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New (Old) Picture of Adam Lambert Wearing Tank Top at Rhonda Club

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, July 24, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 24, 2011


Anonymous said...

Adam must be HOTT!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I know, right?

He should sell hugs for charity with those arms!

Anonymous said...

After those awkward growing up years, it is so
great to see that Adam has evolved into this
handsome version of Self.
Love you Adam

Kelowna Fan XXX

Anonymous said...

Hugs for charity. I like that. He would raise millions. It has to be with the tank top though lol. That is Brooke who is talking to him after the Nikka Costa concert.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Someone said this was from the Nikka Costa show in NYC. He looks a bit wistful- maybe missing Sauli?

Anonymous said...

Adam is.....Adam is.......... Adam is...
Oh my, what I would like to do....


Anonymous said...

OUT OF TOPIC: "Glamily Loves Adam" trended worldwide for about 3 hours today. Adam should have someone call him when this happens so that he can acknowledge his fans. I realize that it started trending around 7:30 AM Los Angeles time, but still. A small gesture like that could increase his fanbase exponentially. People from Poland, Russia, Portugal, UK, Finland, Norway!, France, Germany, NZ, Australia, US, Canada, South Africa, Italy, Spain, and many, many other countries were all online at the same time. (missed opportunity IMO).

Anonymous said...

And some of the tweets on that trending topic were not from Adam's regular fans (but could have become fans!) One tweet read "what is this 'glamily loves Adam' and someone replied that it was spam. Again, missed opportunity to possibly gaining new fans.

Anonymous said...

I missed it too...was it in Twitter....Twitter, Facebook .....I don't like using.....only have to track Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow GLAMILY LOVES ADAM!!!!!!!! Don't stop pls???????

Even though I'm not on twitter I know that all the fans around the world are sticking together for our Adam!!!!! VERY EXCITING INDEED!!!! Gives me goosebumps everytime I hear this type of news!!!!


Anonymous said...

He looks a little disoriented without Sauli.

Anonymous said...

11:45. -- Was on twitter. Even RCApromo tweeted those 3 words!! Hope that Adam is made aware of it and sends a quick HEY Glamily!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the weather forecast for Quebec on the 29th........if it's really really hot I hope he performs in that shirt! Cause he's really really cool in that shirt..................JAK

P.S. Sauli could wear one too!

Anonymous said...

TOPLESS IS MORE COOLER!!!!!!!!! Wishful thinking He!He! OMG!!!!!5 more days and my heart is already pumping so hard!!!!!!!! I hope I won't faint......

Can't wait for him to Rock Quebec whooooooooooo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Forecast is for hot and sunny in Quebec on Friday!
Wonder if he'll peel the layers..

Anonymous said...

I read that Thunderstorms are forecast for friday in ste agathe.

Anonymous said...

Sauli has shirt like Adam. I saw it on his blog, it is black, they must have shopped together that day. I hope Sauli gets to go with him to Canada, that would be nice for Sauli to see Adam live on stage.


Anonymous said...


Well, Sauli said he was going away for a few days so we're assuming he's going with Adam. I hope so. That's a really pretty part of Canada as I recall. I like to go to Quebec I get to use my fractured French and they are patient with me. I hope the New York weather is being kind to you..........JAK

Anonymous said...

My gosh I hope no thunderstorm

Anonymous said...

I like this skimpy black vest a lot. Yea as I have said before, Adam looks calmer with Sauli by his side; so if Sauli is with him at the Quebec concert, he should sing/perform with even fiercer finesse. I wonder if he'd bring him up on stage, whoa.
-Lam my

Ronnie said...

Adam looks like young and handsome Tony Curtis! My movie favourite.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ronnie, I saw people laying a lot of flowers and lighted candles outside the church in Norway, on TV; very sad, most of the victims are so young, gone too soon, a really sad day. The thing that amazes me is how he had all the time and freedom to execute his deadly plan at two places.
-Lam my

Ronnie said...

@Lam my! Thank you!

Have cried eyes out. Day by day forward.
ADAM is a joy of life with all you guys here.
It is important to see the love in life after
what happened.
Adam keeps me trusting for good and tomorrow!!!
Enjoyed the other thread with Sauli&Fire! So much
joy there!!!! Thank you!!!
And the Canada concert is something to look forward to!!!

Anonymous said...

Please please canada glamberts- put videos of bb's performance on here. Thanks much

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:41 AM
The good news is that Suz526 will be there with her trusty cameras and will send us vids just as soon as she can get them we are 100% assured of getting vids to watch Friday night or early Sat morning. (I know this is all absolutely true...) If you follow her on Twitter @Suz526 she will post them there the second they are ready, one by one. The only thing that slows her down is the speed of the internet where she is uploading.. Hoping she will be at a hotel with super fast internet! And I assume there will be others vid'ing, so the "Adam drought" will be over again for a little while!

Anonymous said...

Don't think Adam will bring Sauli on stage. First of all, Sauli has stated that he is quite shy. Also, a lot of those 10,000 people do not follow these sites as constantly as those of us here and might not even know who Sauli is!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Suz526!!

Anonymous said...

@glizylady thanks for the info- I have twitter, but cannot find realtime anymore- not good at the twitter thing, but will search suz526 out! probably be on you-tube, that's easier I think! Does anyone know how many people are attending this? Why doesn't adam do this in the STATES ALSO?


Anonymous said...

LB - I think Adam has to be asked to perform at a concert remember Russia?

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie - I agree with you about Tony Curtis. He was one beautiful man who aged so gracefully.

Trivia: His real name was Bernard Swartz.

He was soooooo pretty and funny in "Some Like it Hot."

Anonymous said...

I am so close to Canada here in upstate NY, but I am always a day late or a dollar short. When he was in Las Vegas, I was sick and could not go. I wonder if they take grandmothers in the "Make a Wish" program. Please don't get on me,as I would never take something from a child.
Wait.....let me think about that a little longer. we are talking Adam Lambert here. Really only kidding.

I envy all that can go, but I wish that everyone has a good time. Let out an extra yell to Adam for me.


Anonymous said...

Hope the weather will be good Friday! Adam will certainly generate plenty of heat. Hope he won't be wearing much! Love those arms and chest! He sure looked fantastic for the Moscow concert! Wish you could be there, P.A.S.especially being so close, but Suz will keep us posted! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie, Tony Curtis was indeed a hunk and Adam has those same dark good looks and charisma. I would love to see him play Rock Hudson,(another devastatingly handsome man)if there ever is a movie to be made about his life. He was another talented man that died too soon, but was sooo handsome! I'm still following the news of the Norway tragedy and am so sad at the senselessness. I'm glad that Adam can give you some relief and measure of comfort.;) funbunn40

Ronnie said...


Thank you and hugs to you!!!<3<3
Adam is the best to comfort. And you all here!!

Yes, Adam would do great in a movie!

Rockmoremttr said...

Adam must be HOTT!!! Mwah!! K