Flight Attendant Praises Adam Lambert for being a good passenger!
Filed Under (praises,The Fans,twitter ) by Admin on Sunday, July 17, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wendy Lorena, a flight attendant tweeted last night about Adam Lambert's time on her flight. She had a lot of nice things to say about him, read below!

Source: Wendy Lorena's Twitter
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That's our boy! Raised right. Polite. And, yes, a true rock star!
You are so lucky Wendy. We love him because of the things you mentioned. He's not hard to look at either. lol
You pretty girl and lucky to met Mr. World Wide Rock God indeed!!!!!
what airline was he flying?
So great to read such nice things about Adam. He was raised right by two loving, caring parents. With the crass, rude behavior of so many of today's rock performers, it is refreshing to see that Adam knows how to treat people and and just to be his humble, polite self. Thanks for the latest on AL flying back to California.
I was just at Adamtopia news thread and apparently Adam's first new music information can now be found listed at ASCAP website...Song title "Mind Control", writers Bushnell P, Ellis E, Porter Alisan & Lambert Adam and performer Lambert Adam! Exciting!
Can you imagine being the person seated next to him on the plane? (breaks into a sweat..)
Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!???? I'll wait for Adam to twitt the truth of this. Although it's exciting!!!!
God i love him!! Lucky girl!!
So great to hear from so many people how wonderful Adam is. He just has it all doesn't he. Leila and Eber did a wonderful parenting job. I remember Leila saying in an interview when Adam walked into a room it was like sunshine coming in, something along those lines not exact words. He has been spreading his sunshine and love wherever he goes!
25 songs is a lot! I wonder if they are finished the writing part and now go into production and choosing. That could almost make a double album.
Anyone remember WAY back when we had LP records and some rock bands had an entire side of a record just one song...
I rememeber Leila saying during one interview that Adam was such an inspiration to so many people...ain't that the truth?
I'm not surprised the flight attendant found Adam to be so polite and friendly...we've seen and heard reports like this from all over the world! What a guy! He's just a wonderful person. Yes, his parents def did something right. I love hearing such great comments about our boy. It makes me smile from ear to ear. The flight attendant is very pretty, isn't she? We know Adam, although gay, appreciates pretty girls LOL!
If I'm sitting with Adam, I'm just gonna stare until the plane touch down!!!!!! Ha!Ha!ha!
Of course it doesn't mean that this "Mind Control" song would be the first single or even make it on the finished album, but it is a real song and Adam co-wrote it...YAY! It's the first hint of the new album.
@10:20 Of course you're right, but it is a cool name for Adam's album and bet it's a great song. We'll see what happens, but we're staring to get some crumbs , makes me happy!!!!
I agree that Adam was fortunate in the parents he had. Parents who gave him the love and understanding needed. But I think there are people who are born with a special magic magnetism that draw others to them. In my long life I've known 3 people personally who had that quality. I'm sure you have known someone like that as well.
I think that was the quality so many of us recognized in Adam from the moment he stood in front of the audition panel for Am. Idol. It hit me in the heart and I told my husband and daughters "you need to watch Idol this year, there's a special boy."
My intuition was right and it's a joy seeing his success. Don't we all feel proud of him?.....JAK
great to hear about Adam ...loving him more every day...cannot wait for the album..wish I could have been on that flight...
I too wonder who the LUCKY person was that got to sit next to Adam in first class! I travel a lot and always hope that Adam will be on my flight, sitting next to me one day. Hasn't happened yet, but a girl can dream! :)
On another note...to all Americans here,
There is a petition letter going to President Obama. I found this letter through an aritcle link on the NOH8 site. It requests the President's leadership in ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage. I know that I, personally, would like to have the option to marry someday, if I meet the right woman, and I have many friends who are in loving committed partnerships who would be married if they had that option. If you support marriage equality please consider signing this letter to the President. Many celebrities have already signed. Thank you for your consideration.
@10:24. Makes me happy too!! Things are moving forward. And yes "Mind Control" would be a great name for a single or album. We'll just have to wait and see... :)
@JAK Exactly right, Adam has that special magnetism along with talent. He deserves tons of success and love in his life!We all feel so proud of him!!!
Yes - there are people who are born with a special magic magnetism that draw others to them. It's a magic miracle that two humans with such personalities have found each other: Adam and Sauli.
He has the IT factor for sure!
If he rode in first class, I guess I couldn't afford to be beside him :(
That magnetism is also shown when you see him always making very direct and intense eye contact with another person. Nothing wishy-washy about this guy!
Very OT If anyone is following that young fellow on Koreas got Talent, he has made it into the finals! Another very humble person despite talent.
One good reason to be a flight attendant. Can't think of any others as I hate flying and only do so when absolutely necessary. Adam's presence would make any flight more bearable tho...might even forget about crashing a burning. LOL btw the Mind Control rumors are flying by themselves. Nice title!
@JAK Unfortunately, on the flip side are those people who walk into a room and seem to suck all the energy from it leaving people drained and not knowing why. I'm sure we've all met one of these people during our lifetimes. I've known three people who could instantaneously empty a room by simply walking in. I avoided them at all costs.
Off Topic: But I'm sure its okay!
Pictures of Adam "Feeling the Heat"...oh my......
"THUD" worthy.....
Oh, and the article related to my above (11:47 AM) post..talking about Adam's trip to NYC.
@Sister - thank you for this most important info. I signed it even tho I'm not famous! LOL! I do appreciate it very much when others bring this type of info. to this site. Education is the key to most problems in the world and ignorance should not be bliss! ... Adamluv
Good comment but honestly what do you expect Adam Lambert to be like? If you didn't know by now you've been missing out.
This flight attendant obviously was overwhelmed!
Trust me there's a Whole lotta male flight attendants who adore ADAM and some have travelled thousands of miles for him...they just don't hit the twitter site with the info.
Damn going to New York next week. A week late and a possibily short. I would have passed out if he was on my flight. I just do not know what I would do if he flashed that smile and those baby blues at me. Like gliztlady said "Thud" worthy
@The Dark Side
you and me both on the flying thing. Have a flight on aug 10th and already getting nervous about it...
Maybe if I had Adams hand to hold...very tightly...to, it would help.
OT @11:39 - those people who suck out energy possess a heavy "pain body" - an interesting read from Tolle's book called A New Earth if this interests you.
On Adam's undeniable magical presence:
1. He had colic as a baby and cried non-stop
2. He was hyper-active as a child.
3. He had to put up with bullying in his teens and self esteem issues.
And look how amazing he is! Parents, take heart and have patience!
Mind (and body) Control!!
The flight attendant was only confirming what we have known for 2 years, that Adam is a very very very very very good boy! .......................
Really really good boy!.....................JAK
Practically perfect!
Thanks for taking the time to sign that petition to President Obama! You made me smile. :)
And...you ARE a celebrity on 24/7!
Hey Sister, I can't help you again, but I can, in my mind and spirit. I hope you meet someone really nice and compatible just like Adam and Sauli did.
-Lam my
@Lam my
Thank you. Truly, that is so sweet. :) You made my day.
@HK Fan
I was scared of flying but then really put things into perspective - there is such a low low risk of anything happening - and if it did then there are worse ways of leaving this world! I was not going to stop my fear from me going places and so forth. Think of Adam jetsetting around the world doing what he wants and loves and you never know you could find yourself on the same flight one day!!
I know the risks are low, and its the safest form of travel etc, and I know quite a bit about the airline industry (my husband, who I've been with for 31 years is an aircraft engineer), it doesn't help...I never used to mind so much, but it got worse with each child I had, and each year I got older....but I'm sure if I was sitting next to Adam, my mind wouldn't be on the turbulance...fat chance of that though as I'm always in economy.....I like visiting other places so I'll just have to put up with it.
I have a question for those of you who are nervous fliers. Do you suffer from acrophobia or vertigo? Are you afraid of heights or just airplanes? I have severe acrophobia and vertigo,
but can walk onto an airplane with no fear at all. Strange I know!...............JAK
I'm not very good at heights, didn't realise until I was about 19 and standing on top of the Eiffel tower....although I can stand on top of high hill no problem, just don't feel good looking down from high buildings..which isn't the best thing to suffer from in HK..
And I'm not afraid of flying per se, or aeroplanes........just crashing!!! I can never get it out my head that there is 35,000 feet of nothing between me and the ground.
What is perfect obout him is that the gentleman on the plane was absolutely genuine and the hot, sexy, hip thrusting, BABE on stage is also absolutely genuine. I will love this man FOREVER!!!!
Direct from ADAM on Twitter:
Q. The New First Song Title on ADAM LAMBERT Album is MIND CONTROL ... true or false?
A. FALSE ... there is NO song with that title on the Album ... ADAM LAMBERT
Sorry guys ... just another rumor ...
BTW ... As for ME flying ... count me OUT!!! Not even on the chance that ADAM might be on the same plane!! I LOVE ADAM but ...
Lucky airline attendant and so nice of her to let the world know what we already do. I came very close to becoming a stewardess. They told me to come back in 6 months when I would be old enough! My friend that went with me came back and worked for many years with Pan Am and my other friend with Braniff. Now I'm too old, but sure would have loved to have Adam on a flight! I decided on nursing instead and never regretted it. If Adam ever is "under the weather" I will be first in line to give him comfort and aid! (Think he would probably prefer a cute male nurse) ;( funbunn40
OT@ Sister, Forgot to thank you earlier for your important info. I was glad to sign anything that supports marriage equality! It can make a huge difference if each individual steps up for real equality for all. funbunn40
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