Adam Lambert Wins TVLine's 'Best American Idol Performance' Ever!
Filed Under (American Idol,news ) by Admin on Monday, May 30, 2011
Posted at : Monday, May 30, 2011
Adam Lambert's "Mad World" wins TVLine's poll with 63.11% over Kelly Clarkson's “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman” 36.89%.

Source: TVLine

Source: TVLine
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voted for Adam's Mad World it was my most favorite in the whole world. I also loved Kelly singing her song too. She has a good voice, I heard her on AI this year.
Congratulaions to Adam - the best in my book too!
Idol will never be the same.
Yeah, I remember polling on this one, didn't think it was much of a fight; so it's a landslide win for Adam, no surprise there. Why don't we just poll on all of Adam's AI performances including those as mentor or guest least there will be some tussle and excitement.
-Lam my
JUST GREAT! Voted that one too. Ronnie
Yep, I voted on this one too..Congrats, Adam. You singing Mad World did it for me. Loved all your performances on AI though. You are the best AI ever had or ever will have. No contest.
After strolling in Twitterland (while Adam is strolling in London..) I found some talk about Russian Adam fans V Korn fans. I think this all is about the Maxidrom festival "reputation" as a rock-festival.
Korn fans had an idea about Adam to be only a pop/glam performer. They did´t love the idea about Adam on the rock-festival stage. So Adam fans were afraid of an attack and asked protection. And after that the Korn fans asked protection too (you know, those dangerous looking heavy-fans) LOL!
So Adam performed and showed the world his awesome rock-side. Adam was perfectly on a right stage with other rock bands.
No war happened after all, except maybe a couple of furious gazes here and there.
..They didn´t love the idea...
This explains why he didn't sing ballads.....
and of course they were jealous of his good looks
Adam is a different kind of rock!!!!!
Wait for the 2nd album and they will see the different rock side of Adam!!!! Yah baby!!!!!!!
They were amazed that's why no trouble happened that day. It's a good sign that they realized that our Adam was the best in the concert eh!!!!
Yeah, Adam was definely the best looking guy around!! And ditto, just wait for the #2 album!!
I'm sure a lot of the Korn vs Lambert fans was over exaggerated. It is funny to think Korn fans would fear glamberts when many were young women. I do think Adam converted some heavy metal fans to his side after hearing his voice. Adam rocked out and looked so hot like a rock god!I keep watching the vids over and over.
We all know that Adam's performance of MAD WORLD was the best ever on AI. He is in a league of his own and set the bar so high that no one before or since then has come near to him in all performances. There is just something so special about Adam in his looks, personality and talent that watching AI now has become boring even with the change in judges. I look forward to the release of his second cd and I am certain it will blow us away and put him on the road to superstardom in the music industry.
This is a hilarious article from Australia that I just saw on Twitter that is a tongue-in-cheek discussion of that "rock" versus "pop" fans discussion. Korn fans versus Adam Lambert fans. Suggests Glamberts are now "Thugberts" because of Adam's decision to get away from glitter and go with leather instead.. Just funny!
I like Kelly Clarkson too, but Adam's performance was the best. It was moving and haunting and his falsetto was perfection. I voted for Adam. KLM
Translated article about the Maxidrom Festival..Adam mentioned...just interesting info about the festival:
From the Twitlonger translation:
Adam Love Fan Site
On Tuesday 31st May 2011, @GlisteningADAM said:
Hurray Adam! "Maxidrom collected a record number of people" (English Translation)
After a two-year pause in Moscow a festival Maxidrom, reborn in the format of open-air and turned into a series of solo album international artists, plus a short set of Russian star Zemfira.
Two years of abstinence went "Maxidrome" clearly benefit - a much more elaborate list of participants, more time for speeches, a much more pleasant (especially in this sunny weather) green grass airfield in Tushino against tight seating of the "Olympic, "wrote the Russian media.
Not without the usual service problems, as is usual in Mother Russia - enormously long line for a beer sponsorship and barbecue (the longest was, paradoxically, in the VIP-zone), a shortage of toilets, no shelters from sun and rain, even for vipov, rude behavior protection in the finale of the festival, write But rock festivals - always the main adventure of the summer, and more importantly, that the organizers were able to bring a decent list of participants: Brainstorm, ADAM LAMBERT, Zemfira, Travis, Korn and The Prodigy.
Re the "Mad World" win: Adam and Kelly are both amazing artists, and my two favorite vocalists to come out of Idol, but I voted for Adam because his Mad World was stunning and beautiful. Standing ovation from Simon. Perfect.
have to laugh at the Russia festival articles going around.Is there ever a dull moment??? lol Those Adam Russia fans seemed dang nice.
I have read the above articles, Glamberts v. Korn fans was funny. Adam is nothing but pure positive energy, & LOVE! I know that from the korns, they have to have been intimidated from someone who is different from them whether it was the music or the way one looks. I have read a post of a fan who met Adam, & they say he has such positive energy that it can be intimidating but in a good way!
I'm glad Adam won this poll of having the ultimate performance of AI but when are these polls going to end? Haven't we proved over & over that Adam is the ultimate idol? Nuff said.
I'm really grateful to the Russian Glamberts for all the new, pics, & vids!!
Thank you fellow Glamberts!!! I adore you!! Mwah!!!! K
Geez. All of his performances were great, but Mad World is absolutely NOT my favorite. I would have chosen Whole Lotta Love or Ring of Fire.
Kelly is a wonderful artist but Adam always gets my votes.
I thought Kelly should've won World Idol. She was so much better than the guy from Norway who sounded like Bono.
No more World Idol unfortunately. I'd love to see Adam in that competition but only the Idol winners were allowed to take part in it.
The fans wars at the Moscow concert - what a load of nonsense!! The media were certainly clutching at straws there.
Adam is in a league of his own!! :+D
First, I hope you are feeling better by now.
Second, that article was hysterical re: Thugberts
What a great way to start my day! Thank you!
@ 8:57 AM
Yeah, Mad World isn't my favorite AI performance either. By that I mean I really like it but there were other performances I loved more. Whole Lotta Love is up there and others as well.
I voted for Adam .... I ALWAYS vote for Adam .... and Kelly is a great singer too.
MAD WORLD was a poignant & moving performance by ADAM ... his teacher from Mt. Carmel HS in San Diego said she cried when ADAM sang it on AI because she KNEW he was singing about his REAL emotions when he went to school there ... being different & feeling left out of things ... and even tho' it wasn't my FIRST choice from AI ... it was still better than Kelly's performance on AI which was FORCEFUL ... while ADAM's was 'soft & haunting' ... That's why it WAS the BEST on AI EVER!! Ask Simon ... he doesn't give a SO to everyone ... I AGREE & I VOTED for ADAM EVERYDAY ... CONGRATS!!! ADAM!!! Another Conquest up the Ladder of Success & RIGHTLY SO!! .. Light 'n Love
@glitzylady! Yeah hilarious downunder link! Laughed a lot! Thanks dear! Ronnie
Was there any doubt? Do not recall Simon giving anyone else a standing ovation.
My favorite by a mile is A Change is Gonna Come. Such emotion in it.
For me I love all of his songs from AI......
Love yah baby!!!!!!!
Yeah love anything that sounds out from his meticulously-polished instrument. I love Aftermath which he sang with such gusto on AI (Trevor Project). You could see the judges were visibly moved. For the Moscow concert it was Fever, (for me) in which he incorporated new fierce high notes. There was some eyeball-to- eyeball look between Korn and Adam fans...courtesy of Ronnie, but soon subsided after Adam sang rock songs and soothed their nerves.
-Lam my
I hope everyone who was hoping he was taking dancers, possible GNT costumes and kissing Tommy
now realize how smart Adam is and will finally say a fond farewell to Adam Year #1.
He was playing a rock concert. ROCK. He knows how to adapt. I thought his dancers were talented great people but right now he needs to be a solo artist. Just his band and Adam. No
choreography, no razzle dazzle. Just a sexy beast prowling the stage.
It's time for Adam Year #2. kwk
Yeh kwk, sexy beast prowling the stage...ooh la la...
I think Adam singing those new extra fierce high notes during Fever was his strategy to compensate for the adommy kiss, to distract his ardent screaming fans...yeh smart!
-Lam my
Time to move on from the Tommy kiss, glitter and on to the sexy beast in leather! Adam's been in this business long enough to instinctively know his crowd and play to them accordingly. I bet he surprised a few of the hard rock Korn fans. Adam can outrock Korn anyday with his powerful voice that no one in Korn can rival. Thanks Glitzylady for the hilarious down under blog and for bringing so many good things to 24/7. Sorry that you were under the weather and hope you're feeling much better! The Russian fans were outstanding and gave us such good videos. It would have been torture if none had been taken. We've really been starved for some live Adam since the GNT and these were a real adrenaline booster! funbunn40
TRhere is no doubt for me that Adam is the ultimate Idol. Kelly is good, but none of them have the stage presence or brings the electricity like Adam. They also didn't have the benefit of his excellent vocal and stage training and ability to so seamlessly sing any genre of music. He also has an instinctive talent to change a song to make it his own. I voted for Mad World, but think A Change is Gonna Come,If I Can't Gave You, One, ROF, WLL, Beth, all are equally worthy. Adam is and always will be the best! funbunn40
Glitzylady, I too hope you are feeling bettah!
I LOVED Adam singing Mad World. Must have listened to that 50,000 times after his jaw dropping performance on AI. At least Simon and I agree on one thing...standing ovation!
First time I have ever heard of Korn was through this festival...
I agree, Adam dressed the part for this Moscow show. Smart Adam! So what else is knew?
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