! The Power of Words that shock and make you THINK!! Gaga knows it and so does Adam.
I missed that tweet by Adam. HA! Now that is a HEAVY pour...and with a straw no less. If he drank all of that they would probably have to pour him in to his seat on the airplane...that is wherever. LOL
@9;24, 9:13 Protest that Adam might be in Finland???? I suspect most of the US Glamberts are hoping that Adam does go to Finland to be with Sauli while he is there. Just silly trending, nothing more. :)
I apologize for losing my temper. It was a misunderstanding. I noticed there is a fandom competition on twitter and also other fandoms are trending. :)
@10:43 AM
Yes, you're right.. just some various fan groups are trending their favorite singer, etc. I'm sorry you would think the US Glamberts would have any reason to be jealous of Adam visiting Finland.. I do believe we are ALL Glamberts, or as Adam says, his "Sexy Bi****es. (Ooops did I just use that word??) And as @Sister said, I for one think it is fabulous that Adam might visit Finland..or anywhere else for that matter (mostly anyway, as long as he is safe from harm)! The world is a very small place these days and we can all share Adam.
Yes, that was indeed one "heavy pour". I would suspect it felt good for him to just sit down, have a drink, and relax after all the excitement of Moscow. A very busy, exciting, and perhaps a little tense few days. Guess we'll see where he ends up next. For Adam, life is always an adventure, and as a result, so are his fans lives, vicariously anyway. Maybe he'll have a couple of days to just relax..
HA HA don't know how much relaxing he will get with Sauli. lol
I attributed Adams super super performance , to Sauli. We have all seen small changes in Adam since they met. His heart is bursting with love, and it comes out in his singing, and his happy face. I have never heard him sing any better.:)
LP; your comment was awesome. hope you will stop calling me as a troll :p
Maybe I should have said "relax" (quote-unquote)! ; )
I really think you are right, Adam just seems so happy, it has to spill over into all other aspects of his life..I would guess the excitement of being in Moscow, and just the fact that he was getting to perform on stage had to be such an exhilarating feeling for him! Remember his words after the concert:I love what he said. I'm sure he's been missing it, almost as much as we have..To be in front of a crowd of 50,000 people has to be a pretty big rush, and a huge energizer for him.
"Creatively inspired by today's Russian fans! No matter how much studio fun I have- nuttin like doin it live! Reminded why I luv 2 sing."
28 May
I can´t help it if I don´t like some people ( like iranian, iraqi etc.. ) IMHO it´s very wrong to stone people to death or hung them if they´re gay.
also, don´t like naive comments or dreams told by some glamberts ( sanni and her dream abt Adam Lambert´s shirt or what ever.. ) LMFGDAO
someone promised also to advice sauli via radio aalto how to dress ( she/he promised to forward message to sauli ).. how some glamberts were discussing abt his outfit IMO, that´s ridicilous and also insult.
Sauli wears clothes he likes, I think he doesn´r care what some stupid people are talking about.
I am just being be ME !! and may not like every single details adam wears ( his boots for example ) LoL
I like Adam Lambert a lot but I am not crazy fanatic who would even worship his poo or pee, figuratively put.
like i have told, I have my opinions, will be not commenting if don´t have any reasonable to say.
that´s what we Finnish people truly are..
We don´t call starngers as Kultamussukka or honeybunny..
I think every Finn who´s calling strangers like that, are just F¨¨¨¨¨¨ with people or maybe they´re being retarded.. LoL
Adam is awesome but some people need to get OWN lifes.
stop daydreaming, go out and meet fabulous girls and boys for real !
Adam Will be not your boy or girlfriend; he has sauli.
some teenagers / cougars worshipping him ( Adam ) but it´s very important to have real contacts. I mean Boyfriend / girlfriend.
wake up before it´s too late.
Anon poster - the use of the word "retarded" is offensive. Hopefully you didnt know that before but you do now. It's like using the "n*****" or "f*****" word to describe someone. Not cool. And not liking an entire country of people is absurd as well just bc their government are assholes. ... Adamluv
Sauli has been seen alone tonight in Helsinki. Guess it means that Adam didn't come to Finland this time.
@1:03 pm
I am puzzled by your remark, to stop calling you a troll. I have never said any one is a troll, if I suspect they are, I always ignore them. I never reply to them. Maybe you have my initials mixed with some one else. :)
Twitter. Paula at Jenny Woo:
MissPaulaE Paula Elisa
Sauli is here! (: Hawt!!!
2 hours ago
MissPaulaE Paula Elisa
Dunno how this happened but I just ended talking w/him for like 20 minutes. He's the most adorable person I've met!
1 hour ago
People please just get along. We are so fortunate that Adam has brought us all together. I would not know anyone outside of USA if I didn't follow him. You should not hate someone because of where they were born. You can dislike the government but not all individuals should be scorned. Isn't this a form of bullying? When I was young and impressionable, I thought all Russians were horrible because they were Communists and we were taught this in school. How wonderful it is to see they are human just like me and that they love Adam the same as I do. What cute videos they make and they scream for him the same as I. He has taught me to love all people until they prove I shouldn't. I enjoy seeing fans from Russia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, etc. Maybe Adam's fans can bring about world peace one person at a time! Sorry I got all "preachy" on you. I can't stand bullying in any form.
Thank you adamluv. You are so right.
According to the twitter Adam is in London now?
Adam in London, pic:
You rock! Thanks for a great comment. It's not preachy at all. Sometimes we do tend to easily condemn all people from one country, or another, for the policies of their country, or a group of fanatics from a country. There are so many wonderful people in every country around this world. Generlaizations and blanket statements can be dangerous and misguided.
1:40 pm
Do you ever read back what you've written and does it actually make sense to you? It's the raving of a lunatic to me. kwk
It is just plain ignorant to lump an entire country of people into one category. We are all unique individuals and the more educated we become about one another, the better off we will be as individuals, governments, countries, and the world as a whole. Perhaps we will all kill one another in war before we come to this realization?
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