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Adam Lambert is Excited for 'True Blood'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 26, 2011

Watch the trailer for True Blood's 4th season below:


Anonymous said...

never watched it before, looks interesting esp. since that girl said what do you want from

Anonymous said...

My daughter has been determined to force me to watch this series and I have dodged it. She blackmailed me......She is the sweet girl who comes once a week to tidy up our homestead and I save all my Adam chatter and she patiently listens, looks at all the photos I want to show her and actually is the one who took my poster of Adam out of the box in the closet and hung it on the outside of the door......................
She scolded me, "Mom, you know Adam's out of the closet!"........................................
So, she brought me Season 1 and I am deep into vampire culture, but have a lot of catching up to do....werewolves, witches and fairies, oh my!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I didn't know that Adam has such a bad taste. I never heard about this show and never will watch it
Adam. what is going on with you?

julia said...

I think Adam and Tommy love this type of movie !!

Hk fan said...

I love True Blood, its one one my guilty secrets when I'm doing the ironing tucked away in my bedroom. I need to check when we will be getting series 4, although I like buying the dvds so I can watch the unedited version..

Anonymous said...

Neck biting and messy blood - Not my Thing -
Puzzled as to why Adam would like this crap.

Anonymous said...

I love True Blood too, but wasn't really impressed with this first episode...probably because I know I slept through some of it :(
What a great day at Pride Parade! I met so many terrific people! We had teens carrying our PFLAG banners.We didn't have many young ones last year ( just mostly moms and dads). I had encouraged a parent to march for the first time this year. I told her, "If you want to feel like a rock star, march with PFLAG!" After about a block she came running back to where I was and said "You were sooo right, I will never be able to explain this to my husband!" I get such a reaction to the sign I wear...a quote from Adam...Love has NO Orientation. Sad to say, some of these kids giving the Love sign back to me have been abandoned by their families. Hopefully this will change soon. Often they come out of the crowd for a "Mom hug".
I have designed a poster that goes with our Closets are for Clothes float. The regional director saw it and said it brought tears to her eyes. It is a "glambird" pulling a hanger holding a shirt into the bright sky. You put a picture of your child or anyone you know at a young age on that shirt who is part of the LGBT community. (Little Adam in his cowboy hat would be cute!)I have may son's first grade picture. It makes it personal. That is what this is all about. Adam brought a lot of straight fans to this civil rights movement because we love him. Not just his artistic talents, but because of the wonderful man he is. I consider him family...even though I have not met him. It is also true that I was very depressed after the AMA performance, and saw the comments on a recent site about that and I agree with what was said. I have since learned that this is a journey that is tough for so many because of ignorance mostly, but we are moving into a new era of acceptance and understanding. So glad to be part of it! I will take over as the chairperson of my chapter in October. Adam inspires...and of course, so does my son, AND the Glamily!
Glamberts Rule!


glitzylady said...

I agree with @HK fan..I LOVE True Blood, and was watching it even before I knew Adam is such a fan. I missed the first season because we didn't have HBO, bought Season 1 (out of curiosity) when it came out on DVD just before Season 2 started, watched the whole season 1, 3 shows at at time, and called my cable provider to sign me up for HBO. It's a fun, totally campy, and very addictive series..Not for everyone, but my husband and I both think its great. Had to miss the first episode tonight (had guests for dinner..) but will watch tomorrow.

@Anon 9:47 AM
Don't knock it until you've tried it...I happen to think Adam has very GOOD taste. : )

For those who aren't aware, the whole series is tongue in cheek a lot of the time,often very funny and witty, sometimes sad, and is also often a social commentary on the parallels between these fantasy Vampires and the GLBT community, and the discrimination they each face. One of the signs you occasionally see posted on some random wall, etc., is "God Hates Fangs", for instance. In this world, Vampires have "come out" and are trying to live in mainstream society..which creates some interesting situations. The creator of True Blood is gay, and several of the characters are as well. It makes perfect sense that Adam would enjoy this extremely popular series. Oh, and some of the characters are VERY sexy...which keeps Adam.... and me... VERY happy........(My personal favorite is Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) , the ancient Viking Vampire, living in modern day those Vikings......!!!)

Yep, its a "guilty pleasure".

glitzylady said...

I too was at the Seattle Pride Parade, saw your group but for some reason didn't see you. : ( Probably on the wrong side of the street..

Seattle had a HUGE turn out for the parade, which lasted THREE hours, the longest parade I've ever been to, and it was awesome!

The weather was perfect, sunny, warm, and clear blue skies, and the streets were lined with crowds, often 10 or more deep. It made me extremely proud to be in an area where there is such a welcoming community for the Pride activities. The love and acceptance was just overwhelming. It gives me great hope for the future. Soooo many young people there today. I had to miss the Pride Fest at the Seattle Center afterwards due to previous commitments, but wished I could have done that as well.

Interestingly enough, my husband and I were randomly interviewed by a reporter for the Seattle Times, just before the parade ended. Maybe we'll end up in the paper, maybe not..

As we drove into and out of the city, I loved seeing the Rainbow Flag flying atop the Space Needle. It gives me hope that Washington State may vote for Marriage Equality in 2012, and be the next state (or one of the next) to celebrate that..I have a good feeling about it..but we'll see. If it were up to all of those in Seattle participating in the Pride activities, it would be a done deal right now.

tess4ADAM said...

Never saw this series ... it's on HBO I think ... I don't get any premium channels ... but even so I'm not a fan of vampire movies, etc. So I'll never see True Blood ... I watch other things ... to each his own ... why is ADAM so excited .. do you s'pose? A Guest Appearance this season? Hmmm ...


glitzylady said...

Adam is excited because True Blood is one of his favorite shows on TV. He's talked about that many times. It would be super if he had a guest appearance but I think it's just because, like me, he's a fan. We can only hope he gets to be on it one of these days. He's expressed interest in ; )

If you go back up to my post at 11:30 PM, you might possibly get a better idea of why he likes it, for many reasons. But as you say, to each his own. It isn't for everyone. And it definitely is not for kids.. period. There are other more PG rated Vampire related shows on TV but this is the only one I watch. The others don't interest me. I liked the "Twilight" book series, it was light summer reading a few years ago, but am not a big fan of the movies, although I've seen them.

Hk fan said...

Erics my favourite vampire too..Love Lafayette as well...Jasons quite cute too for a dork.

Anonymous said...

Greg Wells is song writer!
Adam is in work hard now.

Anonymous said...

I love True Blood. It´s a HBO production so it´s quality, like Six Feet Under, another favourite. Of course Eric, the Swedish viking is the best vampire. Alexander is one of many Skarsgård brothers in movies and theater.


Anonymous said...

Not into vampire, bloodthirsty and/or violent movies at all so True Blood is out for me .... to each his/her own.

Anonymous said...

My guilty pleasure is VAMPIRES DIARY INDEED!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was the humor that has hooked me...strangely enough fantasy violence...vampires, werewolves,
the Frankenstein monster, etc. doesn't bother me, but I leave the TV room to my husband for
CSI, NCIS, Bones, all cop shows, etc.

I can't take the series and movies that depict what people actually do to each other...the real type sadism,horror and murder...they depress me greatly. I don't want to face reality I guess!

It might have something to do with my childhood fascination with fairytales....not the edited,sweet,cleaned up ones, the real scare your socks off kind! I've collected them for years!............JAK

Anonymous said...

i LOVE true blood!!! cuz of adam i started watching it, and i liked it!! hihi

Anonymous said...

I also started watching true blood years ago because of adam. Don't have HBO so I get it easily on netflix. Season 3 is just coming out on netflix, so will have to wait along time to watch this new season. But both my husband and I got sucked into it and love it. there's no show like it today, much better then twilight series.

Anonymous said...

Other than sharing a love for True Blood, Adam and Greg Wells worked together on Pick U Up, Strut, Broken Open and........Can't Let You Go!!
He's a song writer and producer. Sure hope they are working together again.

Wells is the guy who said when they were in the studio recording Can't Let You Go that by the end of the song Adam was singing on his knees! I can imagine, singing that is a tour de force!

Anonymous said...

So sorry we didn't see each other. Last year I was hauling the closet float, this year I held the sign for Bellevue PFLAG and was probably on the wrong side of the street for you! We also had more of us marching than last year...a good sign for sure! Last I heard there were 400,000 at the parade. Great turn out. Thanks for explaining the tongue in cheek aspect to True Blood. It is all about gay rights etc. (God hates Fangs).
Adam should be on this show. Love anon 7:04 "both my husband and I got "sucked into it". lol
Here is a new Beatitude I saw on Saturday: Blessed are they who know how to laugh at themselves, for they will never run out of amusement".


Anonymous said...

Here are some pictures of Seattle Parade. I have my hand over my face, but if you look closely you can see I have " Love has no Orientation sign on. Great Day!


tess4ADAM said...

Here's something that came in a fortune cookie I got with my dinner ...

Everything has Beauty ... but ... not Everyone sees it!!

Just wanted to share this with you ALL ... thanx for the posts about True Blood ... keeping my fingers crossed that ADAM & Greg Wells 'Tweet' may be some kind of 'code' for things to come for ADAM .. 'kay? Love 'n Light


glitzylady said...

Thanks for the picture link! I looked through many of them and discovered that I was standing right behind/next to the two cute guys in picture # 85..They were so cute and having a fabulous time, especially the one in the tank top and the blue and white lei...this was taken either before or after I spent most of the parade in that spot. Guess I should look through the rest..might find myself too..

Anonymous said...

I, too LOVE True Blood. Have seen every episode at least once. I think Adam would make a great guest vamp, just break out the spray tan cuz those guys seem to get undressed A LOT.

@Glitzy; if you didn't watch last night, go to and catch it before next week, or trust me, you won't know what's happening. Season Premiere is a real WTF episode. Now off to the link for the Parade in Seattle.


glitzylady said...

I'll be watching it tonight, as soon as hubby gets home from work..Maybe even before! It's on my DVR..just waiting for me ; ) In fact.... hmmmm...might just do that....

Actually, Adam would be perfect as a Vampire..they are pretty pale, due to the lack of sunlight (kinda fries 'em...) so he wouldn't need make-up. I know how that goes, I'm the same freckly easy-burn type..Lots of sunscreen for me..and more freckles...

The Dark Side said...

I don't get HBO because I don't pay for the cable premium channel out of...well, I think cable gouges it's customers and we have no choice but to pay their outrageous prices. As there are only one or two shows on HBO that I would watch, am happy with current arrangement. Can't get a dish as my property surrounded by big trees, which in fact help the environment. Now everyone knows my secrets. I adore Adam and am an environmentalist. This show looks very cool!

glitzylady said...

@The Dark Side
Rent from NetFlix.. ; ) Or maybe your local library has a DVD collection, etc...You really have to start with episode 1, Season 1 if you're going to make any sense out of it..Anyone jumping in now would be completely confused...

And I agree, cable charges WAY too much for everything, although when I got HBO, we got it free for a year..along with another Premium Channnel, Starz. When the year was up, they started charging A BUNCH of $$ and I went back, told them I was going to drop it because it's just too expensive. They gave me another free year with absolutely no fuss at all, in fact that's what the rep told me when I first got it, as soon as it's up, ask for another year etc... I'm not advocating getting premium channels, etc, but if interested, they are usually willing to "deal", at least Comcast is..

Anonymous said...

I don't get HBO so have never seen True Blood. But, because of Adam talking about it and liking it so much - I have just purchased Seasons 1 thru 3 on DVD. Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady thank you for the summary of the True Blood television show! I don't get cable at all but I think I might be able to see it through Netfli Hulu Plus if I ever have time. It did not sound appealing at all until you described it. I too read and really enjoyed the Twilight books series a few years ago but have only seen one of the movies which in my opinion was horribly acted by the three main characters. I have the rest on my Netflix and will eventually get them though I hear are nothing compared to the book.

@lmb you are a warrior and an inspiration! San Francisco had about a million people and it also lasted 3 days. One person, one step at a time. Hopefully in our lifetimes, things will be "normal" for GLBTQ. It absolutely breaks my heart and makes me terribly sad that parents and families abondon their children who come out to them. May they rot in hell!


Anonymous said...


I was going to skip this thread because I don't watch True Blood. Glad I didn't.

I was at the Seattle Pride Parade and looked for you too. When your group came up I was going to scream "GLAMBERT HERE!", but the crowd was cheering so loud and having such crazy fun that I could never have gotten your attention.

Thanks for the picture link. Fun to see at least part of your face. :)

It was a beautiful day, on so many levels. The festival afterwards was great fun with an unusually warm and sunny day in Seattle. Crystal Bowersox who was the runner up a couple of seasons back on AI performed on the main stage late afternoon. I enjoyed her on the show, but she really is a good singer live and such a cutie. No auto-tune required for her either.

The whole spectrum of the rainbow was present at the parade and festival which makes it so very delightful. Everyone celebrating.

Long fun weekend. Started with the Seattle Men's Chorus and Captain Smarty Pants...who were amazing, on to the Capital Hill Pride Festival Saturday, the parade and festival at the Seattle Center on Sunday. What a whirlwind of a weekend! I am exhausted ... but my spirit feels full. :)

@lmb, congrats on getting the chairperson of your PFLAG chapter. You rock!

Can't wait to see your write up in the paper!

lmb,it's so funny that you, glitzylady and myself were so close, yet so far, maybe even passed by each other at the festival. Crazy world. But now I know what you hand looks like, so if I see it again I will give you a call out! LOL!

Here's to Marriage Equality in Washington state in 2012.


Anonymous said...

@JAK - Had to respond about your Adam poster in a box in your closet. My Adam poster is actually hanging on the wall in my closet. My husband hung it there for me. He knows my rather large closet is not just for my clothes, but for me when I want to get away from it all. My closet brings me solace. Weird, I know - I'm probably the only one who enjoys being in the closet!

Anonymous said...


So funny and practical! Unfortunately my closet is a small one.....Adam and I would be in very close quarters! lol .....JAK