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Adam Lambert by Micah Smith (New Old PhotoShoot)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 26, 2011

Source: starfishla (More pictures at source!)

Thanks to Wayiwannabe2010 and Memy! (From IdolForums)


Anonymous said...

Oh my. That last picture. Stunning.


Anonymous said...

some good pictures of the band and more of Adam at source. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

A full display of his "eye sex" looks and then the sweet innocent "just kidding" looks for last two shots.......Sister, I agree.....Oh My!...JAK

Anonymous said...

These pictures are stink!!!!!!!!!!!
Where is LEE!!!

Anonymous said...

On another thread it was said they look like yearbook shots and I have to agree. Not like Lee Cherry's pics that capture the inner and outer beauty of Adam.Hard for Adam not to take a good pic, but the photographer did not do him justice. JMO

Anonymous said...

We beg for pics of Adam, then complain. No pleasing some people.

Anonymous said...

Totally OT on adamtopia there is a video of James Durbins first EP, nothing to do with his album. It;s Green Days Time of your Life. Adam nailed it, he is a complete copycat, can't tell his from the original. Very boring,autotuned so he doesn't go off key and OMG not metal! He said Adam sold out,well Adam had some rock songs on FYE and would never try to sound like another artist. Sorry I had to vent this out because JD was so much talk,now let's see how he handles the realities of the industry.

Hk fan said...

Must admit, was thinking not the best photo shoot, until I got to the last one, that one is just gorgeous, beautiful smile and very natural.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who can't appreciate the beauty of these pics, just imagine that he is sitting on the corner of a bed and giving you those looks. Better? LOL


Cheril said...

The last picture of Adam is gorgeous. He was meant to be a star.

Anonymous said...

thanks, Sister. yes, much better!

And... wish Sauli would hurry up and show up. Gah!!! I'm way too invested in Adam's happiness..

glitzylady said...

So let's put it another way, I would LOVE to have been the photographer taking these pics...except that they would have ALL been blurry because I would have been reduced to a quivering puddle on the floor. And I am very grateful to him for sharing....

I agree with @JAK: the "eye sex" alone is worth whatever they might be lacking in photographic perfection..Adam has that eye thing pretty much perfected. A little photoshopping and enhancing and these pics would be better than fine,and pretty much are anyway...

Anonymous said...

Since I've never seen the pictures before, thanks for posting them here. I'm glad for anything I get that is Adam related.

Anonymous said...

The more I look at these photos, the more I like them. They're a different look for Adam and they keep drawing me back in AND there are heaps more to gaze upon at the source! <3

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are so beautifully natural.

Anonymous said...

The "eyes" are familiar in our family, for some reason my grandson started using them when he was a teenager (I think it was the year Zoolander came out)....anyway, he would narrow his lids give us a full blast sideways when he was trying to "work a deal" with his Mom. She'd just say "doesn't work with me buddy!"

It's a family joke it always makes me laugh when I see Adam "working" a photographer!

Anonymous said...

Adam is as always gorgeous, but I'm not a fan of the composition of these photographs. Random lamp an integral part of the pic? Holding up clothes on hangers? Seriously? Seriously? LOL

My dd had her senior pictures taken last year and I waded through a TON of really bad "professional" photographs online portfolios and none of them had composition this bad and stilted.

Anonymous said...

@10:45pm re Durbin. I was actually laughing at Durbn's Green Day cover since he was soooo critical of Adam "selling out" and so adamant that he would never do that since HE was going to bring metal back. Not only is Green Day not metal, his cover is a note for note (and autotuned) copy of the original. Talk about sell out. Then again, I see why TPTB did it -- it worked very well for Kris Allen and LLWD, also a note for note cover.

Anonymous said...

These photos were obviously not studio shots, just candid shots during the GNT tour, don't be so picky, just be grateful for some more photos of our boy. They perked up my morning!...JAK

Anonymous said...

These pictures were from In Rock Magazine Japan from awhile ago. Holding up his outfit looks like time of the tour.Read this info on another thread.Sexy sexy eyes! I love his smile in the last picture.

Anonymous said...

Love the pix, of course, especially the last one. As for the Durbin thing, the irony is that he may do very well regardless. I won't watch the video. I hope he becomes a non-entity. No class. (I hesitated responding to this, because I really don't want to open up a new discussion about JD. I just ate.)

Anonymous said...

10:42pm lol, so true.

Anonymous said...

I think the last pic of Adam is the best also.If you DON'T want to see Durbin win AIOTM,then vote for Thia M..Some know Adam can't catch up now,even tho we're still voting for him,but we'd rather see Thia win than James.Thia isn't all that far behind him now.It's up to you all.I may not vote @ all next month.I'll see.

Anonymous said...

I've been wandering a little thru my Adam pre Idol days.......found this review I'd never read before.......perhaps it's new to you as well.
In 2004 when Adam sang Come to Me, Bend to Me from Brigadoon (sigh) the Houston reviewer said
"Lambert's gorgeous tenor voice makes Charlie's
love songs, especially the unforgettable "Come to Me, Bend to Me" - swoon-worthy."

Swoon-worthy.....a description from the epic early Sinatra days. Quite a compliment for the then 22 year old Adam. Wish I'd been in that audience................JAK

Anonymous said...

I haven't been voting on any polls and feel so liberated, I know that sounds corny but they were getting to be too much. I really could care less who wins any of them. If it's a vote one time thing I'll be there. I read somewhere you can do something to your browser and vote over and over. Not really sure I read it right though.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Thia win that poll over JD. I've voted a lot. Adam has won this one a number of times anyway. I TOTALLY agree that these polls are ridiculous and pointless. Just fan mania. They also get people mad and spitefull and rude. I'd love to see them all go away. I've voted my share, but I think I'll stop now, too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of the previous comments about these pictures. The last one is the best. That smile...gorgeous. And at this point any pictures of Adam are better than nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

last pic* ohhhh bb***

The Dark Side said...

Everybody's a critic! Any pictures during this dry period are welcome. I think they are save worthy and will do just that.

Anonymous said...

I love to see any pics of Adam. Sorry but I`m forced to say my opinion: Adam cuty, sexy etc. as always, but HIS BEAUTIFULL SOUL is not captured in these. My op, sry!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:07

Wow. What an interesting observation. "His beautiful soul is not captured in these" Maybe that is what I am feeling with these pics too. They are same "looks" that he always has...the sexy eyes...the come hither look, but the energy of the pics seems somehow different and I don't think it is the lamp :) or photo quality. Very interesting comment. I still think he is beautiful. I still love the last pic, but the energy seems somewhat different. His soul/spirit/energy/aura, whatever one chooses to call it seems different in these pics. huh. Very interesting comment Anon.


Anonymous said...

He is beautiful. I like his hair in these pic's.
He isn't really posing in these, more natural and relaxed. Maybe he was a little tired, that could be by the "spark" is missing. I love the last one too.


Ronnie said...

To me these pics turned upside down after I read your opinions. Maybe P.A.S. came closer. I see Adam's beautiful soul, because he is too tired to pose. He is like one of us on a common sofa, BUT still so special. I think those pics are rare. In the last pic he shines again. This is an interesting thread! your opinions. Maybe P.A.S. came closer. I see Adam's beautiful soul, because he is too tired to pose. He is like one of us on a common sofa, BUT still so special. I think those pics are rare. In the last pic he shines again. This is an interesting thread!

Ronnie said...

Sorry my cell makes his own stories. The above one is a mess. Gosh. Hopefully someone gets the point.Sorry my cell makes his own stories. The above one is a mess. Gosh. Hopefully someone gets the point.

glitzylady said...

@Ronnie 2;31 PM
@Ronnie 2:31 PM
@Ronnie 2:36 PM
@Ronnie 2:36 PM

; ) Your cell phone must love Adam too..since its making sure we didn't miss what you said, and is repeating itself! I've been known to do that myself! LOL!!!

I agree, I think Adam does look a little tired here, and the lighting is harsh..Although I have to say I don't mind that sleepy-eyed look. : ) But he still has the ability to look quite gorgeous, and his soul always shines through in spite of that. Always..

Anonymous said...

@Ronnie -
No need to apologize, a GOOD thing is worth repeating, LOL!

Almost as good as this old saying: A GOOD man is hard to find and a hard man is GOOD to find... :):):)

C'moon guys, maybe his spirit/spark or what ever you call it, just needed a few minutes rest...

GGD Gal, always happy to see pics of Adam I haven't seen before

Anonymous said...


@Ronnie@Ronnie@Ronnie@Ronnie... LOL

Yes, maybe just tired (he is human after all)...and always beautiful.

Now, Ronnie, go get control of your cell phone. It seems to have a mind of its own! mind of its own!mind of its own!mind of its own!


Anonymous said...

The worst pictures of Adam are a thousand times better than the best picture of anyone else.

In times of draught be happy for a drop of water.

Anonymous said...

totally agree with anon 3:48

Anonymous said...

That last picture is hot 'cause it looks so natural and unposed. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Yearbook pictures? Excuse me, does anybody look this good in any of their yearbook pictures?
I still see a beautiful and caring soul shining through all of these.....

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Alas, there were no boys in my year book that looked near this good. I wonder what it said under his year book picture. Does anyone know?
I remember someone saying they'd bought his year book on e-bay.

Under my photo it said "Tall and Sophisticated"
??????????? Well, they got it half right I was tall!.............JAK

glitzylady said...

I found this picture of Adam, although it isn't his "official" picture that we see of him usually. It was included in an old (2009) MTV photo essay of various celebs...And has a humorous quote by Adam about a play he was in, apparently.

Anonymous said...

These photos are differently interesting and keep me coming back to them. :)

Australian Idol of the Month poll - I only vote for ADAM. He is my ONLY Idol. JD or Thia are going to win this month for sure but my interest is only ADAM! I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's automatic voting happening on that poll. There's an excessive amount of votes going through every 20 minutes for them and for Haley as well. I wish they'd remove the comments section. There are too many nasty remarks being made.

I vote on every poll where Adam's name appears, regardless of how insignificant the poll may be.

Anonymous said...

What intriguing photos. <3

The first one is my favorite at the moment.

I vote for Adam wherever possible. It's a way of supporting him, along with buying his CDs/other merchandise and attending his concerts and appearances. It's the least I can do for all the joy he and his music have brought into my life.

Ronnie said...

Hopefully better day.
Don´t wanna echo here all the time as I was standing on a top of a mountain shouting Adam`s name to the world, lol!

But thanks anyway for your support!

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert
adam looks handsome

Anonymous said...

What I find really funny about this whole thing where James Durbin insinuated that Adam did not stay true to his rock and roll in his first cd....Is I never remember Adam at any time saying his cd would be rock...He was very diverse on Idol...on Idol tour he sung Zep, Muse, Bowie...and other songs from Idol show...His cd is a glamerous amazing package of rock to pop...that is what he wanted...and it is an amazing playlist of great songs...Durbin needs to keep his mouth shut...I do not see any huge success for him because I believe he lives in some sort of fantasy land where he thinks people will clamor for his music...He needs some humility lessons and marketing lessons....I remember when I attended the Idol concert with my daughter...the fans screaming for Adam was insane...the fans for him post Idol tour insane...the demand for him to be on shows...insane...his Glam Tour huge...his hits...worldwide famous...including his it is really obnoxious for a unproven artist to even compare himself (especially when his vocals are no where near as good)...I will not bother to even listen to his music...he lost me as a fan on Idol show when his mouth could not stop its non-stop praising of himself...