MTV's Most-Anticipated Albums
Filed Under (album news ) by Admin on Monday, July 11, 2011
Posted at : Monday, July 11, 2011

MTV did an article about one of the most anticipated albums of the remaining half of 2011 and they included Adam Lambert's second album.
Here's the Adam part:
""Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert is working on his "dream" album as the follow-up to his 2009 debut, with help from such songwriting pros as Ryan Tedder, Nikka Costa and Sia."
Source: MTV
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Good for MTV and Adam of course. To me this is the most anticipation I have ever had for an album. Gonna be epic!!IMO
Great but can they drop the idol runner up and say international superstar!!! Can't wait for album 2. Love that little boy picture of Adam. See how he stood even then, our boy, and now man, just has swagger!
Why did teenage Adam feel he was awkward...he looked a handsome boy grown up to be the Rockstar we know today.
-Lam my
now I am really looking forward to Adam's new album . I got David Cook's new cd and have been enjoying it alot.
I think all of us Adam fans are just about ready to burst with the wait for this second album. There is so much anticipation and expectation with the production and release of it this fall. We all know it is going to be something spectacular and will give Adam Lambert all the fame and success he so deserves. Love the picture on the right from an AI season 8 appearance. It had an Elvis vibe. Maybe one day Adam will reach the same iconic status that Elvis did with a much happier ending.
Yaaayyyy! Great that MTV recognizes Adam now! (Why didn't they for the MTV Music Video Awards Show...ignored him completely). Sorry, just venting, still upset about that. The music industry is beginning gradually to respect Adam's music and mega talent more and more. The anticipation is really building for the release of the 2nd CD. Adam is such a creative and brilliant performer, it's sure to be a Sure Fire Winner!
Adam says he was an ugly kid. Hummmm? I have never seen a bad picture. Saw a couple where he could have dropped a few pounds, but he's always looked good. Anyway, love the lead picture for this story.
This article is major bullshit. Sorry. Went to MTV source, and Adam is barely mentioned. I had to read article twice to even find his name. Everyone else including this year's top two plus Pia are mentioned ahead of Adam. And the comment is sarcastic with the use of "dream" in quotations. This is NOT a favorable comment folks. This is MTV being rude and disrespectful. Oh, Kris Allen will drop his new album about the same time. Just read the article and draw your own conclusions.
When are people going to stop referring to him as "Idol runner-up"?That is not who he is anymore.
Dear 9:15, I've always felt that way about MTV but thought well, they have come around to liking him more. In fact 2 years ago, I wrote about MTV's bias towards Adam; that was my very first comment to release steam about the way Adam was treated. But I always think positive, they will come around...hopefully sooner rather than later.
-Lam my
@ Anon 9:15 PM
From the article: "Here's a breakdown of the most anticipated albums on tap for the rest of the year........."
It's interesting you saw the article as being "sarcastic, rude, and disrespectful" toward Adam..I didn't read it that way at all. They were quoting Adam: he has said this IS his "dream" album. And they didn't need to include him if they didn't mean what they said in the above intro. I think it was nice, and also significant, that he was mentioned. I know Adam's new album is MY most anticipated album this year! : )
The wait is almost unbearable!! Very curious to hear what he comes up with. I was not a fan of the FYE album but was totally blown away by the Glamnation tour & the acoustic versions of some of the songs.. Adam's magnificent voice should be paired with equally awesome lyrics & melodies.
These side by side pics are great. Same posture, similar expression. Beautiful then, beautiful still.
"Opie doesn't do rock and roll"
Nice pics!!!
How beautiful pics! Beautiful boy and beautiful man!!
I hope Adam realize by now that he is a beautiful person inside and out....... Look at these pictures my goodness, he is out of this world!!!
Absolutely gorgeous human being... Can't wait for your next album indeed baby!!!
ROCK ON!!!!!!
That picture is so adorable and it shows he has not really changed that much!
Yep, time to loose that 'runner up' title!
OMG we passed that ages ago. Adam is an
international Superstar and he will take the
world by storm yet again with his new album.
Adam is in a league all of his own, and no one
has the talent that he oozes. He is a vocal genius!
I am an Adam fan, period. However, Kris is also releasing a new album, and he is getting very positive talk. I did not buy his first one nor did I get David Cook's 2nd album. I loved cook on Idol but did not like his album music. Very boring and just not my thing. Same with Allen's. Allen's big song (why can't I remember) drove me nuts. So we'll see. Lots of competition out there.
I know. Where's @JAK?
Hope everything is ok with @JAK. Maybe her Dell broke again and is in repair. We miss her posts don't we!
C'mon MTV ! Give Adam a bit more insight than this! Not just disappointed with info but also the AI runner-up . It's Grammy nominated Adam Lambert!!
I mean , Adam is starting out in the world pretty darn good! & Canada & Russia!!
MTv sucks anyways! Vh1 is better. But thanks for the mention MTV , it hasn't been the same , too many cribs & babies!
Adam doesn't give himself enough cred, not a damn thing wrong with him, then or now! I'm like that too. Just when I feel like I have the confidence to "lead" as a manager , I do just the littlest thing wrong, it makes me feel , well maybe I'm not a good leader. & I hear it from my coworkers "don't worry", but I do. Ok enuff insight, back to Adam . You know & I know Adam is the best , we'll be here for Adam always & forever! Love ya Adam! Mwah!! K
From Flecking Records:
Shower Adam Lambert in awards please
By Frankie Genchi
If there’s one person who deserves multiple awards for their hard work, it’s Adam Lambert.
One of the latest nods for Mr Lambert is in the music artist category of VH1′s Do Something Awards.
Adam is named with the likes of Linkin Park, Justin Bieber, Lady GaGa, The Black Eyed Peas and Nick Jonas.
So why is Adam up for the award?
“Throwing huge support towards the Trevor Project Adam donated all the proceeds from “Aftermath Remix” as well as joining the “It Gets Better” campaign with a video encouraging the acceptance of individuals and their differences,” the official site states.
For more info, and to vote Lambert, click here.
And to all those worried about JAK - I'm sure everything is alright and it's just her computer broken.
Has Adam abandoned DonorsChoose or the Cleanwater projects. I don't think so. Why aren't they mentioned?
@July 12, 2011 9:26 AM
You are talking about US market. Adam is the only one of them who is known worldwide.
Don't think the MTV article anything but good. With the many, many artists out there, his name didn't even need to be put on this list. We need to have a reality check on always looking for the negative. Adam was listed under the Pop heading and it was given as much space as others.
very cool and wow time sure has flown
Everyday Life
At least Adam is the only past idol mention and it seems the music people taking some notice of him. MTV is big worldwide but it sucks before. Don't understand the write up of the S10 idols if people would believe any of them would sell a hit album. Just saying.
@Anon 9:15 - I agree with you. Adams name was so far down the list it was difficult to find. And anon 9:26 - Kris' hit was Live Like You're Dying. ... Adamluv
I prefer to think positively and be thankful that Adam is mentioned. There are so many struggling singers out there, that to even get on the list at all is great. I know, I know. We Glamberts want Adam at the top of everything, and I AGREE! But reality is another thing. I'm just happy he's there and can't wait for the new CD.
Dear 9:15, I've always felt that way about MTV but thought well, they have come around to liking him more. In fact 2 years ago, I wrote about MTV's bias towards Adam; that was my very first comment to release steam about the way Adam was treated. But I always think positive, they will come around...hopefully sooner rather than later. -Lam my
Yaaayyyy! Great that MTV recognizes Adam now! (Why didn't they for the MTV Music Video Awards Show...ignored him completely). Sorry, just venting, still upset about that. The music industry is beginning gradually to respect Adam's music and mega talent more and more. The anticipation is really building for the release of the 2nd CD. Adam is such a creative and brilliant performer, it's sure to be a Sure Fire Winner! CT
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