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Maximum Radio's New Interview with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Great clips featuring a new interview of Adam with MAXIMUM RADIO from Moscow Maxidrom Festival. The video also features the fans, singing, Adam's dressing room!

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Ohhh Adaam! This is almost as good as being there!
Great video Maximum!The Russian fans were so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Adam looking so so Handsome & Gorgeous as always!!!
Loves his simple very 50s younger version look alike James Dean/Elvis/Marlon Brando:):):)
An International Mega Rockstar!!!

Anonymous said...

Great interview! Lovely close ups of Adam. Of course he is his usual charming self and so gorgeous. I love the crowd shots, so many young girls. Looks like everyone's having a great time. As long as Adam and the band had a good time, I'm happy. I was surprised to hear Adam was a Prodigy fan LOL! I think I'd heard somewhere that Zac was the keyboard player for Korn. Fun for Adam to see Zac again.

Eleonora said...

hello! I saw in comments here some strange things about Russia.
I want to explain that russian goverment DON`T hate gays and allowed gay-pride at 27.5.11.

But we have some homophobic people here. They are not from goverment or other official organizations. They said before that they gonna stop gay-pride.
You know that gay haters are around the world, and also here, but we are not homophobic couuntry, gays are free to live like they want here. We have many gays on russian pop-stage and they are all still ok.
So don`t tell that Russia breaks gay rights. This is not about country and constitution: the problem is in some common people who hate gays.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right there. Religious groups attacked the gay-pride parade. It´s the same all over the world. Remember that this man Choi who was beaten and arrested got fired from US Army because he is gay. The Dj:s from a Russian radiostation were clearly homophobic. The telephone interview Adam made with them before coming to Moscow was not so nice to listen to. Good for us, the two male dj:s could not speak english so we were saved from their most stupid
remarks because the female interpreter refused to do her job. Good work, woman!
This was a rock festival with hard rock fans mostly male. The dj:s focused on Adams look, his make up and nailpolish and ridiculed him AND his fans because they were mostly girls. Hard rock is for MEN, don´t forget that women! Funny enough, when these "cool" dj:s met Adam they changed their tune, thought he was nice and charming (this happens a lot for obvious reasons) and they even admitted he had a "surprisingly" good voice. We could also see some rockers really digging Adam when he performed, so this trip to Moscow was IMO a huge success.
I don´t remember if I posted this video here before. It´s an Ukrainian group and the vid is a piece of art. I don´t care much for the music but it´s a cool vid. Somehow I doubt that these Maxidrome dj:s agree with me. Take a look!


Honey said...

Isn't that guy the same Maximum radio voice dude who acted pretty homophobic in the phone interview? Or a different one? He didn't act very phobic here...

Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam just woke-up, and he tweeted:
"Just had the craziesr dream about Bette White, an airport and boats."
Someone replied "Still having wet dreams I see?" lol

Anonymous said...

I prefer watching Adam performing in big popular venues like this. I didn't like when he performed in some European underground music venues for a few hundred people on his GNT.

Anonymous said...

Loved this clip. Russians have been so kind and generous with their photos and clips. That we should be so lucky and we are! <3

Adam's dream .... does it signify flying to his Viking but I don't get the 'Bette White' part although perhaps he met someone recently who looks like her.

Anonymous said...

Adam should be the American ambassador to the world.. He is the most talented ,most charming,intelligent interview . Have I mentioned his incredible voice and gorgeous looks...

Anonymous said...

When is Adam going to make it in the UK and Germany. I think WWFM was a hit single in Germany, because it was from Pink.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam spending time with the Ronsons in London? Just curious, because Christina went downhill, when she spent too much time with Samantha.

Anonymous said...

Hey Russians Glamberts fans, you are all beautiful and really love Adam so much. Congratulations for the success and Adam made you really happy that day!!!!!!

It proves that we all the fans around the world are one family and fights for the love of our WWS!! Yes!Yes

Continue the your passion and love to one another!!!! We love u all guys!!!1

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry about my grammar???!!! up there!!!

Anonymous said...

On the new June Idol of the month right now,Adam is aheaed,but JAMES DURBIN is second.. We need to keep Adam ahead way every 20 mins,ok? url is idol_of_the_month/2011/06

Urethra_Franklin said...

Its been deleted!! GAH!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention Lindsey Lohan. She needs to get rid of Samantha for good.

Anonymous said...

Vid was removed, but you can watch it here

Fan4fun said...

Glamshit! The video has been removed, even in Youtube!!! What happened? What did sweet Adam say?

Anonymous said...

anom.4:17am,what's been deleted?If you mean the new Idol of the,it's working now( above up a few posts) Adam had 22 just now & a woman who is second right now( don't remember her). James D. is around 3rd or 4th.also others.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anom 4:32AM for the's working there! Great interview!

glitzylady said...

Well. a fine thing to wake up to! "The video has been removed by the user!" I wonder what that's all about..It was a great video too. Maybe they (Maximum Radio) decided to copyright it or something.

@Anon 4:38 AM The Video from Russia.

Well, maybe it will turn up again..It was really great. : ( Very high quality HD video. Lot's of good stage footage, and Adam's cute interview.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:14 AM
Thanks for confirming it is still up on You Tube!

"Adam Lambert at the Maxidrome Festival -28.05.2011" is the title on You Tube..

The link again is:

glitzylady said...

Oh, and by the way...there are reports out there in Twitter land that Sauli is now in London...Interesting....So much for gardening???!!!! LOL!! Guess we'll see if its true..The saga continues... ; )

Anonymous said...

Great interview of Adam. The Russian Glamberts look cute and beautiful. Hope the radio filmed the whole concert and some days we will get the professional footage. Glad to know that he use beer to stick up his hair. Good choice of product.

glitzylady said...

Just saw this picture of Adam from the concert...Adam "Rockbert"......
Just thought I'd post off to Real Life!

Anonymous said...

Loved the video and the interview! Adam is always great! I think the interviewer guy wound up a fan. As for the Idol of the Month, I DREAD any further pretend "competition" between Adam and JD. It's hard for me to even say their names in the same breath or think of them in the same thought. This kind of stuff just gets fan wars going again.

Hk fan said...

but apparently he's over ther buying flowers for his dads garden!!!

Hk fan said...

oops, over in London

glitzylady said...

@HK fan..
Right....LOL!!!! That's the excuse I'd use too! ; ) "They don't have those "special" seeds in Finland, only in London.." Yep....

Anonymous said...

You guys are hilarious! Sauli buying seeds in London for dad's garden? I think not. Ahhhh, love is in the air!

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha!Ha! Boys can't be apart for very long. Good for them.

Anonymous said...

@Eleonora. I apologize for being under the impression that Russia was homophobic. I understand that it doesn't matter where we are , people are the same all over the world, even here in the US.
I love the sound of a different language, & now hearing the language in Russia, it's very rich sounding & very passionate! Adam spoke the few words in Russian very well!
This was a great video, I love it when radio stations do a visual interview. But this was also put together so well for the tv viewers.
At the end the interviewer made "the bird" finger by mistake I'm sure, that was funny. A good interview , loved it! Thank you!!
@ Eleonora! Thank you so much for your input, it does help when one can talk more about their country. Everyone has been great in talking about their own countries. As for me, I'm from rural Oklahoma, there's only been a few people who know Adam, & the ones who do, it's like "oh isn't he gay?" or they're just familiar with AI.
That's why I visit this site, I can share with others my admiration for Adam!
Thank you very much everyone! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh this video was removed! :(

tess4ADAM said...

Hi! Just came from the tweeter.faxo site & ADAM is ahead w/88 votes & J. Castro second @ 28 votes ... let's all vote every 20 min. those of us who can & those who can't vote whenever you find the time. I just came from the Change is Gonna Come finale vid & I'm still in AWE of ADAM's MAGNIFICENT VOICE ... James WHO??
Light 'n Love


LP said...

I prolly have it all wrong, but didn't Sauli say he was helping his dad with the yard. I took that to mean his dads construction yard, and it needed to be worked on. Never thought of a garden LOL Most yards like tat also have a dog on the premises.

LP said...

I was right, I was wrong, Sauli did say gardening LOL He had also said in the past that he had a dog, in fact there are pics of him with dog.

Anonymous said...

The video worked for me just now. What a great video. In a matter of minutes the guy interviewer went from ordinary to wanting to hug and get close to Adam. Such is his effect on people! The girl was so funny trying out his room. The government was good at least in providing a lot of security.
That's so great if Sauli is in London. Pics please! Any musicals they might attend?

Magiclady said...

glitzylady, Love the picture and the Rockbert reference!
I love everything about Adam and would really like to see him get his Rockbert on this album.

Anonymous said...

Adam appears a little defensive throughout this interview--until the very end when the guy asks what Adam uses on his hair. Then the barriers disappear, and it's all friendly and hugs. I think Adam is gun shy after what happened to him earlier.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:56 AM
Try the you tube links for access to the video.. my post at @glitzylady 6:21 AM . Was working earlier..can't check to see now: at work. Hope you can see it on you tube.

The Dark Side said...

Noticed how the crowd expanded as Adam started o sing. I am sure he has just made a boatload of news fans in Russia. Great interview. Everyone who ever interviews him gets a little overwhelmed by him.

Anonymous said...

It is SO very wonderful to see Adam perform again.Has it really been 6 months since his last GNT a show at Club Nokia,L.A? Didn't realize how much I missed him and how unbelievably happy it makes me to hear him sing on stage again. Lady Gaga said she feels dead when she does not perform live. Well, there is a little spot in me that feels dead when I don't see/hear Adam sing live. For sure. ;-)

Adamluv said...

Just watched the video on this site!!!! Best one so far IMO - loved seeing him from the side while singing! Very HOT! And I didnt feel he was being defensive in the least. LOVED the fact that he looked at the guy while answering his question, instead of lo0king at the translator. Most peeps tend to look at the translator since they're the ones speaking your language but leave it to our boy to do the correct thing!!!!!!! Anyone else notice this? He sounded fabulous on stage and his "look" has to be!!!!!!! How can 1 person keep topping themselves in gorgeousness?????? Only AFL!!!!!!!! ..... Adamluv

Dinah-mite said...

Awww, Adam does it again, charming as usual... Fav part? When Adam said he uses beer, beer always to style his hair! Big dude could not help but give AFL a big hug, and then silly hand gestures...
AFL always charms whoever is in his presence,
BE AFRAID people, Be VERY afraid!!! The boy can charm the skin right off of a snake!!! It is no wonder we all just luv the hell out of him!!:)

Adamluv said...

@Dinah-mite, saw your post the other day about going to see Adam in Quebec and just wanted to say how green with envy I am! Especially since all the great videos from Moscow seeing him sing again. He was born to perform on a large stage in front of thousands!!! Just come back and give us Adam addicts (in withdrawal) lots and lots of details! ..... Adamluv

wblaz said...

Whenever I hear him doing an interview I find myself smiling.

Anonymous said...

Sure don't see any homophobic evidence with this interview. Yep, Adam charmed the interviewer so much, made him laugh, act all silly, and definitely wanted that huge hug from Adam! All smiles he was! Ahhh, wouldn't we all want that fabulous big bear hug from Adam??? Would sure make my day....yummmy Adam!


Anonymous said...

Great interview, he could charm the birds from the trees,
Also I really loved the rocked out version of WWFM.

Anonymous said...

LOL @4:32 the guy was checking out Adam's crutch. Not only girls love his crutch. Men are starting to dig it too. Slowly but surely men will come around to like him as well. That'll be straight men. Like JT, Usher, etc.

That HD Sleepwalker video is insane. Especially the ending of it.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! The guy shows his middle finger then laughs about it and changes it to west side fingers. That's right dude, Adam is from west side. Westside rules! Adam Rules!

Anonymous said...

Yea I'm still laughing about that dude with the finger lmao !!!!what was really funny was Adam's reaction!!! RLMFAO!!!! Mwah!! K

coloforadam said...

.....just grinning, ear to ear!! It happens everytime. Thanks 24/7 - can't live without it! The guy is like the honey on top of the marichino cherry on top of the whip cream on top of the banana split!!

Anonymous said...

That sweet?...Yes, I think you're right....JAK

Anonymous said...

That guy who interviewed Adam was so "Russian", especially the way (loud and sincere) he laughed, all Russian people laugh like that:) Somebody above said they didn't like the small European venues Adam played at. Keep in mind that European cities are generally small and that it's rather difficult to find ANY big venue for a concert.I live in Kraków (2nd biggest city in Poland) and there is no big venue here at all:/ Besides, if he hadn't played at those small venues in Germany I wouldn't have been able to see him live there!
Poland Loves Adam!

Anonymous said...

I also didn't think Adam was defensive at all, but he may have been a little guarded at first because of the first radio interview where the male at one point tried to ask an insulting question which the translater ignored. Adam is always gracious, finds humour when appropriate and instinctively finds common ground to put interviewers at ease, thoroughly charming them. Who wouldn't be mesmerised by him? Adam's building his fan base wherever he goes and changing a lot of misconceptions. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

THE BEST VIDEO FROM MOSCOW!!!!!! Thanks soooo much for it!!! He is so cute, sexy, genuine, hot, beautiful, nice, lovely!!!! I love the way he listens the Russian language.
