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Video: James Durbin Talks 'Adam Lambert' on MTV

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Anonymous said...

Please don't put this crap up here. It is starting fan wars and the media is hyping it up for that purpose. We should just ignore all this you know what.

Anonymous said...

"Shifted his allegiance"
What did they expect Adam to do? Give James a shout out every week Idol came on?
Adam's allowed to root for the people he loves on the show!
This is kinda ridiculous LOL

Anonymous said...

I hope jd fades away soon! Has he had any record deals yet? If so, good for him. But if he has not, didn't think so. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

PLEASE take this down. Go over to Billboard fan favorite vote and type in Adam's name. Also Q102 Philadelphia on their request page has wwfm and has added IIHY. Q102 Max's 10 at 10 you can vote for the aftermath remix to be played. Let's not waste our time on this. It has brought out such hateful comments on other sites from both groups of fans.

Anonymous said...

I wish this video hadn't been posted here. It is just going aggrevate the fans on both sides and really, the whole thing is just plain ridiculous. Media is just trying to keep James visible by hyping the Adam comment. Just let it go. Let's go back to the previous thread and spend our time on more important things like Adam's long legs, snakes and shopping. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm really starting to dislike this blog. The blog owner only care about hits and post things that stir up fan wars. The real fan should know that a stupid fan war doesn't do Adam any favors.

Anonymous said...

this video doesn't belong on this site

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't believe this was put up on this site. It is only adding fuel to the fire. Bad enough they have articles on it and it as on MTV, now we have to see it here. This site is all about our love for Adam.

URANUS said...

Oh please. This is Adam 24/7. We need to know everything about Adam.

Anon above, chill!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is titled to have opinions, Even Adam ! So Adam loves Haley doesn´t mean he dislikes James in matter of fact he has praised James too, you are titled to have your favourites in AI even Adam.

Anonymous said...

James will be a pop icon. just wait.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree we need to know what's going on and just ignore the crap. There is only one "rocker" in AI this season. But I think there are more to come in the future, the voice, X-factor etc. How many can we take down. It is the media try to create controversy to get the Glambert reaction. Just chill and ignore. And remember Adam has the best voice out there and everybody know about it and that is the most important thing - his music!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont' want to watch that video. Can anyone summarize it for me?

Anonymous said...

anon 10:47 let the squabble begin......

Anonymous said...

Haley don't even like Adam Lambert. she is all into jazz and stuff. why would Adam even support her?

Anonymous said...

take down? a bit harsh! don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal...the media always likes to blow things up!
Take a chill pill people!
Oh and 1 more thing who was the one who started off making the comparisons first Durbin???

Anonymous said...

English is not my language. I mean "take down" = "deal with"
Anon: 10:50am

Anonymous said...

Time to boycott this site!, the only ones that want this here are JD's fans and the people running it!

Anonymous said...

I love that 24/7 puts All Adam Lambert news here.

Having said that, my personal opinion is that I think we should not (and I will definitely not) click on any other articles in the blogosphere about this topic. Absolutely do NOT want to give the issue any "hits" whatsoever. JMO.

Again, thank you 24/7 for putting all Adam Lambert news here.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a phenomenal !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a phenomena!!!!!!!!

SophOkeefe said...

Adam is aloud an opinion and thats why he's backing haley.. isn't that ok?
Adam has nothing but respect for James and doesn't have anything against him.. if he took something in the wrong way then so what? we all make mistakes. Adam is the single most lovely person on this planet.. he wouldn't do anything that was meant to be hurtful or disrespectful on purpose at all.
Take this down, its making Adam look mean:((


Anonymous said...

This doesn't bother me here either- it's all over the news anyway- Boy us fans certainly go through stuff with our boy- never a dull moment. Although I thinks it's absolutely ludacris how this has been blown out of proportion, it does keep adam in the news. James has been all over t.v. this week-good for him but no-way is he even at the level adam's at or will ever be. Should be real interesting on idol with the voting this week, honestly I'll be glad when idols over and it is my faviorite show. It just blows my mind when there is anything negative about adam in anyway- it skyrockets but yet all the good he does, hardly no mention. I'm starting to need blood pressure pills for being such a devoted adam fan.


Anonymous said...

The SOONER all millions of Adam's fans stop seeking out information about that other guy, the less media will talk about him. Adam Lambert is way passed all that nonsense now, writing and recording his second album with more wonderful collaborators.

Anonymous said...

No comment.

Anonymous said...

I agree to the above posts....I will NOT pay any attention to headlines about Adam and JD feuding and who said what to who. It's ridiculous. Giving more hits to those blogs only fuels the fire..just ignore it and soon it will go away.

Adam and James are both allowed to have their own opinions, blame the media for hyping everything they can to get the Glambert reaction. We all know Adam's voice can't be matched and he is above all this petty stuff. Let Adam continue to work on his 2nd album and make fantastic music for all of us to enjoy!


Anonymous said...

what do you get when you cross Adam Lambert and James Durbin? Jadam Durbert

Anonymous said...

Pop and electronic??? Oh James, you need some education baby. You don't think Adam does rock? James should learn to keep his mouth shut. He's noone right now. Maybe he'll do OK, maybe not. It's a tough business, and you need to be positive. James is negative. Adam made comments on several people--Pia, Jacob, Casey, Haley. He said he liked them "sometimes." Guess that wasn't enough for egotistic James.

I do blame media and this site for posting this to keep it going. It's not necessary. How about everyone just giving it a good case of forgetting. It's over. I'm going to Idol concert and looking forward to checking out several including Paul, Casey, James, Stefano, etc. Maybe James will have a good contract, maybe not. Maybe he'll have a huge hit, maybe not. Again, this is not a business for the sensitive and faint of heart.

I do agree ADAM 24/7 blog should remove this interview. It serves no purpose but being provative.

Anonymous said...

Also, Adam was misquoted as saying he was "so over" James. In fact, he was saying he was "so over" the comparisons. James also took it the wrong way. He needs to understand that most stuff from the media is pure BS.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't have enough influence over voters to make any difference whatsoever, so he can cheer for who he wants just like anyone else. People ask his opinion and like with anything else, Adam will answer the question.

Anonymous said...

Why are people saying 24/7 should take this video down? This video is on MTV - which means millions of people have watched it or know about it.

I think we should be aware of what's happening in Adamland. No censorship.

Anonymous said...

I wish 24/7 take this video DOWN Adam is all about LOVE and PEACE !!!

Anonymous said...

Much ado about nothing and, honestly, James could use a reality check anyhow, since the judges didn't afford him one at any given time.

Anonymous said...

10:55 AM
They are not Toddlers, why shouldn´t Adam support Haley when he likes her singing over others? What kind of music Haley likes is unrelevant.
I hate some music my hubby listens sometimes but i love music he creates, maybe i should stop supporting his music then.. right?

Anonymous said...

Could not hear A THING. Just saw Durbin twisting his lips. For some reason this "thing" is mute!?!? Maybe God saved me from crap.


Honey said...

Heh, I wonder how many "please take this down" -"pleas" came from the same ip address? Because it's all too easy when anonymous commenting is on.

24/7 has a policy to pretty much publish everything as long it's about Adam, and with that, they have been consistent. The site doesn't discriminate material for being fan-made, causing fan warring, coming from locked sources or being intrusive. Personally I don't like fan made material like fan vids, but you don't see me here pleading them to be taken down.

And raise hands all of you who watch AI this see season, and *didn't* compare James' "don't stop believing" with Adam's...

Anonymous said...

Say it Honey ^

This just post all things Adam related... they are NOT trying to contribute to the fan war... instead of throwing commands at the people who run this site... would you stop and appreciate them for all they've done to keep us updated?

Anonymous said...

They* #Woops

Anonymous said...

For those who couldn't hear the video....basically it's just Jim from MTV asking James about how he feels about Adam shifting from him to another contestant. James says that it doesn't matter....etc etc and that he doesn't get the comparisons between them. He also added that Adam sings Pop and Electronica. He himself sings rock and roll.

Glamitup said...

I personally LOVE this website. I actually switched from another after they stopped posting daily. I can always come here and get the latest. I think SOME of you people need to be more appreciative!! Geez! Anyway, James should have taken the high road like Adam would have if confronted with a question like that. This is one of many reasons that James is just a flash in the pan so to speak and it's just a matter of time before he is never heard from again. Yes, the media is so rediculous at times.

Anonymous said...

Adam sings only pop and electronica James? Don't think he has ever listened to Adam sing Sleepwalker like a rock god!

Anonymous said...

This just seems like Cantiello stirring the pot. Slow news day and trying to get some hits.

HK fan said...

For those of you that want the video taken down there is a simple answer, don't watch it. This is an Adam site for all things Adam, good, crazy and sometimes bad, but if its not something you want to see then just don't click on the view button.
My point of view, I agree with Adam (although she was my favourite from Benny and the Jets). I always found James too much performance and not enough good singing. Good for him if he does well after Idol, but somehow I can't see it.

Adamluv said...

Thanks for all the comments. Dont think I need to listen/watch it now. Was kind of a Durbin fan but not so much anymore. .... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

jim cantiello is not a glambert. he supported kris allen and now he is trying to stir up this controversy between adam and james. cantiello himself is the biggest critic of james. when james performed UPRISING one of cantiello's ears was bleeding and did not appreciate matthew bellamy's comment of liking james version. WHAT A SNAKE, CANTIELLO!!

Anonymous said...

Jim Cantiello was dissing James all the way through AI this year, no question. So he was definitely trying to stir up trouble. What the heck? Truthfully, Adam was NEVER being anything but polite with James. He was never really an advocate. I think Adam was annoyed with James' mimicry from the very beginning, and I don't think any of the Glamberts were ever voting for James anyway, so it made no diff at all.

James was booted because he can only sing in key about 25% of the time. And Cantiello knows it. 'Nough said.

Anonymous said...

As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. THAT includes James. I think he feels hurt, but he'll get over it. Big deal. Move on. Quit acting as if he's public enemy Number 1. He's just a kid hoping to realize his dream, just like another kid I remember not too long ago. If Adam can be frank about his opinions, why shouldn't James be able to?

Anonymous said...

This is old news, right? I say let's move on. Watch the video if you want, but it's time to quit hashing over this non-story. Adam is going full-speed ahead with his career. James has lots on his plate, too. James doesn't have Adam's poise and instinct for what to say and how to say it. JD has a lot to learn, but he can't linger on this. Neither should we. It's childish.

Anonymous said...

I think the judges inflated James' ego & expectations to the point that when he was confronted with the bitter truth ... he wasn't the PEOPLE'S CHOICE for AI 10 ... he couldn't believe it was because he wasn't as popular as HE thought he was .... so ONE little critique from someone who's been there ... sent James into a tailspin & the only way he could come out of it was to BLAME the only one BRAVE enough to tell it like it is **ADAM** ... James has POTENTIAL but he aint there yet like HE thinks he is ... BLAME it on those INEPT ?Judges?? They set him up for a fall & I saw it coming a LONG TIME AGO!!! I HOPE HALEY WINS!!!


The Dark Side said...

Jim, Jim, Jim, what were you thinking. Adam had absolutely nothing to do with Durbin getting voted off Idol, the fans voted him off. This is a non issue that is being made into something. I am not sure that James can handle this sort of controversy, and shouldn't have to. If anyone responsible for these contestants feeling bullet proof, it's the awful judging this year.

Anonymous said...

You can't "sang" James that is why you got the boot. Take this down it serves no good for anyone Adam ,James us fans no one#

Anonymous said...

Adam is my all time favorite Idol.
James is my favorite of this season.
This crap won´t change it

Anonymous said...

Everyone is welcome to their opinions and so be it!!!!

Adam is fierce and no one can tell him what to say or do. I'm not bothered with this BS between them. Adam is focus on the price right now..........

Urethra_Franklin said...

wah wah wah...hes whining cause he cant handle some constructive criticism. hes got a long road ahead if he cant handle Glambo's simple comments. He is this seasons Gokey: Inflated ego due to sympathy voting. He will go nowhere...FAST!

and whatevs...I LOVE Jimbo!! Rock on bitch!

Anonymous said...

Please! This is so tacky. Take this down! It does no one any good. Sites thrive on causing problems.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 24/7 for posting this. I agree with those of you that like James and want him only to enjoy his success like I would wish anyone else on the show. They will all have their own followers. You DON'T have to be one. No one is forcing James down your throat. It's just a freakin' interview in which Adam in mentioned for goodness sakes! What's wrong with some of you? Can't we love Adam and also want James to win THIS season? No one comes close to Adam, but there have to be other singers in this world. How many big time artists are out there that can't sing but are making the big bucks?? I have to say Adam ignited something when he said he was "so over" James. He shouldn't have said that. A million followers and word spreads. I love Adam to death, and I'd like to believe he is perfect, but he probably shouldn't have said that. James has had a lot to overcome and I don't wish any ill will on him or anyone else. Now, back to real life...ADAM!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the rest. This is "AdamLambert24/7". Not booohooo James is so upset Adam isn't blowing smoke up his arse.

Now I know why I don't come here that often. You'll post anything to get hits even if it is negative towards Adam.

Bye !!!

Anonymous said...

James,go to You Tube & listen to "Soaked"."Sleepwalker"etc, sung live & acousticly..Yes,Adam sings pop & rock,too,but his ballads sound even better live.Listen to the album also.Adam doesn't sing electronic( those were remixes,like the "Aftermath" one)...I am tired of this subject,too,now...enough's enough.!!

Anonymous said...

Take this BS down right now.
Interviewer was stupid!

I'm sure that if Adam saw this he would be very unhappy!

Let's keep it positive ya'll.
Why is this still up here. It's like fucking high school!!!!

Love Adam, with James the best of luck!

Bing said...

24/7 Admin thanks for all that you do in providing us with anything and everything about Adam Mitchel Lambert. Highly appreciate all the time and effort you put in working on this site.

JD is a young artist who has the same dreams as Adam. He is hurting right now and i'm aware of what he lacks in social graces. It is my wish that someone very close to him would give him a pep talk and be honest enough to make him realize that he isn't there yet and that he needs to further hone his craft in order to fulfill his dreams. That there is no easy way to get there and that you've got to work hard for your aspirations in life. Somebody has to make him aware of his weaknesses so that he can address them and hopefully shine in his field. AI failed to bring out the best in him because of those judges. JD can sing but Adam is spot on in saying that you have to offer something we've never heard before.

I can't blame Adam for being vocal about his choices because he has always been very honest. Adam tells it like it is without going around the bush. And to last in the music world JD needs the maturity that Adam has now. In fact this boy can learn so much from Adam.

Adam is already in a league of his own. The music industry has a lot of room for more talented young artists and if JD wants to make it big then he will have to work his butt off to improve on his vocals and style. I wish this boy well. And some reality check would be ultra useful this time around.

And to all the Glamberts, we can just ignore the hype and not dignify their issues. It is not worth our time anyway and we can avoid all sorts of negativity. I think Adam would prefer it that way :D
Kind regards to everyone.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

I meant WISH James the best of luck.
So would Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I see this topic dying out soon as the next AI eliminations take over the attention of viewers. Then the winner will be on all the shows, etc. and not James. Interest will fade in this silly controversy, let's hope! Then, they'll all go rehearse for the Idol tour. That'll be the end of it, and besides, all my attention will be on Adam anyway.

Anonymous said...

&:05 That supposed comment came after the voting was finished. We also know the interviewer could have just put that in or misinterpreted what was said. I know Adam isn't perfect who is? but he would not have meant anything to be mean. He was just trying to give James a few tips. I also think the judges should not have set James up like they did. I don't think American Idol actually tampers with the voting, but I do think they manipulate voting and that is what happened here. I guess they realized that if he was to stick to heavy metal, they probably wouldn't be making too much money from C.D. sales. Whereas country is a ready made market. America loves a good country singer.

Carlos said...

Obviously they want us to fight with his fans. People don't fall for this. Let it roll. Adam has the succesful career we can't complain about this minor incident.

Anonymous said...

This whole situation is just unfortunate and I agree we should just let it go and not fall for the stupid fan-warring nonsense Jim Cantielo is trying to set up. Adam never said anything offensive about James, he merely gave his honest opinions and pointed out a couple of things James and other contestants could do better. I agree the judges and the producers were pimping James too much and it probably pissed off AI voters, or made him seem like he had a larger audience than he did. I think James is a good singer and has potential but he came off as gimmicky on Idol and he did in fact imitate Adam's vocal style of singing; since James has yet to release any of this so called "rock and heavy metal" music he says he sings, of course people would compare him to Adam because Adam sang a lot of classic rock on Idol. To say he doesn't get the comparison is a bit ridiculous.
I wish the guy no ill will, but he isn't doing himself any favors by saying things like that, it's just not smart.
IMHO he just needs be appreciative of the opportunity he was given and grateful to Adam who indeed inspired him vocally if not stylistically.
Him denying this is disrespectful for the fans and someone should clear that up for him.
In the end it's the music that matters and I hope, for his sake, James delivers.
Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I am soo upset right now. After AI tonight FOX News aired a broadcast "suggesting" that Adam made have caused James from being voted off!! They further went on to take the words Adam said out of context such as Copycat and cookie cutter and implied that these were directly targeted at James!!

FOX -- what in the he### are you doing?? Every time Adam comes on AI the ratings go off the roof!! They know what kind of person Adam truly is. Trouble is Adam is soo very honest. He is entitled to his own opinions.

But, here is the sad reality --- Adam is always "under the microscope" whenever he expresses his opinions. Now what he "tweets" is under scrunity it seems too.

When Michelle Collins asked Adam if he felt James could be compared to his style - Adam took the high and SMART road and said it would be best not to say anything - but did express that James had talent and range.

Today on AI Ryan Seacrest mentioned that James also has a hometown celebration anyway -- and they aired some of that too.

James seems to be very bitter about being voted off. IMO - he is milking this for all he can - trying to place blame on Adam - when Adam was simply making a general overall observation.

Adam BB - you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. It is such a catch-22. I still hope Adam and Sauli still plan to attend the finale - but this latest fiasco with James may cause them to change their minds.

I agree with the above comment that Adam did inspire James vocally -- James should have taken this like a man - moved on and he will probably be signed with a label anyways - so why all this drama??

Life is too short for all of this nonsense!!


Anonymous said...

Huh - what's all this crazy squabbling on this thread? Chill, people. I also want so see all the footage of Adam i can - good, bad or otherwise.

James comment's seemed innocuous to me....

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

If he hasn't already got one, JD needs a manager BIG TIME because he doesn't seem to handle interviews well.

The internet is hyped with JD's fans blaming the voting that APPARENTLY was not the way it should've been the night JD was eliminated and pleading with the producers and the FCC to bring him back and there be a double elimination, as well as blaming Adam for JD's demise and hating Haley! Give me strength!! What has this contest come to? People all bitter and twisted because their favorite isn't still in the competition and demanding a recount? Well, I hope it doesn't work because it will mean it will happen with every disgrunted fan every time their favorite is eliminated. AI has already given JD a home-coming which has never been done before to a contestant who has come 4th. Will they do it again next year or was JD a special case?

The judges are most certainly to blame for the JD situation. I know it's been said many times before but if the judges hadn't pimped him to the max and beyond, he may still be in the competition. I saw a headline that said JLo may be back on AI next year. More sugar and saccharine to the person she wants to win .... oh please, NO!! Simon, Kara and Paula brought kudos to the show unlike Randy, JLo and Stephen who have brought absolutely no credibility to the show whatsoever.

I may be totally wrong but I think it will be a Scotty/Lauren Alaina finale with either to win. Not my choice but country music is very popular in the U.S.

Adam is my favorite and always will be. :)

Anonymous said...

^Oops, disgruntled not disgrunted!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure Idol will stay on the air. Maybe another year. This year started out so promising but degenerated into a mess. Judges fault totally. Trying to manipulate the outcome they wanted. Steven Tyler didn't add too much (except much needed humor), but at least he didn't slam those kids inappropriately like Randy and even JLo. I have to turn down the volumn when JLo comments as she's so loud.

Scotty will no doubt be the winner. Maybe Haley can make the finals. I hope so, and I hope she brings her dad again. He was really neat.

Anonymous said...

The Voice is so superior to Idol. No contest.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, James inadvertently masterminded his own downfall. By mimicking Adam, he shifted the viewers' attention to judge whether he was as good as Adam. Alas, the viewers saw through it, disagreed and really, why would they want to vote for an Adam far-cry. When he sang A Change Is Gonna Come for his audition, I had my suspicion and later, followed by Don't Stop Believing. The other downside was he was off-key and off-pitch a lot. So James, be honest, don't blame. If you really want to blame, it's the judges; they should have prepared you for a less traumatic send-home.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Thankyou 24/7 for giving us all of the news. Those offended scroll on by. I for one an against censorship and feel that forwarned is forarmed and we have a right to news good or bad and hopefully have the sense not to give the negaytive sights or trolls satisfaction. I still don't believe in walking around uninformed or "looking thru' rose tinted glasses." If an earthquake is coming I want to know about it, not bury my head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. Adam deals with this every day. Life isn't always pretty and you don't have to engage in the war, but it's good to know what's out there. Bad stuff is going on in Uganda, but glad I was informed so I could vote and make a difference in a positive way. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Gossip runs the world in entertainment. I wish Adam would have not weighed in on AI. The brain draining Kris vs Adam was enough. I don't even watch AI...because it's such a silly show and I wish Adam would have moved on from it (AI).

Entertainers shouldn't comment on other entertainers even IF they've come from the same show. Tweeting...about AI contestants was a mistake so, maybe next yr Adam will mum's-the- word on who he supports.

Anonymous said...

What a lot of rubbish! The comments have been ridiculous on twitter over this subject. Adam is a very classy guy ... this speculation is low class!

Anonymous said...

Never mind, it will be one of the old news tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Thank God my ladies are here to raise the average of the ..Berts' EQ scores and save us from...!

Anonymous said...


You are so sweet!

My personal view is they should bring back Crystal and make her the winner this year! She should have been last year. CL

coloforadam said...

Oh, Jamsie,Jamsie - Adam's fans could not have been responsible for your lack of votes. We don't/can't watch Amer Idol ........ anymore. Maybe you were a victim of rabid finger punching by someone else's organized fan base. (Sound familiar?) Believe me, it wasn't us. We're much too busy on Adam 24/7, etc. and honestly, I really don't even know what day AI is on, unless there is clear information that Adam is gracing the show with his staggeringly superior manner of performance.

Adamluv said...

@coloforadam - very amusing!!!!

Anonymous said...

CRIKEY!!!! another HEATED DEBATE.....
thanks 24/7 we do NEED to know all things ADAM LAMBERT......
GEEZ...cannot believe all this A1 crap!! should all just Stop watching American Idol ..i have not watched it after Adam .... we in UK get it a day later and by then its already been all over the news!!!..i did see a hightlight of *WINGNUT* James blubbering and found him quite pathetic...foolish boy...
......anyways back to loving the Lambert
Glambrit IOW UK