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Adam Lambert VH1 'Behind The Music' Preview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Anonymous said...

Proud and exciting that's what Adam is!!!!!!

Love u and can't wait the whole thing indeed!!!

Anonymous said...

Love his last line, it's not about wearing a tshirt saying I'm gay, it's Adam! Can't wait to watch the whole interview. He looks gorgeous and always so articulate. Love him so much!

Anonymous said...

OMG! He's so gorgeous! I can't wait to see his whole episode. Love his hair, his look and just love to listen to him speak. Yes, very articulate and very logical in all his thoughts. I wonder if there will be new information that we did not hear on the True Hollywood Story interview.


Anonymous said...

I mean I luv Adam and all and it sucks he's been overshadowed since Idol, but not sure about this type of show - I mean, he really has only had one medium-hit with Whataya Want From Me...maybe this should come later after a few hits from his 2nd album - sort of old news talking about idol and things that came right after.

glamitup said...

Love the friendship betweeen adam and kris!! U can tell it is so genuine. Probably nothing us crazy obsessed adam lunatics dont already know but its great exposure for adam and eyecandy for us whhile we wait on the album!! Its a win win !!!!!!!!!!!! Yipeee!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam does look gorgeous, doesn't he? And he is so articulate, intelligent, and self-confident. I don't see anything wrong with this type of show as stated by the previous blogger @ 7:22. It is good publicity for his second album, to get his name out there once again for those who don't really know what he has been doing lately or since AI and that tour. Adam is just so honest, does not hide anything. WE already know so much about him if we are devoted fans that I wonder what new information will be revealed. I'd like to learn more about the process for writing his new album and the thoughts behind that. Adam Lambert knows who he is, what he wants, and how to get it. I can't wait to see the entire episode.

Anonymous said...

Adam is very beautiful! <3<3<3 . Hope VH1 show more his music, GNT and some footage of international tour and a bit of the new album and charity work. Can't wait

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady I hope you can write a comment on this blog about Adam's BTM. Your comments always are inspiring on 24/7. Hope you can share your insight with other non-fans on MJsBlog:

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:22 PM
This is just a short clip from the show, of course, and I suspect the less well-known "new" info is being saved for the actual broadcast, at least hoping something new will be discussed. There are many people who are not as well informed about Adam as we are, so rehashing a few things is not a bad idea. Some will most likely be learning about him for the first time. And any program any time about Adam is the right time I think! I can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

Also watch this video on VH1 to give it more views. It has over 5,000 views now.

Anonymous said...

very good promo. Kris is looking fine too.Can't wait for the entire show.

Anonymous said...

For the blogger above who questions why Adam would be on this show: Adam is on a show like this because people are still very interested in him, he is a marketable entertainer and his backstory is interesting. It's no surprise to me that programs like this want to feature him. I just hope the show garners new fans for him. 7:22 above stated that he has had "only one medium hit." Well, for some reason, that doesn't seem to matter to the producers at VH1, and it doesn't seem to matter to his millions of fans. The hits will come. The personae and attraction of this man shines through so strongly that it shines even more brightly than his record sales at this point. The best is still ahead!

LP said...

@ anon 8:30
"the personae and attraction of this man shines through so strongly that it shines brightly"
this is exactly the way I see not only Adam but Sauli also. Their personalities mesh together so perfectly, their personalities just brighten up any room they enter.
It has been so exciting to follow Adam's footsteps into his new world of stardom. This includes his new love of his life, it has all been so heart warming. :)

Anonymous said...

7:22 speak for yourself. I am a new fan and none of it will be old news to me. lol Got all my recording devices ready to roll.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely amazing. He is so smart, articulate and kind. I believe all of these attributes will come through. What I want to see is a focus on his music, writing, singing, dancing, charity work, relationships with family and friends, etc.
The sensational topic of his sexuality is not as important. Noones sexuality defines a person. Like he said, the shirt should say Adam. So one day, could we just have a program that talks about his talent and the person he is? He embraces his sexuality and we embrace him for everything he is. It is time to showcase Adam. Hopefully this show will. And by the way, WWFM was a big hit and so was IIHY. Time for Miracles should have been. It is a masterpiece. So is Adam. He is a genius. Love him more than any other celeb.

Anonymous said...

Just did watch all the "Up Next" clips too I assume. There were a few adrenaline highs there!

I'm just doing some wishing here, but do you recall sometime back when Adam said they were doing some film on the process of putting the new album together? Would it, could it possibly be that material in this VH1 program along with his "history" which we all know sooooooooo well?
After 12, taking med. calming down, going to bed!

Anonymous said...

He looks so gentlemanly and confident. I've always thought of Adam as having been robbed of his AI title, still do actually; but Kris did suffer some sort of backlash. He is almost completely eclipsed by Adam, talent/personality wise as well as the AI/8 result. If he had competed in another season, S9, perhaps, his career might have soared too.
-Lam my

Dinah-mite said...

How much more can I keep LUVING how REAL this man is???
Will see him in 3 days, almost can't stand myself!! And I don't think this little Quebec town has ANY idea of what they are in for...
"When Glamberts Strike"... Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't judge the success of Adam's music simply by what sold the best in the U.S. If I Had You, Whataya Want From Me and For Your Entertainment ALL did well in the country I live in, If I Had You being the biggest seller. Adam's For Your Entertainment album also did well. Adam is an INTERNATIONAL star.

Anonymous said...

@Dinah-mite Have a great time on Friday. Can't wait to see all the videos and pictures. Also, give us a recap of the show when you can. <3

Shiggles said...

@ 9:09 !! Welcome to the fantastic fandom of Adam Lambert where no one ever arrives too late. You're in for a treat for your eyes, ears and your heart. Please come back and let us all know how you feel about OUR gorgeous man with the magic voice.


Anonymous said...

So love this brave man and what he represents.

Anonymous said...

@9:56 Adam's songs actually seem to have done better in countries outside the U.S. Still WWFM was a major hit here and is still played on the radio. He is an international star which can not be said for all those coming off idol. Can't wait to watch beautiful Adam on the show!

Anonymous said...

Adam is very popular internationally. He's done well in Europe, Asia etc. For example in Finland he's had 5 singles (FYE, WWFM, IIHY, Aftermath and Sleepwalker). The US is not the only market, although it's a big market (but so is Asia and others too). The fact that he's gay is a non-issue at least in Europe, it's really not a big deal. He's an amazing singer and has an intriguing personality.

Anonymous said...

I get annoyed when Kris Allen keeps saying that Adam deserved to win **just as much as he did**. Thats not true. Adam deserved to win much more than he did. I know it didnt matter in the end and that Adam was already a winner from the beginning and all, but.. I guess I am a bit petty...

Anonymous said...

Adam has been indulging his boyfriend's bronzer ;)

So, in all seriousness, I'm looking towards this so much. I was afraid that this would be only a repeat of the Hollywood true story, but even with the same interviewees, it looks like it's going to be better.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:09 WELCOME to a new fan! Give yourself a tag and join in the party! Have you seen many of Adam's interviews and Concerts online? What made you a fan? Have you seen True Hollywood Story about Adam? If not, here is the first one. When it is done, the second of 6 pops up.


Anonymous said...

So looks like we both can't let this go quietly. I did feel the same what you said about Kris' remark that they both deserved to win. It is however not the pinnacle of the whole injustice against Adam. What I feel most strongly is Adam missed the experience of a lifetime. He will never know what it feels like being crowned as American Idol viewed by a worldwide tv audience. Of course he will have a lot of such glorious moments, no doubt about that, but that was his first and had to be so unethically snatched from him. They have tried various ways to right the wrong, didn't work for me.
-Lam my

Bing said...

Gosh how many more sleepless nights before this one, the anxiety is unbearable! Adam looks gorgeous in this interview and i'm loving the tan! No matter what other people would say, I know in my heart that you are most deserving to be featured in this simply because you are a SHINING STAR!

@Dinah-mite - i envy you soooooo much and please please please don't forget us. We need your firsthand review of Adam's performance. You have a blast Dinah-mite :D

@daydreamin - thanks for the shout-out in an old thread. I'm also excited about our new fan here. It would be interesting to get to know more about him/her.

Hey @ANON at 9:09PM welcome to 24/7. Hope that you will stay with us for a very long time. It is just so nice to know that our glamily is growing each day, slowly but steadily.

Bing said...


Hey daydreamin it's MGF's birthday today. Adamluv's was last July 24.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MGF! Wishing you good health and a blissful life with your family. We miss you already.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

gay,gay,gay.. Please ,pretty please VH1 focus on Adam,the man,the talent

the creative artist! I can only hope

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday MGF! <3
Miss you!


Ronnie said...

Come on @4:15 AM and your gay gay ...

Of course the VH1 focuses on ADAM!!!

So much looking forward to see and hear the whole Behind the music episode!!

And Happy Birhtday MGF too!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the full program. As usual Adam looks gorgeous, but in the same way as others have mentioned, I hope the program concentrates on Adam for the artist he is with his exceptional talent rather than always focusing on the fact that he is gay. I also like Kris Allen, and I feel he was being genuine with regards to his comments towards Adam and how he felt he deserved to win American Idol, still, I think by now Adam has well and truly proven just how much he did deserve to win the title. I see this as all being in the past now, and I can't wait to hear his new Album once it's released.

By the way I'm an Aussie from Australia, I only discovered Adam a few months ago, my sister has been a fan for some time and that's how I discovered just how remarkable he is. I hope he will be touring here to promote his second album as sadly I missed out on his GNT in 2010, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for his next visit.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:27 AM

Always happy to greet new fans of Adams...our goal is gradual world domination! You needn't worry about whether he will return to Australia, he has said it's a country that made him welcome and feel at home. Thanks for being so nice to our boy.

In reference to Kris, I think he is a truly kind hearted young man with a pleasant voice and manner, not edgy or sexually threatening in any way and appealed to the broad American audience as a "safe" vote. He recognized that Adam's talent was greater than his own...but he couldn't not acknowledge his own winning, it would have been a slap in the face of the thousands who voted. He's a gentleman and has done nothing but be a friend and admirer of Adams. He is not articulate and he is not a shining star but hopefully will have a career doing what he loves....they're both good guys!
........I'm JAK

Anonymous said...

You do not have to be the winner of American Idol to be crowned a success. Most of us realized Adam was the greater talent, and I think he has proved that by becoming an international star. You don't really hear much about Kris Allen, last year's winner Lee Dewyze, Reuben S. and even Fantasia has gone through all kinds of emotional and financial problems. The focus now should be on Adam's music, that exceptional voice and his stage presence. He is an awesome performer both visually and musically, the best in the industry. In addition, he is articulate, smart, self-confident, polite and just an all around good person. Can't wait for the release of his second album this fall and all the promotional stuff that goes along with it. Hope he will make the rounds of all the talk shows and late night tv.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! How y'all doing?! First of all , can't wait to see the full episode. & JAK, yes, they will be showing scenes in the recording studio.
Second, happy birthday to MGF !
Next, welcome Aussie, I have a fellow fan friend in Australia, she's a lovely lady!
& lastly, am I the only fan who feels Adam's passion? & Adam is not talented , he's freaking gifted from the universe! (Carrie Underwood & most like her, are talented). Adam has a Magic beyond what a normal person can comprehend!
Oh gawd, I like Kris. He's talented, yea, talented , that's what won AI .
This vh1BTM, better focus on that voice, that's why Adam is where he is at
now.Adam has us , his fans, we believe in him, we believe in his MAGIC!!
Yep, to this day, that ai8 result , it just seems so wrong to this day. But the vh1 show is about Adam , not Kris. I think there will be something new about Adam .
We know so much about Adam , they should have an Adam Lambert boardgame!
Ok, I'm done venting. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Hi JAK, thanks for your comments regarding Adam and Kris Allen. I watched all the American Idol performances via You-Tube,and it was obvious to me that Adam deserved to win, but I could also see from various interviews that both Adam and Kris were very supportive of each other, and so I wish Kris the best with his future. I think your right about American Idol's choice being a "safe" vote, it seems so unfair to think that Adam missed out for clearly the wrong reasons, he has a remarkable talent and stage presence, but apart from this I really admire the way he accepted defeat and the respect he displayed toward Kris when he won, as you say they are both good guys, but Adam is clearly someone special.

Adam has so many fans here in Australia, I like your comment about world domination too :) Somehow I don't think Adam will have to many problems, it seems he already has fans world wide and in many ways is fast becoming a superstar in his own right.

Lovely to chat with you JAK. As a new fan I look forward to learning more about Adam, and I enjoy reading what other fans have to say as well.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is saying Adam needs to be crowned American Idol to be a success as far as Adam is concerned and nobody is saying Kris had any ill intention in the whole AI/8 result fiasco. The point I am very adamant about is Adam was robbed of that special experience of elation, and affirmation of his outstanding performances and hard work week after week. That experience might even have given him inspiration to write a song; we'd never know. Also, an injustice is just that however one tries to camouflage it.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@-Lam my, I agree & that's a very good point . I don't know, does anyone think Adam will someday win? At anything? Is second or being a nominee , actually winning, technically no. & Adam Lambert is technically the best voice (IMO) in the world! How many rockstars do you know can sing opera, theatrical, passionately? How many opera singers do you know can sing rock or theatrical with passion?
Better yet.! How many freaking vocalists do you know can impregnate women & men with their voice ?absolutely NOBODY! NONE!!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Exactly what you say!! ..."technically no".

By the way, is your daughter getting more adjusted to school now? I read about her plight on another thread.

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone!! Y'all are a great group of lovliness. Happy bday and belated bday to my fellow July babies.

Adam is... everything.

Can't wait for album.


Anonymous said...

I don't know you; when I came, I think you left or maybe not posting so often. Anyway...
Happy Birthday MGF !!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Lam my, thank you for asking about my daughter, school hasnt started & she dreads going back. Bullying scars a person, especially a young person. I've been bullied at work but management didn't do anything about it when I turned the bullies in. As an adult I have to deal with it cuz it's my job & I have every right to work . It's all competition, blah! I just hope my daughter can get thru another year at school , if not , I guess we'll be the ones to get counseling. Since nobody wants to deal with the bullies. Thank you. I appreciate your concern. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Hey Mwah!!K, the situation is quite sad; I have no idea it is so rampant. Take care and I hope things turn out better for you and your daughter.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@MGF, and another Happy Birthday to you from me.

Really busy at work now but wanted to point out what a lovely day full of sunshine you have here today in MA.


Anonymous said...

This man is just so freakin gorgeous - enough said. Very articulate, sweet, intelligent..... So does anyone know when this was actually filmed?

Anonymous said...

@MGF: Happy Birthday and many more to come.

Adam won I8 in mind and heart, as he did in many who watched. Yes, there was an injustice, but nothing could be done about it. Kris is a good guy, and I wish him the best.

Someone said Adam has been overshadowed since Idol, I don't see it that way at all. I think Adam has overshadowed all the other idols. No body has his talent.

To our new fans to this site:..Welcome. This is a good place for all Adam news, plus, at times, we give a little personal info about ourselves.
I personally like a little fun added, laughter is so good. Hope you give a tag, and enjoy.


The Dark Side said...

It's a moot point now that Adam didn't win. Of a certainty, it still stings for most of his fans, but we have moved on, as Adam has. I have watched this short clip so many times, I can probably repeat it word for word. Missing Adam a lot, doesn't even cover how I feel. Thank you Vh1 for seeing the potential in Adam that his fans know so well. Wish they/everyone would put the gay card in the background where it belongs.

Anonymous said...


I do wish you a Happy Birthday even though we have only "spoken" briefly......I'll tell you a secret. I file away impressions of people I meet here, I don't remember what the comment you wrote was about sometime back.....but what popped into my head when I saw everyone wishing you Happy Birthday was "MGF...compassionate!"

Wish you'd comment more often...............JAK

glitzylady said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

I miss you, and am glad you still have time to at least lurk here! Hope you didn't skip the Sauli/Weekend Style thread.. It made me think of you! ; )

Anonymous said...

VH1 and all stories should focus more on the man, talent, creativity, energy, positive attitude, generosity, etc. and not sexuality. It shouldn't overshadow Adam and his musical genius. That is all I am saying. Love that man so much!!!

Anonymous said...

You do remember that the name of the show was American Idol. Not Best Singer in America.
More a case of who represents America best in song? Ideal winner would be an Eagle Scout or High School Head Cheerleader. Americana!

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's going to be great, and I can't wait! Just two comments: 1) wish he would say he's proud of the type of person he is (honest, etc.) rather than just always saying he's proud of his sexuality. 2) Adam deserved to win way more than Chris did. Maybe it's just me.

Anonymous said...

@ Mwah!!K

In my spare time, when I'm not preparing for my debut as a Rapper, I've been giving your Adam Boardgame some thought....Interesting idea....I'm working on it! .....JAK

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone Sensationalized his sexuality and has refused to talk about his music since. I would have never talked if I was him. He has stated that he wants his music to reach all people but the media has simply refused to talk about music. The music business is fickle and once they rip you apart they forget about you. The music has to be good so people will stay interested, not the next liaison.

Anonymous said...

The Adam Lambert and Kris Allen showdown ended up being one of the biggest upsets in television history. If it was judged on voice alone, than Adam Lambert won! I will always believe it was fixed.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Adam's second album will be beyond good so that people will be interested in it,buy it, and want to hear the first single release. I guess a video along with it is part of the package. WWFM is still played on the radio here in the NYC area and I've also heard it in the mall while shopping in Macy's. And I would hope that this VH 1 program would focus on Adam and the music, his talent, the process of putting this second album together and his goals/aspirations for the future. This is a much anticipated album and I think all of his fans are ready to burst with excitement waiting for its release this fall. Yes, we like to see the latest pictures of Adam, read about his relationship with Sauli, see him out with friends, but the focus should be on the music from this amazingly talented performer. That's what will sustain him in the music industry where most of today's pop stars are auto-tuned and more style than substance. Adam Lambert is in a league of his own and my wish is that this second album will definitely prove that. By the way, doesn't he look gorgeous in this preview?

Anonymous said...

Yea really gorgeous!! And the well-styled hair...his crowning glory!!
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Yes, 'open minded' indeed! The US need to get out the bloody box, love and respect this megastar of a man, who WILL rule the world (and that's well underway already!), with his breathtaking vocals and outstanding stage presence! He is a genius entertainer!

Kris is a nice guy but the comparison in talent between him and ADAM is like night and day.No disrespect intended, just the honest truth! Seems RCA have a reason for airing old news..

Now the anticipation is intense for international fans who are counting the days towards the release of the new album! Oh Happy days!

Anonymous said...

Hey @ JAK I see you are still rapping!

Anonymous said...

@7:22 Clearly you haven't seen the response to Adam internationally! The vision is very blinkered and restricted in the US. Adam is played here in my part of the world every single day.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would put this whole gay issue in the past where it belongs. Surely by now most people know Adam's gay and for those who don't, does it really matter? Time to move on Adam, concentrate on your music and your next album, these are the things that will bring you success.

Anonymous said...

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