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Second Anniversary of Adam Lambert's 1st Tweet!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 12, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 12, 2011

Can you believe it's been two years already?

Thanks to AdamLambertHelp!



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Well, here's another fun little thing to do to while waiting for more Adam news...It's fun, low key and not meant to be serious or start fan wars..Flecking Records is always very pro-Adam and they are trying to promote Adam in the UK..If you feel so inclined, go and leave a comment..

Some other fun posts of "Things Adam" on the last thread, but they may have gotten a little buried within some other "stuff" so if you haven't been there, check them out..

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 2nd anniversary of your 1st tweet,Adam!If anybody needs the url & how to vote for AIOTM,it's under that last thread.

Anonymous said...

Another tidbit, Help Glitzylady, Daydreamin, anyone with tech skills! On Adam's FB fanclub site is a soundscan link to an interview with Eber & Adam on Q102 the day after the Idol finale. It's about 8 mins. long and shows their class and warm personalities. Think you all will enjoy it and re-enforces why we like them so much. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It has been the best 2 years of life, full of excitement and anticipation for his music,tour and news. I don't know what I did before Adam? I was there and life was passing by and not really living it fully, now I am living life and enjoying it. Wow Adam I didn't know what I was missing until I saw you on American Idol, Life is not the same since then....indigo

glitzylady said...

I posted that interview on the previous thread but admins haven't posted it as a thread topic, (I think it got lost..amongst all the other comments) so I'll bring it up here...My previous post:

Here is a great Interview with Eber Lambert and Adam that took place the day after the Season 8 Idol Finale..apparently it sort of re-emerged and this might be a good time to re-visit that time and listen to what a sweet, humble and grateful guy Adam was and is, and the interview with his dad, who is also a really nice guy..Audio only (radio interview)..

"Lost Adam Lambert's Dad (Eber) Interview-Post AI 8 Finale" (downloaded by Gale Chester..and Islandgirljams)

"Long lost Q102 Interview with ADAM LAMBERT's Dad Eber Lambert the day after the American Idol Season 8 Finale, when Adam came in second. Includes short interview with Adam. Originally taped and aired on 5-21-09. Thanks to @islandgirljams for the download!"

Anonymous said...

Happy 2 years Twitter anniversary dear Adam! Sanni<3 (OT. Someone used my name with fraud on June 10, 11:14 AM on "Adam Lambert's for your entertainment music video" thread. Noticed that @glitzylady answered to that false-Sanni. It was not me! I have been quiet many many weeks because there are some who don't like me. Ok to that. You don't have to like. But DO NOT USE MY NAME with fraud! Adam is a truthful human and I'm sure he hopes we are too! Sanni (the real one)

glitzylady said...

We figured out that it wasn't you...Because you are way too sweet and nice to talk the way the fake Sanni was doing. I hope you saw that part too!!!! "Fake Sanni" was a grumpy troll.. I think I (we) know who that was...Thanks for coming back..I've missed you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Glitzylady for the link! We can always count on you! @ Sanni, We knew the troll didn't sound like you and are so glad that you're back! That troll is obviously a sick, unhappy person, starved for any attention, especially negative. We have her # and pay her no mind. Post away! So glad too that Adam chose to play with us on twitter! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes, glizylady-I already commented on flecking article also. So far, it's staying very nice, but I wish other people than glamberts would read these type of articles? Anyway, adam is heading towards the 2 million twitter mark, can you believe how much he's grown- steady pace upward everyday yeah


Anonymous said...

I'm with you indigo 12:28! I'm one of the older Adam fans and have NEVER been enthralled nor followed any entertainer ... til there was ADAM. I admit, I am obsessed, and my family continues to tease me. But, I make no apologies. Not only is he gorgeous, uber-talented, etc. BUT he is such an inspiring, wonderful human being - always trying to promote love and acceptance. What's not to love about this wonderful man??

Anonymous said...

Oh My gosh, LOOOL I don´t think that You´re the only one Sanni in Finland.. :O

Anonymous said...

You peeps always say " be nice to each other ".

so what´s this; You call someone as grumpy troll. and calling others fakes or trolls if someone has the same name like you do..

so, Your school/work mates are also fakes and trolls if they have same name as you do ?

some ppl stupidity never caese to amaze me !!

Anonymous said...

* cease

Anonymous said...

1:43, I'm with you! I've "loved" performers over the years, but NEVER like this. Adam has brought such joy to my life. He is so worthy of admiration and respect for his talent and courage. I can't imagine my life without him now.

Anonymous said...

@ Sanni: this accusation thing is very inappropriate behaviour.

I am pretty sure You´re not the only one person in Finland who has the name " Sanni".

Enough said.

Anonymous said...

and You too, funbunn40.

stop describing ppl with those words, like You did.

You guys preach abt being nice to other, but what excatly you´re doing ? Just Asking !!

your comment: That troll is obviously a sick, unhappy person, starved for any attention, especially negative.

wondering if that 40 in your names means your age.. If You´re 40 YO woman, how on earth you´re behaving and talking like that????

names are not private property.

I really hope the admin will see what you´re saying here. !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Our Sanni has emerged ^o^

Welcome Home.....we have dearly missed you! Don't go away again....we still have a couple missing members...P.A.S and MOM from TORONTO.
Hopefully we will also have them back again soon.

Now in reference to Adam's second anniversary
........."how tweet!" :-)

Now in reference to "finding Adam" I had a perfectly happy,fun filled, occasionally humdrum
life going along smoothly B.A. (Before Adam).

Then POW!!!! like a lightning strike came this young man with an unbelievable voice (and etc.)
like a gift from the gods. A new passion to explore ( I mean that in only the nicest way ).
I wanted him to live his dream and it has been a fun ride watching him do so.

I am teased horribly but lovingly by my family, none of whom see Adam's magic like I (like we)
do. Too bad, their loss! Anyway I'm extremely happy here amongst you all.....even though I got called a wart today!!!.....I think I deserved it, I made fun of someone's name...not nice!

A happy day to Sanni and much love.........JAK

tess4ADAM said...

@Anon 2:37 PM ... It's statements like yours that set you apart from the commenter we all know would NEVER post in the manner that you just have .... same name or not ... get the picture?

As for the matter at hand (i.e. the title of this thread) ... I don't have Twitter & I don't Tweet ... but I check out ADAM's Twitter everyday for any words of wisdom ADAM might care to share with us ... ADAM is so fun to READ too ... maybe he'll write a book, too ... I'll buy it!! I LOVE his Twitter parties ... even tho' I don't participate ... just 'attend' ...

Well ... I'm back to VOTING on all the polls again ... for those who need them ... here are the urls once again ...
Vote 5X per day only

Happy 2nd Tweeter Anniversary ADAM!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Does Anyone know if Adam has a Facebook account yet? I don't use Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I think he´s not on facebook. that´s what he tweeted some months ago.

on FB, there´s fan page run by RCA records.

tess4ADAM said...

Hey all you tweeter.faxo poll voters ...
Guess I overdid it a little with my posts at tweeter.faxo since I'm the only one commenting when I VOTE ... some of the other voters there don't appreciate my ENTHUSIASM for ADAM. (LOL)
What do you all think ... should I EASE UP or not? Maybe some of you could repeat some of my posts when you VOTE ... they sure are P'O'ed at me ... they think I'm RUDE for CHEERING & urging the Glamberts to keep Voting ... should I just VOTE & NOT comment?? Whataya think??

tess4ADAM (oooh this is so fun) LOL

Anonymous said...

Keep commenting.....

Anonymous said...

Attention....all Dr. Watsons

2:11 pm
2:37 pm
3:26 pm
3:39 pm

They are all same person. Sanni's troll. Check them out 5 definite CLUES are obvious!

Just call me SHERLOCK

tess4ADAM said...

@SHERLOCK ... Excellent deduction Mr. Holmes ... didn't catch it at first glance ... THANX!! for the heads-up ...


Anonymous said...

Watson, the game is afoot!

tess4ADAM said...

Hey everyone!! I need a little help at that tweeter.faxo poll ... I've tried but I'm outnumbered ... maybe a few of you could go there & put in a few comments about our Glam Rock King? ... my fingers on my right hand are getting numb ... can only type with one hand .. arthritis ... but I can't let it slide by ... not about ADAM ... I'm tired ... one more VOTE & I have to rest! Must be getting OLD ... THANX!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Tess4Adam you are quite the cheerleader for Adam. I just read the comments on the voting site like you asked and maybe you should just chill for awhile. Your comments are great but everyone is starting to turn against Adam. Usually you know who you are going to vote for before you get to the site or by looking at the pictures. thanks again, you are a hard worker.

Anonymous said...

I f Adam wins this month on the faxo poll I hope we give it a rest for awhile.

Bing said...

@indigo thanks for saying it perfectly. Indeed my life has completely changed and i've never been happier. Pretty strange but i guess Adam has the same uplifting effect on thousands of his dedicated and passionate fans.

Anonymous said...

I Don´t think so. Stop saying someone would be a troll. That´s not polite.

Anonymous said...

Yall should be banned for good from this forum. You´re mean and insulting each other. You´re demanding others to be polite but you´re acting like predators. Hope admin will ban you for good.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ADAM and thank you so much for your tweets during the past 2 years. May there be many, many more tweets to come.

I'll keep voting for Adam on the Faxo poll whether he wins this month or not. I vote on every poll about which I know whether it's a significant poll or not.

tess4ADAM for Adam isn't the only person who posts on that poll. There are Bucky Covington fans who spam the poll with the same mantra every day. I love tess4Adam's enthusiasm!

Anonymous said...

Well said 4:10am.

It seems there are people who don't need a reason to hate Adam which is very sad, but he's not the only celebrity to be targeted.

I will keep voting for Adam too, regardless of any negativity that comes his way. Supporting Adam however and wherever possible is of paramount importance to me.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to vote for Adam too but I stay away from the comment section, the negativity bothers me alot.I am not even going there next month.

Anonymous said...

People who post hateful comments about Adam are either jealous, homophobic or both. They are envious of the success he's achieved WORLDWIDE in a short amount of time.

I'll be disappointed but I won't be surprised if Adam doesn't win this month's American of the Month poll - the push from Thia Megia's voters is very strong - but I keep voting regardless, ignoring any heinous remarks and not commenting.

Back to it now. :)

Anonymous said...

2 years of Adam's tweets. Well done BB. <3

People being nasty about Adam won't stop me from voting for him. It makes me more determined than ever to vote for him!!

tess4ADAM said...

THANX!! For helping me in my support of ADAM everyone ... I'll soft pedal it from here on ... just VOTE ... no more comments ... lets all double our VOTING (silently) and WIN AGAIN!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

tess4ADAM, the best thing to do is to ignore the horrible comments and vote vote vote for Adam. There are some posters there who are in serious need of a life.

Anonymous said...

tess4adam- I am also with you and your voting- your not alone- I vote constantly to, as long as the url is accessible, I click on everytime and VOTE! We need someone lke you to remind us!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Adam on the polls and don't read the comments...rather vote than read negative comments. I like to read the comments on this site whether negative or positive. I don't focus on the negative ones. Life is too short for that negativity. I rather focus on the good of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Vote on the "idol of the month" poll. Just Google "idol of the month." James Durbin (erp) is in third place. There'r probably no way he'll catch up to Adam, who's in firstj place, but let's take no chances. VOTE! Also google "heartbreakers poll" and vote for Adam to beat Bruno Mars!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Two years of tweets? That means me too! Adam is what started my compulsion for tweeting, but it hardly seems like more than a few months lol!
