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DWTS's Kirstie Alley Praises Adam Lambert on Twitter

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 22, 2011

Posted at : Friday, July 22, 2011

Kirstie Alley Pictures, Images and Photos

Dancing With The Stars' Kirstie Alley tweeted about her love for Adam Lambert's hit song "If I Had You".

Then she retweets a message from a fan who recommended she listen to "Whataya Want From Me". Looks like Kirstie is becoming a glambert, one song at a time!


Anonymous said...

So cool that she called him "Adam." Just the first name. She "gets" it, I think. Lots of celebs love Adam. More will love him as time goes on!

Anonymous said...

Just like Adam Levine or whatever his name is didn't know the song or artist.
At least it isn't Kirstie's job to know that kind of thing. Kirstie's ok

glitzylady said...

Off topic, but funny..

People magazine online has this gossip item:

• Adam Lambert was quite the doting uncle during a family dinner at Kittichai in New York with his brother, Neil, his sister-in-law and their baby. The relaxed group took over a corner table, but Lambert was especially focused on his nephew, entertaining him throughout the meal. Says an onlooker: "It was really sweet."

This is Neil's response on Twitter:
@negativeneil Neil Lambert
People magazine thinks I'm married and we just had a baby? And who was this onlooker?!
32 minutes ago

The link to the article: I have a feeling THAT one is going to be retracted! It does show that anything related to Adam gets attention, even if it isn't exactly true! Only explanation is that they somehow got Neil mixed up with the Cherry's and Riff. Not a lot of fact checking there...,,20512047,00.html

glitzylady said...

Ha! Adam just tweet this response to Neil's tweet! So it was indeed Adam with the Cherry's in New York..I love the description of Adam: Lambert was especially focused on his "nephew"( AKA his GODSON Riff Cherry) entertaining him throughout the meal. Says an onlooker: "It was really sweet."

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
A friend just texted "Neil had a baby!?" hahah. Nope
18 minutes ago

@adamlambert Adam Lambert says I was a doting uncle to my brother's and sister in laws baby at an NYC dinner. Wrong. I was w my dear friends the Cherry's.

And this is Scarlett Cherry's response to Neil and Adam..

@scarlettcherry Scarlett Cherry
@adamlambert ...too funny
15 minutes ago

@scarlettcherry Scarlett Cherry
@negativeneil ...Ha! yeah..didn't you know we got married ;) ps. Riff says what up pops ;)
19 minutes ago


Anonymous said...

Love Kirstie Alley.
Hey OT, but did anyone see where Cheeks is getting married?? Does anyone know to whom?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:00 PM
Cheeks isn't getting married..he was joking and referring to a TV show.."Husbands". That's my understanding anyway..He confused a lot of people, that's for sure! Now doubt will happen someday tho!

glitzylady said...

OOOPS! I meant to say "No doubt will happen someday tho!"

Anonymous said...

Love the rumor about Neil being a dad! Well it could happen one day but don't these journalists even try to fact check before printing stuff? Glad to see Neil, Adam and Scarlett Cherry were on this right away LOL!


Anonymous said...

@Ronnie and other Norwegian friends
Hope you all are ok after those explosions in Oslo. It´s all over the news and it looks terrible.

Shiggles said...

I'm suprised to not see snaps of this taken by Lee. Maybe soon?

Adamluv said...

OT - Last weekend was watching a mainstream news cast (not an entertainment show) and they were talking about "carmeggaden" here in LA. The news guy starts talking about people tweeting about it and says "Here is what some celebrities had to say - Adam Lambert tweeted - - - - - - - -." Dont remember exactly what Adam said - something about no big deal but the point of my story is - They led off with Adam and didnt identify him as singer, AI contestant, nothing but his name. They just assumed everyone knew who he is!!!!!! That's our boy. ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Indeed terrible...and in the city and country of the Nobel Peace Prize. Sad. My husband has close relatives there...praying for the safety of all.

glitzylady said...

I love the way Adam is increasingly becoming a household "name" without the labels...I suppose he is especially well known in LA. I wonder if the time is coming when all that will be needed is just his first name..just Adam... : )

Anonymous said...

Adam like Liza...Madonna

Funny I talk about Adam at work..they know who I mean...kinda of scary's like I know him as a friend because I read so much about him and quote him.......

Anonymous said...

@ Eva

Hard to watch those footage on Olso, hope our Norway fans are OK. Sending my love and light from Canada.

Anonymous said...

Prayers and love to Oslo!


Anonymous said...

What terrible news about Oslo, Norway. Hoping that safety and recovery quickly return to Oslo. I visited Oslo and Trondheim, Norway a few years ago. It was a lovely and charming place to visit. I experienced the "White Nights" while I was there....daylight all the time! It was fantastic!

I hope the Glamberts in Norway are all okay xxxooxx


Anonymous said...

I knew I liked you Kirstie! Max from DWTS is such a hottie too!

Anyway, OT, but this is what Nancy Pelosi just tweeted!!!

(Sister...I hope you are lurking!)

NancyPelosi Nancy Pelosi
#DADT will soon be history, our military will be stronger & our nation will end a fundamental injustice
1 hour ago

And this just tweeted :

BREAKING: President Obama, Defense Secretary & Joint Chiefs Chairman certify "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal. Policy to end in 60 days!
2 hours ago

Sutan just tweeted this: (hysterical!)

sutanamrull SutanlovesRaja
Fuck it's HOT!! My #nads are sweating!!!
1 hour ago

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, nice pic:


Anonymous said...

This is how it all started with Kirstie's comment:
From Adamquotedaily:

"Kirstie Alley tweeted that she had 30 minutes to kill and asked her followers (over 865,000) to tweet her links to their favorite music.. She said she would RT her favorites. And this is what she RT."

Anonymous said...

ROCK GAWD Adam in ROCK GAWD Sunglasses:


Anonymous said...

An interview with J. Scott G. regarding Adam's "Live the Life": (the link is here):

Live The Life : The Adam Lambert Way
August 23, 2010 orchidas Leave a comment Go to comments

Adam Lambert gets more praise in this snippet of an interview between Libra Rising Show host, J. Scott G. and remix master DJ Fonzerelli. The song being played after the interview is “Live The Life”, by J. Scott G., and featuring Adam Lambert’s vocal before he made it big in American Idol.

Begins @ 82:49 of the track:
The Libra Rising Show – Episode 22 – Fonzerelli by jscottg

Transcript of the interview with Fonzerelli from 82:49 :-

Scott: You did a remix for me, a track I did with Adam Lambert called “Live The Life” – we’re going to play that . You’ve also done a couple of tracks with Adam yourself, haven’t you?

Fonzerelli: Yeah, I’ve done a few things for Adam, um, for Adam until American Idol. We were working on stuff. I would remix Adam’s own music that he had made in the studio. And in return, he would send some vocals to me, and we’ve done some things together – some tracks together. And his voice is just amazing; it’s just ridiculously good. I mean, I could write lyrics here for Adam, and sing the lyrics out, and email it across to him – and within an hour, he’d have it back to me with a perfect vocal. You know, you just don’t get talent like that, you know, and the man is genuinely, GENUINELY (laughs a little) fantastic, you know, though everybody thinks, alright yeah, he’s one of them X-Factor, or, you know, American Idol people.

Scott: Yeah. Well, we’re about to play your remix that you did, the Fonzerelli remix of “Live The Life” that’s finally, finally about to come out here pretty soon. You know how long this has taken me to finally get this paperwork done for this –

Fonzerelli: (laughs) Yeah, it’s been a while, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it -

Scott: Well, here we go, this is “Live The Life”, the Fonzerelli remix on the Libra Rising show, and Aaron, thanks for being on the show, and we’ll talk to you soon.

Fonzerelli: Thanks, Scott.

Note: Fonzerelli is the pseudonym of Aaron McClelland, a DJ from Northern Ireland. J. Scott G., who produced the song “Live The Life” with Adam Lambert is currently hosting the Libra Rising Show with John Beaver.

To listen to the Libra Rising Show, visit this link.

Visit both their Myspace for more information on these talented people: J. Scott G. and DJ Fonzerelli.

Anonymous said...

Adam sings Voodoo in reverse:


Anonymous said...

For anyone interested (OT), Tommy Joe being drawn in colored pencils:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your thoughts for Oslo and Norway:)
I can not belive this has happened in my peaceful and inclusive city,it is a tragedy.Our prime minister on tv tonight:"The answer to violence is even more democracy,even more humanity"
I hope Ronnie is ok and my feelings go out to all those who lost a dear one to day,so many young peoples.

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

So here is what the (fake) Cheeks "engagement" thing was all about:


Anonymous said...

In the rock gawd pic with the sunglasses (whew, HOT!!), what's that white square in the middle near the nose?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, another OT but basically applies here. I love this tweet from Cheeks:

GoCheeksGo Cheeks
People seem to think being mean is a one-up, when really all you're doing is putting a big sign over you that says 'I DON'T LIKE MYSELF!'
19 hours ago


Anonymous said...

Ok, sorry, but if anyone is interested in Cheeks upcoming play of "Husbands", here ya go:


Anonymous said...

Neil's latest response to Adam!:

negativeneil Neil Lambert
@adamlambert tell your friend they're a fool. I don't even have a uterus.
1 hour ago


Anonymous said...

Adam's adorable photo shoot gifs!! A MUST SEE!:


Anonymous said...

Someday, "Adam" will be like "Cher" or "Bono." Everyone will just know who it is. There will always be only one ADAM.

HK fan said...

To Peace and love from Norway/Ronnie, and all other Norwegian fans on here.
Couldn't believe the headlines when I got up this morning. All those young people. Thinking of you all x

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin

Thanks, hadn't seen that photoshoot for awhile, doesn't he look scrumptious in a white dress shirt?.................JAK

P.S. GoCheeksGo is a secret pash of mine!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a celebritity to know Adam is Awesome and a supertar.

Anonymous said...

@JAK YES, I Adam looks amazing in that white shirt!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

@Eva, Ronnie and all Norwegian fans, I've been glued to CNN, still in disbelief that this could happen in Norway, a country that is so peace loving. I just can't fathom why anyone would want to kill children at a summer camp or anyone .You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I hope your loved ones are all safe. So senseless and heartbreaking. ;( funbunn40

Anonymous said...

So sad for the people of Norway! In my thoughts & prayers!
I'm not worried about Adam's $ , I just want people to acknowledge his gifted vocals! Adam is one of a kind & I want him to be rewarded for all his hard word & his passion ! I think the upcoming episode of vh1 BTM is going to be really great! Can't wait to see it.
Thank you guys for all the links .of pics , etc, I appreciate your hard work!
Mwah!! K

Ronnie said...

Thank you all for your kind words because of the Norway tragedy. Have been speechless. I'm deeply sorry for the families who lost their love ones. Love u guys!

Bing said...

Wow another celebrity who loves Adam's WWFM. Hope she becomes a Glambert soon teehee :)

@Peace and love from Norway and @Ronnie - i'm so glad to hear from both of you. Be safe! This is a very sad day for a country that has been a host to a lot of Peace Talks. Positive thoughts and prayers to the people of Norway.

@daydreamin - thank you so much for all these great links, always updated and dependable.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

@Ronnie and Norwegian People

Peace and Love to Norway, a beautiful country.

-Lam my

Ronnie said...

One sick man can destroy so many lifes in Norway. BUT then there is another man who's granpa came from Norway. This man saves much more lives with his love and beautiful music. Our precious Adam! Within this sorrow I'm so grateful to him. Thru tears I hug you all lovely peeps on this man who's granpa came from Norway. This man saves much more lives with his love and beautiful music. Our precious Adam! Within this sorrow I'm so grateful to him. Thru tears I hug you all lovely peeps on this site.

Ronnie said...

One sick man can destroy so many lifes in Norway. BUT then there is another man who's granpa came from Norway. This man saves much more lives with his love and beautiful music. Our precious Adam! Within this sorrow I'm so grateful to him. Thru tears I hug you all lovely peeps on this site.

Ronnie said...

Sorry. The echo again..

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie dear

I just came to my computer and first thing I saw was that you were okay. What a relief! I have waded thru 3 newspapers ( my husband is a newspaper junkie )this morning reading reports of the tragedy in Oslo. There is no place on earth that is secure and safe it seems.

We heard from Eva yesterday so were awaiting news of you. It's a sad time for all nations when an senseless attack like this occurs.
Love to your countrymen...................JAK

Anonymous said...

@Ronnie and Eva and other Norwegian fans

I am so sorry to hear of the tragedy in your country, but I am glad to hear that you are both safe. Healing thoughts to you, your families, and all your countrymen as you heal from this senseless attack against humanity.

A distant counsin

Anonymous said...

Ronnie and Eva, I am so glad you guys are safe. Ronnie, I felt that hug all the way here in USA. Much love and support going out to all of the Norwegian's from all of us.

Bing-it's good to hear from you once in awhile! You are always welcome. I do think Kristie could easily become a Glambert!


Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie, In spite of this senseless tragedy you found a rose among the ashes. What a beautiful thought amidst so much sorrow. It deeply touched me. I'm so glad, as I know all on this site are, that you and Eva are safe. None of us ever expect to be touched by such violence in our own country that is known for it's peacefulness. The Norwegians are strong, determined people that will persevere. You all have been terribly violated, but know that millions more are sending love and deeply care for the terrible losses of precious lives. hugs... funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Ronnie, @Peace and Love from Norway, @All Norwegians -
Through tears indeed I send you and the Norwegian people my warmest condolences!

At times like this I’m so deeply grateful of having Adam, his persona & talent, his performances & VOICE in my life…Just watched Mad World (AmIdol S8 version) and remembered the first time I heard & saw him performing it --- in the middle of so much sorrow in my own life --- I was coming from my kitchen and literally stopped in the middle of the floor in awwwwww by his beautiful, immaculate vocals and this haunting song… And when he stood up and sang “looked right through meeee...” his right leg moving at this slow, consoling and soothing tempo, it sent WARM shivers up and down my spine and tears were running down my cheeks…TOTALLY UNFORGETTABLE!

It truly is a Mad World we’re living in…

GGD Gal, saddened by these horrible news

(PS. For those regulars who know me a little bit better: YES, I noticed the white pants and his BEAUTIFUL, STRONG thighs, but nothing sexual went through my mind back then…)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for caring, but I have not been in any danger. I´m from Sweden not Norway. We are neighbours and our languages are similar and we have much in common. The whole evening we watched the Norwegian news on Swedish TV. All original programs were cancelled and all we talk about is this unthinkable horror that happened to our neighbours.
@Ronnie, I think of you. You are such a sweetheart, I know it. <3

Anonymous said...

Eva, do they still think it was this one guy all by himself? I wish CNN were doing a better job of covering this. Horrid tragegy.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan
They have no evidence that there is a second shooter, but witnesses on the island say there was another man with a gun. The truth will come out eventually. The killer explained: "it was a cruel act but in my head I knew it was necessary". Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Hey Eva just want to thank you for teaching some of us, me, the use of the Home/End keys. These devices are especially useful to me because of the 12-hour time difference; and consequently my comments come right at the bottom, just like right now. I used to have to scroll it up and down; now, with just one tap on the keys. I think it was JAK who said she felt tired by the scrolling. :)

@Kentucky Fan
I think this guy is deranged, the type obsessed by power and control over others; apart from the political stance claim, don't you?

-Lam my

tess4ADAM said...

WOW!! I've been so busy Voting at all the ADAM polls that I haven't had a chance to express my extreme sorrow for everyone in Norway & their unbelievable grief over such a senseless act. May God help you all & give you the strength you need to heal from this horrible tragedy!! Sending my Love .. Light .. Prayers ...


Anonymous said...

Eva, I hope you see this. I just wanted to tell you that I had a brother who was a foreign exchange student there way back in 1982 or 1983. He loved Sweden. He came home after being there for a year. He died just a few months after coming back home at the tender age of 24. No one there that he befriended ever knew of his death and I have always felt bad about that. He made me want to go there some day but I still haven't had the chance. Perhaps some day.


Anonymous said...

OT..@ Eva, Please excuse my confusion and thanks for letting me know you were safe and are Swedish. My daughter's first love was born in Stockholm, but now lives in Sao Paulo. His father, Gunnar was the Director of Saab-Scania and grandfather promoted anti- smoking concerts in the early 1980s and was very well known in Sweden. I think his name was Frank Lindqvist. My daughter spent summers there at the family's summer house on an island and she loved the country and family. She picked up the language fairly quickly. I also had the cousins stay with me when I lived in Florida and have several pieces of beautiful crystal from Sweden that are cherished gifts. I've always hoped to visit. .....@ Daydreamin, So sorry to hear of the loss of your brother at such a young age. He and my daughter may have crossed paths, as she also was there at that time. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it was so unexpected.

That would be so cool if our kids knew each other. He was going to college there in Uppsala (spelling?) for just one year.


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