New Pictures of Adam Lambert in New York City (7/16/11)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, July 17, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, July 17, 2011

From Celebrity Gossip:
"Clearly no fan of the overwhelming summertime weather, Adam Lambert looked as though he was having a tough time bearing the heatwave in New York City over the weekend (July 16)."
Thanks glitzylady!
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Isn't it very humid there too? Lousy winters and lousy summers.:(
Om my word, adam looks gorgeous here. Rock god, thin and I could stare all day. Yes, BB it's hot there , not quite like florida however. lol
Isn't Adam always surrounded by a field of heat?
He looks pretty hot ! and cool ! to me......JAK
OMFG!!! Adam looks too yummy tummy here! He makes the scarf looks very nice and the to go a little bit.... Ha!Ha! WoW!!!!! Thud!!!!!
P.S. Don't discourage him from coming to Florida, I have a nice cool pool!..and margaritas!........................JAK
And he's tweeting again...Hoping for another Twitter par-tayyy.... :)
These pics are hot! I wonder who he's calling. lol.
Adam Lambert looking so fine and gorgeous almost cannot stand it...omg does he do this..he looks fine..THUD and THud
40% Carson
How low can the pants goodness
Adam is hotter than the weather!!! Love the tummy. Where's the tank when he needs it? lol
Damn!!!!! A little more down and it's there!!!!
Gosh!!!! My imagination is getting faster and faster as I type here!! LOL!!!!! Shoot me now!!!! I can stay in hell with Adam like this!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! You are so delicious indeed!!!!!
Lady behind him: "Hmmm...should I or shouldn't I? Yep, I'm just going to catch up to him and bite him on the back of his neck. Then I'll either run like crazy or faint."
Glamorous, even in this overwhelming summertime weather. Stay Glam!
Skin!!!.....Thud. OMG Keep it cool baby!
If Adam can't make it, I would be happy to fill in for him... for a magarita, in the sun, by the pool! But with an invitation like that I doubt Adam will be able to resist! :)
@JAK and @Sister
If you have room for one more, I'm coming down there too..Seattle weather can best be described as sh***y. Rain, rain, and more rain....We've having a barbeque today...sheesh...I'm ready for that margarita and some sun..
But these pictures of Adam definitely put a little sunshine in my day! : )
Adam bringing the heat back to LA! It's been cool and fabulous all week but now a heatwave is approaching. Looking fabulous in these pictures. ... Adamluv
DAMN!!!!! I need a shower.
Adam,,,,pant! pant!..omg ...those low cut pants...stop now cannot take anymore....beautiful pictures...keep them coming....
Full Translation of InRock magazine (Japan) interview with Adam. He speaks about his new album and more..Full Q and A format. By Terra J.
It's entitled: Everybody Seeks Love
Adam has got to be the sexiest man in NYC - and the heat isn't all from the sun.
Thanks for the translation link! Lots more information about the new album. Exciting!
@ Sister and glitzylady
I don't think I'll be seeing Adam in his aqua board shorts lying on a pool float anytime soon, so you would be welcome. Since our daily 2 hour thunderstorm is over, the sky is a beautiful clear blue, it's 5:24 PM so the sun isn't scorching, my favorite time to swim. After the rain the water feels silky and the storm blew pink and lavendar crepe myrtle blossoms all over the water.......I play "Esther Williams Movie" on these occasions. Are you two up for a synchronized swimming scene? I have music poolside!........I'm slow on land but I'm a dolphin in the water!......................JAK :)
Congratulations to all the Japanese fans you deserved the WORLD CUP indeed!!!!
Sligo lambert ^_^ cute:
adam so sweet and cute i love his styl
Yummy..Yummy...I see Tummy........:) :) :) ;)
Lol.. just thinking.. maybe he´s talking to sauli.. XD
Do yourself a favor and look up the InRock mag.
link that glitzylady gave above. It will make you ravenous for new album. I think it one of the best in print interviews Adam's ever done.
That last statement is either true or I'm just starved for Adam info. or both!..........JAK
I agree and hope admin will post it as a thread topic : )
SOOO much good info!
@JAK aka dolphin lady :)
Synchronized swimming only AFTER a few margaritas! LOL!
OMG! Does that woman really know who is in front of her?
OT but if you are interested you can go to Juneau & Xena's website and click on the live stream concert Monte is doing right now in MA. The poor guys are so hot from the weather and being in a barn that's not air-conditioned for a charity event. They sound really good.
Check out this link. Complete translation of Adam's interview with Japanese INRock magazine. A lot of insightful questions/answers about his 2nd album.
Just noticed somebody bit me to it and already posted the INRock interview link.
I just had to post this picture that @tattoojo apparently photoshopped and posted on twitter.. A variation of the first picture at the top of the page. Adam as Sexiest Man On Earth. True.
If you want to see Adam's gorgeous self on your T.V. accepting VH1 DSAward then vote for him here:
About the INROCK Magazine article with Adam's interview:
I just noticed the translator asked that the translation not be copied to other sites without permission so we may not see it here..So if you want to see it, you'll have to open the link I posted above. Definitely well worth the effort!
From what Adam said about Adeles voice, I am sure he has now realized he has a special gift that we want to hear and it doesnt need lots of special effects etc, just purity,. Man Icannot wait.
Well if that first pic isnt a fluster fuck, I dont know what is.
I for one dont want an "im a better person" "Im in love" album shmalbum...I wanna dance bitches!!
Oohh, the tummy show - reminds me of when he lifted his shirt on Idol during ROF and I almost fell off my chair haha
I think this is the best Adam has ever looked and that's sayin something..
Agree with Uree - I hope there are some upbeat dance and party tunes!
JAK - we're in cold, rainy Vancouver so I'll be coming over for drinks and a swim as well
@ Vancouver
You are welcome too, it's getting dark now, great time to swim, I'll put a color filter on pool for serene mood music or red for feisty dance party music. Let's see, that would be blue for A LOADED SMILE and red for FEVER!.......and definitely SOAKED for margarita time!
It was never my intention to spend most of my life in Florida, but there are compensations.
We have alligators, but we have the Gulf of Mexico's sandy beaches, we have palmetto bugs as big as mice, but we have banana, orange and lemon and lime trees, we have panthers and bears but we have hot pink flamingos and snowy white egrets.....well, no place is perfect!.......JAK
OMG lots of gorgeousness and tons of sexiness! Love the hair :D
In reference to Adele, last week when I was computerless.......I bought her album. Love it, but kept thinking "who does she remind me of?" Then it came to me......for any of you who are old enough.....another U.K. singer of some years ago......Dusty Springfield!
I hunted thru my cds and came up with her greatest hits album......she's the one!....Nice!
If your memory needs jogging, think "Son of a Preacher Man" or "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me"...........JAK
Yeh I love Adele to. Tho I agree with Uretha want some dance music to. I fact thats why I loved FYE there was a bit of everything.
JAK Glad you are back. Dusty was my Era to. I always quite liked her voice and music.
@ Jadam
I've been hoping to find you, is Christchurch the city in NZ where they are still having aftershocks almost a year after the big quake?
I know there was extensive damage, have they had to resettle many people? I remember reading something about thousands of aftershocks...JAK
If I would know your addresses, ladies, I print and frame these picture, and send them to you as Christmas in July gift:)
Do you think he's aware of the fact we are so foolish about his hair, his looks, his lip freckles, his tummy?
Now you've done it Adam, showed an inch of tummy
You know how you affect us......................
We all think you're yummy.
Women all up and down this thread...............
Are going into spasms.
If there had been another inch..................
......sorry, couldn't resist!......JAK
Very good, ha ha ha ha
personally I am glad his pants didn't go lower, then there would be no fantasy left. hahaha.
When is that boy going to get some cooler shoes, it's too hot for boots, but he does look gorgeous.
How bout some gladiator sandals with studs and spikes?
Adam is def a very attractive man ! Nothing wrong with wide hips for a man , he must get that from his dad. Poor Adam ,he can't help himself he looks so darn good! Mwah!! K
Wide hips??
And yes, I think he is somewhat aware that people obsess over his looks, etc.
He is so skinny! Gorgeous!
OK, OK - I confess - yes, I blew this picture up and zoomed in on that bit of skin showing above his belt. Couldn't help myself!
Adam - if it's that hot, why are you wearing big ol' boots and (what look like) waxed jeans?? How 'bout a Utilakilt, like the guys in Seattle wear, to get a conditioning?
JAK - make room - I am abondoning Seattle, too, and heading your way. Synchronized swimming? YES! Drinks, poolside? YES! Talking about Adam, for hours, ad naseum? YES! Warm summer nights? YES!! Been really missing "summertime", since it has apparently decided to bypass us, here in Seattle, this year. :(
Sister - where in Seattle do you live? Don't have to get specific. I live a bit north, past Magnuson Park. I really enjoy your posts. :)
- Adam Fix
Adam would look great wearing anything. I've never seen a really bad picture of him. His body is freaking perfect, at least the part we can see. And I'm sure the other part is impressive as well ;)
@Adam Fix
Well, I remember Adam wore a kilt on tour at some point and he looked really GOOD in it. Wasn't he in the UK somewhere?
I actually live north of Seattle about 1/2 hour...would prefer the city, but too expensive to buy in Seattle proper.
Adam Fix, Go get packed! I will pick you up in an hour and we can head to the airport together for a red-eye flight to Florida! Look out @JAK, we're on our way! Get them magaritas ready! :)
Well, Adam looks extremely Hot and gorgeous in these photos, love the little glimpse of tummy, and @Adamfix, if I knew how to 'blow up' the pic and zoom in, I would! and @JAK, love your little poem..
BUT.. I don't agree with the article that he looks 'hot', there's no sweat dripping down his brow, no sweaty armpits, in fact he looks mighty fine and cool. Would just love to see him strutting down the street towards me..
@sister, he wore a kilt, rocker style in Scotland, heres a short clip
HaHaHaHa loved your poem! OMG, you are so funny and quite a poet. You got talent girl! xxooxxx
@Adam Fix and @Sister
Could you pick me up on the way to the airport on your way to @JAK's??? Thanks!! I'm north of Seattle shouldn't be too much out of your way. : ) This Seattle so-called "summer" sucks, to be blunt, and I'm ready to get the heck out of here..Hubby is talking Hawaii in the summer, which would be a first. Our barbeque was sort of ridiculous today..had to eat in the house..too chilly to eat on the deck or the patio. Everywhere else in the country is hot, hot, hot, and we are wearing raincoats. Sheesh. Ready for the margarita and lounging by the pool..and beach....
OK @Glitzylady! I'll pick you up first and then Adam Fix! Anyone else want a ride to the airport? Sister's Seattle shuttle leaving in 10! :)
@HK Fan
Thanks for the glamkilt video link. That man can wear anything!
Can you make mine a lifesize cut out?
OMG just logged on to these gorgeous pics. This is a look that I love. He is my perfect man both in body and soul.
The shuttle would be good but can you pick me up in Perth Australia on the way??
I can't speak for @Sister or @Adam Fix, but I would personally LOVE to take a little side trip to Perth, Australia! It may be winter there, but it can't be any worse than Seattle right now..and possibly better weather, so yes, count me in! ; )
Aren't these pictures gorgeous?? I hope you frame one for yourself too..and I'm with @Sister in thinking I would like a life sized cut-out...Definitely Christmas in July! Adam is pretty much a gift any old time...
@JAK!!!! Well hello!!!
Have trouble all the time with Net, so takes days to get here. Hopefully no virus...
Adam looks so cute in this pic.
But always is black and leather, no matter if it´s way too hot. LOL!! Maybe talking to his boy and telling that he is dreaming of a cool shower back home.
Did everyone see Adam's response to this fan on Sunday when these pictures came out??
@Ivy_87 @adamlambert Adam I`ve just saw your new pics from are very thin! dont forget to eat. you`re busy we know)))
13 hours ago
@adamlambert @Ivy_87 girl, by LA's standards I'm a plus size model. Lol. Don't worry- still got plenty o' cushion.
13 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Of course Adam's response prompted all sorts of "interesting"... comments on Twitter...and made it a very fun day for sure..All it takes is one tweet from Adam to keep us occupied for awhile.. I imagine the responses kept HIM entertained too. You can just imagine.....For instance, the "plus sized model" ; )
I'm really glad I wasn't aware of the "plus sized model" tweet before I scribbled my verse
I'm afraid it would have been so much worse!
Phrases are dancing in my head as I speak
Oh damn, I'm off on a salacious streak.......
Naughtiness is tumbling around in my brain
My fingers are shaking on the keyboard frame.
They won't mind me when I say "That's insane!"
It's like a wild colt that I can't restrain.
Holding it in is causing my poor head to pain.
A good slap on the face was all that was needed
The naughty words and visions have all receeded.
They are still there but I've locked them away
When I'm safe and alone they can come out to play
Perhaps on a really dull Adam news day.
Decent folks don't worry, I won't spill the saga,
Unless I sell them as Lady Gaga!
.....WHEW!.....that was a close one.....JAK
.....WHEW!....that was a close one....JAK
Is there an echo in here?.....JAK
I love love your poems. Keep them all and you can bound them all together one day in a book to present to Adam as a muse who has inspired you! LOL.
you and anyone else would be welcome to bring shuttle here to perth australia. I am missing Glamberts. Yes winter here now but still sunny and warm!! Come soon - there is space in my garage for parking shuttle - because will move back to Uk end Sep.
@ Loulou
Thank you, a kind review is always welcome. I've been doing this since I was 10 years old.
Mostly silly stuff, but some tearjerkers and lots of firey stuff I would dash off while sitting up waiting for a daughter to come home way past curfew! THOSE would burn the whiskers off of Icon! There are several poets in my present and past family tree....maybe it's genetic! Or a curse!
Love the U.K. from Cornwall to the Highlands, I'd move there if the cold and damp wouldn't make my arthritis worse! I'm stuck in Florida for the sake of my physical joints, not my choice of happy hangouts! Though we do have some nice pubs!..............JAK
P.S. Loulou
I'm not sure Adam would want to know that a crazy lady is composing and collecting a file that I have titled "Adam's Junk" I know I should rephrase that....but the file is for my eyes only and I have left orders that when "I GO"
all my files are cremated with me! No evidence left behind for psychiatric review. My family says they are donating my brain to the University Medical Center for's the strangest brain they have ever encountered.
I like to think they mean that as a compliment!
....JAK :)
JAK you are so FUNNY i just love you. please dont change
Peace and Love :)
Pics are so adorable...looks like drama it!!!
@Lou Lou
Ah Perth, the ends of the earth! But you guys are in Winter right now.
Stunning pictures of Adam who looks like the superstar he really is! He is one pretty special guy!
Anywhere near Dymocks?
@Lou Lou
Sister's Seattle Shuttle will pick you up in about 20 hours, but will require a gas fuel stop or two on the way...and then off to @JAKs for some synchronized swimming!
...and maybe some poetry readings and a look in that file called Adam's junk. @JAK you are a naughty, naughty woman! LOL
Looks like I might stop for @Vancouver on the way too. @JAK, you better get a case of margarita mix. You have a party coming your way! :)
@Ronnie I have virus attack warnings on my computer several times WHILE on this site daily - fortunately that they have been blocked. Not on other sites, just this site. I don't get it. I hope you don't have a virus!
@DRG STOMACH HAIR!?!?!?! LOL!!!! I almost fell off my chair laughing. Where you using a magnifying glass to look a that pic???? HAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!
@Jak It was never my intention either to live in fla. I came here for a 3 month vacation and never left 13 years later). Do miss new england alot though. yes, lots of margaritas ad pools in Fla.
Oh P.s your poem was hysterical! Loved it
Lord, it's a black and lemmon sparrow
@ 11:18 AM
Are you on the right thread?
@ 1:02 too funny!!! yes, we get on the wrong threads from time to time lol
lb That wasn't me 11:18 BTW- funny still!!
I wasn't meaning to be critical when I posted at 1:02.........I myself have posted on the wrong thread........But now I'm wondering, which thread is discussing sparrows or the Lord?...JAK
I think lb is the only one that caught the true meaning.
OMG 11:18 I got it! Totally agree!!
Is that vs. purple and green peacock? :)
I am completely lost!...???????????........JAK
I am also tired and sick and tired of the fighting going on a couple of other threads.
The ragged pants and shaved head battle is a picnic compared to the political battle which is underway.
This has been such a nice peaceful thread, silliness and sexual innuendo! Always a winning combination. Since I returned from wandering aimlessly thru a computerless wasteland I haven't gone to bed before 2:00 a.m. Tonight
I'm taking Chris Isaak and Darren Hayes and going to bed before midnight!...Bon Nuit!...JAK
Your poem about Adam´s pant-alert was hilarious!!
They are no doubt just and just over...
@ Ronnie dear
Hello sweetie, haven't talked to you in quite awhile. This has been a fun thread. Maximum silly, my favorite kind. We've planned a cyber pool party at my house, wanna come? If fact I'd be happy to invite everyone on the thread, not a grouch in the bunch....SAD AL has cheered up a bit and Urethra_Franklin does bark ( and maybe even bites) but is wonderfully funny and likes to party.............^o^.......JAK
I'm sorry, but the party has been postponed.
@ Sisters Seattle Shuttle is not in service at the present time, but hopefully very soon it will be once more rolling again and we can
"Party in the USA".....Sincere regrets to all for this postponment....................JAK
Going to bed, putting my head under the covers and hope peace will once again reign...funbunn40
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