More Tweets! 5/10/2011
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adam Lambert on WhoSay
"I dunno who these guys are. Saw this on a random fashion blog. All I know is, they are LIVING. love this chic confidence."
-Adam Lambert

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What does hunty mean?
I'm curious what HUNTY means too. Never heard of that word.
Those two men are fierce. Love it.
Skinny bitches! LOL!
honey + the c word?
Probably not; just the first thing that comes to mind.
I am upset with Adam for tweeting "hunty"@ 8:02 that is what it means. I don't think Adam would call his mother that name, it is degrading.It is certainly not a term of endearment. Shame on you Adam, you disapoint me.
Look it up in the Urban Dictionary. 8:02 is right. Adam loves to be naughty.
I hope it isn't what I think it means.....
Relax everyone! Adam loves to just chill and have fun.
I hope it doesn't trend on twitter, Adam said recently he is respectable, he just blew that one right out of the water. I know , I know, some of you will think it's funny, it is the most degrading word you can say to a female(at least so the dictionary says)
Different strokes for different folks re: pic.. I choose to ignore "hunty". Hopefully it won't catch on. Not thrilled when Adam uses term "mother f*ckers either, but it is what it is... funbunn40
Wonder if Adam will ever wear the skirt like the guy on the right?
I think I had that waistline on my wedding day!
Haven't seen it in years!......JAK
Is he referring to Lisa with that word? Don't really like that word myself.
It could be simple pronounce mistake when someone´s trying to say something like "honey." And Adam is getting a kick out of it.I think he is just playing with words.
Like when you have a flu and you can´t pronounce words right, that kind of mistake.
Adam knows exactly what he is saying and what it means. Must not be much on TV tonight, wouldn't think he would be bored with Sauli there. He is prolly trying to educate Sauli with slang words. Who is Lisa?
Lisa who? What are you talking about?
LP - Apparently there's this woman who's been bashing Adam on twitter. I think that's Lisa? I only read one tweet about this. Anyone else want to elaborate on this?
I also don't like that word but I don't think Adam meant any harm or offense. He loves women.
I thought hunty meant a person being hunted? hehe
OK, the guy on the left is fierceness, personafied...and has the tiniest waist I've ever seen!
However, the guy on the right...the skirt and the briefcase....whaaaaaa?
Love it. Confidence, indeed. Kudos to these two.
- Adam Fix
Guys, isn't anyone getting Adam's sense of humour? "terms of endearment." He is probably using this word to describe Lisa who is mean to him on twitter. Whatever the case, Adam has all different sides to him i.e. sweet, sassy, goofy and bad ass and this is his rocker, bad ass side. He is probably with Sauli or a bunch a guys being dirty mouthed. You know what guys are like when they get together. Sometimes girls are even worse. Anyway, give Adam a break. He is a normal human being just chillin, not a perfect angel and he has never professed to be.
Amen to that, Anon. 8:48!
I didn't comment on the "Hunty" reference, because I took it to be tongue-in-cheek. Love Adam's humor...he's got a fiesty side to him, and I like it, a lot.
- Adam Fix
One urban meaning for it that I looked up just meant"bitchy"..I sure wouldn't like to see either of those "fashions" on!!
I still don't like it, but I can't help loving that man, and am waiting just like the rest of you for his new album. Also am so pleased that he found Sauli. Still replay his AI songs. I still say he better not use that word to his mother, unless that's where he heard it from LOL
Yup @8:48 Adam has many sides to him, just like the music he sings. Gotta love all his sides and remember what he says, it's not that deep guys. I don't want Adam to be a perfect angel, he's badass too and human. So please no one should put him on a pedestal and think he should be perfect, because none of us here are either.
Everyone please remember to keep voting for Adam in the Ultimate Idol Bracket. David Archuleta is starting to gain more votes:
Hope Adam does not chose to wear an outfit like one of those. He does keep us entertained though. Love what he wears and it does take a lot of confidence to pull some outfits off. These two guys must be models or something. Archie is ahead of Adam now. Good night I'll vote in the morning!
I just voted. Who the heck are these D.A. fans and where did they come from. I thought it would come down to other Idols.
Doesn't matter anyway.
So, the Hunty word who cares and the fashion, Adam is so hunky and hot that if he wore either of those outfits, which he sort of has in his own way. The heel boots, the cowl neck, the leather jackets, the sunglasses, he would ROCK those looks to the ends of the world.
He is just so Alpha male that he appeals to men and women.
Look at Prince who has been wearing make up, and high heels, and hooded jackets FOREVER and he is TINY but one of the sexiest guys around, to me and millions of women.
ROCK ON you guys that rock fashion! It only gets sexier by the minute.
Adam's take will always be.....Adamgasmie!
I think we should keep voting for the q102 poll( Thanks for the direct link,Anonymous @ 9:34pm) also on the idol of the mo poll.I keep posting both of these over & over..On the Idol of the Month one)faxo Tweeter,one,Bucky C has gained a LOT tonight..I hope it's not because of all this urban talk,if that's what it is,..Please keep voting there,too.B C is gaining on there lots more than David A is on the q102 poll.I still saw other meanings for that "word",& Adam didn't mean it quite the way some may think,I don't think..Let's move on,ok?
Check out the pix that Adam is posting of himself on twitter now.One,I hadn't seem,& another,a different view of a similar one I had.
Yes @ anon 10.44,
Adam has tweeted out some clubkid pictures of himself, those I had seen before, but also one of him looking very gorgeous and young in 2003 with very blond hair! which I hadn't seen before.
The blonde haired pic is cute,but I still like Adam's hair black.I bet those pix may be on here soon..something different,anyway..wish he'd come up with some more different ones.The URL for Idol of the month is under most of these subjects.I think that poll is working right now..It's 2:18am here now..gotta go to bed now..Please,fans on the west coast,& other time zones that are earlier,keep voting.
I'm voting till my fingers bleed and can't change the numbers. Hope Hawaii and Asia kick in later.
Don't like hunty or when he calls women
"fish"..and while I'm at it don't like that vulgar thing he does when he forms a "v" with his fingers and sticks his tongue out thro them...sorry I find it very degrading to women...
The new men in black.. :)
LOVE these outfits - this femme fatale (haha!) would wear them.
Lisa is Lisa Pittman, Montes wife. She´s expressed frustration and anger about Adam not being loyal to Monte. That is how the speculations go anyway. Her twitter acount is now gone. If you go to Adamtopia, you can follow the speculations and discussions there if you are interested.
I laughed so hard to Lisa's tweet, where she was maybe calling Adam His Majesty. I think it was funny, because Adam has fans that are like his Court. To be entertained these fans need new drama every week and seems like they always get it.
drama and full of drama!!!
Adam can't please everybody so fuck off if u r offended!!!!!
What ever the problem with Montes wife it's her lost. Business is business and we know how friendly Adam is. He is fierce and not afraid to say how he feels period!!!!
I think Adam would not show up at Monte's shows because it would be a distraction....we know Adam thinks Monte is the greatest!!!
Adam...when you talk about women...just remember your Mom is one too...RESPECT...
young man....
Love and Light
I hope fame isn't changing Adam. Hunty is nasty. Adam doesn't want to be "pc" anymore. I usually go with the flow, but I think he is getting a little snarky. I thought Adam didn't show up at Monte's gigs because it would take the focus from Monte. But if Lisa is concerned then maybe he should show up more.
How's that cd coming Adam?
damn some of you guys is so bitchy!
I don't think fame has changed Adam much, he is still the same man with a loving heart. It is the people around him change likely. Wonder who is going to Russia with him?
Went over to Adamtopia. There is trouble brewing between Monte and Adam it seems. This is very sad.
Sorry I don't like the one outfit with the cinched belt and high heel shoes. It looks like a Barbie outfit to me. The other guy's outfit looks good.
Hunty .... never heard of it before but Adam has said he likes scarcastic humor so think he was being scarcastic. At least I hope he was.
Trouble between Monte and Adam?? Are you sure it's not just hearsay? Sounds suspicious to me but I'll check out Adamtopia.
Will Idol be over before Adam goes to Russia? When does the Idol tour start? If Haley doesn't win, maybe she could support him in concert there.
Great outfits. I'd be wear them.
Oh sorry, I remembered wrong. Lisa said your majesty, not his majesty. That's why I got the image of part of the fandom as Adam's royal court. I've got that image also some other time before. Not yet sure are the fans hippies or what..
You peeps are so easily upset. Adam tweets a word you find offensiv and you slap his wrists and "shame on you". Do you know how irritating those "beeps" are to us outside US when we watch an American show with some foul language?
Adam said "hunty" was a new fave term of endearment, then that is what it is. No need for pearl clutching and wrist slapping.
Urethra where are you superbitch?? Your WTFness is needed here.
Adam must have his rock band to Russia. Don't think it's a good idea to sing without music there. Even president Medvedev likes hard rock and heavy metal music. :)
" I still say he better not use that word to his mother, unless that's where he heard it from.."
His mother would surely use the same word if she read Lisa's tweets. I'd do that anyway.
Pearl clutching? Nah. I am a huge Adam fan. Just like he doesn't like some things fans do--I don't like the "hunty" word. It's nasty and seems to be following the Lisariffic twitter account. So when nice people get mad I guess they go for the heart.
Eva, I do agree. There's a lot of hypocrisy in the air. Not used to it in Europe.
Inte i Finland eller Sverige i alla fall.
People are over interpret again on Adam's use of word. He is YOUNG and fun and have a total different lifestyle than most of us. I think he just behaves right at his age and his generation. Nothing seems offensive. Just saying.
It would be awesome to hear Adam sing Black Night.. ;)
all need to get a grip on this. adam using it as term of endearment - this is what it means to him - so take a chill pill!!
@Eva!!! Du harepus!!!<3<3<3
WTF is going on here again! Remember the tweet where Adam said "I´m doing my best, day by day". He is a very humble man. True and honest. He is also a lad from underground LA with colourful language and sexy roughness.
Artists are quick-tempered and their loveones get easily involved. Don´t know about the Monte/Lisa stuff, so nothing about that.
Adam is the Alpha-male. You are, or you are not. It´s a question of charisma. The band rocks together, when everybody plays/sings proudly in their places. Adam is the lead singer, the star, the alpha. Period. And that´s the reason he causes jealousy.
What I want very much is that Monte and Tommy would do all right with their OWN band and life. Adam never intends to use them as just his background group and throw them away after the tour. Somebody got something obviously very wrong now.
I´ve started to use the Urban Dictionary every time Adam tweets something "odd". Ok, he uses quite often nasty-SOUNDING words, BUT when checking the dictionary the meaning changes radically.
Adam is doing his thing, living his life and so should everybody else do. Including us we peeps;)
Let him be ...he's young...Adam is 29 not a teenager and before he uses a word (in public)...he should make sure that he remembers his MOM is female also......
Love you BB...just saying!!!
tongue through the V means he wants to put his tongue somewhere. nothing out of the ordinary.
@Evaaaaa! Miss youuuu! Ronnie
I never want to be Adam's MOMs, I want to be his Hunty bitch! HaHaHa!! Learn a new word today!
I´m with you all the way:-)
I don´t know how Leila Lambert got in to this and how on earth Adam was rude to her. She seems like an open minded woman that doesn´t get upset about her sons behaviour or use of urban dictionary words and Adam certainly doesn´t need any more mothers to tell him how to behave.
About the Lisa/Monte thing I don´t know much. I have to do some lurking on twitter and other sites but as you said, Monte and Tommy is NOT Adams band. He is a solo artist. Perhaps they work together in the future but perhaps not. We will see.
@9:33 AM
You don't have to respect anyone just because she is a female. There are many kind of females. Some of them are bitches. new word of endearment. Can you guess what two words are blended together? Well, that is about as endearing as hunty. Ha. Ha.
i personally thought it was kind of funny but considering that i grew up around boys and have heard worse this was kind of funny to me
I spent ages going through the thread on Adamtopia yesterday re the Lisa tweets. Very stange and they didn't make good reading. Got the feeling of a sense of entitlement from her, that Adam owes Monte or something, even though he gave him a job for the last year and got him far more recognition than he ever got with Madonna. Hopefully it will all blow over. Maybe we're all reading too much into it, although its difficult to read her tweets any other way.
Okay guys here's the thing, if you really a fan of Adam u have to accept for who he is!!!!!!!!
He is fierce, honest, making mistakes like normal people. He is not an angel okay!!!!!!!!!
If you feel that he is not for you anymore, just fuck off and leave...... He is not an idiot to use that word for his mom are you kidding me!!!!!
Those who are offended just go back where you belong........ Narrow minded people are full of garbage and shallow.
NEWS - 3 min. ago. Adam and Monte talked on the phone. All is well. Monte is going to Moscow with Adam. We can all relax now.
@4:53 I am neither narrow minded or shallow. I have a very open mind and I am very accepting of all people. The blended word "hunty" has a very offensive word in it to a woman and I do not see it as endearing term at all. I am a huge fan of Adam and his talent. It does not mean that I am a mindless robot that cannot disagree with his use of the word on twitter. I am sure that he likes the idea of millions of fans, but does not necessarily love every single thing we do and say either. So it is just opinions being expressed and thank goodness freedom of speech is still alive and doing well. Adam can say it and I can disagree with it. Peace.
Glad to hear that Adam and Monte are fine. One of the things I like about Adam is his loyalty and caring about his friends. I would love to see Tommy, Monte and Adam work together for many years to come.
Lisa tells fans to "chill". At first I thought her account had been hacked, but I guess not. I guess she was just out of control. And now she tells the fans to chill? Wow. wow. w.o.w.
Lisa should STFU and this drama had already give some bad taste to Adam's fans. Adam is a solo artist and I hope he choose whatever that benefit him most. Adam is the only one that I really care.
I don't agree with the fans who want Adam to sack Monte now, although I don't care if he's in the band in the future or not. I don't worry about Monte's career either. He's also worked for Madonna. I heard Madonna is also releasing a new album this year ($100 million deal) and she will have a tour. What worries me is how much damage can the stupid/ignorant fans do to Adam's career and how much they might upset him too. He deserves to work in peace on his new album. Glad that Sauli stays away from Twitter and I think it might be good for Adam too, at least for a while. Would be interesting to see the reactions to that.
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