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Adam Lambert Has Recorded A Song With Christina Aguilera!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 2, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, June 02, 2011

Someone from 933FLZ Radio Station tweeted this. If this is true, then one of Adam's dream collaborations have come true! He has mentioned in the past that he hope to sing a song with Christina one day.

Thanks to Adam Lambert Help!


Anonymous said...


I hope this is TRUE!!! If it is true, Adam will be over the moon!!! :-D

The Dark Side said...

I'm being a skeptic! Will wait for some type of confirmation. Don't think it is true. Not yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Virgo, so I don't believe anything. It will take more than a little birdie.

Anonymous said...

Please let it be true! The best male and female voice together, it could be such an eargasm. XD

Anonymous said...

ahhhh * praying that this is true *

Anonymous said...

don't believe it either but would love too.

Anonymous said...

I love Xina's song Bound to You. Wonder why it was never released as a single. Oh yeah, not pop enough lol. Anyway if this is true,what a dream, the two strongest best voices singing together!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why would this radio station be the one to catch this leak? I hope that it's true but I highly doubt it. On the other hand, it's understandable that song writers tweet about their sessions with Adam, but collaborations are kept quiet, for these kind of things won't always end up in albums, or the news is saved for a better moment.

Magiclady said...

Wow this would be amazing. I think they would be perfect together "dueling voices"( I still think Adam has the better voice) but I am a little over he top for our sexy boy.

Magiclady said...

Whoops Over the top!

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the power and soul of these two voices together! Have to wait and see, but if so, another of Adam's dreams will come true! IA video would make one of mine come true! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Please, God! Make this be true! Adam has wanted this for so long! It would really put him out there with a major star. It has to have dawned on Christina by now that Adam is a force to be recognized. She is aware of the big names he works with. I'm holding my breath that this comes true, though, I too, will only believe a real answer from Adam.

Anonymous said...

Or Adam FT Lady gaga, or kesha, or katy perry... o-o

tess4ADAM said...

I hope this is true ... I have Xtina's You Lost Me downloaded on my computer & ADAM's Can't Let You Go & I play them + Bound to You ... back to back all the time ... really GREAT together ... just like ADAM & Xtina would/will be ....


tess4ADAM said...

Just had a thought ... if this IS true ... maybe ADAM will be a guest on "The Voice" & sing it with Xtina when it is released .... am I HOPING for TOO much??


Anonymous said...

Don't believe this is true until we hear it directly from Adam.....but, Sia has collaborated with Adam for his 2nd album and Sia has worked with Xtina. Currently, Sia is featured on The Voice as Xtina's "advisor". Could it be she helped make a connection between Adam and Xtina??? If this were only true OMG!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree tht I won't believe it until I hear it directly either from Adam or Christina. He has mentioned that he would like to work with her in the past, so it could be a possibility. And it would be a great idea if Adam appeared on the Voice as an advisor with Christina. A lot of wishful thinking going on here because we just want to hear something new from Adam either in an interview, a tv appearance or some new music.

Anonymous said...

I'll die if this IS true. I've been Xtina's fan from the get go. I hope it's true. I feel intimidated just reading this tweet. I wonder how Adam feels about this. Two vocal powers of the music industry to collaborate on a song. JUST EPIC EPIC EPIC! OH YES GOD LET IT BE TRUE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Do you think that there is a chance that this is the single that Adam said would be out this summer? That would seem more logical than that she would duet on a song for his album due in Fall.

I agree a lot of wishful thinking by desperate
fans!!!!!!! The Moscow photos and vids are only going to "feed" our habit a couple months!!!! JAK

Anonymous said...

If Adam would just tweet something since his Bette White dream! Been watching moscow videos over and over. I felt so excited for that concert and pics and vids. Now it's like I need more Adam and his music. Have to be patient and wait.Well there is the concert in Canada end of July, but probably not any new music from new album. Never know though.

Cheril said...

I think it is entirely possible. They are on the same record label. Adam has put it out there and Christina responded in a positive way. Soooo whether this radio station is dreamin or not....I think we might just see this collaboration! Think positive!

Cheril said...

I would also love, love, love Adam to sing with Fergie. I think that would be super sexy! They both know how to work a song.

Anonymous said...

Off topic: I always google adam news and read the articles and then of course come here. Nothing today on adam news, (theres usually something from examiner, ect somebody) The whole web-site is gone, did anyone else find this to be true??? I know it slow in adamville land but surely someone has something to say?

Anonymous said...

hope it is true.
then one of my dreams come true too.
glambert from iran

Anonymous said...

Jadam here, I would love this to be true, and it appears to be a possibility, but just will wait and see.

Anonymous said...

His dream collaboration!

Anonymous said...

Fergie's talent is wasted with that pop crap she's recording. Too bad it doesn't matter whether you can sing or not. Electronic pop is just not for me, especially done to excess. A little embellishment here and there works, but it's pretty bad when you can't even recognize a human voice and everyone sounds exactly alike. Say robotic.

Sure both artists know about this rumor. The longer it goes without rebuttal, the more optimistic I am.

Anonymous said...

For Adam, I hope this is so true!! It's smart thinking on her part , maybe it'll help her gain a lil of her star power she once had. I remember when Xtina & Brittany were both out , I knew Xtina had the better voice. She had some good music, don't listen much of anyone except for Adam, maybe I wonder off back in the oldies of the 60's or 70's.
OT, just wanted to say to the lucky Russian ladies., that Adam sang "woman." in WLL, & while he did autographs for the fans , The Doors/Jim Morrison was playing, that was so cool. Cuz Adam has this JM effect on me.
Well let's keep our toes & fingers crossed that the rumor is true. This would make Adam a very happy singer! I 'd say a happy man, but that's Sauli's job to make Adam feel superlicious happy!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@1:45 Google and click news and info. If some of it is gone you can google adamtopia maxidrom videos and those will come up.

Anonymous said...

@ Icon
What r ur ideas on this??? I haven't seen U around lately, r u alright my purry friend??? MIss U!!

Aunt Dana

Hk fan said...

@anon 1.45
Thats what I do too, but there's not really been anything for a few days. I thought there would be at least a few headlines about him performing in Russia, but nothing, only a couple about him being upset when Dan Choi was arrested, and that one article about fanwars with Korn fans. Howcome the press never pick up the good press like the Moscow show, only the negative things.

Anonymous said...

if this is true, it will be a bomb!

Anonymous said...

XtinaTeam #Rumour: Coaches @TheRealXtina, @adamlevine, @CeeLoGreen and @blakeshelton are recording a song together for #TheVoice!
about 11 hours ago

Who is adam Levine?

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!! Would SOOO love for this to be true!

Funbunn40 & thoughts exactly.


glamitup said...

Betty white!! Hahahaha still laughing!

Anonymous said...

@4:34 adam levine is the lead singer from the band Maroon 5

Anonymous said...

I hope it is true "cause it would make Adam happy however I don't think it is true. Why because even though I like Christina I think she thinks she is above Adam. I know that is just speculation on my part and I don't want to be negative but she just seems that way to me. I hope I am wrong because voice wise they are so perfectly matched. He is so kind in his praise to her but I have never heard that returned in kind about him. Just saying my personal observation.

Anonymous said...

Christina is a b*tch she has always been like that she throw gum at a fan once

Adamluv said...

Never been a fan.

Anonymous said...

This would be amazing for Adam although Xtina has an extremely powerful voice so I hope she wouldn't drown him out.

Anyhoooooo, I'm treating it as a rumor until there's clarification from Adam or Xtina or both that this fabulous news is true.

Anonymous said...

Could be the radio station 933flz got the wrong Adam's name from the little birdie? Adam Levine (which is much more likely since he's a coach on The Voice with Xtina right now and not Adam Lambert? Of course we all know Adam Lambert is the better male vocalist! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Please let this be true!!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet that is the true's Adam Levine since they are working together on the Voice. You know how rumors and these stories get started with someone hearing only part of it and then just running with the story without checking. It's in the tabloids all the time. Obviously it would be great for Adam Lambert and Christina to work together and maybe that will come true in the future. I liked the Voice in the beginning and although I am not a singer or producer, I thought some of the choices during the pairs singoff made by the advisors were way off and the teams don't seem that strong overall. I don't have a favorite at this time and somehow now I really don't care. Just too many reality shows where everyone thinks he/she can sing, dance or write the next big hit. Just give me Adam Lambert belting out his songs and I will be infinitely happy.

Anonymous said...

Although we all want this to be sooo true, I really think it's adam levin, they mentioned on the show last week that all four of them are going to do a duet together live. You know how these radio d.j's bloggers, journalists ect get everything all screwed up constantly. We've been witnessing that crap for two years now. One can only wish, but it's out there now in cyperadam's planet so maybe they will listen to all this amazing feedback and make it happen!

coloforadam said...

...anonymous 6:17pm, your neg quip is not thinly veiled enough. Surely there must be somewhere else you can spend your time than slithering onto sites where you are just ugly.

Honey said...

I also believe that this is about Adam Levine dueting with Christina :(

On the other hand, Adam+Christina is still a plausible scenario. There might be a song, but it's completely different thing if its ever going to be published. JC Chasez did vocals for Santana, and Patrick Stump dueted with the Roots, but neither of the songs were never put on albums.

Anonymous said...

nah christina doesnt need adam lambert. she is the much bigger star

Anonymous said...

I wish one of them would tweet something. I don't think it is true, it is prob her co-star on The Voice. This thread was alot of fun tho.

Anonymous said...

Who is Christina?

Anonymous said...

Christina Aguilera has sold nearly 50 million albums worldwide making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Thats what's up.

Anonymous said...

Looks like IT'S TRUE! See the tweets from Team XTina from "The Voice!

XtinaTeam Here's a heads up! RT @933flz: A little birdie just told us that Adam Lambert has recorded a song with Christina Aguilera.

XtinaTeam Looks like an XtinaAdamDuet is on the way. That'll be amazing! #TeamXtina #TeamLambert

Anonymous said...

Sia has just tweeted so what you think about this:

@siamusic adam and xtina are not working together. i am working with both of them separately. i haven't even started with xtina yet. kay?

Anonymous said...

Just saw this on Twitter & I tend to believe Sia.
Neither Adam nor Xtina have commented yet.

Anonymous said...

Nope, doesn't seem true at this is the response to the above anon 10:10:

XtinaTeam #TeamXtina
No solid confirmation on the XtinaAdamDuet yet, but if it happens, it'll be the best vocal duet of our generation #nodoubt #vocalmaestros
7 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Anonymous said...

Here is a podcast from Juneau and Xena's Salon where Amy Whalen and Eber Lambert talk about Adam!


Anonymous said...

adam lambert is not worthy to christina..maybe in five years of time

Anonymous said...

..i hope!!the two of them are great!!

Anonymous said...

That Christina in the picture looks a lot like one actor who was in Twin Peaks but I suppose she isn't an actor?

Anonymous said...

hollywood walk of fame star, four grammys awards , second top selling single artist of the 2000's thats christina aguilera. no wonder adam lambert begs for a opportunity to duet with her : )

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:50 AM - I bet you're thinking of Sherlyn Fenn!

Anonymous said...

Cassie you are right, I was thinking Sherlyn!

Anonymous said...

You people inspire me. Really. Reading this thread it’s like watching a tiny half-extinguished ember twinkling in the dark and trying to make up its mind if it’s ok to spark a fire in a half-dry rain-lacking deciduous forest. Hmm...I might be an acacia (you know, not really in its place...tiny flowers...thorns in sight). And who might you be? (I see some thorny bushes here...also willows, concker and tilia trees...)
Keep yourselves out of flames, will you? :-))

PS: Yes. An Adam-Christina duet, singing any Sia song, would make me very, very, VERY happy.

Anonymous said...

True or not, this rumour has made headlines globally, which is great publicity for both artists.

LP said...

Christina is prolly saying "WHO is Adam something, never heard of him"
It would indeed be wonderful if it did happen, maybe with this noise about them, she might at least meet with him, and realise what a beautiful singer she has at her fingertips.

Anonymous said...

I think she knows who Adam is unless she has been living under a rock since her Mouseketeer days.

Anonymous said...

yes i think christina knows who adam lambert is but adam lambert is not relevant enough for christina at this time.. christina gains nothing from this duet..

glitzylady said...

Oh, I'm sure Xtina knows who Adam is. And while this seems to be just a rumor, you never know what might happen in the future. Many things go on behind the scenes all the time, and who knows what may pop up in the future. Singers do collaborations; it seems to be becoming more and more common. So an Adam Lambert/Christina Aguilera collaboration/duet could happen. And I think that would be amazing. Two powerful voices, who would not drown each other out. And as a bonus, think what the video might be like..Wow! They could melt the screen..Guess we'll have to wait and see...

@Anon 8:38 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by "relevant"? Are you thinking he isn't famous enough? New artists work with more established artists...I think Christina has everything to gain, a duet with a voice to match her own, and with someone who is on "The Edge of Glory", to borrow a song title from Lady Gaga. I would say she has nothing to lose. But that's just my opinion. Whether this ever happens, or not, I think Adam is very relevant, in the true sense of the word. You certainly may be right, that Adam is not on her radar yet, but maybe someday....Hoping, for his sake, that this happens eventually... : )

LP said...

I wonder if Adam and Sauli are lost in Londons underground, it goes on for miles. It is very quiet from Adam. I think he is up to something LOL. Maybe he has finally found Bowie,which would mean he is in hiding now. Which might be why he got Sauli over there pronto. I am not sure if Sauli even had a meeting with his family yet. He was with friends for the first couple of days, then suddenly disapeared to London, (buying seeds).
Of course this would have nothing to do with Adam being in London LOL.
Hope they come up for air soon.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Christina knows who Adam Lambert it. And there would be nothing denigrating about the two of them recording together. Her career isn't exactly going anywhere at this time. Plus the pictures and gossip you see about her drinking and being drunk with new boyfriend don't help her career at this time. Her music career seems to be on a downward slant while Adam's seems to be moving up. Both have great voices and a duet with be something really special.

Anonymous said...

This is why I am a GLAMBERT! For someone like Adam having the voice that has been gifted to him from the higher powers, not have been given a chance, a door to open , to be hidden away from this freaking world!!!!!!
There is no one on this planet more f******!! deserving to be heard & to be acknowledged than this man !!!
CA , another gd pop singer with doors that have opened for her just like poor ole Brittany poor ole Justin poor ole freaking any darn ordinary average crap of pop singers out there, I don't care!!!!
Adam Mitchel Lambert is a very unique special gifted miraculous human being , he can sing whatever he wants, it's his voice, it's his passion, his imagination, his beautiful mind! It's his magic! Only a person that can see true beauty in a human being will know this! & I know with all my heart & my being, that Adam is a special human being with beyond superhuman powers!
I screaming this out loud! I believe in Adam !! I believe in love !! I believe in the universe!!

Anonymous said...

adam lambert needs his second album to be a hit or his career is more than less over.. this would might give him a chance

Anonymous said...

Ïs it true that Christina has divorced and after that get a little bit lost and his career is going downhill? For me Christina is a new acquaintance so I don't know, just heard a rumour.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:46 AM
You are right that it is really important for Adam to have a successful second album, to give him that push that he needs for longevity in the music world. However, I don't think he needs a duet with Christina A. to make his album successful. He has enough talent and excellent people he is working with to succeed with or without C. A. But if that did happen, it would be VERY cool!

Anonymous said...

I think most of us agree that Adam needs for this second album to be a success in order to sustain a viable career in the music industry. He also needs his management and record company to step it up and promote it and him. An early single release from the album would be great such as Gaga, Britney and Beyonce have done recently. He needs to appear on late night tv., Ellen, and any other venues such as Ryan Seacrest on radio to promote his music. I am not saying he has "sell his soul", but the public has to hear his songs because some of my friends who don't follow this blog or go on Twitter, think that he has dropped out of the music scene since they have heard nothing from him lately.`Adam is such a talented singer in addition to being smart, articulate, self-confident and sexy. He has this amazing stage presence and the ability to connect to the audience. When you add all these qualities together, you wonder why he hasn't been more successful here in the states. He is an international success as we can see from the reception he receives around the world and lately in Russia. So come on, America, let's give this consummate performer the success he so deserves.

Adamluv said...

@Anon Christina fan - if she is so great and Adam is not, why are you on this AL site? ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to see Xtina and Pink mud wrestle. I think Pink could beat her ass. I love Pink and hope she works with Adam again.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Scorpio, and I don't really give a shit! ha

Anonymous said...

Boy, things have gotten strange tonight! Mud wrestling? Ugly trolls? False rumors? Kinda like the wrestling thing, though. What a SNL skit that would make. Adam could referee! It's too bad that the collab thing isn't true, but then I wonder, if that happened and she collaborated on his work, people would be upset that her voice covers his, even a little bit. (and don't tell me it wouldn't, she has that kind voice and likes to scream) Of course, if Adam added himself to a work of hers, we would all run out and buy it, lol!

Oh well, another way to keep us all entertained for a couple of days. Although I think the radio station should flog whoever "leaked" this.


Anonymous said...

Actually this leak sparked conversation and speculation which keeps Adam in print. It also has been brought to Sia's attention and may get the wheels turning to make this a possibility at some future time. It certainly didn't hurt Adam, but proves you can't believe everything you hear. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin, Great link as usual! Eber was a nice surprisse. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oops,typo. Funbunn40