Gorgeous Photos From Russia - Adam and His Eyes - And NoAngels' Amazing Essay
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Monday, May 30, 2011
Posted at : Monday, May 30, 2011

Please check out NoAngels' (from Adamtopia) amazing essay about Adam and Sauli (it depicts Adam's bravery and is a huge inspiration to all gay kids everywhere who are struggling with their sexuality.)
Essay by NoAngels:
Last week when Adam Lambert stood on the Red Carpet of the American Idol finale holding his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen’s hand, many fans heralded it as a groundbreaking moment. An act of courage and conviction, and one that was symbolic of Adam’s bravery and the change of which he has been a part. While I agree that the moment was significant and worthy of celebration, I see it as not so much a courageous act in itself, but rather as Adam’s reward for a thousand acts of courage over the last two years.
Two years ago when Adam left the Idol stage covered in the confetti of his opponent’s victory, he stepped into a media storm of unprecedented intensity that would have been any aspiring artist’s dream. Unfortunately for a man who wanted to focus on making music, much of the interest centered mainly on speculation about his sexuality and then, once he had answered the question in grand style, on revisiting the subject again and again. One would have thought that an openly gay man had never been signed to a major record label in the U.S.! Oh wait…
In the two years between the finales of Season 8 and Season 10, Adam has had a long road and much work to do. He’s had to patiently answer questions over and over again about the “gay gay gay gay.” He’s had to put up with DJs asking for kisses and makeup tips. He’s had to calmly talk people down from their AMA freakout. He’s had to work his ass off and rally his fans’ support while never letting on what an uphill battle it has been to get his music played on U.S. radio. He’s had to endure the snarky comments of reviewers and the hateful words of anonymous online posters. He’s put up with tasteless jokes from interviewers and protests to a couple of his concerts and misguided advice from “fans.”
In the past two years Adam has shown his courage in great and small ways again and again. From choosing to incorporate a man-on-man kiss into Glam Nation to navigating Malaysian opposition to his show, Adam has shown a knack for both pushing boundaries and finding compromise. Adam is both part of a greater change in society and one of the change agents. Without loud proclamations or statements, he has made it clear that he is not interested in being anything other than himself. I don’t think he realized when he started on this journey how long it would take for people to get past his sexuality. And by no means is the battle over. There aren’t enough others out there in order for Adam not to stand out. But finally, articles referring to his sexuality are more the exception than the rule, and the most recent press refers to Adam’s relationship in the same terms with which heterosexual relationships are discussed. This is no accident—it is due to Adam’s tirelessness and persistence in reminding people that he is a singer, an entertainer, a most importantly, a human being just like them.
So last week when Adam stood on the Red Carpet hand-in-hand with his boyfriend, it was not an act of defiance nor a political statement. It was his reward. It had taken Adam hundreds of days and tens of thousands of miles to reach the point where could he hold the hand of the man he loves and smile into cameras with nothing but pride and happiness in his eyes, and to finally walk a gauntlet of microphones talking about what truly matters to him and to us.
His music. His dreams. His future.
Essay Source: Adamtopia
Image #2 Credit: @RogueKane
Thanks to Glitzylady and Eva for the tips!
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I'm so proud of this man. I remember when I was in high school in 2001 and a gay couple holding hands was unheard of. Even two gay people dare to hold hands, they would be stared at, words thrown at them. I'm not sure if the situation has changed right now. I sure hope so.
But this act by Adam and Sauli is a very big improvement in Hollywood.
I just hope gay kids everywhere get to see this amazing man and listen to his music.
he held hands in front of cameras with Drake. I don't see the big deal. He is a singer, so why don't everyone let him be a singer and not make it about who he sleeps with. it's getting old. I don't see this with any artist but Adam. He wants his music accepted by all walks of life.
He had his arms around Katy Perry on the red carpet. Big Deal! Adam shows affection with everyone he is close with.
What a very well-written article!
Thank you for your work.
what a beautiful right on essay about a beautiful brave man....Adam is a beautiful singer, entertainer, and soul..Adam and Sauli are beautiful ..love to both..
it looked like an uncomfortable situation for the both of them. I wouldn't want my life in front of tabloids for exploitation.
Thank you for this well done essay about Adam and defining who he is. I also felt a tug at my heart seeing Adam holding Sauli's hand on the red carpet. It was a beautiful moment for all of his fans and those who love him. Adam is one of the hardest workers in the music industry, and he is one of the most talented. One thing his fans can proudly say, we are with him 100%. btw, strange as it might seem, Adam apparently has way more straight fans than gay fans. I guess they are just standing back letting him do all the work!!!
"I don't see this with any other artist but Adam" EXACTLY.....the media just won't it go...
We talk about it on blogs because we are proud of him.
Never before has a man with a running makeup looked so good :D
And anon 10:51, you obviously don't get it. Adam intentionally presented Sauli as his boyfriend, not just someone who he happened to be accompanied with. At this point, being all "he shows affection to everyone! What about Kesha, were they dating too? A gay man can hold another man's hand without dating! In a red carpet, even!!" is just a denial behavior.
Dear Americans - please don't forget to watch Platinum Hit today on BravoTV, and tell us non Americans what happened!
Thanks, Cassie
I'm in tears right now. What a GREAT and true and honorable article.
The photos of Adam are the most beautiful ever!!!
And i'm so happy for Adam's success and for his true love with Sauli.
It's a good day!
'The Truth be told' Thank you
Adam's tweet from London; just now..with picture of what he saw..
@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Seen on a London stroll... http://say.ly/BOxmSx
17 minutes ago
His eyes in the top picture, like a window to his beautiful soul. A wonderful essay. Adam is a great role model in every way, love him more each day. I am going to watch the platinum hit tonight on Bravo. It should be very interesting and probably shows some of the writers and producers Adam has or ia working with. Cassie---what country are you from. You are such a great person!
is sorry not ia
What an eloquent description of Adam's struggles and bravery. Well done, NoAngels!! Truly reminded me of the uphill battle Adam has faced with courage and dignity. He's an exceptional human being who lives by example and I'm so proud that, as said in the essay, the media is beginning to concentrate on his talent ... finally ... and not so much on his sexuality.
@Anon 11:41 AM - well thank you! :)
I'm from Israel.
Very well written. Thank you for posting.
For a young man to affectionately and lovingly hold the hand of another young man on the Red Carpet has not been done. Ellen did it with her partner that I recall, and Elton is always accompanied by his partner. But Adam stands alone here, and he and Sauli are simply expressing his love.
So simple and yet, so complicated. Thank you Adamtopia.
Vivienna, when I was in high school in the "60"s" NO one was allowed to hold hands in the hallways. I'm talking boys and girls. I guess we have come a long way.
I laughed when reading Sauli's interview about how nervous he was on the red carpet and afraid he might fall in his new shoes. He was sweating and hoping for a back door to disappear haha. He is such a genuine, unassuming guy - no wonder Adam likes him. Even tho it sounds like it was attraction at first sight.
Sligo lambert ^______^cute:
woow beautiful eyes
Sligo lambert^______^cute:
adam so cute
I didn't even read the comments yet- went right to e-mailing all the people that don't understand my love for adam- this was a fantastic article, caught everything I've been tryin too say for 2 years.
I think Sauli is a good influence on Adam. Adam looks very happy and young when he's with him.
Here's hoping they'll be together for a long time.
This is really making me tear up.
I am so f'king proud to be a fan of this man.
Loved the beautiful essay! The picture of them holding hands is the wallpaper on my iphone. Such a great moment!
Now you make me cry again indeed Adam!!!!!!!
Your beautiful eyes made my day so bright and light today..... You know Monday lots of work but you made it easy for me today ........
The words in this love letter to Adam (because it is a love letter: written lovingly from a fan) are soo true and perfectly expressed.. I especially love the last paragraph: Holding hands with Sauli WAS the ultimate reward for Adam. He as worked so hard, patiently, and honestly in these last two whirlwind years. Has been the ultimately patient man. Feeling that newly declared love and then feeling the overwhelming strength of conviction, and the love in his heart, unable to be contained or hidden any longer, to openly show that love to millions throughout the world is the ultimate reward for Adam (and Sauli).
To feel that kind of love and to not be able to express it openly would be a terrible punishment in itself. Adam has been punished enough for being who he is, for many years. Time for great joy in his life, and the unconditional and reciprocal love of another human being. He has his love of music, his joy in singing, his success, and his fame, but as he said in his song IIHY, love makes everything else complete.
When I think back, the whole Glam Nation Tour WAS about "Love", as Adam always pointed out, and how fitting that he would meet Sauli purely by "chance" on that tour. The Universe works in mysterious ways! And to top it off, Sauli didn't even know Adam was in town (!), and Sauli decided just by chance at the last minute to go to Jenny Woo's and...well, just such a sweet and classically romantic love story, made better because it happened to Adam.
If I had you
That would be the only thing I'd ever need
Yeah, if I had you, then money, fame and fortune never could compete (never could compete with you)
If I had you, life would be a party it'd be ecstasy (it'd be ecstasy with you)
Yeah, if I had you
Oh Glitzy, you made me cry. I do hope they have a lasting relationship. It will be difficult, but both are a bit older and been around the block.
Adam looks so very happy. That's what matters to me as he's given me and so many people such joy with his laughter and voice.
The essay says it all, and beautifully.
Wonderful essay, beautiful man. Fabulous sweet and cute as a button boyfriend.
I'm thinking the teary makeup running down his face is because of the sun in his eyes. And maybe the mascara wasn't waterproof.
Beautiful words, by Noangel and the comments here. And those eyes, that picture is absolutely stunning in its simplicity. I would love it enlarged and hung in my bedroom so his eyes would be the first thing I see when I wake up...mmm, can't see my husband going for that somehow.
and @anon 5.11, my first thought was the sun was makinh his eyes water too. But however it happened, certainly makes for a gorgeous photo.
My message to all the gay folks;it is time to support your own....we cannot do this alone and let's face it in this life we all have to stick together! So proud of Adam..he has been a beacon of light for so many. He just wants to live like anyone else. We need his music...we need his light.
Maybe it was partly the sun in his eyes and just maybe it was coupled with the JOY in his HEART as he stood there on that stage as a BURST of CHEERING & APPLAUSE engulfed the Maxidrom fest for him ***ADAM LAMBERT USA*** "From Russia With LOVE" after they had released all those PURPLE Balloons & 'Waving' RED Paper Hearts with "ADAM" enscribed on each one to further PROVE their LOVE!! that brought those TEARS that slid gently down his face from those GORGEOUS "EYES"!! MAYBE?? Love 'n Light (as I too weep from all the Beauty & LOVE here on this thread)
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