Lost Adam Lambert's Dad (Eber) Interview-Post AI 8 Finale
Filed Under (American Idol,Eber Lambert,interview ) by Admin on Sunday, June 12, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lost Adam Lambert's Dad (Eber) Interview-Post AI 8 Finale by GaleChester
From GaleChester:
"Long lost Q102 Interview with ADAM LAMBERT's Dad Eber Lambert the day after the American Idol Season 8 Finale, when Adam came in second. Includes short interview with Adam. Originally taped and aired on 5-21-09. Thanks to @islandgirljams for the download!"
SOURCE: GaleChester
Thanks Glitzylady for the tip!
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great interview - what an amazing family - can't help but love them all
like father - like son - both classy people
And I just heard Leila Lambert is marching with PFLAG in the LA Pride parade right now!
They truly are a lovely and classy family..
This is so sweet (: <3
What a wonderful family ... so much love for each other. Adam was so lucky to be brought up by these supportive and 'open-minded' parents. It's truly inspiring. Adam continues to show his true, beautiful self in all the many interviews, always being appreciative to his parents, Idol, etc. He's truly an amazing person with (need I say) amazing talent. So proud to be his fan now and forever!
Ooh! So great to hear Leila marching with PFLAG in the LA parade. Adam has such a great family. I will be marching with PFLAG in Seattle with my Adam quote sign around my neck...Love has No Orientation June 26. Give me a wave if you're able to go glitzylady or join us! There is lots of love for PFLAGERS.
@lmb, If I were there, I'd march with you! Love Leila, Eber, Adam and Neil. An example to humanity.I respect each of them,even when Neil is "naughty!" He actually is very nice when you respect his space. Thanks, Glitzylady again for posting!I really enjoyed the positive, warm interview, showing their real, classy sides. funbunn40
Sligo lambert ^______^cute:
i love happy family
Thanks for the interview. Gay Pride is alive and getting the attention it deserves. Leila showing her support for Adam and others is to be commended.
Great interview. Nostalgia plus. It brings back all the memories of that (dare I say it?) EPIC night. There will never be a finale to rival it ever. This year they had Lady GaGa and Beyonce and Adam was in the audience. If he would have went up on the stage and did Broken Open in the blue mood light like Mad World it would have been every bit as good as the POP girls and IMHO much more entertaining.
This interview just fills my heart with love....
He's just so positive.....
Adam's family is so smart and articulate and classy and full of love. They are interesting and involved in important things. When we fell in love with Adam, we took on his whole family and friends. I don't EVER recall following a celebrity this way and caring so much about his whole world. We are so lucky to have all of them in our lives. Love the Glamily!
What lovely men!!! So nice to hear them express their love for each other.
lmb and all
I'm going to try to share a quote from the New York Times with you...it may be too long and administration may zap it...but it is appropriate. Anna Quindlen, author, was guest speaker at Grinnell College graduation.
"Your parents,proudly here today, and their parents before them, understood a simple equation for success: your children would do better than you had. Ditch digger to cop to lawyer to judge. We're now suppposed to apologize to you because it seems that's no longer how it works, that you won't inherit the S.U.V., which was way too big, or the McMansion that was way too big, or the corner office that was way too big.
But I suggest that this is a moment to consider what "doing better" really means. If you are part of the first generation of Americans who genuinely see race and ethnicity as attributes, not stereotypes, will you not have done better than we did? If you are part of the first generation with a clear understanding that gay men and lesbians are entitled to be full citizens of this country with all its rights, will you not have done better than we did? If you are part of the first generation of Americans who assume women merit full equality instead of grudging acceptance, will you not have done better than we did?"
..........Go Anna !................JAK
Hi my dear Diamond Nurse! You have no idea how much I've been in need of your care for the past 10 days!!! This is my 9th day in hospital, almost died, was brought in ambulance and unconscious because of a big «pleural effusion» (is this the right term?) on my left lung, my heart was soaked into the leak of infected fluids! But this is quite a long story and I won't tell it here now! I don't regret to have sent my Guardian Angel, again, to watch sweet Adam's back... as I always do! Believe me, I'm a die hard bitch and certainly can survive with just the protection from my proud to be a Glambert and my eternal love for my sweet Diamond Boy. But let me tell you, fellow, if it was not for Icon... my cat saved my life literally, by grabbing and bringing my neighbour Esther to help me on time. GLAMSIT, HE ACTED LIKE A DOG (a Dogbert)!
Now, about this «no orientation for love»... that's another adventure I got through 17 days ago, defending a couple of young boys (18 and 23 yo)at the hotel, one from Hell's Kitchen, my co-worker, another from the main restaurant bar who decided to come out the closet at the same time and live together... and they just GOT FIRED!!! The stupid director said it would be scandalous for a five stars catholic hotel (DAHHHH???)to keep this kind of people! Go figure!
I couldn't help it, gave voice to the situation, went to the very owner to argue with him and his closed minded opinions and guess what? I've been fired too!!! But before that, when he dared to say to us «No,No,No,No...» guess what again... the fucking homofobic ASSHOLE had to swallow a sonore, out, loud and proud «FUCK YOU!» before all his employees' open ears and mouths.
The young guys are now my guests in home until they get another job and a place to stay. Even feeling so ill, I'm so proud of myself, so is Icon.
Indeed, the four of us would gladly march with you defending the rights of a «no orientation for true love»! By the way, I just turned them both into a new couple of Glamberts in Azores. Am I right or am I right?
I had read that Leila is a lesbian, living with her girlfriend. Anyone know if this is true?
I wish her the best in life - what a wonderful mom she is!
using the F*** word is inappropriate, that´s what I was told.. seems like certain people can use this words here ? and when they do, others won´t preach? that´s so freakish. Some of You are so pious.
3:59 I think that´s NOT true :D don´t believe all the rumours You´ll hear!
Fan 4 fun
I have missed U and Icon. OMG do hope ur feeling a lot better. A most serious situation. So proud of what u did 4 those boys. U do live what u say, b proud of U, I am!!
Love and Light, Aunt DANA
we had all been missing you, it sounds as if you've been having an awful time. Hope you're finally on the mend and are up to watching Adam again. He'll get you back on your feet in no time.
And good on you for sticking up for your co-workers, and sorry you got fired because of it. I hope you manage to get another job soon. You sound like a great friend to have in your corner.
@fan4fan, have been wondering where you are. So sorry to hear of your health problem. Hope you are on the mend. Nine days in the hospital is a long time. I know that all the regulars here only wish for your speedy recovery. And as far as the employees being fired, what can I say to that? So wrong on so many fronts and then you losing your job for defending them? But that action on your part doesnt suprise me in the least. You are just that kind of woman and that's why I respect you so very much. Hope things go better for you in the near future. Will certainly keep you in my thoughts. And Icon to the rescue is the best news ever! And to anon 3:59 - what an unpleasant human being you must be! And btw, STFU!!!! ... Adamluv
Ellen Degeneras Mom marching with PFLAG also
EVEN AT HER AGE...you go MOMS!!!!!
OMG, that just killed me, tears when Adam tells Dad over the air that he loves him... Words cannot even say how much I RESPECT Adam and Eber.
Another BEAUTIFUL moment. LUV that man.
Americans use the word "Love" all the time. they love music, food, cars, friends etc.
Not a big deal to say " I Love ". You´re being hysterical Anon 4.59
This 5 star Catholic hotel, do they allow priests
to stay there?
Loved his rendition of "Beth" wish they would have played the whole Adam version.
Adam AND Eber are just two peas in a pod.
They are both such wonderfully awesome people.
Love them!
Hey Fan4fun, I too had been wondering why you suddenly disappeared after that rather interesting little conversation we had. I said I found a friend in Jesus. Goodness, hardly did I know I was that accurate! I hope you recover quickly and you are one helluva courageous lady! I always thought only dogs could do what your Cat did! Whoa!
-Lam my
@fan4fun Sending you my sincerest wishes for a
full & speedy recovery & hope that everything
does a big turnabout for you. How much can one
take all at once? You are strong & determined so
I know you will be just fine.
You and those boys should get a lawyer-these people have no right to do this!
Amazing Icon! He should be awarded a Purrple Heart! LOL
First of all you don't know me. FYI my dad left when I was 5. To this day I don't know if he is dead or alive... Hearing that conversation, no less on the radio, really touched me.
And if what I said sounds "hysterical" to you I would hate to see you witness REAL hysteria.I said I was moved, AND I WAS. I will never apologize for who I am, as I know Adam does not either.
I found your comment quite rude.
P.S. For the record---If you had actually looked beyond your cold eyes, you would have seen that I ALWAYS SIGN MY NAME... It is Dinah-mite.
As Adam says "You get back what you give away"
Good luck, you will need it...
Thank God you are alright. Icon became your Angle. Bless you for helping the 2 young men. I don't get it, God made them, so why do churches or any place turn them away. I won't get on a rant, cause I am so happy you are still here. I hope you find another job, maybe one not in hell's kitchen.
Icon: Very smart kitty indeed. Tons of petting for you.
Glamsistah, OMG, I cannot believe what I am hearing! Your story is so tragic yet triumphant! You (and Icon) are hero's! You are too fiery to leave this earth at this time...you are way to "salty" (as you say)and have energy to spare.
I am so proud of you, but hoping you recover quickly and find a new job. Perhaps in "Heaven's Kitchen"? I'm sure your two new friends/roommates are eternally grateful - forever - for your bravery! What a tiger you are. Kudos to you.
Get well soon!
I assume Icon's in good hands...probably with your new roommates...?
- Adam Fix
Mi querida creativa Fan4fun, cuanto siento por la gravedad que has pasado. Gracias a Dios, a tu amor a la vida, a tu gran fortaleza, al Ángel de la guarda en comunicación celestial con tu dulce Adám, nos das la maravillosa noticia de que estás fuera de peligro! Cuanta lealtad y amor por parte de tu fiel Icono, es un" Héroe" te devolvió todo el amor y cuidado que tu generosamente siempre le has brindado,mucho amor para el, que protegió a tiempo a nuestra querida Glambert, Gracias al personal médico, enfermeras y a todas las personas que estuvieron a tu lado apoyándote y orando por ti. Ahora amiga tienes que cuidarte mucho y seguir estrictamente tu tratamiento médico con un mínimo de estrés, entiendo tu preocupación por la injusticia cometida con estos jóvenes, que estarán muy agradecidos por el respeto y apoyo que les estas brindando!! Fan4fun tu organismo y espíritu, necesita en estos momento para recuperarse, los cuidados médicos , Paz y Amor y por supuesto la compañía de Adám a través de su música, pronto estarás felizmente en acción. Estaba a punto de escribirte un mensaje, preocupada por la prolongada ausencia, al igual que los amigos del Blog.
Que Dios te Bendiga!! mis oraciones diarias por tu Bienestar. Ya te visualizo, vibrante, llena de energía y saludable!
I think you are my hero!
I am so sorry to hear of your terrible and life threatening illness and hope you are out of the hospital, or soon will be. You are so brave in standing up for those two young men, and my heart goes out to you and to them. Tell them they have friends here in the US who are glad they found each other, and hope they can soon find new jobs and a new place to live. As for your boss, what can you do??? Hate is a hard thing to live with...and in a way I'm glad you are no longer working in such an atmosphere of discrimination. The thing that you have going for you the most is your strength of spirit and fierce determination to do what is right....And your amazing cat Icon...What a blessing to have him: Who knew he would save your life! Some extra pets from me too!
And good job with introducing your friends/roommates to Adam's music. Once people hear his voice, and are open to truly listening to him, they are also powerless to escape the power of Adam!
Take care, get lots of rest, and report back when you can! And GET WELL SOON! (((HUG)))!
@ Hi Glamily in Paradise
Wow! Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and words! It's 7:55AM here, the nurse just woke me up to take my blood pressure and the life and rituals in hospital just restarted a new day. Oh boy! They'll keep me quite busy collecting blood and other things for analisis and making me take deep medication... I'll probably sleep the whole day long but I promise to come back as soon as possible to respond to each one of you good fellows. In the mean time, please find out my sweet Adam and stalk him for me... but just for protection, of course. And from certain distance, to respect his privacy, tell him that I ADORE HIM and that he is my only and one Sexotic Singing Bird. Ha!
What a beautiful interview. It makes me feel quite teary.
Love Adam and his wonderful family.
Adam is so blessed to have been given such a wonderful and loving family and i'm in awe. I can also feel his sincerity when he said i love you to his dad, definitely not just some lip service. Of late, i have not heard my two sons say that to their father so that is also something very refreshing to me.
OT @fan4fun
I'm so sorry to learn about your present medical condition and the things that happened you and the poor boys. Your courage and determination to stand up for what is right at the risk of losing your own job is truly praiseworthy @fan4fun. You are one hell of a fighter and i salute you for that my dear friend. It is my fervent wish for you to recover soon. I know that God has other plans for you and you will be fine. You will always be in my prayers.
@Icon - you did a fantastic job saving your mom's life. Hugs and kisses to you. And to the latest converts, good luck to you both!
Love thru Adam,
Hi fan4fun,
Get well soon and take good care of yourself! You are inspiring. Extra pets to Icon from me too. And best wishes to your new friends.
Hey fan4fun, I remember this Sexotic Singing Bird comment which was a combination of 3 other comments. One was Adam reminded her(anon) of Bird of Paradise and I picked up from there and added Nightingale, a prolific songbird and a third person (anon) jumped in and said Adam was like a peacock in full bloom; finally you combined all these and came up with Sexotic Singing Bird! Get well soon!
-Lam my
Dina-miteh You´re hypocrite. You´re saying someone´s commentn was rude but take a look at your own comment. LOL
Dina-miteh is wicked.
I am sorry for yout loss Dina-miteh. Maybe that´s why you´re this mean because Your dad abandoned you. somtimes this kind of happenings will cause bahaviour problems and I think you are the best example of it. You are blaiming others rude but actually you´re that too. maybe you need professional help, you haven´t get over it your dad abandoned you. <3 Sanni
@Dina-miteh: People with this disorder lack genuine empathy; You called others rude but that´s how youre aswell.
They often fail to see their own personal situation realistically, instead tending to dramatize and exaggerate their difficulties.
The cause of this disorder is unknown, but childhood events such divorce of parents may be involved.
shame is a disease, that´s what we say here and it suits quite good to this situation. Dina-meth asking for a compassion because of the rejection of dad.
Okay, Your dad rejected you but you have no right to blame other people rude. but I quess thats how people with Histrionic personality disorder are. Sanni<3
I think the right word for this is "pity", not shame.
Thanks, Anon 4:22 :) You got the point. <3
I hadn't heard this interview before. Chocked me up!
Well, let me guess, @anon 2.54, 3.01, 3.20, 3.38 and 4.18 are all the same person....unless there's 5 people that misspell Dinah-mite in the same way.
Why would you spend so many hours on an Adam fansite when you're clearly not an Adam fan, just to slag other people off?
maybe that one just copied the name above, who knows.
What´s going on here? On every thread there are weird comments and hostility. Why all this analyzing and judging of Dinah-mite? And @Sanni, is that you? I don´t recognize you at all. You sound like this person stalking you before and who keeps on posting rude comments towards Adams fans. Perhaps I misunderstood you. If so, I´m sorry!
I´m so sorry to hear that you are ill. I have missed your positivity and always loving comments. You are so needed here. Big hugs to you and that darn cat ;)
@ Eva, just read Dinah-Mite´s comment.D-M called others rude but at the same time was mean, too. what a hypocrite..
If You didn´t know, names are not private property, and for sure, Sanni is not the only one person in Finland who has that name !!
so, stop calling others as a stalker, is that understood ? Sanni<3
EVA, so you´re the one and only woman in Sweden who has the name "Eva" .. ? because you don´t seem to understand.. there´s lots of people all around the world having similar first name.
You can´t be this dumb, can you ?
Adam´s fanbase is growing, he has fans from all over the world.. there is people who has identical names and You´re not calling them as fakes or stalkers,, or are you ??
don't worry, its not our Sanni, just ignore this one.
And you keep on being rude @Sanni<3. Calling people you don´t know hysterical and wicked and crap analyzing as if you are a psychologist.
What are you doing on this site except for spreading discomfort and ill will? It´s a reason why you call yourself Sanni, we all know that.
I read Dina-mite´s comment. She was called hysterical and defended herself as she has a right to do.
And please, don´t tell me what to call you! I think you know what you are.
By the way, do you know that <3 means LOVE?
I know it´s not Sanni. I miss that girl with her head in a paperbag :-)(come back my Finnish friend) but it´s hard to ignore someone who is polluting this site with so much crap. Most of the comments come from the same poster, if she´s an Anon or called Sanni<3. It´s so sad, because this site used to be a happy place. Now I just shake my head and sigh.
For The record, My first name is Sanni. And yes, I know what <3 means ;)
so if You feel this place isn´t "happy place" why are You still here ?
Whoever this Sanni, I hope you love Adam and Adam is all about love and joy and RESPECT to others. I miss the very first Sonni here who is very nice.
Sure, I Like him a lot... but I so hate certain ppl that are saying I´m stalker and fake.
Also, i don´t like it when some tells false information abt Finland.. seen that happen many times in this forum..
always, it´s the same person who´s doing that...
Dearest girl!! I was so worried where you are and your precious little Icon-boy, brave lifeguard DOGBERT!!!!!
And those two boys!! You are a fighting angel for them and for yourself!! You are fearless and honest. It costs but better times will come along!! So proud of you!!
@You who call yourself Sanni
When a name is "taken" you chose another or you´ll be called an imposter. You don´t want that do you? I know why I´m here (not so often now)but why are YOU here? Do you know this is a fansite for Adam Lambert, the American Grammy nominee? What do you think of him? Do you like his music? Do you like his style? What do you think of his little conversation with his father? Wasn´t that heartwarming? Don´t you think Adam is a sweet and likeable person with an amazing voice? Would love to hear your view on this.
1. I prefer to call myself as a sanni because that´s my first name. like i have told You, names are not private property.
2. no, I don´t want to be called imposter. actually i hate them a lot. there´s one person on this site who´s very often telling false information abt Finland. I would call that person terms like an imposter or a liar.
3. I am here to read the latest news, for sure.
4. Of course I know this is a fan site.. do U think I am stupid.. ? OMFG...
5. I think adam is sweet & good looking and also awesome singer.
6. i like his style, but not all part of it.
7. I think the conversation is just cool but I am not that touchy i would cry because of the conversation.
I think adam is cool but am not thinking he would be a saint /superhuman like some ppl seems to think; He is just a normal human being !!
there´s whole lot more things in my live, too and adam is just one little part of it. Sanni<3
p.s did I make myself clear enough ?
Here is the "first" Sanni!
Have missed you too!!!! And our paperbag!!
I was away or quiet, because there were people who do not like me.
I´m feeling ill to read the posts above. I will add something to my name, so there will be no mess anymore.
If someone don´t like me, so don´t. But let me keep my name please! I´m here for Adam. I love Adam and it is not hysterical to LOVE.
So from now on my name is:
And if someone takes that name....#*#*#*!!!!!!!
names are not private property.. LoL I think you´re even not that cool some would love to pose as You, SANNI+Ida
"first Sanni" are you the president of Finland because You´re calling yourself as "the first" ?
By the way, "sanni the first" did You already buy a new dictionary? once You said You would need a new one after You picked a wrong word which was offensive.
You´re the only one I know who uses these oldfashioned books.. if You didn´t know, there´s also online translators..
Yeah, I know You just were asking sympathy after picking a rude word.. You can´t fool me..
To: " Sanni The first "
- who exalts himself, it will be reduced -
MOI! Welcome back my friend in paperbag! Soo nice to see you.
You said there were people here that didn´t like you. The truth is, it´s just ONE person who doesn´t like ANYONE, not even Adam, so don´t worry, the rest of us have missed you because you are one of the nicest and loveliest girls we know. Be sure of that!
I know it can´t be fun to be here and have crap thrown at you time after time. I feel uncomfortable reading it, even if it is not aimed at me. I´ve noticed several Finnish fans have disappeared (where is Elli?) The one left is this True Finn who brings us joy every day, not.
Let´s just ignore and if necessary, we hide in that purple paperbag. Kultamussukka:-)
Thank you!!
Glad to hear you still around. Don't let the negativity get to you.
Anon 6:37AM from Canada
I am sorry for being this naive. Please forgive me. :( SANNI+Ida
All I can say is I love that boy. He makes me smile. What a sweetheart, deep in his soul.
Wow, I wrote my little comment above BEFORE I read this thread. Yikes. Again?
@JAK I love the passage from the speech. What lovely words. Thanks for sharing.
I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with such great challenges in your life. But it sounds like you are a fighter...in terms of your own health, as well as for the human rights of others. I have the greatest respect for you and I wish you a speedy recovery. I can only say that those two young men were/are lucky to have you in their lives. Whether you realize it, or not, through your action toward the management and support of those young men, you have made great change in this world. A pebble in the pond creates ripples that spread far. Fan4fun, I am honored to know you, if only through this site. You live strong, with honor and integrity. I hope your wellness is restored quickly.
@Sanni (the new one) Just a heads up...although we are sometimes empassioned on this site, I believe we generally try to write our thoughts from a place of kindness, love and support.
@Sanni+Ida You will always be "Sanni" to us. :)
I love Adam and it is not hysterical to LOVE. " Sanni the first ".
You even tell here everyone the "Adam-dreams" You see at nights.
That´s crazy, indeed. You told how You took his pullower (??) (in that dream) etc..
Why don´t You go out and meet boys of Your age ? You´re never going to be Adam´s gf..
IMO all the stuff You have said here, is NOT normal anymore., and the way You talk.. are You delusional or what, You don´t know these people and You call them as honeybunny etc..
That´s not healthy, Sanni the first.
You just make Yourself look like a fool..
And this talk "someone took Your name" How old are You ? aren´t You old enough to see Your name is not unique, so better NOT to claim someone "Took your name!" Grow up, girlie,,
Is it ok that ONE person drives people away from this site? This harrasment has been going on for months now mostly aimed at Sanni but also other Adam fans? I think it´s obvious especially if you check this thread out.
Hijacking Sannis name, ridiculing her and others. This person is obsessed with Sanni and it´s more than creepy.
IMO this has gone too far. If the rest of you find this to be ok, and your advice is "ignore" than I´m off this plaace and I guess Sanni will be too. I was happy to see her back but her last comment was not hers, I´m pretty sure. Sorry to be such a gloom, but this upsets me.
I agree. Some of this is very disturbing. But I don't know that leaving this site is the way to go. (I have considered that on occasion myself.) I think it is really more important that those who are positive, upbeat, supportive and kind stick around to help manage some of the nastiness that occasionally happens here. I would prefer the site require a sign in process, but I don't think that is going to happen. Does anyone have an email to 24/7 that could write the admin and request a sign in process? Maybe that would allow for certain repeat "offenders" (those who are here specifically to harrass others) to be blocked somehow. Or maybe a place to report posters who are harassing or offensive.
"Is it ok that ONE person drives people away from this site?"
--> That´s what You´re just doing.. You can´t accept the truth that some people really can have same kind of name as You do.. You call those people as troll or fakes.
It´s not offensive to correct false information either, or is it ???
one person has been telling wrong information and seems she/he wont stop that. I´d like to know why .. why that person keeps going again and again ?
If You can´t handle it, if someone has same FIRST NAME as You do, just feel free to leave. or do not mention your name at all ! problem solved ! so simple :D
Attention all Dr. Watsons (very good HKfan)
3:59 pm....4:01 pm...5:03 pm...2:54 am...3:01 am
3:20 am...3:38 am...4:18 am...5:10 am...5:32 am
5:54 am...6:29 am...6:48 am...7:44 am...8:00 am
8:02...8:16...8:41...10:34 ... 1:11...1:24
From now on I will refer to this person as VENOM.
This is my newest case and I will need advice from Kentucky Fan (you know why)!
Just call me SHERLOCK
fan4fun and Grandcat Icon
First, be assured that I will send good thoughts heavenward that you grow stronger every day.
Second, Icon sweetie, you have completely redeemed yourself from that episode in which your bit your very good Mom. <3 JAK
What a tempest in a teapot this is. VENOM spreads poison throughout several threads, but SHERLOCK is on the case!
Never fear that we will ever mistake you for VENOM even if she signs herself Sanni.
Welcome Home!........................JAK
From now on I will refer to this person (Just call me SHERLOCK) as a poisoned/rotten apple.
I think it would help if we had to register. It´s a pity because it´s easy to comment and you can be Anon if you want, but at the same time you don´t have to answer for what you write and you can be as nasty as you want, and some people seems to feed of being mean. Adam is not the reason this person is here. She enjoys harassing, pretending to be morally superior.
I have spent time on Adamtopia when I just couldn´t stand it here. It´s a totally different mood there. You have to register to comment but you can just lurk there if you want. They have rules and this "person" we have here wouldn´t last many minutes on that site.
There is a very friendly and positive tone and people are hilariously funny. I followed the Maxidrom Concert there and almost died from laughing.
Then why am I here, this "person" asked. I´ve been here for a long time. I know people , I like most of them a lot and as you said, if we leave, only the creeps will be left.
I wish there were rules here too. Be nice or your comments will be deleted. I know it´s almost impossible to uphold such rules. We must be able to disagree and discuss things, but personally attack and morally condemn someone should not be allowed IMO. It´s sad that we even have to talk about this. Just normal common sense should be enough.
Good to have SHERLOCK on the case.:-)
Just normal common sense should be enough. --> where´s YOURS ??
some people Atacked in a row and now we´re in this point. certain people was saying I´m a troll/Fake/stalker..
If You say so, I will be all like that, for sure.. I won´t let You down .. ;)
@Eva! You were correct. 9:40 AM was not mine. I think you know how I talk, and how not. So the other person started to use my new name what I was afraid of. But I try to be brave. You are worth of it! Love you! SANNI+Ida
Just joking @Eva.SANNI+Ida
Listen Up, I want You to call me: sanni the Finland´s first lady & Adam´s future wife. Love you!SANNI+Ida
I would hate to leave this site because of somebody who wants to ruin in because they want to be nasty. I always post ANON here, although I post on AO and the ALFC by name. I have never posted anything mean, although I have expressed my opinion strongly at times. I like a site that allows me to post ANON if I want. This person here who is riling things up is spoiling the fun for so many of us. A site that allows anon posting does get a little wilder sometimes, but that can be a good thing, too. Maybe he-she will get tired of it and leave us alone. The person does not sound like a real fan of Adam.
Adam has nothing to do with that person being here. This is a Finn who thinks the date of the Finnish fathers day is so important for everybody to know, that it gives her the right to bash anyone who get that date wrong.
There were many nice Finnish fans here before. Where are they now? I think they feel sick and embarresed because of this person, like Sanni did. Her name is hijacked again. So very juvenal! If we were to sign in you are not allowed to have the same name as another member. Rule nr 1.
Hey! Vote on the "idol of the month" poll. Just Google "idol of the month." James Durbin (erp) is in third place. There'r probably no way he'll catch up to Adam, who's in firstj place, but let's take no chances. VOTE! Also google "heartbreakers poll" and vote for Adam to beat Bruno Mars!
BUAHAHA YOU KNOW NOTHING, Anon 2.52. I am a fan but annoyed all that crap I have seen here.
I am not delusional nor hypocrite, like the others. I just keep my thoughts real. I am not having crazy fantasies nor seeing Adam-dreams at nights..
As long as certain people will attack in a row, calling me as a fake,stalker,venom or a troll I will continue.
I want to hear the latest news, but don´t like the false information nor want to hear delusional fantasies told by delusional people.
also, I have no need to post "aawww that´s cute" posts here. I have my opinions that may differ from others; that´s how I am.
just keep calling me as a troll/fake,stalker/venom or what ever, I will fight back.
as long as certain people will tell lies, I will give the right information :D
Eva, You´re nothing more but a story teller. didn´t i make myself clear? as long as certain people keep calling me with different names, I will prove I am just like that :D
what comes to that person & wrong date of father´s day.. she has posted false information also earlier.. so, why is that person doing that ??? this WAS NOT THE FIRST TIME her information was incorrect. that´s the point, --> NOT THE FIRST TIME, EVA.. ( Did You FINALLY understand it ) If she doesn´t know the facts, why keep telling wrong information ???????
No wonder so many people have left, because You call everyone as a troll/fake/stalker. don´t try to make others to be guilty for that.
stop calling people with names, maybe they won´t leave.
You´re trying so hard to make me look the "bad guy" here, but i will tell you, you will not success !!! :D
okay, EVA.. should I start telling lies about Your country ? would You like it ? and when You´ll try to correct the false information, I will say You´re a troll :D You Like it ? Should i start now ? :D that´s how I could prove I am a troll/fake/stalker and venom :D :D :D
did you get my point, auntie Eva ? LOL
sweden is a province in eastern africa. sweden´s president is called rudolf the red nose.
in sweden ppl don´t have showers so they wash themselves in a lakes.
swedish people have black hair and yellow eyes.
and If someone is going to cerrect this information that person is declared to be a troll/fake/hijacker/venom/stalker :D
got my point ?
I think you just proved my point, dearest. :D
@Eva and Sanni and others like mom from Toronto, Ellie, PAS etc, please don't leave because of 1 person.
@admin 24/7 please delete this persons posts.
In the meantime do not reply in any way to the poster, then maybe she'll get fed up and leave.
I just proved Eva to be just a story teller :D SANNI+Ida = FINLAND´S FIRST LADY & Adam´s future wife. :D
Why all the fuss people?????? Can u just be civil and not fight!!!! Our purpose here is to make good and bad opinions as long as it's not below the belt!!!!
Be kind to one another bec. I know in my heart all of us has one intention??? It's about Adam that we love!!!!
HK, as long as I am called as a troll/fake/venom/stalker/hijacker, i will continue. I will prove You i am just like that :D
and as long as certain people will post false information I will correct them, that´s for sure. SANNI+Ida = FINLAND´S FIRST LADY & Adam´s future wife. :D
4:40 read my comment and You´ll get the point. :D
Eva, HK, LP and some more are just bullying other people.
calling others with names, telling wrong information etc.. and when I am trying to tell how it really is, I am a troll, that´s what they say.. :D
delusional dopes, indeed :D
I will update my blog soon and let my readers know about these people :D and yes, i am telling all the details I know about these people. :D
my last blog was very popular and I also took some screenshot, too :D
everyone who is reading my blog will know about the swedish eva auntie, who claims others are trolls/fakes if they have similar first name .. tsik.. tsik..
SANNI+Ida = FINLAND´S FIRST LADY & Adam´s future wife. :D
To whom it may concern: an email has been sent to admins...
WOW! Someone didn't take their meds.
Hahaha! Good one!
To all Glamberts on this site, let's just do as Adam would do, CARRY FORWARD...
This site is just a fun place to get Adam news and is mostly pretty cool.I want to live my life to the best of my ability and have some fun.
So lets do what we came here to do-ENJOY ADAM!
He is about Light and Love, he pretty much ignores the haters, I think we should do the same...
And thank you girls for allowing me to be who I am.
Party On Garth!!! :)
Wheeeeeee! What in the world has happened here?
One bad apple & all hell breaks loose. Ignore this
nonsense & take take Dinah-mite's @8:23 advice & ENJOY ADAM!!! Glamberts know how to have fun!
Fan4fun, so happy to hear you are back! I hope it is nothing serious! And, you are heaven sent. Thank God you were there to make us so proud of you for standing up for the rights of others. You will find a much better job. I think things happen for a reason. You are such a terrific person!
OT...@ Fan4fun, What a shock! So glad you are getting treated and smart, brave, loving Icon was alert to get you help! Pleural effusion can be extremely painful and scary at the time, but sounds like you're getting good care. Deep breathing exercises will make a difference. Hang in there! I'm so sorry that you had to go through such a hard time. I sensed something wasn't right from the tone of your last few posts, not the usual spark! I also admire your standing up for your fellow employees. It will come back to you in a good way when you least expect it. Self-respect and standing up for wrongs can be hard at first, but doors will always open in the path of rightousness. I've never regretted tough decisions for the good of others and what you did was unselfish and brave, but that's who you are and why you are strong. Imagine many loving arms around you, giving you strength and healing warmth. The candle is lit with healing white light. Left you a message on another thread before I read this one. You will be back to your feisty self in no time. You and Icon are needed in Adamland! [Ear scratches and kitty massage from Auntie funbunn] Hope you can feel all of the many hugs and healing wishes sent to the Azores.. funbunn40
@ JAK, Thanks for posting that beautiful speech! So true and inspiring! funbunn40
I bet You know What I mean, but yall refuse admitting I am right with this.
Like i have said, You just want me to look like the bad guy here. once again, as long as LP keeps telling wrong information i will correct it. no need to call me as a troll.
I bet ppl will see that, actually those are TROLLS who keep telling wrong information again and again.. and calling me a troll when correcting false information, it´s You who looks like a troll.
second, accept the truth, there´s lots of people having the same first name ( FYI, sometimes ppl even may have even similar last names. ! ) as You do.. and You don´t call those people as a troll/fake/stalker/hijacker/venom.
You just love to fight and cause disorder in this forum.
and the most important thing to You is, that You´re trying to make others look like the bad guy here, just to prove that You would be the real angels.. but the truth is, You´re the rotten apples/ bad guys here, not me.
and I will email the admin, too. just to tell how certain people are behaving here..
let´s see how´ll be the last to laugh, and laughs better. :D
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