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New Picture: Adam Lambert at The Manhattan Monster Bar in NYC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 25, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 25, 2011

Source: The Manhattan Monster Bar's Facebook

Thanks to HK fan for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha!Ha! I love that colorful hairdo. Strange hand in the middle. Adam's shirt is ripped? Freckles!

glamitup said...

Adam sure gets around alot! Lol and is that girl a guy? If so, he did a good job !!

Anonymous said...

Being honest here, I don't understand why Adam can't go to regular bars. I personally don't like this pic at all and was hoping that this site would not pick it up from twitter. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

Why did you remove my comment 24/7?

Anonymous said...

It seems that sweet Adam has a lot of fun in these clubs and bars!
Did anybody pay attention that Adam changed the size of his gauges?
I think that his ears will look terrible with big holes.
Oh, I am sorry, I forgot that Adam is Mr. Perfection and has absolutely amazing taste!


Anonymous said...


Adam is not a regular kind of guy, at least not the kind you want him to be. He goes where he is comfortable, and with his regular kind of people. This is an Adam site, so therefore, it put up Adam pictures.
My wish is that you could accept Adam, and his friends. I think you should go back a thread and read what @Glitzlady wrote about Adam and his circle of friends. She said it with class.

You certainly can think what you want, but I don't forsee Adam doing anything other than what he wants to do.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 6:58 p.m. Adam's ear gauges are his business. How about, as fans, we focus on the incredible talent and the music? His personal life is his to live as he sees fit.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this site has a knack of showing Adam in a poor light right before important events (ie the festival this weekend, before his single comes out, before an award ceremony, almost any time Adam has an opportunity to attract new fans).

HK fan said...

and it looks like Ricky Martin is the new face of MAC...
from twitter

Tell me how Ricky Martin is gonna be a face for MAC Viva Glam Campaign and not Adam Lambert. How in life is that fair.

Ricky Martin wears more makeup than Adam Lambert?I don't think so MAC

LP said...

I think the date is wrong, Adam was there last weekend, not this weekend. I checked out the source and it shows a pic of Adam that we have seen already.

Anonymous said...

I think this picture might have been from the weekend we heard rumors about Adam being a possible guest host. Anyone hear anymore about that? I hope Adam wears his hair like above to the Canada concert, woo, hoo!! Are any of you 24/7 people going?

Anonymous said...

7:14 -- So true. The question is "why is that???" These days, who is advising Adam? I know that he's a big boy, but in this music biz, everyone needs outside and objective advice with career moves.

Anonymous said...

Oh my..some of these posts!! Maybe Adam still gets paid to go to certain clubs,etc,& I bet he's been to more than just gay bars & clubs in NYC & LA.The link to vote for Adam for sexiest top 4 man on mix 94.1fm is under the last thread( vote up til Wednesday @ 4pm PST)..If you WANT to vote,please do.Maybe when we get some new concert footage,all of you will feel better,& have more to look @,since the Adam news has been slow,except for the contests & polls to vote for him.I vote every day for 3 of them right now,The vh-1 Do Something one( for musician);the AIOTM,& the Sexiest one I just mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

Adam was in NY last week, and filmed his part in the Runway show, I think it will be seen the end of Aug. He didn't go to NY this weekend.

Anonymous said...

My big fantasy is that Adam sings a song from his new album at the concert. I'll know if it came true when I hear the fans yell all the way to Ohio.LOL

Anonymous said...

7:59pm thanks for the reminder to vote for those places.I just checked and Adam is #3 on the AIOTM which is fine by me. I went to vote for fave Twitter Lover and that is the dumbest of polls ever and disrespectful. They have MJ name hooked up with a made up person, a man.I just could not vote there.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Adam is smokin' hot in this picture. And I agree with P.A.S. Adam is not a "regular" guy and he feels comfortable in places that many of us don't consider "regular." This is who he is. As a gay man, he is remarkably comfortable in situations where he is the only gay person. He frequents gay bars and clubs because he feels comfortable there also, and that's as it should be. Adam isn't fake or trying to be someone he's not. As a die-hard fan, I accept this and love him for it. Oh, and did I mention that he is smokin' hot in this picture?

LP said...

With what I have been hearing, do you think Sauli should have a bodyguard, or maybe, Adam will keep him back stage. It was seen on twitter that there were threats on Sauli, if he shows up in Canada. Maybe its just the crays shooting off their mouths, hope so. Want this concert to be everything that Adam hopes for, and to show how he is doing more rock.

Anonymous said...

Sony/19 may have contract restrictions on anything concerning Adam that won't benefit them. I also wonder if all opportunities are even presented to him if thet are not music related. My guess is thst Sony has him pretty locked up, which may also prevent him from doing movies, clothing lines, Mac,etc. I like Ricky Martin, but didn't think he wore makeup. Adam gave Mac a lot of free publicity and certainly would have been an obvious choice. Hope Adam will look at all mgt. opportunities besides Sony....@7:51PM I know Dinah-mite will be going. Wish I would be one ofthe lucky ones! Time is getting closer! Can't wait for Suz526 videos and whatever fans will post! Love his hair like that too and his rock look like above. He looks healthy and happy. August 7th, behind the Music! Drought will soon be over! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I don't like this picture and I agree with a previous comment. I wish that Adam would not always be photographed with drag queens, club kids, outrageous costumes,etc. I realize these may be his friends, and he feels comfortable in these clubs or maybe he does get a fee to appear there. However, with the release of his second album, if he wants to expand his fan base and do well with record sales, pics like this one don't necessarily do him any good in my opinion. I have been an Adam fan from the very beginning and will continue to follow him in the next phase of his career, but sometimes too much is just too much. Looking forward,however, to seeing pics and vids from the appearance in Canada. Hopefully that will bring him some good publicity as we wait for the release of his next album. I doubt he will be singing anything new from it. We will have to wait for the first single some time in the fall. By the way, the three judges from Project Runway and Heidi were on Good Morning America today and mentioned that beautiful guest judges(women) would be on the show. No mention was made of any males or Adam's name so who knows if he will appear on it or not. I hope he does; it would be a great choice for him and the show.

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert love all his music. ill buy adam lambert make-up line (mac) also clothing line.mac made mistake to choose up ricky martin
on mac?on it?

Anonymous said...

8:27 Your point is well-taken about Adam's social choices when it comes to marketing himself to new fans. I am one of many long-time fans who accept him fully, but I can easily see how a casual listener/potential fan may see so many of these kinds of pix and say "no thanks." Just wanted to say that I see both sides. BTW I HOPE we see him on Project Runway!

Anonymous said...

why is it anyone's business where he goes to have fun. my god people leave the boy alone. you people are downright disgusting. he was in the underground crowd in l.a. for years. that is where he is at home--so leave him be and let him be happy among his friends. he doesn't tell his fans how to be happy. geez.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment 8:45pm I was reading the comments and wondering if this was truly an Adam Lambert fan site.

Anonymous said...

Yes what a load of bull. If Adam wants to go to gay clubs more than other types so be it - but quite frankly he goes to all sorts of places anyway. The reason I thought he is loved is because he not doing the boring normal and expected - that is certainly why I love him. David Bowie is a prime eg of a star who broke the mould and he has had long lasting success on his own terms. If Adam's success came through him being something he isn't or doesn't want to be then this is not the type of success he would want I am sure - so get over it and support the man for being REAL!

Anonymous said...

May be Adam needs to dress as Susan.B or Jackie.E and take picture with real royal or presidents to boost sale. Geezzzzzzz, some of you....!!!!

Anonymous said...

u dont have to say that susan B or jackie E
be respectful to all of us here and mr. lambert.
adma lambert is vbery handsoem all the need to say all these tasteless word.common now we love adam lambert..

Anonymous said...

I am no longer fretting about what Adam does to HIS ears, just what he does to mine....on the 29th and thereafter. My ears are happily anticipating HIS choice of songs and seeing HIM perform them. Wearing whatever HE wants.
I am happy to see photos of him wherever HE chooses to be,and with whomever HE wishes to be.

It took awhile but I have finally realized he is not a project that we have been asked to work on and make into what WE want him to be. He already exists and lives in the world HE chooses.

I'm not his manager, nor his employer, nor his Mom and I don't believe he has asked for a makeover. Wanting to change him is not only insulting but futile. His career is in HIS hands not mine. So I'm staying out of it and will just appreciate the joy and entertainment HE has brought to my life..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I feel Adam likes to sing and entertain, and will do so in the style he likes. He will change things, because he gets bored. If new fans don't like him being with drag queens or at gay bars, than they won't stay fans, will they?
Besides he is doing just fine for still being a newbie in this music business. Most people who meet him say he so nice. I think that will win him fans, don't you?
He knows what he is doing. He is a smart guy and I trust him to do what he wants with his life, his life, his life,.......

Anonymous said...

Ricky Martin for MAX make-up...that makes no sense...took him a hundred years to come OUT...and Adam has been talking about MAX from the beginning...unfair......also I have read how other Idol stars drop RCA as soon as they are able.....

Anonymous said...

Here are a few quotes that express my opinion on Adam's choice of friends and activities:

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not." ~ Andre Gide

"Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity" ~ Colin Powell

Anonymous said...

I don't know the secret to sucess but the secret to failure is trying to make everyone happy.- Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Adam is the poster man of eye makeup. What is wrong with MAX thinking? I don't believe I have seen a picture of Ricky Martin in guy liner. Is there one out there. Glitzlady where are you, sweetheart?

I think it time to go back on the sex topic. It was a lot better thread.

I hope if Sauli goes w/Adam to Canada, he will be okay. Maybe Adam can dress him as Dusty Madrid. What the F--- is wrong with people??? I never followed anyone before, but what shit Adam has to put up with, and some of these people call themselves fans. Lot of sick fanatics. Lord help us all.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam IS comfortable with straight people and in ALL types of situations - therefore I don't understand why he is only getting his picture taken always on outings to the drag queen bars..
I know some people would only be comfortable in these places but that doesn't seem like Adam. Why does he never go to a straight bar??

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

I agree, the Sauli Facebook Weekend Style thread is the best and funniest thread we've had in awhile. I've gone back and read it a couple times just to cheer myself up!

Anonymous said...

I like the above quotes very sincere.

Here's one which may apply to the situation discussed on this thread about Adam:

Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny. - Mahatma Gandhi

-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ 9:38 pm

Adam goes to straight bars and straight restaurants but the papps get more money from these kind of pictures. Makes a sort of sick sense. Financially.

Anonymous said...

You guys watched this contestant who did Pole dancing on AGT. His name is Steven Retchless. He is the first male pole dancer in America. He made it to the semi-final tonight.

Anonymous said...

This is another act of Steven Retchless on AGT last night. Morgan judgment of him sounded a lot like some of the pessimist comments above about Adam and audience bowed him:

Anonymous said...


I think you should go to You Tube and read Adams interviews, and where he went in each city that he went out in, while he was on tour, (some he didn't, cause they had to be in another city), he went to the gay bars. Some people want to change him into a straight guy, but it doesn't work that way.
He has been in straight bars, with his straight friends. He was in one not long ago, for his dad on Fathers day. There have been pictures of him in all situations.

Are you new here? Seems you don't know Adam very well. Sister if you are lurking, girl we could use your words of wisdom here.


Anonymous said...

There is a very sinister presence of homophobia on this blog that disturbs me very much. It goes like this: Adam will be accepted as gay as long as he does not SHOW his gayness in all its characteristics. The gay world is Adam's comfort zone, it is where he was accepted and allowed to develop into the person he is today. And a dazzingly remarkable person, in my opinion. He will NEVER turn his back on these people (and many of you have inferred they are freaks) any more than he would turn his back on his own family. If that makes you uncomfortable, please just move the f**k on now, because his innate sense of loyalty will never allow him to ignore his roots for the sake of his career. So eventually some stupid picture will piss you off enough so that you will move on anyway. As for me, I have had it, and I will never visit this site again. I love AFL too much. Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Are you aware that Adam gets paid between 35,000 and 50,000 for going to these special events at the clubs. Not when he takes Sauli.
Personally I knew nothing about gay people until I started following Adam, and from what I have seen, they are the gentlest, and nicest people you ever want to meet.
It wouldn't be safe for Adam to go to a reg. club with Sauli, there are too many haters out there, who wouldn't think twice about beating them up.
I think Adam can figure out his own life, and how he wants to live it. He is careful where he is seen, and it can pay well. He gets more for showing up at an event than the AI winner season 8.
The only thing he needs to watch is when he is out for personal fun, both him and Sauli seem to overdo the drinking. From what Sauli said its OK in U.S. to drive drunk. don't know where he got that idea from, LOL

HK fan said...

@anon 10.12
thanks for that link, that guys amazing, physically strong but beautiful.

glitzylady said...

Ya know, I thought we just discussed this a couple of threads ago: today, to be exact. I'm starting to feel like a broken record, and I suppose I am. (Sorry..) So here goes again. I suppose I'll be back here doing the same thing again tomorrow... oh well...Adam's worth it. ; )

(I'm rolling my eyes here...).

Adam is Adam. I know that's pretty obvious : ), but what that means to me is this: He has lived in Hollywood for years, he has his many dear long-time close friends, he does what he does. It's his life. It doesn't hurt him at all, or for that matter, anyone else. He is doing nothing wrong. He is successful and has the right to enjoy himself once in awhile. He's been working hard. In this picture, he was in NYC, at this bar that he has been to before, and had a good time last time, with Neil and some others (I think he was still on the GNT). It's his business where he goes, what he does, and with whom. Do you honestly think that this picture, or others like it, is/are going to ruin his career? I don't. Now, for example, if ADAM himself were to start to dress in drag on a regular basis, in public, I might start to have some concerns, but that isn't going to happen. He said he doesn't do drag anyway..

I think we as fans are so focused on Adam (which makes perfect sense of course..because we are, obviously) that perhaps we don't pay attention to the fact that other stars and celebs pose with some pretty interesting people, probably some drag queens, who are just like everyone else really ,..and no one really cares.. As we know, one of Adam's best friends is Sutan Amrul, his tour make-up artist and the current winner of RuPaul's Drag Race, whose Drag name is Raja...Is Adam supposed to stay away from Sutan when he becomes Raja, and not appear in pictures his friend? No, of course not. And Adam would tell you the same thing.

Adam is a gay man, he goes to gay bars. He feels comfortable there. They're fun (I've been to some and had a great time). He also goes to other types of clubs, etc... Soooo, the point I'm trying to make here (I know: "thank goodness.."), is that Adam appeals to me as an artist BECAUSE of who he is, who he was in the past, and I'm very much looking forward to his future. I wouldn't want him to feel he needs to change anything about himself, just to conform. I'm sure he'll make some adjustments professionally as needed, if he feels he needs to, but what he does after hours is his decision. We profess our love and admiration for him one minute and then say, well, gosh Adam, you really need to change THAT part of yourself or your life. We love him because he is a kind, generous, loving, intelligent, creative, well-spoken, talented, man who is a loyal friend, a loving and respectful son to his parents, and a fine human being. I like him just the way he is. I became his fan because of all those things I just mentioned but also because he dares to be true to himself.

End part 1 (sorry..)

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of really amazing other places of entertainment to visit as well in NYC - I don't see doing this as "turning his back" on the gay bar scene. I think Adam has lots of "roots" with all types of people. No one is saying Adam should not be gay. His comfort zone seems to be with almost anyone. I disagree with you 10:17.
btw, don't put all gay people into a box of eccentric club goers. Adam could probably mix with gay people at the library or anywhere if he wanted to!

glitzylady said...

Part 2 (again, sorry..)

I was present at his Music Box concert in LA, and to hear him speak of the difficulties he had faced previous to that, for daring to be different, and discrimination he has faced as a gay man, was a powerful, emotional and intimate moment between Adam and his audience. He then reprised "A Change is Gonna Come", a song which means a great deal to him. It was obvious that he felt safe sharing his feelings with us, without fear of being misunderstood or criticized, because he knew he was surrounded by those who love him for who he is and what he has accomplished. I like to remember that moment in time, and ignore the little stuff, because this picture is indeed "the little stuff", at least to me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect them but this is mine. I also understand that the concerns expressed here are indeed out of love for Adam and wanting him to be the great success that he is destined to be. But I also think we need to let him be himself and make his own decisions, and trust that he is going to be just fine.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:34 Sauli didn't wrote it's OK, he wrote its scary. I understood that it's illegal but more common in U.S. to drive drunk than in Finland.

Anonymous said...

@10:39 What he does is really remarkable and he got my vote for sure. America finds him talented and that's all it matters. He came on stage for his audition in drag and he performed for semi-final last night. America loves him and doesn't care about his make-up and high heel shoes. America voted for him to the semi-final.

Anonymous said...

So Adam is going to a club just because they are paying him a lot to go? That is a bit weird, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Well, if I were in a "straight" night club and Elton John walked in or Neil Patrick Harris, most people would get pretty excited and not think, what are they doing in a straight club, why are they turning their back on the gay community?

Anonymous said...

I just love Adam because he's Adam M. Lambert!! & he's the best freaking vocalist in all world history!!!!!! Mwah!!!! K

Anonymous said...

The strangest thing to me is the people here are so engrossed arguing/explaining Adam's lifestyle but in reality he is having so much fun and living his life to the fullest...what more can one ask for?
-Lam my

glitzylady said...

I'm going completely off topic here..but I wanted to post this here. It has nothing to do with Adam, and is a tragic yet beautiful real-life story that has turned into a Miracle of sorts, and it involves Adam's birthday charity, Charity Water, and an unselfish little 9 year old girl who also wanted to give clean water to children in Africa. She asked that instead of a birthday celebration for herself, the money go to Charity Water. She was killed in a terrible multi-vehicle pile up just east of Seattle last week. This is her story and what happened when it was revealed that her Charity Water Birthday Charity was $80 short of her $300 goal to provide 15 children with clean water:

Rachel's story:

Her Charity Water Page

Please know that this is NOT a fund solicitation, just something that touched my heart. I had of course heard about this terrible accident because I live in the area, and had also heard a child had died, but only two days ago learned about Rachel. The founder of Charity Water tweeted both of these links, because he too was so touched by Rachel's life and death. She was another human with a beautiful, generous, and loving soul.

Anonymous said...

While I love how Adam is true to who he is and so honest about everything, I do feel he should make certain aspects of himself stand out more to the public than some other aspects, in order to be more approachable to middle america, and to divert peoples attention to what is really important, i.e. music rather than his personal life and sexuality...

Anonymous said...

I posted this on the other thread that was about the same subject that keeps popping up here time after time. Urethra, Glitzy and a few others said it all so I just post this pic to make those who worry happy. Is this the kind of "normal" person you want to see Adam with?


Anonymous said...

Oh!!! Come on folks, If you stick with his talent you are not bother at all right!!!!????

He is an amazing singer and it's the most important than anything for me. If he can't deliver any longer so be it that's life and continue searching for a better singer then..

Life is too short indeed.. I want to be entertain like Adams style of singing and if I'm not happy anymore then move on....

Anonymous said...

You got it right @ 4:17 AM just focus on his music and if you are not satisfied any longer butt out.

Anonymous said...

I can see both sides to what people have been saying, regarding where Adam chooses to socialize, I think he is so well loved by his fans including myself, that we only want what is best for him, but at the end of the day it is his life, and so I agree that it's important to respect him and trust him to make decisions he feels comfortable with so if going to gay bars and clubs is where he chooses to spend his time then it really should be up to him, just my own thoughts on the matter. I have to say he always looks so handsome in all his photos no matter where he is.

Anonymous said...


Screw "Middle America".

Middle America is fearful of that which is "different."

Middle America is dull and average and ordinary.

Adam Lambert is extraordinary (and fearless).

Urethra_Franklin said...

OY VEY!! I knew there would be some STANK up in here!!! Im just gonna give a blanket GET OVER KNOW who you ARE!!!

4:41 AMEN to THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:41AM I agree, couldn't have said it better.

Anonymous said...

That's the point. This IS an Adam Lambert fan site. Anyone viewing this site is here because they support Adam. Those who are trolling sites or those who just stumble across this site as I did are not going to waver from their opinions about Adam. We can't sugar coat Adams image by what is posted to fit what we think is marketable. A fan loves him for keeping it real. It may make us uncomfortable at times or go against what WE think is the norm. But think about it haven't we all grown by just having Adam be who he is? I know I have. Rewrite the role you the change you want to see in the world.


Anonymous said...

Oh and I am from middle America.

Kathy :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is gay - of course he goes to gay bars. Would you ask Brad Pitt why he doesn't go to gay bars? Also, Adam's ears are fine thank you. Now
should we discuss his toe nails. PLEZZZZZZ not!
Peace to all,

Anonymous said...

Off topic. If anyone's interested, here's Sauli's new blog, sounds like the boys had a little raccoon situation at home...Nice pics as well. ;)


Original with pics

Anonymous said...

Some of you who post here are a trip...Do you not read what Adam says...Do you not know he is not into stereotyping...hating...That he supports diversity...Are you forgetting he is gay and only 29 and a free single male??? What the hell do you expect...Please...I bet 95% of you partied when you were single...and we all know when you are out having a do not care what pics come out like...Bars have horrible lighting. In addition...Adam does look great here...and the person he is with looks great...Also as far as the Ricky Martin thing...What I find funny is the way the media is embracing Martin for coming this is some miracle...and he is the spokes person for gays...If anyone should be should be Adam who came out when he was 18...did not marry under the guise of being straight and then have some revelation...and he is proud to be such and does numerous things for charities and the gay community. My gut feeling is Mac is choosing Martin because many still believe the guy is straight and they are trying to use a face that does not have a made up look...i.e. identifying with straight buyers...It is very hypocritical of Mac...but it does not shock me...Music industry and commercial industry does this all the time to Adam. We all know who whole heartedly supports Mac and has no issues with men wearing is Adam...Martin...never seen him made up...But no worries...this is trivial in comparison to Adam's monster success and success to come. Plus Adam is really busy with his cd and things like the concert and the projected Project Runaway thing.

Ronnie said...

Would love to swap places with that "lady" in Adam´s arms!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a problem with the 'gay' issue! This is Adam and he loves clubbing.
His friends are beautiful people!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone think they own Adam Lambert? You'd better think again because he is a free
spirit living his dream and loving life. Give the guy a break people. If you love him then show it.

So Ricky Martin and 'Mac'. It belonged to Adam but he has more important things on his schedule right now, One being the release of his second mind blowing album which will rock the entire world.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to have taken some of you to the Sydney Mardi Gras. What an education it would have been. Clubbing and fun people.

Anonymous said...

The comment above about the timing of the pictures before important events was not a reflection on Adam. Adam will be Adam. The comment was in reference to the wisdom of showing these pictures on a public blog before an event. I'm sure Adam does other things besides clubbing but this is how you choose to portray him. He's doing things maybe you wish you had the courage to do and you just use this blog for shock value. Yes, Adam is gay and I have no problem with that. Maybe it's time to realize there's more to Adam than just being gay. He went out for American Idol, the biggest, most commercial program on tv to be a singer that wasn't mainstream? Adam is a singer and entertainer, but he's also a business man. He has said so himself. Time to show some discretion of the content in this blog.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of Adam Lambert and I wish him every sucess in his musical career. But I have to agree with some of you. I don`t think that is good for Adam career to be seen constantly hugging Drag Queens. Sure you can say this is part of himself he is being true to himself blah, blah, blah. Very beautiful and poetic. But, does not bring great dividends, Adam neeeds to extend is fanbase if he want be considered a major music star and be recognized as such. He need young fans, young men and women. Now I don`t think young people identify with Drag Queens and if Adam does not control a bit this experience he can`t captive a young fanbase. In life we all have to cede a little! It`s not what we do every day? In our work, with our family! the music industry is more conservative than it looks!

Anonymous said...

No need to go long distance if live in US, peeps can come to Toronto to celebrate the gay pride parade. This year we have local counselors, former mayor and celebrities join the party with one million attendees. Lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

We FRET about Adam because we love him so much and we care about his future success. We can't help it. I don't want him to compromise himself in any way, but not compromising has its price in the marketplace. Adam has probably thought about this many times. He's comfortable with straights and gays alike. Some gay performers choose not to be in the "gay" world openly at all. Their choice. Adam is not them. I want Adam to reach a point in his career where people love him not IN SPITE of who he is, but BECAUSE of it. As for MAC, maybe Adam is too controversial for them. Ricky Martin "came out" but other than that, he generates no negative buzz. Let's face it, Adam has very vocal "non-fans" out there. Maybe MAC thinks about this. I agree that Ricky doesn't even seem to wear make-up, where Adam wears it better than anyone on the planet. I'm just brain-storming here, that's all.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was asked in a recent interview what kind of eye makeup he used, he did not say "Mac".
He said he'd found a new make up line he really liked. So that answers the Mac question.

As for Ricky Martin, he's considered a sexy safe gay (the twins help that image).

Adam is considered a sexy intriguing unpredictable gay. That's scary to some people.
It's also a load of s***!

Anonymous said...

Sexy, intriguing, unpredictable is right! It will be interesting to see what product endorsements he DOES get, considering that he's all those things.

Anonymous said...

Condoms! Plus size! All mainstream love it. Ha!Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...

love the picture. thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Adam autographed those condom packages in some interview? Don't remember where. Considering his non-mainstream self, I really do wonder what products he might endorse. Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Hair products and boot, Adam wear those all the time and make him look stunning. With hair products can go with natural ingredients or organic.

Anonymous said...

@anon 5:54am

Well said...I agree with you. Personally, I will be a die-hard fan of Adam always no matter what. I've been reading most of the above comments and I think, although Adam needs and loves his fans, he will, and should, make his own decisions about everything in his life. He doesn't depend on us, his fans, to tell him how to socialize (or where) or what business decisions to make. It's none of my business. To me, being a fan means I will always love him and give him the benefit of the doubt in all situations. I try to remember Adam's message of acceptance, tolerance and love. I do respect, though, the rights of all of you to voice your opinions, though they may be different from mine.

I want to focus on his music and I can't wait to see what mega-talented "sexy, intriguing, unpredictable" Adam has in store for us with his second CD!


Anonymous said...

The condom signing was in Finland. He spoke Swedish too. Hilarious.


Anonymous said...

I believe in some interview or some media recently I read Adam saying Revelon Colorstay black eyeliner stayed on forever..

Anonymous said...

JAK speaking....I forgot to sign my tag on 7:45 am comment....that seems to be happening frequently.
Probably a sign of incipient senility or maybe just carelessness.
Now to my take on @ DRG's query...what possible product endorsement.

I think fashion would be the best bet...Adam's considered "edgy" and so is fashion. The natural connection would be Skingraft, but I don't know what kind,if any, promotion they do. Adam has certainly given them numerous endorsements. Anon. 8:53's suggestion of boots is also a good one...........after all, he did say his next "phase" was going to be more leather! LOL........Generally people who are into leather vests and jackets and boots would not shy away from our "sexy, intriguing, unpredictable Adam!......................JAK

Anonymous said...

Why the automatic assumption that the photos we see are of Adam and his friends????? He may not know any of these people. He's a celebrity now and hundreds of people want their photo made with him. As we have seen, he is always polite and agrees,and by the way, a lot of the tour fans who also had their photos taken with Adam were not things of beauty!!!! Adam doesn't discriminate nor should we................JAK

Ronnie said...

Gay clubs are nowadays my regular places for weekends. They are full of colourful gays, straight folk, drags, from 18 to "hundred" years. Much more fun than just regular straight bars I'd say. Many celebs come there as well. I recommend to visit one!

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady, wow, such a powerful story. I am so sad for that precious little girl and her family. I saw that she was $80 shy of her $300 goal and right now she has raised $205,000.00+ and counting. What an inspiration. What a tragedy for this to have happened. She is smiling down from heaven for sure. I am typing this through tears...


Anonymous said...

@glizylady-- once again well said!!


The Dark Side said...

Guess there are people on this site that didn't get the memo, or didn't read Rolling Stone story where Adam said it might not be a surprise to many, but I am gay. Guess what, he was telling the truth...this is who he is. I applaud that he is willing to be that person instead of hiding behind a facade like so many other artists do. Adam is real, take it or leave it!

Shiggles said...

Many of you on this thread need to watch Adam's "It Gets Better" video and listen to each and every word he says. Maybe play it two or three times to let the message sink in. He's not playing to the camera or speaking just to hear his own voice...this comes from his heart.

If you don't like who Adam hangs out with, you don't like Adam. Is he supposed to give up the people he's been friends with for years because that is what you think he should do? Do not ever forget for one moment forget that he is the Godfather to a beautiful baby boy born to a straight couple who have been his friends for years. How many of you straight women and your spouse would ask a gay friend out of all your friends and relatives to take on that responsibility? Being a Godparent is not just bringing presents on birthdays, it is raising the child if the parents become unable to. To me that speaks volumes about Adam and his character in spite of how many gay clubs he frequents.

Please stop this nonsense NOW. The he is, he isn't. He did, he didnt. He will, he won't. He should, he shouldn't is getting extremely tiresome. Perhaps you would find yourselves happier on a sight that buys into your views about what Adam should do and with whom Adam should be seen.

Adam is loved here...the majority of us would like it to stay that way.


Anonymous said...

All these comments about product endorsements by Adam might be a moot point. He may not be interested at this particular time. His management/record label may not approve of it. It may not fit into his "image" as a rock star. Or any other reason. I think he is focusing on his second album and making it exactly what he wants it to be. We as his fans luv, luv, luv Adam for his amazing talent, the best voice in the music industry today. In addition, he is smart, articulate, self-confident, considerate and so sexy. No one can deny that he possesses all these qualities and that makes him a very special special to so many of us. He knows who he is, what he wants, and how to get it. I am just happy to be along for the ride as he journeys on into super stardom.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Someone mentioned he needs young fans...young people dont give a shit about who he hangs out with...its the judgmental section of the older crowd----------> note I am not including the open minded older crowd <----------------so once again you people need to get over yourselves. hes NOT gonna change because YOU think hes hurting his career and I give a big ole WOOTS! to that!

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of Adam. He said he wasn't going to be a poster child and that seems the way he is always going. He doesn't do that much straight stuff. If all the straight and gay people had supported him his album should have been platinum. Somebody seems to not support him. Can you be to gay? I can't figure out why every other sentence has to be gay. I don't see other singers that way. Why him? It should be about him and his music.

Anonymous said...

So MAC just signed Ricky Martin. I read last week they also signed Johnny Weir. Could it be they are signing different celebrities for different ad campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a large straight female fanbase and should cater to them as well.:) He is a gay man that has stated many times that he is interested in the female species. More pix of Adam in clubs with Straight chicks!:)

Anonymous said...

He wags a bi-tongue so he should act it. Boys and girls should be on his arm.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:30...what do you mean that Adam should cater to the large straight female fanbase that he has? I don't get it. His music is for everyone; appreciate the vocal talent for what it is, the best in the music industry today. It should not matter that he is gay because it has nothing to do with his amazing voice and his ability as a performer. People have to stop dissecting everything Adam is or does and just accept him for what he is and sit back to enjoy his amazing musical artistry. It's not that deep people.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:54.....a great, great post. Martin has two kids so still projects a "straight" vibe ( is there a partner somewhere too) even though he has only recently come out after years of lies and misrepresenting himself to his fans to save his career. WTF. So different from our honest and open Adam. Lots to think about.

Anonymous said...

With reverence I appreciate the presence of Adam in the music world, their acceptance of self and others, as they are. Unable to control his behavior, attitude or decisions, he is free, with all the freedom to choose their own lifestyle choices supported in their values, qualities, experience and respect, which allow you to search and choose your personal and professional happiness. Authentic Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

I think there is a fine line with all of this talk about Adam being a gay man. Those people that are being a little critcle about Adam takeing these pictures are the ones that don`t want to see Adam loose his fan base. LETS be realistic for a moment probably 75% of his fans are females, young and old thats where he makes the money, maybe the people that keep putting these pictures out there are trying to mess up his livelyhood,those pictures should be kept private.Can I make myself any clearer I love Adam and I just want him to continue his succes.

Anonymous said...

Adam's livelyhood is depended on his music, not the people who take picture with. Don't judge all his 75% fanbase are crotch grabbers. It is his talent and music get him where he is today. Stop devalue woman's intelligence , we are in the 21st century.

Ronnie said...

A decent fan goes on a hill and asks: "Can´t figure out why every other sentence has to be GAY?"
The valley answers: GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY...


Adam appreciates women and men, hugs women and men, sraight and gay = humans.

I got kicks when he stared at Keshas boobs, cos I love women&boobs. But on the same time Adam turns me on just being so damn hot!! So therefore I´d die in his arms!! What am I, dunno! Doesn´t matter.

Women throw their bras to the stage. Women know who is hot. And Adam is!! The Fire thread was full of sex and acceptance. So the main and most important thing is that Adam is a beautiful human with a heavenly voice and extreme hot appearance. That´s enough for us.

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie dear


When my grandson was small (and adorable) he called them "pillows" and would roll his head back and forth happily on the chest of any woman who held him on their lap. He's 23 now (and adorable) and has a well endowed girlfriend so I'm assuming he's still a "pillow man". His best male friend is gay and is a great fan of "pillows"! Obviously they are an all orientation attraction!.....................JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam + HOT chicks = SEXY!

Anonymous said...

Adam should be 50/50. That way no one gets left out.

Ronnie said...

Boobs are a miracle of God!
Yeah I´m a "pillow boy".

One of my male friends sighted once:
"If I was a girl, I would stare my boobs all the time! Geez, how can girls live with them just like that!" HaHa

Anonymous said...

@ Ronnie dear

Love your friends observation! lol.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Love Adam!! And as a fan, it's absolutely none of my business what he does in his personal time. He hangs out where he feels comfortable.
I'm happy for him!