Billboard: 20 Great Gay Moments In Music
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Monday, June 20, 2011
Posted at : Monday, June 20, 2011
Adam Lambert Glams Up "American Idol."

While Adam Lambert didn't make his sexuality a major talking point while competing on "American Idol" -- he later came out in a "Rolling Stone" cover story -- "Idol" viewers and fans at home knew there was something special about the flamboyant contestant. Lambert was out in his personal and professional life well before he hit the "Idol" stage and made his mark as the contestant to watch. On the show, he fired up audiences with his glam rock stylings, sexed-up stage persona and multi-octave range. Though he finished the 2009 season of "Idol" in second place, he remianed the season's breakout star. His major label debut album "For Your Entertainment" has sold more than 800,000 copies in the U.S. and earned him a Grammy Award nomination for the No. 10 Hot 100 hit "Whataya Want From Me." -- Keith Caulfield

While Adam Lambert didn't make his sexuality a major talking point while competing on "American Idol" -- he later came out in a "Rolling Stone" cover story -- "Idol" viewers and fans at home knew there was something special about the flamboyant contestant. Lambert was out in his personal and professional life well before he hit the "Idol" stage and made his mark as the contestant to watch. On the show, he fired up audiences with his glam rock stylings, sexed-up stage persona and multi-octave range. Though he finished the 2009 season of "Idol" in second place, he remianed the season's breakout star. His major label debut album "For Your Entertainment" has sold more than 800,000 copies in the U.S. and earned him a Grammy Award nomination for the No. 10 Hot 100 hit "Whataya Want From Me." -- Keith Caulfield
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Why don't they mention how his ALBUM, SINGLES AND TOUR MADE OUT INTERNATIONLY???
I think that was a great article, it left me feeling proud.
2.13 I think the comments covered everything well as it was just a brief article. I know we could have gone on and on though couldnt we?
As I watched Adam on AI.....the thought that he was gay never entered my mind ...the only thing I could think about was his amazing voice and I didn't think he was flamboyant and personally I don't care...I just love him for his voice, personality.......get over the "gay thing"
he is a talented singer.....I can't believe we are having this conversation again....
I think James Durbin dressed more flamboyant then Adam......just that Adam has the looks and looks better in white tight jeans...and dressed in black w/boots...hmmm...sorry went off subject...those pics of Adam walking out of that restaurant are still in my mind...
Adam look very down to earth to me on idol with a killing voice never seen before on US TV show. Every week is a special moment for us. BTW, isn't Steven Tyler is a housename in US for a long time?
love seeing his big smiley AI face up there and still do.
Oh how I love that picture!!!! AHHHHH
I also didnt pick up that Adam was gay straight away, but my daughter said straight away, Mum it is obvious, who cares I was mesmerized by the sound of his voice. Still am.
Anon at 2:27: I absolutely agree with your comments. It never crossed my mind as I watched Adam perform each week as to whether he was straight or gay. It was his dynamic voice, self-confidence, humility, and style that appealed to me and kept me waiting for his next performance. Adam was in a league of his own and set the bar so high during season 8 of AI, that the show and its contestants just don't interest me anymore, even with the new judges. His performances with Queen and Kiss were some of the best iconic music moments in tv history. Adam Lambert is one of the most talented vocalists in the music industry today and being gay should have no relevance to him as a consummate performer who owns the stage and his image.
To those of you who didnt immediately assume Adam was gay, be prepared to be insulted on this site. I was called ignorant and stupid and one person wrote "my blind and deaf Poodle knew he was gay". No one came to my defense either. I know - boo hoo! I still dont think it was obvious either! Ok. Attack away! ... Adamluv
Gay marriage, gay lunch, gay parking, now gay moments on Idol, such nonsense - sheesh! It's a singing contest, nothing more.
Well, I guess I'm not as clued in as the blind and deaf poodle, but I didn't even think about whether Adam was gay or not at the time. All I knew was that I couldn't wait to hear him each week and that he was REALLY good-looking!
ot, there is a nice article in the Examiner about an artist that features some of Adam in her gallery.
clay was the obvious one
I too didn't even think about Adam as gay and when the Rolling Stone article came out I didn't even care....
@ Adamluv
Oh, you poor little thing! Don't you ever doubt that I sure do love you! LOL
PS: Dear fellow, it was not «obvious» for most of Idol Watchers but... c'mon! Only a gay man (an alfa male amazing and magical man) would be capable to package together and deliver «liveTV» to millions all those multi talents, and that incredible voice, and that sweetness, and that total artistry, and that umbelievable performances and self confidence, and that charming smile..., and that..., and..., and...
I mean, sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert was clearly TOO GOOD TO BE A TRUE MACHO MAN FOR «ME», I'd felt it since the very begining of the competition (and, oh hell! Let me confess that I was already completely in love for that shining guy, and truly ready to sell my soul to Mr. Devil in change of turning myself into the very sweet Adam's deal and type!!!) MULTI LOL
So silly 20 Great Gay Moments in Music. I had to laugh because to me Adam Lambert was is and will be the greatest MOMENT in music! The gay does not matter, its the voice, personality, charm, sex appeal, looks etc. could go on and on.BTW no I did not think he was gay either, but it never made a difference. I love him so much!
Don't quite understand the post. 20 Great Gay moments in Music History. Who were the other 19?
Did Adam who was runnerup on Idol, get the votes because he was gay, or because he is an incredible singer. Are gay singers different from straight singers?
I was sort of tossing it up in the air for a while until Ryan Seacrest needed a drool cup every time he was close to the beautiful one.
I remember Seacrest introducing Adam saying..."And now singing If I Can't Have You, here's Adamalambert." I thought, c'mon Secrets, you're an announcer. You make your living using proper words. Adamalambert indeed!
It made no difference to me whatsoever. I wanted the voice, the smile, the clothes and especially how he was going to wow me each week.
Remembering AI AL moments are just too emotional for me but I didn't know Adam was gay. I just thought Adam's voice was so amazingly MAGICAL !!!
Adam is a true classy gentleman, the way every man should be. Mwah!! K
I'm with you too...didn't even think about Adam being gay, straight, bi or anything to do with sexual orientation. I could have cared less about all of that. I was blown away by his unbelievable voice, stunning good looks, charisma, charming personality, politeness, sweetness, creativity, oh, and yes, his mega watt smile. Oh, and about being criticized on this site, seems I was too, just this morning on the Gay Marriage thread because I used sensitive words, "gay issues" and "lifestyle" in my comment. Guess it wasn't PC. Sorry to those I offended. It was not my intent as Adam would say. Hope there will be no more criticizing now though.
No one watches a person on a TV show and thinks "is s/he straight or is s/he gay?" Usually you just don't think about it, till someone tells you.
As long as we're sharing - for me, some time around mid season I was watching Adam perform, and thought "this guy is so hot, I wonder what he's like in bed..."
Once I started thinking what's he like in bed, it literally took 3 seconds before I said "oh! he's gay". I still kept thinking about what he's like in bed though :)
I didn't pick up that Adam was gay straight away. Although to be honest, I wasn't conciously looking for it. The same way if I see a singer I don't automatically think, oh he's straight, or she's just didn't matter. It was his voice, his looks, his personality, his stage presence etc that got me hooked. His sexuality didn't come into it. And because I'm overseas, and wasn't googling him every day .. then...I didn't see all the negative press and kissing photos and speculation that was in the US. He was just Adam, the best thing ever to be on AI.
The talented and adorable Adam Lambert, seduced us with the tenderness and strength of her singing, her eyes like stars, his golden smile and warm and human word!
HK fan - funny, we posted kind of the same thing at the same time...
And ditto on being overseas and not being exposed to all the press and internet hoopla.
I take offense to this gay article poll. I didn't even know Adam was gay on Idol. I just knew he was the most exciting singer I've ever seen. These stupid polls need to quit distinguishing a person's sexuality. He is a man...a masculine one at that, talented singer, gorgous creature, kind man...This country is so backwards, and this poll of gay moments isn't appreciated. Adam is a man...that is all. Adam Lambert provided unbelievable moments on AI - like no other contestant. Period.
Anon 4:48 This is not a poll! Or should I say THIS IS NOT A POLL!. It is a statement about the gay moments and the people that creted them in our history. Perhaps you might want to go to SOURCE, click and read. Very enlightening.
I'm also getting tired of media focusing on whether you're gay or straight having anything to do with your singing ability or any other talent. It continues to perpetuate the myth that gay or straight people are basically different, with being gay an anomaly, which really is not so. The labeling in itself is what's offensive to me and I wish it would just not be an issue at all. The talent is what the articles should be about. I also never gave Adam's sexuality a thought while he was on Idol.It never occurred to me that he was gay, nor would I care. He was so electric, exciting, sensuous, good looking and sang his face off. I couldn't wait to see what he would do next. He was thrilling to watch, period and still is, even more so. I just want him to have the credibility as an artist and respect of the music industry and general public that he so richly deserves. funbunn40
When he reached the top 13 my friend told me that Adam was gay. I said to her, who cares he can still produce babies and I'm willing to be the lucky one to have his babies so shut up!!!!! LOL!!!!
Then she apologize for her comment...........
He is the total package and no one can change that folks!!!! Yah Rock it Hard baby!!!!
What a Man, what a man, whatta a Mighty Good Man.
Has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
Rock On, Man of your Word and your Heart.
Lizard Eyes
Love the article...goin' to the source.. it started with "In honor of national LGBT Pride Month, we reflect on 20 musical moments that were pivotal in advancing the understanding and acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people."
Thx 4 sharing this
I wonder if they call Lady Gaga, Bio-Sexual Lady Gaga; or, Ricky Martin, Gay Ricky Martin. This is totally gets on my nerve when all the time news media put gay before Adam's name and his profession. We should write on their comment section and enforce them to call Adam, Grammy Nominee Superstar Singer/Song-Writer/Actor/Performer Adam Lambert. Come on news media enough of name calling. Do you call Black Usher, Black Oprah, White Eminem, etc. etc.
2:19 p.m. I so agree with you. As long as media, music industry keep "gays" as a separate category, they will remain separate. This separation simple reenforces discimination that we deplore. Please let Billboard know how you feel about this. I don't have a contact for them, but I will try to find one for myself. I am so tired of this. AfterElton is one of the worst ones. Adam should be valued for his musical contribution, period, end of story.
Adam was the only contestant in past 6 seasons of Idol that I ever got excited about.I was waiting every week to see what he's going to wear, what he is going to sing and how he is going to perform. Whether he was gay or not meant NOTHING to me.
Adam, you rock!!
Gee, why don't we all get together and complain and make everyone afraid to write anything about Adam. I thought the whole article was well done.AfterELTON is a gay site that I love to lurk in to learn about gay issues.
Grrrrr! It irks me to no end about this gay thing. Please, people, stop! Why can't it just be 20 great moments in music -- geez. What does the sexuality thing have to do with this!!! I too did not think of Adam being gay when I watched him on Idol. I saw a very talented young man and I couldn't wait to see him perform each week. He was and is the best ever from Idol. Rock on Glam God!!!!
Adam Lambert himself was and is a moment in music history, gay or not. It irritates the sh!t out of me how now all the 'judges' talk about now is stage presence and presentation, but Adam was 'over the top' and too 'dramatic.' Bullsh!t. He looked and performed perfectly according to the song each and every week.
Can't stand his debut album selling 800,000 copies - why can't it just go platinum!!!! Can't we all just buy one more?
Cassie, your post made me laugh out loud. The honesty is refreshing.
my daughter and I watched AIS8, and I remember seeing Adam being interviewed before going in for his audition. I remember thinking that I loved his look and speaking voice, and hoped that he actually could sing, but I dont remember ever thinking, " hope hes not gay"! My daughter, (who googled Adam) came out and said,"I think he is gay mom" and all I did was shrug my shoulders and say hmph! and never gave it another thought..because it doesnt matter, PERIOD!!! This man has my heart for who he has shown himself to be,not for who he sleeps with.
For all those moaning about this article, go to the sourse and read it, its actually very positive.
As to AfterElton, its a gay site so of course they're going to talk about gay people...I suppose its no different to Gardeners world being for gardeners, Horse and Hound for rich horsey people, sci fi mags for sci fi people...
and re platinum, I did read a few weeks ago (can't remember where that FYE had sold something like 840,000 copies in the states and 120,000 downloads, so surely that should make it nearer 960,000 units sold. I still don't understand (and I've said this before but never got any answers), why digital downloads are counted for single releases but not for album releases?
Like it or not, I think Adam will have the "gay" tag on him for his entire career. He lives an openly gay life, for one thing. I think that just about any accolade he gets is positive and an honor. I'm willing to look at these kinds of "honors" in the spirit in which they were intended. In this case, it's a good mention of an outstanding artist.
I too thought your comment about wondering about halfway through AIS8 whether Adam is good in bed was hilarious and so honest! (Trying to remember if it took me that long)...I have no doubt in my mind ; ) I think WLL pretty much cliched it for me. The man is just damn sexy..and can definitely MOVE! Very very well. (Did I just say that?? Yep..)
Okay, getting back to the "serious" stuff, the only reason I had any clue at first about Adam being gay during Idol was reading things that came up on the internet, the "kissing pictures" and then watching some videos of his pre-idol performances. "Ooohhhh". Then I was pretty sure. But I don't think I would have caught on otherwise..I really don't know. Moot point I suppose. I started watching S8 at the Michael Jackson Top 13 week, as I had been out of the country for a couple of weeks and busy prior to that.. I was completely stunned and amazed by him and his performance of Black or White: I was completely smitten. Instantly..And I haven't looked back since.. That's also about the time the pictures came out and the speculation began. I could not have cared less that he was gay but I KNEW it could be a problem for him at the finale. I really believe that is why he didn't "win"...Although he really did win anyway...
As for this Billboard article: The fact that Billboard is recognizing the "20 Greatest Gay Moments in Music" at all is rather nice and I think progressive.. Many are truly pivotal moments. And I'm very glad they have Adam listed as one of the "20 Greatest Moments", because he IS one of the greats. Other great moments include Sir Elton John and his partner marrying and having their baby boy, Lady Gaga speaking up for Gay Rights, etc..etc..If you read it you will see it is not just about gay singers and performances being labeled and rated, but positives related to Gay, Gay Rights, Gay Marriage.
I'm actually quite proud and happy to see Adam's time on Idol listed as one of the greatest Gay Moments in Music. It sounds like labeling at first, but I don't see it that way at all. He's gay, no doubt about it. And he WILL be (IS) one of the "Greats" in Music, as well as a wonderful talented man with a beautiful soul who will change attitudes and perhaps pave the way for others, as well as for himself, by being both mega talented and (I predict) beloved and embraced as a singer and performer, as well as an evolved human being. Gay will eventually be an afterthought. I do look forward to the day when Gay is not considered a separate category. But for now, very proud of Adam for being an out and proud gay man and for being brave enough to appear on Idol, knowing that his sexuality would be revealed eventually, and knowing it would be a challenge. That is why he is included in this list. Adam Lambert IS a GREAT MOMENT!
What are you people complaining about? If Adam stands for gay issues, you are all for it, but if he is positively mentioned in an article that writes specially about gay issues in mainstream culture, it's wrong to single him out?
Adam can be BOTH a relevant mainsteam artist with his "gayness" a non-issue, AND a great gate-opener representative for gays.
I didn't think about Adam being gay until I heard of the pictures of him kissing guys. So I looked on internet.... the only thing that bothered me was " will he lose Idol because of these photos" I didn't care what his life style was, the guy can sing, and good for the eyes. It turns out he is one hell of a decent person and I am so proud of him, and he is still good for the eyes.
@ JAK, Tess4Adam, Fan4fun
I left message under Gay Marriage thread.
Can't help feeling that people who keep talking about the 'gayness' of Adam still have a problem with homophobia.
Hells bells get over it and love the man for who he is.
His gay and so proud of it. How awesome is that.
Mr Lambert just keeps educating the world one step at a time and bringing so many out the Dark Ages.
I understand the pride the gay media would have in Adam's success and why they would mention it to further positive images of successful entertainers. My problem is with main stream media that puts the gay, flambouyant label first, instead of Grammy nominee,etc. He has so many other talents going for him that deserve recognition. This article was very complimentary towards Adam, however. funbunn40
Your last paragraph was truly wonderful. I couldn't have said it better myself. Adam is making a statement...his mother is making a statement by marching in a Pride Parade. He is part of a movement, and I think he is ready for it. He may not have been before, but I think he is now. He can open doors and change minds..and I am so glad he is willing to do that. It is so brave of him. Oh, and he also is...all the things one drools over on this site!
I remember at the audition, S8 individual round on stage and caught his side view, walking off the front of the stage, didn't get his voice yet. I remember saying to myself: This one looks professional. Looking back now, was I ever more accurate. I am still trying to locate that particular video clip, no success so far or perhaps I can't recognise it as that. Who says we can't judge a book by its cover.
-Lam my
You did not hurt me not least with your "gay issue". I did not mean you!! Someone said those words in another CONTEXT. Love you!!
There´s no need for a blind&deaf poodle here to sniff if someone is gay of whatever. Love you too!!
What I can´t stand that there are still VOTES for human rights (2011!!) During years there have been votes for women, black people and now gays. That´s what I mean. There have been "women-issues" and "black-issues".
It was no lifeSTYLE to be a woman or black. It is a human right to be what you are. It is not some LA underground style for Adam to be gay.
And one that makes me angry is if someone says that Adam is ADVERTISING his "gay issue" with Sauli around. People have their loveones around. My God. He is just living his life.
Most of us here Love Adam as a WHOLE person. No need to bash someone who did not immediately "sniff" Adam. Someone did, most did not. No big deal. Then Adam came out. Fine, what´s next. No big deal.
Adam is not making fuss about himself. He is not advertising anything. He says his opinion if there is injustice. And goes on.
The big fuss is now here. Let us be humane to one another. As far as we love and respect Adam as a whole person, we are on a right way.
But if someone wants to separate the "gay" from Adam as an annoying tumour, do see yourself in a mirror!
Life goes on and Adam is making music for us! That´s something special!!!!
When you put an article like this on 24/7.....make sure you print the whole article.
I think if we had read the whole article and let's face it...we all don't go and read the SOURCE.....there are only so many hours in the day........more people here would have a better understanding about what they meant by Greatest Gay Moments in Music.....and that it was a positive not negative article..
@glitzylady!!<3 (8:22 PM June 20)
Thank you for your beautiful words!!!
You said it perfectly as always!!
Good morning to everyone there in the US and sorry for my preach!
We all agree after all that Adam Lambert is the hottest package under the sun!!
3:14 AM!!!!
When I saw Adam on AI, like most of the world, it was a special moment. Like, OK, this is a star, the real thing, the whole package, etc. etc. No I did not think he was gay until a family member made me go on the internet. Actually, once I goggled Adam, I became more impressed with him if that is at all possible. I then saw what Adam had done on stage and in clubs and fell more deeply in love and awe with him and his amazing voice. Sometimes I think the media brings up Adam and being gay because they want to separate him from his immense talent. Maybe thinking if Adam is a gay great singer, the straight singers won't have to compete with him. Silly I know, but Adam's talent is a force to be reckoned with and I think some artists are actually afraid of his talent. I remember Cher saying she would never sing with Celine because Celine would blow her out of the water with her voice. It's just a thought, but maybe the gay thing is a way to put Adam in a box so no one has to be compared to him. Or maybe I'm not quite awake yet. To me, Adam is the greatest voice ever - period. I with I could see him perform somewhere. On TV would be great. Make it happen 19!
In love with Adam forever!
@ Ronnie (June20, 2:19AM
Ronnie, dear, if by a very, very remote chance someday, somehow, you decide not to be a gay any more, errrrrrr......(I'm on my knees now)... WOULD YOU MARRY ME??????
(Icon could take the our rings in a little heart-basket hanging from his smiling mouth during the cerimony!)
Preach on!! I love it! :-D
Agree with everything you said.
Ooh, what an honour!!!
I can see little Icon with the heart-basket!
I´ve never been proposed before!
This is OMG so sweet.
If there is a slight possibility that my crush for Adam ceases, you´ll be the first in the line!
Warm hugs to Azores from Norway!!
I saw Adam from start of A1 and thought this kid has something very special - and that was before he even saang. I felt instinctively that he was not just another great star in the making but he had the x factor qualities of an international superstar. This was reinforced by his weekly performances during which I was totally mesmerised. At last true talent I thought to myself! He has reawakened my love of music - I had honestly tired of the stuff being churned out in recent years. I am so looking forward to his next album and have faith that this one will catapult him into the stratsophere - as talent such as this won't go away! It is our jobs to just help it along the way!
Why should we want to sweep the fact of Adam's gayness under the rug? I celebrate it, and I DO care. For me, Adam's gayness is an integral part of him, one of the aspects of Adam that makes him so special. No straight man could perform as Adam does, be as beautiful in so many ways as Adam is. Furthermore, his open gayness has helped so many people to understand and accept equality for those who are different, most of all for the LBGTQ community. Adam himself has not tried to play it down, even while he has stressed that everyone is part of the human community.
@Ronnie 2:19am
Oh Ronnie...thank you so much for clarifying this "issue" for me! I feel much better now knowing I did not offend. It is such a beautiful experience for me to come here to 24/7 and, as a group, feel such immense love and admiration for our dearest Adam, such an exceptional human being on so many levels. It's great to laugh and sometimes cry together but ALWAYS so interesting to read all the comments, so many of which are so eloquently expressed. I only hope Adam "lurks" here sometimes to read our comments and can feel the great love we have for him. He so deserves it.
Have a wonderful day to all of you!
News flash folks. The end of every June there are Gay Pride celebrations across the country (including the LA one that Adam's mother marched in) that commemorate the Stonewall Uprising that led to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people demanding our rights. The reason Billboard (and others) published this article is to honor the contributions of LGBT people.
I appreciate how in loving Adam you have expressed very personal support for gay people, but we can't just play like it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight. Until our youth are no longer bullied into suicide, until I can call my partner my wife and we can claim our 14 year old together on our taxes, and all the Social Security and inheritance benefits every married person has are ours, we are second class citizens.
@10:47, very well said. Thank you. And you are right, unfortunately. .... Adamluv
@10:47, I also agree. While working in the hospital, we weren't allowed to give a gay or lesbian partner any rights to make any medical decisions when the patient was unable. It was really frustrating whe the patient's family had nothing to do with them for many years and the loving partner was the one sleeping all night in a waiting room, never leaving their side. I did bend the rules at times to give them comfort when it came to their loved ones condition. It's all so illogical and imposing such stress and hardship, when it's so unecessessary. @Ronnie, Feel free to preach anytime. All here suffer mine on a daily basis! lol funbunn40
@ 6:10 PM
I just got around to reading this thread, very interesting and thought provoking.....but I did have a giggle at your comment. If Adam is to continually be "GAY ADAM" then should we have "BLACK OPRAH" and "WHITE EMINEM", that leaves me to be "WRINKLEY JAK"!....^o^.... I'm
not so sure I'd like that !
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