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Another Video of Adam Lambert Performing '20th Century Boy' If I Had You' in MAXIDROM

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 2, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, June 02, 2011

Thanks to militaryjanne!


Anonymous said...

Why is it that no matter how many 100 times I've heard these songs, I still never stop the vid till he's through singing? I guess I don't want to be rude and my subconscious is singing along with him, every word, every note, intake of breath......this is kinda scary.

Perhaps the next step after obsession is possession.......Am I possessed? I warned long ago that he had put a spell on the "chosen ones"
(that is The Glamberts)!!! It must be true.

Anonymous said...

That was so cool what an entertainer. For those that wanted A Rockstar Adam, this is for you. That boy can do anything, from opera to Hard Rock. I know I am raving to the converted here. So great.

Adamluv said...

@Jadam, here I am! I want the Rockstar Adam and here he is in all his rock awesomeness! That 20th Century Boy had me jumping and pumping and singing along in front of my computer! Have no words to describe how much I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!!! And his talking to the audience before IIHY and introducing the band is always fun to watch! BTW, have you all noticed some of the men "statues" on the stage in some of the videos? Saw two women too but they were at least moving their heads and bodies. A couple men even went so far as to fold their arms and not one man moved a muscle during Adams performances. Guess they were afraid of turning gay if they enjoyed his music! LOL! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

just came from twitter and this inspirational story about Adam..Dont know when it was written but its beautiful..

Anonymous said...

Love the boots (Tommy's too) and peeks of skin.....seen the top of his tidy whities!!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved the shot of Russian vodka , it put a kickstarter on that voice of Adam's I loved it !!
@ JAK, I think I'm there too, possession, I will not stop in the middle of Adam singing, & when I had to , it was hard like , like an addiction, . Oh. , I've got it so bad!! No wait , I've seen worse. Lol!
All the vids are great & much appreciation to the Russian Glamberts , but the vids from militaryjane are very good!!! I'm still looking for WLL from this fan. She said she used a HD videocam. But her vids are great!
Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Man, We are a bunch of crazys arent we. It is so great to say what you want here and not be judged as slightly mad especially at my age. But no one cares here, love it,
Adamluv, you crazy rocker you. Go for it.
JAK, I just know you are not feeling Grandmotherish, you wicked girl.

Anonymous said...

Adam has magic indeed ha!ha!ha! We are glued with his amazing persona........

No matter what I do, his voice is telling me to turn on the computer and watch him. I'm crazy and proud to be one of the GLAMBERTS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!

OALD said...

All I have to say to you posters above me is that my doctor just confirmed the diagnosis my family and friends have been so worried about. It is startling news, but I do in fact have OALD. Yes, it's true, Obsessive Adam Lambert Disease. Some of us carry the gene, so it is contageous. And the worst news of all is that there is no cure. It will go with me to my grave.


Adamluv said...

@OALD - very funny! Yes, I think a lot of us have it too and strange thing about it, I have no desire to get rid of it! OALD FOREVER! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Include me in th OALD diagnosis. There is no cure to Adam's allure!!!

Anonymous said...

I can pass it on to my great,great, great, great, great children ha!ha!

Disease that will allow us to lively and intense all the time Yah! that's right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I proudly have that disease also! @adamluv- I noticed those statue guys also in alot of other videos I've seen- geeez I just want to get up on stage and slap them into reality lol, and then of course when I was up there I would gladly faint! (maybe that would make them move)


Anonymous said...

These two videos, courtesy of militaryjane, are of much better quality; capture the Rockstar in Adam. I like the way he says: This cup is so stupid! Theatre maestro. He struts around the stage like it was his playground... sooo flamboyant! Guess now it will shut those up who think he is no rockstar; he is playing a Rock concert, isn't he? His baptism of fire!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

More like: baptism by fire
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

How can Adam keep getting more and more gorgeous with every new look? I sure love this Rock Star look, the hair, the clothes, and of course, the face...those eyes! Not to mention the vocals are perfect, his moves are perfect, sexy. He's just got everything he needs to be perfect. Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

I knew it! They have been taking test after test and now I finally know what it is! Thank you Dr OALD 5:50! At least I know what my prognosis is: Death By Adam Addiction (DBAA!)


Anonymous said...

Hey daydreamin, don't die yet; Adam just got baptised as a full-fledged Rockstar. Lots more to come. Get a good doctor recommended by Adam!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^cute:
wow adam so cute

Anonymous said...

when friends and family look at me and you are obsessed with Adam..I just smile and say yes and I am loving it! Adam indeed gets better and this it..thanks for all the great videos

Anonymous said...

Hi Sligo lambert, yeah Adam so cute!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs a hobby....Adam is mine! JAK

Anonymous said...

These videos from Maxidrom just keep turning up, I love them! Great to see Adam on stage. Slightly off topic: Sauli has called the radio station he works for yesterday and said that he's still in London (and that he doesn't know how long he'll be there). Hope the boys are having fun!

Anonymous said...

24/7! I hope when you get militaryjane's WLL from Adam up, you get audio throughout the entirety cuz I just watched waiting for it to come out & I lost audio right before it got good!! : ( damn I wanted to hear that man reach his climax!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I am with you/JAK. I think it is a pretty good one too!
What a differance when he is not doing several performances back to back like the 101 concert tour. He can really put his all in it. I think we are now seeing the future. A little less Glam alittle more rock. I will take either, however I think the rock(not hard rock) will appeal to more people and will increase his fan base.
I hope when Adam tours next time he will consider larger venues and less of them. To be fair to himself and his crew and above all his voice. He will bring in the fans I have no doubt about that. I imagine that tour was very exhasting last time.
I also hope they will release more singles from this new CD For goodness sake other artist do it why not Adam? Maybe I just take it personal 'cause I think all his recordings are hit material. As good as anything I hear on the radio right now. Wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...


@JAK is struggling very hard to stick as a "grandma". But those tight jeans, black tee and Adam´s rockside weakens her inevitably...


Anonymous said...

Wish Adam would tweet !

Anonymous said...

@8:19 AM!

Adam is "buying" seeds with Sauli!!!
So we must be patient.
Adam is busy now with seeds!! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Omg people are so gullible this DJ is obviously joking and messing with us Glamberts. Saul is not in London people use your heads. We would have confirmation from someone else besides this radio station and pictures by now. Adam is busy recording and Saul already said hes working for his dad. People act like they're scared for them to be apart more than a day.

Anonymous said...

I mean SAULI, stupid auto correct.

Anonymous said...

Finland (and especially Sauli's hometown) is a small place and if Sauli was in Finland somebody would have seen him and told about it. It's much easier to get lost in the crowd in London. But then again, who knows...we do know they can be apart but since both are in Europe, why should they (Adam can't work 24/7), usually people want to be close to who they love...

Anonymous said...

It's not like Adam not to tweet anything at all for several days unless he is busy with personal Sauli? Hope they're having a lot of fun! Tho we know Adam has a strong work ethic so I'm sure he's finding time for work too LOL!


Anonymous said...

Adam often tweets when he's bored or has time on his hands. Obviously that isn't the case now, lots of things going on with work and with his love life. It would be nice if he tweeted though, maybe just to tell if that Christina-duet is for real or not. Or a tweet about anything really. :)

Anonymous said...

This 20th Century Boy can grab me by my hair anytime!

Anonymous said...

@Anon June 2, 2011 3:16 PM

Thank you for that link. It was really a beautiful story and it shows what Adam means to so many people and why we should respect him.


Anonymous said...

Ronnie dear

You know me too well.......I wished and wished for this "look" and now that my wish has come true.........I am fighting with my baser instincts! I'm not sure browsing through the 30 or 40 Moscow photos and vids I've "saved" is good for me.......physically I mean.....but then again, maybe so.......a racing pulse and pounding heart could be considered aerobic exercise!!!!!...............^o^.........JAK

Anonymous said...

TCB is always sexy! I think he should rip the shirt off his chest though. make it a little more raunchy and interesting.

Anonymous said...

I watch this militaryjanne's video every day...very intriguing apart from the blow-your-mind-off vocals. Adam combines a bit of theatre, comedy with singing, movements so well, they gel as one. He has a very mellow theatre speaking voice too. I always laugh when he says: This cup is so stupid! With a funny facial expression.
By the way, JAK, that's a wonderful pun on the your earlier comment.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Yeah dear anon 7:17, ripping off his shirt will send the girls' screams to the sky!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this video. Love the close ups and always watch with the large screen! Adam is so fun to watch with the little cup and how he jokes with the crowd. I loved seeing the bands reaction to his messing around too.

@Lam my...the only person who can help me is Adam. Tearing the shirt off will do me in! He just doesn't have a clue about his affect on all of us...ahem, vocally I mean, ahem, ahem, uh yea, just clearing my throat...

Yo Adam, ya there?


Anonymous said...

Hey daydreamin, you must be on Twitter; I'm not. Send him a tweet about tearing off his tour, on behalf of all of us! If it does happen, we will be eternally grateful to you, ahem, ahem... clearing my throat too.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@JAK! Adam ruined our reputation with his hot and genuine rock side. Yours as a "muumuu grannie" and mine as a "decent straight young guy". Here we go! Ronnie;)

Anonymous said...

who cares with the reputation..... When it comes to Adam I'm crazy and fierce indeed!!!!!

If you really in with Adam, don't be afraid to loosen up folks yah!!! Rock on baby!!!!

Anonymous said...

Waiving white flag here Adam! I surrender! Hell with the reputation! Ronnie;)

Anonymous said...

If Adam were to auction the whoa! jumping chain he is wearing singing...I want to be your toy...
I can imagine the price it will fetch, and usually he will donate the amount to charity...Rockstar with a magnanimous heart!
-Lam my