Sauli Koskinen: "I’m moving back to America"
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sauli was recently interviewed by Iltasanomat in Finland. He talked about moving back to America, etc. Read the translated article below! Translated by Kati (Sahalaita)
Sauli’s style basics are quite basic: jeans, Converse-shoes and a leather jacket.
I almost always use jeans, I start to build my outfit from them.
My leather jacket has become my number one basis, I have to have it with me all time. I think everyone should get themself a good leather jacket, it fits for everyone and with everything, Sauli says.
Sauli came back from the States at the end of May. In America he worked on Ilta Sanomat’s Tutka Roadshow with Katri Utula. He is also Radio Aalto’s correspondent. You can admire Sauli’s style in photos with his boyfriend, popstar Adam Lambert. These photos have been viewed all over the world.
- In the States it’s so much easier to relax and dress the way you want. Fashion is way ahead Finland, and people dress much more out of ordinary there, so you don’t stand out that much, Sauli explains.
Right now Sauli is spending summer in South Finland, travelling between Helsinki and Hyvinkää. He is only temporaly staying in Finland, and is returning to Unitated States this summer.
- I’m keeping my job as Ilta Sanomat’s correspondent in LA, Sauli reveals.
Sauli’s been getting a lot of attention from people all around the world since the first photos and rumours of him and Adam came out in public.
- Someone suggested I do a reality show about my life in LA. I could host a reality show, but i would never go on another again. I opened my private life on Big Brother four years ago and that’s enough for me, Finland’s Big Brother winner from 2007, Sauli tells us.
Sauli keeps getting questions about his relationship all the time, but prefers to stay quiet about it.
- I just joined Twitter and created a Facebook account and I intend to update them. I can tell you this much; I am happy, Sauli smiles.
Translation by:
Original article: Iltasanomat
Thank you Kati (sahalaita) for the translation!
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wrong information.
Jatkan työtäni Radio Aallon kirjeenvaihtajana Los Angelesissa, Sauli paljastaa.
--> i will continue my work as RADIO AALTO correspondent in LA, Sauli reveals.
sauli will work for RADIO AALTO NOT Ilta Sanomat.
There is one mistake in this translation. Sauli says that "I’m keeping my job as Radio Aalto's correspondent in LA" not Ilta Sanomat’s. Howewer he has made Tutka with Katri Utula at Iltasanomat. This interview is also by Iltasanomat. I hope he and Katri continue in the autumn making Tutka. I love to watch it.
Sauli Koskisen persoonallista rocktyyliä kehutaan Suomessa ja ympäri maailmaa. Saulin elämässä on muutakin muutosta.
Tyylin perusrakennusaineet ovat kuitenkin melko tavalliset: farkut, Converse-tennarit ja nahkatakki.
- Käytän lähes aina farkkuja, niistä lähden rakentamaan asukokonaisuutta. Nahkarotsista on tullut tärkein vaatekappaleeni, se pitää olla aina mukana. Mielestäni kaikkien ihmisten pitäisi hankkia hyvä nahkatakki, sillä se sopii kaikille ja kaikkien asujen kanssa, Sauli toteaa.
Sauli palasi toukokuun lopussa Suomeen Amerikasta, missä hän teki Ilta-Sanomien Tutka Roadshow’ta Katri Utulan kanssa ja toimi Radio Aallon kirjeenvaihtajana. Saulin tyyliä on voitu ihastella myös ympäri maailmaa levinneissä kuvissa hänestä ja poikaystävästään, pop-tähti Adam Lambertin kanssa.
- Jenkeissä on helpompi heittäytyä ja pukeutua rohkeammin. Muoti on siellä edempänä kuin Suomessa ja ihmiset pukeutuvat pääsääntöisesti erikoisemmin, joten massasta ei erotu niin helposti, hän selittää.
Tällä hetkellä Sauli Koskinen viettää kesää Etelä-Suomessa, Helsingin ja Hyvinkään välillä reissaten. Kokonaan hän ei kuitenkaan aio jäädä Suomeen, vaan paluu rapakon taakse on edessä jo kesän aikana.
- Jatkan työtäni Radio Aallon kirjeenvaihtajana Los Angelesissa, Sauli paljastaa.
Sauli on ollut melkoisessa pyörityksessä siitä lähtien, kun ensimmäiset uutiset ja kuvat hänestä ja Adam Lambertista tulivat alkuvuodesta julkisuuteen.
- Minulle tarjottiin jopa omaa reality-ohjelmaa, jossa seurattaisiin elämääni Losissa. Voisin ehkä juontaa tosi-tv-sarjaa, mutta en ikinä enää lähtisi sellaiseen. Olen neljä vuotta sitten avannut yksityisyyteni televisiossa ja se riittää, vuoden 2007 Big Brother -kilpailun voittanut mies kertoo.
Sauli saa jatkuvasti uteluita parisuhteestaan, mutta pysyy sen suhteen vaitonaisena.
- Olen juuri perustanut julkisen sivun Facebookiin ja luonut Twitter-tilin. Niihin aion jatkossa päivittää joitain kuulumisiani. Sen verran voin sanoa, että olen tosi onnellinen, Sauli hymyilee.
Sauli has good instincts.....keeping his mouth shut about his private life. We have a lot of vultures in this country!
I'm happy to hear he's coming back.....because of course I want Adam to be happy. Sauli too.
..................JAK..........Adam + Sauli :-)
I am beginning to like Sauli alot. The more I see and hear of him the better he seems. No wonder Adam likes him so much. Don't worry Adam he'll be back shortly.Turn it into some love songs for us. lol
I don't blame Sauli for smiling HAPPILY ... LOOK!! who is walking beside him in that picture ... his BF ADAM LAMBERT!! That would bring a SMILE to anyone's face!! Lucky Sauli!!
In the Original article source, there are few very nice Sauli photos.
I love Sauli. I think he's perfect for Adam.
I love Sauli, he seems like such a happy person, also good for Adam, he won't be lonely any more. He is taking this time in Finland probably to have meetings about his new job with Aalto Radio, and also trying to see as much of his family as he can , it might be a long time before he is back there. Fortunitly Adam and his pics are shown around the world, so his family can keep good track of him.I have been googling his name and he has been having a photo shoot, they are very recent, you can tell by his haircut, and the added color to his tattoo. It takes a minute to get all his ducks in a row, to move to USA permenantly. I know because I imigrated to US from UK.
I think you're on to something. I think this is the Unitated States of America, too. lol
I like Sauli..........P.A.S.
I start to like Sauli a lot too. he has a similar vibe and character as Adam and both are hot!
Sauli is a kindred spirit and his smile just like Adam's is soo contagious. You cannot help but smile with these boys!!
I am soo impressed by Sauli. It cannot be easy leaving his "best friend" (his sister), Sauli is also a Godparent to his sister's kid, he loves his family too and friends he has made over the years so moving to America is a HUGE step for him.
I believe this shows more than anything his love for Adam. He is not pretentious, nor a golddigger. He is his own man and will not accept anything less than "making his own way and income".
He is willing to make these sacrifices for all the right reasons. Both Adam and Sauli believe in fate. Sauli once said he believes in love at first sight.
This will probably sound ridiculous to some, but for many nights I prayed that Adam meet someone that would inspire him, challenge him in a good way and be his ultimate life and soul partner. He deserves nothing less and so does Sauli.
Somtimes the most astounding things happen when you least expect them too. Makes it all the more exciting and can result in a cherished memory.
So, Adam and Sauli hoping that this one is forever! Stay happy and proud!
Sauli could do very well as a model, he looks gorgeous in the latest photos (from the newspaper article and his Twitter/Facebook). Never a bad photo of him. Hope to see pretty pics of him and Adam together soon. They seem like soulmates on so many levels.
Original article with photos
I respect his decisions. I believe that he did, in a way, monetarized his situation; he probably wouldn't have been offered the Radio Aalto gig without his newfound, Adam-aided fame in Finland and the success with the Tutka road trip.
However, he has not kissed an told, not once. (and he has probably been offered quite a lot for it.) And refusing from a reality show, that's pretty big and tells that he was serious when he told that the Big Brother style exposure was done for him. (though shooting a reality without Adam on the screen could have been tricky.)
I think this Radio Aalto job is really important to Sauli, because it makes it possible for him to move to the US to be with Adam. It's not easy to move to a foreign country and try to find a job there. He's doing this for love and I respect him for that.
Sauli seems wonderful. He has not said much about his private life with Adam which I really respect about him. Just that he is happy and we know Adam is happy too. What more could we want, so happy for them.
Sauli need never worry if he is getting enough excercise with Adam, he has to jog along to keep up with Adams long strides LOL
I wouldn't choose to use the word, monetarized. People get jobs because they know people who know people who know people. It's called networking. I hope your comment doesn't infer anything other than that. I am assuming it doesn't. Opportunities arise through contacts. And true, Sauli has turned down a lot of opportunities that could have potentially exploited his relationship with Adam, which says a lot about Sauli's character. Sauli seems to have a good work ethic. And in the world of business, one hand washes the other. A radio station wouldn't hire someone just because they know or are connected to someone. They would hire because there is a need, an increase in potential audience following (Sauli is a celeb in his own right in Finland), the person has the required skills, and the return on their investment is worth it. Do I think being linked to Adam in LA helped. More than likely, but really what does it matter. At least Sauli is the type of person who wants to work and be productive. I respect him for that. I think Sauli is a class act, just like Adam. All the happiness to them both for a long, long time to come.
And can one of the Finnish fans here do a summary translation of the long comment above? I am really curious what is written there. :)
Fate takes us where it will and opens the doors of opportunity when the time is right.
I think that what I was trying to say above. :)
Sister is the same article in Finnish.
Thank you. :)
staying around to keep his eye out on The Lamb. don't won't to lose grip.
Adam was seen playing with lasses in thongs the other night. Bad Bad Kitty!
Sauli getting more press than Adam these days. Very cute! Read where his album will be killer. Let's hope we don't have to wait forever for it, as it is killing me.
He said some one suggested to him to do a reality show of his life in LA. Yes, Sauli why not? You should do it. We want to see you and Adam every week. It'll be like Gene Simmon or the Osborne. That would be great. No?
Actually Sauli said that "I was even offered an own reality show where would followed my life in LA." and continue "Maybe I could host a reality show, but I would never go on another again." So I understood it was not only a suggestion but an offer by some TV company.
Yes, it was an offer.
It would be wonderful to watch them fussing at their home, but that's of course too much to ask. But what about a hidden web camera in their..... kitchen for example??
I must admit that I would have been watch that show just to see Sauli. He make's me in a good mood.
OMG, so glad Sauli turned down a reality show. Adam needs his privacy to create beautiful music. He can't be exposed to the public constantly on a reality show. No, no, no.......
Adam has found a keeper in Sauli. Sauli has found a keeper in Adam. I'm so happy for both of them.
Anon 3:21 PM I don't think that Adam whould have been in that show but anyway I'm also glad that Sauli turned it down.
Adam and Sauli are beautiful it...hope it works out for both of them...they truly compliment each other..just lovely
If I saw these two boys in black walking down the street....OMG....I would just stop and stare...sorry but I just would......I WOULD BE IN SHOCK......
Adam and Kesha should have a reality show and call it A DUDETTE DOING A DUDE!:-) just a thought!
Tommy and Adam should do a reality show and call it TONGUE IN CHEEK!
I know there is a lot of joking going on around the reality show thing... let's just say they both did their share on that part, been there done that and now they are living the Real Deal and it is even better.
And @5.25pm Yeah!That is what we call "Shock and Awe".
Lizard Eyes
I thought I seen Adam leaving a deli in East LA eating a Chili Cheese Dog and it was dripping down his chin while a pap was trying to get a shot.
Adam's Sauli on facebook:
look at the Lambo stride.
wonder if Sauli likes the American women after his guy? I would punch them in the face!
It's great that Adam and Sauli found each other because they seem to be so cool together. I can only wish the best for both of them. When i see this couple, all i can feel is joy, acceptance and love. That is what matters to me most.
6:03 AM
I would imagine Sauli would be very understanding since I am sure he deals with Finnish women who are after him. He's a cutie too!
Surely we can all recall unsolicited, unwanted happens all the time and you just say "Thanks, but I'm busy"..."Thanks, but no thanks" or "No way, I think you are pond scum!"........I was only kidding about that one!
I never said it.....but I thought it!..JAK :-)
I don't ever see Adam pushing the ladies away. He goes to the light!
Anon 6:03 AM Sauli has experienced to fans after big bother win. Especially female fans;-)
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