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Adam Lambert Tweets Old Pictures

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Snapshot from my Club Kid Days" - Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert's photo: Snapshot from my Club Kid Days
Adam Lambert on WhoSay

"Another from the club kid days..." - Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert's photo: Another from the club kid days...
Adam Lambert on WhoSay

"And another!" - Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert's photo: And another!
Adam Lambert on WhoSay

"2003. So blonde." - Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert's photo: 2003. So blonde. :)
Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anonymous said...

Adam is a man of a thousand faces. He's a work of art in green. Strikingly beautiful and so dramatic. Looks like nipple ring holes in L nipple. He had them pierced again while on GNT and think they got infected and he had to remove them. There's a video of Allison hugging him and she apologizes for forgetting his nipples hurt. I'm getting carried away! His smile lights up the screen in the last one. The girls obviously loved him. So cute and his personality shines.He looks so different as a blonde. He looks so young and vulnerable in the first one. Beautiful bone structure. He looks good in all of them. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Nipple ring holes in green pic!


Anonymous said...

Top pic...those lips...thud...o->--<

Honey said...

New swag!

I want the peacock shirt and the mug :)

Anonymous said...

My fave is no. 1 photo but they're all GREAT!! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow geez nice!!!! What a dandy-boy in the #1 pic! And the blonde one is awesome! Just awesome! He is a beauty!! He is the only male (forget the Depp fella) who could make me a bit gay!
To my boss I´m already a gay, as everytime he comes to my room with his papers I´m studying Adam´s pics on the screen. And you naughty ladies, the #3 pic (that you fussed about with heat) from the Prince Concert swept my reputation as a "decent straight guy" finally!!!

Ronnie ;)

Anonymous said...

Ronnie - You're great. We love you!!!

It's 3:38 am here Mountain time and I'm going to go to bed or fall on my face on my keyboard.

Been voting hard - Adam 49.86 - DA 50.14.

Anonymous said...

straight or not we are all in love with this amazing Adam......

Just live ur life to the fullest...

Anonymous said...

Adam needs votes on the q102 ultimate poll & some on the idol of the mo.,too(That one may not be working right)but Adam's still ahead..That David A..dang,he's a tiny bit ahead on the q102 one.I like the top pic the best of Adam..The blonde one is cute..guess he was about 18 then( cruise ship look?)He looks so much better with the black hair tho,esp for a rocker.Vote for both polls,ok?URL's are under other subjects.If somebody could post them again,please( direct links)I have to leave now..thanks.

Anonymous said...

Voted q102 to get our Adam #1. Don´t get that David guy at all... What is so special about him?? Easy to go to the Poll, just "q102 Ultimate Poll" on the Google, and there you are.
The Billboard Poll was a bit hard to find though.

Anonymous said...

Thought those dark 'holes' are actually tiny rhinestones or sequens glued on? In a different pic they sparkle.... aren't those type of holes closer together???

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam love all the pics...just think in
2003, your Slow Ride partner was only 10 years old
and Idol was not even in your thoughts back then.
Thank you Universe!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just type Billboard fan favorite vote and it will come up. Check other box and type in Adam's name. On Q102 Max 10 at 10 you can vote for the aftermath remix so it gets played on air there is also a request page. These 2 seem more important, though I hate seeing Adam lose to David A. We all know Adam is an international star and what has David done so it really is about success.

Anonymous said...

The first pic OMG what a perfect face. Those eyes and the most kissable lips!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My fave is the Clockwork Orange photo. He is adorable!

There are many music things happening, the GMAC morning concert series, Billboard awards...and yet he isn't asked to perform.

Boggles the mind that the most talented singer in the US not invited to these things! Like GaGa who is risky and a very sexual performer but gets the lst invite to everything! I like her but tiring of the songs which all sound the same and BTS is a Madonna re-tread imo.

Anonymous said...

Gaga must work her ass off to earn money ($100 million).

Anonymous said...

I love Adam in any color! Adam's eyes are always amazing but he turns it up a few volts on certain occasions, like in the green one.
No Escaping, this is what is happening to Ronnie.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree that Adam Lambert is the most talented singer in the music industry today. And yet, we don't hear enough of him. We are inundated with songs and vids from GAGA, Rhianna, Pink, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars and nothing from Adam. I know we want quality rather than quantity, so that may be the reason. GAGA is risky and you usually see her in a bra and panties, very sexual movements and yet she will be on GMA summer concert series. Give me a break!! I would like to see Adam on Leno or Ellen performing anything and then doing the interview. He is so articulate and witty. I know he is working on his second album, but an appearance on one of these shows would be so great and keep Adam's name out there. Going to perform in Russia or Canada isn't enough for those of us here in the USA waiting to hear him perform again.

Anonymous said...

Pictures of Adam from his kid club days may be interesting, but I like him the way he is now. He is just so handsome and sexy with that dark hair, that fabulous smile and those piercing eyes. He is a man of so many different looks and styles, each one more appealing than the other. Some of his more recent photos are so fabulous that they take your breath away. Move over JLO...Adam Lambert is the most beautiful person in the world without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

OK, now found the easy way to the Billboard Poll. I checked the list and where are: Madonna, Pink, J.Lo, Justin Timberlake, Muse, Adele!?! Anyway trying to do my best and vote several times during the day.

And again, who are: Arcade Fire, Florence + The Machine, Cee Lo Green, Mumford & Sons and Train? Suppose many are dealing with rap?!

Adele is on the Billboard 1-10# list. Watched her video "Rolling in the deep" where she just sits and sings. And the song is awesome, perfect!! Then to a Gaga video where the monster-lady speeds on the screen back and forth to earn her money (those S100 million). I mean kind of like the Adele-way to do it!

I love glam on Adam but think he would KILL us with just tight jeans on and a t-shirt. You know. Adam´s terrific voice and those tight jeans and boots, awww.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE all these pix. Seen them a million times, of course, but they're gorgeous. I also can't figure out why Adam isn't on these polls and shows like Billboard. He's better than all of them. What could change this is BIG SALES OF HIS NEW CD! Also, let's pray that he'll be on a cd promotion tour sometime late this summer, doing shows, etc. Don't really know if he's ever pierced his nipples or not. Don't know how this info gets out there. OUCH!

Anonymous said...

Adam always sparkled! He so deserves all the fame that comes his way, and more! Love him!

Anonymous said...

The greyish hair in the 1st pic shows how handsome Adam would be when he is old and graying. Move over, Clooney!

Anonymous said...

We all gotta have faith, keep supporting, vote like mad, request radio play and so on. Adam will move into music star stratosphere and sit alongside the greats before too long as he is too talented a force that will not go away. I am also certain that once he is at that level he will be there to stay forever - unlike some of these other so called stars.


Anonymous said...

direct link to the q102 poll is: Adam needs votes!! DIRECT LINK to the Idol of the month is:

Anonymous said...

ADAM, en todas las etapas de su vida, ha sido y será siempre un hermoso y bello ser. porque su verdadera belleza viene de su interior,esta sigue creciendo, madurando y tenemos un Adam cada vez más sensible más comprensivo, generoso, más inteligente y creativo........
todos estos valores que son su forma de vida, se proyectan hacia su exterior, convirtiéndolo en un hombre de excepcional humanidad y mágica belleza y esta será inagotable, porque ADAM seguirá cultivando, por siempre los valores esenciales de la vida, así como disfruta con gran placer todos sus cambios, referidos al Glamour y se le califica, como uno de los hombres más bello del planeta.

Anonymous said...

Boy we have to get more people voting at Q102, my mom has all her friends voting now...have to spread the word to everyone who loves Adam.....
his #'s are dropping like crazy..

Anonymous said...

Breathtakingly gorgeous! Pic #1
I even love the green pic too....OMG those eyes!
Blond is very cute too! But Adam has said many times he prefers the black hair (me too).

I also wonder why Adam is not making any TV appearances on his fav shows like Ellen and Leno. Could it be that he wants to wait until he has new music to showcase and is waiting for that?

I am voting on Billboard, Q102, American Idol of the Month and Zap It American Idol Best Top 4 Performances...lot's of competition but so far Adam's ahead with his performance of Whole Lotta Love. Carrie Underwood is not too far behind him though.


Anonymous said...

#1 Photo! Is there anyone more beautiful in the world? NO!
Gorgeous man with gorgeous everything! Those lips!

Anonymous said...

Blond pic, look at those beautiful little ears. Everything on this man is perfect!
I can't imagine how he can be so gorgeous and talented and be so humble and silly.
How is that possible? If I were this gorgeous and talented, i'm sure no one would be able to stand me. Couldn't handle. I'd be so obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

I just voted on billboard fav- pretty easy. I do not understand why adam's name is NOT there. What crap! OT: Recieved blu-ray GNT yesterday-just fabulous.


Anonymous said...

lb---Adam's name should be on that list. But as others mention Adele, Pink,One Republic are also missing. Come on, Adele has the number 1 Cd all over the world. Funny how great voices can be overlooked for autotune and untalented voices. Not saying there are not talented people on the list. But we know the ones I am talking about. Keep adding Adam's name on there!

Anonymous said...

I'd give the whole Planet Fierce to Adele and Haley.

Anonymous said...


I agree wholeheartedly....Adam performing in jeans, boots and one of his 100 black tee shirts would be devasting.....and floppy hair!

Look-wise I liked the iheartradio, AOL Sessions and Unplugged performances. The first is my favorite, he has on his raggedy chimney sweep jacket and he chats with the audience.

I've never asked, but wondered if any of our group were at that performance?..........JAK

Adamluv said...

Picture #1 takes my breath away - those eyes, that nose and dont get me started on the lips! That is 1 fantastic looking man! @Ronnie - love your office story!!!!!!! And your love for Adam! ...... Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Adam appears to have a life long love of hats. I think he wears them well. It's a toss up when his hair is so fabulous. Love his hair dark more than it's more natural light color. But I am not sure, as the saying goes, blonds have more fun.

Anonymous said...

Adam so cute

Anonymous said...

JAK, I love those performances too, love the glam but those other performances tug at my heart strings.
OT(others scroll by if bored)
Jak you ask me how with 5 grands

ons I can handle all that love and emotion, well it is the same as with your one precious boy only 5 times stronger, your love doesnt halve it doubles then triples etc. Tho my eldest precious boy is growing up, I feel everything he goes thru with him. How do we get even the best of kids through these difficult years safely? All we want is their happiness isnt it?
Getting back to our Adam fav performances, mybe it is an age thing?
Sorry for muck up in placing this comment, dont know what I did. Duh.

Anonymous said...

7:51 a.m.

Forget George Clooney gray for Adam.....Adam's hair is dyed, it won't go gray naturally to Clooney's salt and pepper look. I'm hoping as the years go by Adam will slowly return to his natural hair color which will gray eventually.
Elvis's dyed black hair was looking pretty gross
as he aged.

Don't care for the bleached hair but love the natural colored eyebrows and those eyes sparkle without eyeliner!

First two pictures are fantastic unreal beauty, but he has real beauty all the time. Leila's and Eber's genes did a dandy job !.............JAK

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert :adam so sweet

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your note. You lucky lady. Saw my boy this past weekend. My husband says when I look at our grandson I "eat him up with my eyes"! I
guess I do. He sits between his Mom and I and we three hold hands. Sounds ridiculous but we're re-living his little starfish baby hands not the huge mitts that swallow our hands now.

Enough mush.......Grandmas are hopelessly in love..........JAK

Anonymous said...

LOL JAK, this is exactly how I feel. Pathetic, but happy arent we?

Anonymous said...

<3 . <3 . <3 . <3 . <3 YES <3 . <3 . <3 . <3 .

Anonymous said...

Adam got piercings while he was on the GNT, but they gave him problems, so he took them out. Off now to vote on Q102 and Billboard.

coloforadam said...

HA, Chelsea Handling actually thanked Adam for dyeing his hair. The blue-black mop seemed to cause a whole change in attitude, body shape, energy, verve and radical sexiness and I just don't think our world's would have been turned upside down if the babyfaced blonde boy had appeared on AI - even with the great voice. Thanks is now spreading out into the Universe, gorgeous rock god!!

Anonymous said...

JAK - I can't imagine Adam going back to his ginger hair and partly grey when he ages. I'm sure he'll continue to color it in a variety of interesting ways. Anyway, don't want to wish the years away..

Anonymous said...

Pity, I won't be around to see it, could I just wish away the l-o-n-g hot summer till new album comes out? I have not only memorized Idol and GNT and Upright, 10 Commandments songs but now have turned desperately to Turning On, Beyond the Sky, Bad Reputation, etc.

Believe me you don't want to see an old lady in a flowered muumuu rocking to Bad Reputation!
I NEED new music!.............JAK

Anonymous said...

The first picture, in the top hat, is absolutely stunning. Adam looks like a pastel confection...a sweet piece of melt-in-your-mouth candy! His jaw is so chisled, the lips his EYES in that shot! **sigh** Perfection.

The green shot always made me think of The Hulk's girlfriend. :-P

LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. The Clockwork Orange outfit/look! We all know Adam's got some dirty in him!

Blond Adam?? Meh. Does absolutely nothing for me. Too squeaky clean. I don't want Adam squeaky, and I certainly don't want him CLEAN! He looks about 13 y.o. (maybe he wasn't much older)...very, very cute, but not SEXY, like he is with black hair. The dark hair gives him an edge, and makes me melt.

JAK - OMG, too funny!!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix
Just saw this picture of blond Adam (also from a while ago..but a whole different look!) on Twitter..This one isn't so squeaky clean! ; ) ( I kinda like...) LOL!!!

glitzylady said...

Ooops! Forgot the link (told ya I kinda liked it..distracted...)

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_^cute: adam looks pretty :lol:

Anonymous said...

He was 19 or 20 in the bleached blond photo. A baby. And glitzylady a few years and experiences later with a good dye job he was a pretty sexy blond....I agree.

Adam's true coloring is similar to Robert Redfords and he hasn't done so bad!

I like him with dark hair, but would prefer dark brown, more realistic. Oh well, I loved him thru his shaved (shudder) period I guess it doesn't really matter! It's just hair!!!!..and
we have to have something to talk about! JAK

Mariagdnw said...

Just type Billboard fan favorite vote and it will come up. Check other box and type in Adam's name. On Q102 Max 10 at 10 you can vote for the aftermath remix so it gets played on air there is also a request page. These 2 seem more important, though I hate seeing Adam lose to David A. We all know Adam is an international star and what has David done so it really is about success.