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Adam Lambert's "Whataya Want From Me" - Over 20 million views!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 24, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 24, 2011

Adam Lambert's "Whataya Want From Me" music video on Youtube VEVO has surpassed 20 million views today!

Watch it below:


Anonymous said...

Ride the Wave, You are Frikkin' Awesome.
You always come out on top!!!!
Love you to pieces!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited for you Adam!!!!!!!

The next album will be nuts !!!!!! Oh! Adam give us a tiny hint please!!!!!!???????


Take care of your VOICE and be safe!!!!

Anonymous said...

This song has done so well all over the world. I still hear it on the radio and always loved this video. Adam looks so young and innocent. Love the part with the tear running down his cheek. Wait till his next video when his next single gets released. Hope it gets 100 million plus views like Gaga's and many others. Adam deserves that recognition!

Anonymous said...

I am personally responsible for 1257 of those twenty million views. It would have been more but I developed arthritis in my clicker finger!

Anonymous said...

I say we all request it at our radio stations. It has had so much press this week. Why not get something out of it and get mor exposure!!! Come on Glammies we can do it!!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I heard it at the supermarket. It was 4 minutes of pleasant grocery shopping.

@3:17 I totally agree with your comment we should call our local radio stations and ask them to play WWFM or even IIHY. Wished Adam had a radio edit of Aftermath remix. I love what Billboard did with it. But it's too long for radios to play it.

There is a thread on that has contact information of all radios in U.S. If someone knows about it please post the link here. Next week we should make it our mission to call up radios and request WWFM. How about it?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the 2nd album is scheduled to come out?

FYE dropped on my birthday, it was awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I sooooo love that video...never tire of it. I love the plain Adam look and the Voice, cannot be compared. I haven't requested WWFM on the radio in a few weeks now, so that's a great idea to start a radio campaign since the recent press this last week. Let's do it!


glitzylady said...

I was out with a group of Adam friends last night at a popular chain restaurant (Claim Jumper) in the Seattle area, and we were chatting up a storm, it was busy and noisy in there, when all of a sudden we all stopped, our ears perked up and there it was: "Oh my god, its Adam singing WWFM! Funny how we just tune in any time we hear that familiar tune and voice!

Just as an aside, I don't know how.... ahem....anyone in the popular music biz...and I think you know to whom I refer...not mentioning any names of course..could not have heard that song/be familiar with it..but what do I know.....just sayin'. Sheesh.....

Anonymous said...

Behind The Music ad in Rolling Stone magazine with picture of Adam. Post it 24/7:

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady Check out ahem's youtube videos' views and compare it to our Adam. He has less views on his videos than our Adam. Just an observation I searched on youtube this morning.

Yes, we better sheesh about it and move on by calling our radio stations and request WWFM. This is more positive than dwelling on unpleasant things of the past.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you have loved to have heard all the responses of those 20 million viewers when Adam sang - "whataya want from me?" I can only imagine! LOL!

and @LizardEyes I love what you wrote - Ride the Wave, You are Frikkin' Awesome. I SO agree. :)


Anonymous said...

Request WWFM and download it from itunes even if you already have it. It moved way up the chart after the VOICE incident. # one hundred and something I believe as of yesterday. Yup Adam and all of us will be riding a tidal wave when his next album rises to the top of all the charts!!!

Anonymous said...

WWFM is a very good pop song, 20years after today, it will still be recognized like all the unforgettable music which sing by a legend.

Dinah-mite said...

Me likey:)

Thanks Adam Levine! See,no worries.... As Adam says:
Saaaaaaaal Goooooooo

Trust that boy! :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:31 PM
I've long since moved on..and not dwelling. Just find it curious. Adam is set to take over the world the next time around with the new album...Could care less about the other "ahem" guy...Never did, never will. And since "sheesh" did bring considerable attention to Adam Lambert in a positive way, I'm thanking him. ; )

Anonymous said...


Welcome home! Glad to see you back. Hope you filled some of your away time thinking of some more good stories for us, about Adam.

@sister is an excellent writer of fiction. I think she was working on a story. I bet the two of you could really come up with a good movie story for our Adam. We know he can act if he can remember all the words to sooooooo many songs, he'll remember his lines.

Hollywood give our boy a chance on the big screen. The AMT's would be busy. Even my hubby thinks Adam would make it big, like Elvis, if he got a good movie.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely love, love, love this song and the video. WWFM was my favorite song last year of all that was out there. I could recognize it from the first note that Monte plays on the guitar. Whenever I hear it on the radio now, it still brings a smile to my face and I can't stop myself from singing along with it. Can't wait for Adam's second album to come out. It's like waiting for the birth of a baby with such anticipation, joy and love.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just making a name for himself in the music business. Let's not push him into the movies as they did with Elvis. In my opinion Elvis only made two or three decent movies early in his career. My favorite was KING CREOLE.Watch it if you haven't seen it. Then came all those crappy musicals, one after the other, each one built around the same story line and they were terrible. I was a big Elvis fan when I was young, but those movies did me in and I am sure they did for him. Let Adam enjoy fame, success, and longevity as a musical performer with albums, videos and concerts. Only if a special script comes his way should he consider the big screen. He could start off in a small part for a tv drama if the part is right and eventually I would like to see him on the Broadway stage.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw Adam's WWFM video, I couldn't believe it! He was sooooooooooo good and ahead of his time. It was all Adam and his beautiful voice. Keep on riding the wave Adam - you're doing it perfectly!
Love and Peace!

Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody can push Adam into doing anything he does not want to do. He has said he would like to do TV, movies, and maybe, at a later time, do broadway. Elvis did not have to do the movies, he could have said no, after all he was the star. I think Adam is very much in control of his life. Things have kind of changed in Hollywood today. I don't think many stars are under contract like the old days.

Anonymous said...

I also believe that Adam is in control of his own life to a large degree. But there is still management and the record company that he has to deal with too. As far as Elvis, he was probably under contract to the studio at that time and had to star in 1 or 2 movies a year and really had no choice as long as Col. Parker was his manager. I will support Adam no matter what he chooses to do whether it is music, movies or the stage.

Bing said...

Hubby is very discriminating when it comes to music and for him to like WWFM just means that this song appeals even to music snobs like him. I will forever be thankful to Pink for giving this to Adam who gave justice to it more that anyone else could. Adam's versatility as a singer enables him to interpret his songs as he pleases and they always work for me. Only a few are gifted that makes Adam absolutely a treasure and his country must learn to accept that reality.

Adam was not only born to sing but he was also born for music videos. God knows i'm dying to see the next one but at the rate that he is working his ass off, i don't mind waiting.

Congrats again Adam. So many good news, what a happy day for us.

Anonymous said...

Adam has voiced out several times he wants to be in a movie and even said he would sign up in a heartbeat if a good offer comes to him. I think acting is as much an integral part of him as singing. He said so himself. His movie will be a box-office toppler.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Welcome back KW! You were missed! We were just chatting a while back, wondering when you would return. Good to see you back!

You are very kind. But I was just filling in for KW while he was gone. :) @KW, I pass the baton back to you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Sister, how is your Bert Hardrock, haven't heard about him for quite awhile.
Seriously, why don't you write a novel? Any subject, but I like the mysterious or quirky kind where you can't put down the book. Occasionally, the story the 4 of us weirdly put together, started by you, still gives me the giggles. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...


I think we may have you mixed up with a former KW who was on this site for awhile....a
viking and pirate loving KW. If that is the case, we welcome you as a new contributor!
If you are our former KW, how is your partner?

Anonymous said...

Sorry wrong KW. But thank you for welcoming me. I'll change mine to KRW just so they don't think I'm trying to steal someone's identity.

Anonymous said...

someone should send this to adam levine. just so he could understand the backlash from the glamberts. what an idiot. 2t2tag

Anonymous said...

@Lam my

Ha! Yeah, still amuses me too. It was a fun collaborative fan fiction novelette to fill a lull in Adam news. LOL


Whitney said...

Welcome back KW! You were missed! We were just chatting a while back, wondering when you would return. Good to see you back! @P.A.S. You are very kind. But I was just filling in for KW while he was gone. :) @KW, I pass the baton back to you. PRIDE WEEKEND IN SEATTLE!!!!! WHOOO-HOOO!!!!! Sister