Adam Lambert's INROCK August 2011 Japanese Interview
Filed Under (album news,interview ) by Admin on Monday, July 18, 2011
Posted at : Monday, July 18, 2011

The following is just a few answers from the new interview, to read the full interview, click on the link to Terragj's LiveJournal below!
INROCK: Is that so? Well, let’s cut to the chase and talk about the album. You’re in the midst of recording the album, am I right?
A: Yes! I’ve already been working on the album for three months now.
I: Three months!
A: Yeah. This time, I’m writing a lot of songs on my own. In fact, almost all the songs have been written by me. I’ve been working with various producers and songwriters; noting down ideas, melodies and lyrics. It’s really shaping to become an exciting piece of work!
I: At this point, are you at the stage where you’re picking the best songs from the ones that you already have? Are you at the initial, middle, or final stage?
A: I’d say I’m a little past the middle stage – I’ve recorded about 25 songs now.
I: (Laughs) But couldn’t you share just one out of the several that you have?
A: Generally speaking, this album’s theme is about the search for oneself. No matter how old you are, whether you are a man or woman, no matter your background – I think that everyone is in the process of finding out who they are, what makes them happy or gives them a sense of stability. This time, the subjects of many of these songs are about the search and the discoveries made – whether it be happy or sad. It could be about the joy you experience during an “Aha! Look at what I’ve discovered about myself!” moment, or “Wow, I can’t believe I was able to make a connection with that person” moment. Or, it could be about the sadness you feel when you can’t seem to understand yourself or make a connection. There are songs about both of these aspects.
I: Will the album contain answers to your own discoveries about yourself? Will we be able to hear the results of your own self-exploration in this album?
A: Yes, I think this album will probably tell people more about who I am. From the first album, you were probably able to learn a little about me – but the songs on that album were mostly glittery, fun songs. It was an extremely theatrical, fun album to make – and something I really wanted to do at that time. However, for this album, I wanted it to be much more personal – something that would allow people to know more about who I am inside.
I: [On that note] in another interview, you’ve said that you wanted to make this album extremely personal. What sort of personal things have you written about?
A: It will be about various things I feel for personally – such as how I think. Extremely personal things. This time, because I’m writing my own songs, it’s natural that these aspects emerge more than ever. From within me, ideas and song lyrics have been pouring out, so as it stands now this album has become a personal one. (Terra: I suspect he probably phrased this better in English; in Japanese it sounds fine but translated to English it’s a bit weird.)
I: When it comes to what artistes define as “personal”, it usually is about love isn’t it? It’s a subject that’s easy to relate to.
A: I agree. However, what’s important for me is not only to let people know about me, but also to pen down feelings and emotions that could be felt universally by anyone. Everyone seeks love. And that’s why, in my own way, I want to tell people about such things. I’m sure everyone at some point desires to experience fun and joy. Anyone will have moments of loneliness, question their existence and significance on this earth – and wonder why they continue to live way they do. Anyone.
Head over to Terraj's Livejournal here to read the full interview!
Scan credit: mmyy9
Translation credit: terraj
Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
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I hope Magazine Cafe Emails me when this issue comes out.Not that I can read it but the pictures are usually good. I have two INROCK magazines and love them.Costly but have no buyer regret as Adam would say.
This album sounds quite different from FYE ... FYE is a fun album filled with mostly upbeat songs ... this one sounds like ADAM is leaning toward LOVE songs of a different vibe. Now ... I'm REALLY anticipating this New MASTERpiece from ADAM!!! Can't WAIT!!
Oooo so much to wait for!!!
Thanks @glitzylady for finding this article to us!!
OMG! If the music doesn't kill us the lyrics will.
I have a strong feeling that I will need tissue when listen to this album :")
I love emotional songs, the kind you can curl up on your pillows and "float" thru space listening to............and of course the up tempo hard driving dance music where I can "bed dance" myself into a frenzy.....the fun kind of exercise! I'm sure Adam's choices will give us a bit of everything....more personal perhaps.
That will suit me fine, I won't mind a more personal encounter with him!.....^o^.....JAK
We are going to eat this album up now that we know that it reflects so much of Adam's feelings. Cannot wait to hear it. This cd coupled with his "glam" songs from his first cd will make an absolute GREAT concert tour. Yay!
Adam's lyrics and music sounds like it will be amazing. To me putting his voice front and center is so important. This is a great interview. Getting so ready for this album to come out!!! I hope it soars to the top of the charts and stays there like Adele's.
I'm lovin' what Adam is saying about the new album! But knowing Adam as we do (and I think we DO, to some degree), I think that along with the introspective, love stuff, we will also get some great sexy tunes and rocky rolly songs as well. I'm sure he's been considering how his music will translate to concert performances. Can't wait for next year's tour so he can blow the roof off once again!
A new song by Adam posted on iTunes today. Check them out they sound great.
I have a stupid question: What is the "illuminati" Adam is refering to in a recent tweet?
llluminati, is a secret club. Adam is never beyond weird stuff. Google it and you will see how weird it is. He applied for an aplication to join it. I think Neil might answer the questions a bit better, maybe Adam will have Neil help him.
Adam was joking.
@ 7:55 The new song on itunes is actually an old song Live the Life pre idol. Don't think Adam would get any financial benefit from this. George Scott who produced it would . This is my assumption. I think he is capitalizing on the drought and excitement of anything from Adam. Cause this could have been released a long time ago. If any one can explain this or have more insight to this song please post. Thanks.
@ 8:41
I sure hope he was joking. You are prolly right.
He seems to be floating on air these days, I am sure it has nothing to do with Sauli :)
@LP. I think Adam was joking with his tweet too...He really is a happy guy these days.
And about that "Live the Life" old song. It's really too bad IF Adam won't get money from it. That doesn't seem fair if that's the case. I will be happy waiting for Adam#2 while listening to FYE and watching lovely videos on youtube. October will be here soon! And the next concert is in ten days, that will keep us entertained for a while... )
I have a feeling the wait is almost over. Would love something different from FYE. I think this will be a compelling gift to fan as he writes and sings his heart out. How much we don't know about Adam? I'll wait to find out.
I thought that this was an amazing interview. It did provide lots of insight into the new album and the songs Adam is writing for it. He seems so positive, introspective and focused. We will be able to learn more about this man who has already told us so much about himself in the past two or three years . To me he has the best voice in the music business today and that's what I want to hear. Of course, the lyrics are important as well. No auto-tuning, bells and whistles for Adam. I like his references to Adele since she is a powerhouse vocally. WE are all waiting anxiously for the "birth of this baby", this second album and the release of the first single and video from it. It's going to be a great day for all of us Adam fans when this does happen. This blog site will be on overload I am sure.
@ LP
Definitely a joke on Adam's part. The Illuminati have been around for centuries doing their dirty deals. Wealthy individuals with power to buy and control Kings and governments.
Their counterparts (corporations)still exist and are busy, busy,busy in every country!.....JAK
I've decided my Christmas "good deed" is going to be to buy as many copies of the new album as I can afford and send them to the Sister Soldiers
group who mail them to our servicewomen in Iraq and Afghanistan. @ daydreamin told us about it recently and if you didn't get the CA. address I'm sure she'd be glad to repeat it!
I WANT that album to be a best seller and guarantee Adam's continued success and help him be recognized for the artist he is.
I seem a little manic....even to myself ^o^
@ JAK Great idea. Even if everyone just buys one extra copy. I want the same thing for Adam because his talent is too wonderful not be heard or appreciated!
It's me again....before I shut up and go away from this thread for good (I promise)......I want to clear up that I did not mean to imply that all corporations operate similar to the Illuminati.......just that the early days members were wealthy men who banded together to be the "men behind the throne".
I definitely don't want a or many corporations
"hacking" me!.....JAK
That's it, I'm movin on.........
Radiates light!!
Adam Lambert, owns a wonderful dream. Their second album, this dream ever closer to reality, working with great mystic responsibility, love and professionalism in their creation, which reveals his musical wisdom, based on the beauty of their inner world and experiences to achieve their ultimate goal, as expressed in the interview "Writing my feelings and emotions can be felt universally by anyone. Everyone is looking for love" Incredible Gift! EXCELLENCE Adam gave us on his new album, which will deliver the best of him, a real and fantastic musical journey that deeply touch our sensibilities and our joys renew his art. Adam, your time of creation, music and lyric remain enrriquecedor and pleasant to follow in total freedom to express your real feelings and your dreams!
Glitzylady, thank you for this updated information, Best regards!
JAK @ 10:43, Adam's next album will be successful if he has a few catchy songs that radio stations will want to play. That way, the mainstream listening robots will hear him and hopefully will want to buy the album. And I do hope you realize he will have to break the tradition of AI alumni's(with the exception of maybe Clarkson and Underwood) 2nd albums not selling as well as the first. A few of us hard core fans buying many copies won't do it. But please don't try to force Adam on other people. I've learned that it has the opposite of the desired effect. Adam's talent surpasses any pop singer today, but sadly, talent doesn't dictate what get's played on the radio. And if Adam chooses to want to be a part of that type of entertainment, we all have to keep that in mind as we try to be hopeful for the next album.
Those Live The Life tracks on iTunes sound great. They are refreshing. Downloaded them this morning to get my fix. LOL!
@11:06 AM.........?????????????????????????????
J Scott G wrote on his facebook page that he signed contracts with Adam's management to release these tracks. I think it's fine to download them. They sound fabulous!
@11:28, Part of post I was responding to:
"I WANT that album to be a best seller and guarantee Adam's continued success and help him be recognized for the artist he is.
My response:
"JAK @ 10:43, Adam's next album will be successful if he has a few catchy songs that radio stations will want to play. That way, the mainstream listening robots will hear him and hopefully will want to buy the album. And I do hope you realize he will have to break the tradition of AI alumni's(with the exception of maybe Clarkson and Underwood) 2nd albums not selling as well as the first. A few of us hard core fans buying many copies won't do it. But please don't try to force Adam on other people. I've learned that it has the opposite of the desired effect. Adam's talent surpasses any pop singer today, but sadly, talent doesn't dictate what get's played on the radio. And if Adam chooses to want to be a part of that type of entertainment, we all have to keep that in mind as we try to be hopeful for the next album."
Fans are buying those Live The Life tracks on iTunes. EP positioned at 58 on iTunes and moving fast. I love all the tracks. J Scott G did a fabulous job and on his facebook page he wrote he got Adam's management approval to release the tracks. Let's all buy it to put Adam's name on first page of iTunes. Good publicity for Adam on iTunes, IMO.
@11:38 AM
Still don't get it. Isn't what JAK said what we all want for Adam? Respect and success? And who was she forcing to do anything?
And what do you mean by "and if Adam chooses to want to be a part of that type of entertainment, we all have to keep that in mind as we try to be hopeful for the next album".
What a "downer" of an endorsement. Are you sure you are a fan? Sounds more like a lecture to me.
A depressing one. Hope you haven't discouraged any real fans from purchasing several or any of the albums, because, after all it won't help?????
Try to cheer up!
I'm just trying to be realistic. I'm frustrated with most of the pop songs on the radio lately. Hopefully Adam will have something different to offer. I just hope they don't autotune his voice or whatever it is they do to singers' voices these days.
I did not mean to "lecture" anyone, especially JAK. I enjoy her posts.
Guys, Live The Life is moving unbelievably fast on iTunes. You can download it here:
OT Lady Gaga says she is going to be bankrupt again. Who is taking her money?
fuck gaga!
Urethra you have such a way with words. Please clean up your potty mouth; there are 11 and 12 year olds who come to this site. I know they've heard that word before, but you've become quite annoying with its usage lately.
Thank you in advance :)
Gaga said she spends all her money on costumes and stage presentations for her concerts. Is that any way to run a business?
Adam is so smart being a business man and performer, hope he can find the balance within. Why on earth you spend millions on stage material and in return those so called "edgy" override your actual talent. She was egged in Australia.
2:38 lately? this is who I am doll face. no need to thank me in advance cause I assure you I will not be changing anything about the way I post.
11:42pm I read 11:38's comment several times and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I am glad you cracked the code. lol
it would be good to actually hear from Adam whether he endorses this new song or not. Isn't this the same guy that was going to release this just after Idol, and Adam got it stopped?
@Urethra F. - I love your no BS comments!
@HK J Scott G, on his facebook page, mentioned he got approval from Adam's management to sell these tracks on iTunes. I bought them and I love them a lot. It's new and refreshing and it's got Adam's voice. can't wait to hear his epic album #2. But until then, these tracks will satisfy my urge to hear something new from Adam.
@ anon 5.43
Just saw this tweet
CA_Flashmod:Re:Live the Life by J.Scott featuring Adam Lambert:So far the message I'm getting is "99% chance this is not ok."
So not sure whats happening, Just wish Adam would confirm he's OK with it, and more importantly whether he will get money from it..
Urethra, you're a hoot! Don't change.
Adam has not tweeted anything on Live the Life release, I would hold on to that until he say so. You know, he always very supportive to his friends.
apparently RCA Ed says A&R tells me this is not official or authorized.
But it seems to be doing well on Itunes, I suppose the only thing is that Adam won't see any money from it.
6:02 Dont worry honey. Im not afraid of the language police.
@ Urethra, You always crack me up and keep it real when it gets ridiculous! When you've taken a break you were missed and it was noticed! I don't always agree with you, but it always comes from an honest, real place from you. #neverphony funbunn40
@ Urethra
I always like your effective style of smacking cray cray here! :)
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