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New Picture of Adam Lambert from Sunday Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 11, 2011

Via @cb3414

Thanks to LambertUK and cb3414!


Anonymous said...

This picture has been taken last weekend:

LLLiiizzzzz Liz Martin
@adamlambert + my golden suspenders @THINKFEELRHONDA:

Anonymous said...

Our tanned boy looks so yummy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ADMIN: We need a WARNING on this thread even though part of his face is obscured. Yowza

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:03 she is Liz Martin.

Anonymous said...

omg i love that tanned skin!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! He looks sooo good. Lucky Sauli!!

Anonymous said...

geezus frick


Anonymous said...

UNFFFF! Tank top, tanned skin, bare chest, lips and smokey eyes closed, I have an urge to kiss him too. Ha!Ha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like gorgeous BB has blond highlights?

Anonymous said...

Love those freckles.....can I connect the dots?
......might me awhile........hmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Sorry......might take me awhile

Anonymous said...

Get all tongue tied when I see such gorgeous pics of BB!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG looks like Adam is ready for a kiss -- here I come lol. Maybe he is smelling her. Anyway he looks gorgeous and very tanned with his adorable freckles. Love the highlights in his hair too!

Adamluv said...

Nothing more to add - you all said everything I was thinking! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Someone tweeted this pic + a pic from Adam's bday. Is it the same woman?

Anonymous said...

he wants to feast at her table. mmmmmm let's eat!

Anonymous said...

I ah, er, ah, unh Thud!

Anonymous said...

Could be the same girl, looks like her, but who knows.
I thought in the earlier pic of Adam with the little girl, he had hi-lites I did mention it and was suprised no one else did. Looks cool.

LP said...

Adam looks great, but I don't think that is a natural tan, he does have very fair skin with his freckles. All the stars use spray on tanning,especially in the summer. Maybe Sauli educated him about it, cuz I think he does the same and also has that very fair skin and freckles. That is the healthy way to get a tan. He looks more handsome (if that is possible)with the tan.I always thought that was the reason he did not go shirtless, his skin is so pale. Only Sauli would know if that is an all over tan, ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

My god he is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

That HAIR, that face, those eyes (even when shut), those lips - that expression!
Gurl, you’re blocking the perfect view - MOVE, please!!!

“I’m in RAPTURE, there is NO CURE…”

GGD Gal, happy to see you, Mr Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Gawwwwd he is beautiful. That expression on his face! Who could resist? I feel a smooch comin on;)


Anonymous said...

Adam - New gauges, bigger size?

Anonymous said...

why does he get frisky with chicks when he has alcohol? they should say NO, get sober first! ha

Anonymous said...

whose that guy Adam is smooching?

Anonymous said...

@ 4:06
That guy is a girl LOL
Looks like Sauli behind him with the rings on.

Anonymous said...

Just want to lick those freckles off like an ice cream cone!!!!!

Anonymous said...

he first put in the highlights several weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is the luckiest guy on planet. My goodness Adam looks mighty HHHHHOOOOTTTT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy mother of God!!!!! I'm drooling right now!!!

I want those lips desperately indeed!!!

I'm here Adam waiting for that kiss!!!! Give us a chance pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?????????????

It's not easy to be a straight woman indeed!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE his eye make up!

Anonymous said...

Good Gosh girl, turn your head and plant one on him! He doesn't seem to do this often, so please take advantage or you are a fool! Maybe you didn't see it coming and instead focused on the camera person! Boy will you live to regret that unless you went back to those lips! Wow, this is too much...that is one of his sexiest poses ever!

@JAK where are you?!! Hope you aren't missing this!


Anonymous said...

omg Adam you are beyond words oh my...swoon and this picture...

Anonymous said...

he has needs for women? shame on you Adam! hehe

Anonymous said...

is that a man or a woman with I see a moustache?

Anonymous said...

Had to come back and sneak up on him this time. Still yowza.

Anonymous said...

Here you can find a gorgeous portrait of Adam - made by Sauli's sister (Saana Koskinen, who is an artist and a singer):

Anonymous said...

@ 4:00

He has said he finds women beautiful. He loves to flirt. But don't assume there's alcohol involved!!! She could be one of his great friends.

Anonymous said...

Had to come back for my zillionth time to look at this gorgeous man. He sure looks like he's definitely in the moment!


Magiclady said...

OMG, love the tan, love the silver highlights, love the mouth, love the man

Anonymous said...


You are a good detective! I think you are right. At 3:04 on this birthday video, it also appears to be the same person. Now...who is this person? LOL :)


Anonymous said...

That's gotta be pretty wild when you think of the fact that Saana could be lusting (the way we are) after someone that her brother is sleeping with. She's quite the artist.

Anonymous said...

He looks so sweet and vulnerable (and possibly a little drunk). Love him.

Rita said...

Most beautiful man in the world. Someone else is in the picture? I'll have to go look again. lol

LP said...

Looks like the camera just caught him as he was saying something to the girl, he closed his eyes because her hair was all over his face. But it sure made a great picture. I don't lust after him, but he does take a perfect picture :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:01 PM I find it very difficult to imagine that Saana would lust after Adam. Maybe because she is a singer too. She has been asked to participate in the Idols in but she refused because she wants to sing soul music.

Anonymous said...

Here is a Liz Martin song for anyone who might be interested...

I like it.


Anonymous said...

I think in every recent picture of Adam he has looked very happy, healthy and relaxed. Life is good for him right now. He has found love and can share his life with someone special. He has the opportunity to be creative in studio and make his dream album come true. Soon there will be the Canada gig and many award shows etc. A lot to look forward to, very happy for him.:)

Btw, Saana's portrait of Adam is good!

Anonymous said...

@Sister - it isn't me, it's the person who created this combined picture who's the detective! :-) Now YOU've done some detecting! I must say though I prefer Bowie's Sound & Vision, don't you?

Anonymous said...

I guess this pic was taken on Saturday night (not Sunday)? Anyway, Adam is beautiful as usual! Sauli is a very lucky man to see this gorgeous view every day (and maybe Sauli is the one taking this picture). They've been spending quite some time by the pool, looking so tanned...I really like this hair style on Adam, the grey tops make him look younger (although grey is not usually a "young" hair colour). Lovely!

Anonymous said...

IDK - that "girl" seems to have an Adam's apple?

Anonymous said...

@ Cassie. Think you made a perfect connection! Sure looks like the same girl in LA that has something to do with parties. Saana is a gifted artist. This is a beautiful potrait of Adam, very intense and probably was drawn from a photo. Adam is so beautiful in this pic. It's almost painfully so.I've never seen him look so perfectly handsome and healthy. Love the hair and tank top! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I like this black sexy vest. Very good photography, warm and sensual. Sauli is good for Adam and vice versa.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Could this be the same Liz Martin? If so, she has a bit of a masculine look.


Anonymous said...

Adam is a SEXY BEAST ... lucky Liz (if it is her).

HK fan said...

It certainly looks like the girl in that birthday video, she's also the one with her boob out, so I guess they're pretty close friends.Love the tan...

Anonymous said...

@July 11, 2011 10:19 PM

Who wouldn't lust after Adam?? Anyway, according to Miss Saana Art's facebook the portrait is sold. Perhaps Sauli was the customer. Birthday present to Adam?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:10 Saana is not a fan of Adam. To her Adam is his little bother's boyfriend.

Ronnie said...

I´m totally speechless! Adam looks sooo delicious!
I see some kind of similarity with this Liz to Kesha. Messy hair, androgynous face. He likes them, no doubt.

But Adam makes me very dizzy now! I´d love to be sniffed at by Adam!

This is one of THOSE pics!!

1. White pants in IIHY
2. The boots and loong legs in leather striped pants

Lucky Sauli! Lucky girls!

Anonymous said...

@2.13AM. It crossed my mind too, that the portrait perhaps was a birthday present to Adam. It's very dramatic and intense. I didn't realize Sauli's sister was such a talented artist, I've heard her sing before, but I think I like her paintings even more, they're quite funky and interesting.

Anonymous said...

@2:41 AM

LOL Ditto!

Anonymous said...

take a coup of coffee,strong one,you need it and what about Cake,YUMMY,YUMMY...

Anonymous said...

gorgeous I agree that the other person in pic does appear to have a little hair above that upper lip , No matter def Adams type petite blond androgynous

Anonymous said...

Wow can he get anymore sexy! I am missing our boy at the moment but know he needs the time to do his thing in studio and have some down time before he gets super busy again - because he will be super super busy when his album drops!!

Meantime I am loving all you guys for keeping me entertained with your comments and wit.So thank you.


Anonymous said...

woohoo Adam getting ready to smooch a girl, woah he looks hot hunky and hungry for her !!!!!!!!!
could he be ?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@6:43AM. Adam has often said he thinks women are pretty and that flirting with women is fun, BUT that he prefers men. So I don't think there's really much chance for us women...too bad. I believe many have tried though. LOL. Besides, he's got a bf now...

Anonymous said...

This girl is apparently the girl from Adam's birthday party, so they seem to be close friends. She knows how to pose in photos with Adam. :)

Anonymous said...

I think from time to time he needs the scent of a woman. I think it does something for his senses. Great for the creative process!

Anonymous said...

Liz Martin is an Aussie. Adam sure loves his Aussie's.

Anonymous said...

@8:21 Liz is a out there lesbian so don't
freak out.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is standing behind in that pic. His head can be seen above the girls hair.

Anonymous said...

thats not sauli

Anonymous said...

Sauli is in the background. I have enlarged the "original" pic and it's very clear that Sauli is there. He is talking with a guy.

The Dark Side said...

Very nice tan!!! Adam taking advantage of his pool and the sunshine and looking fabulous. Not much else to add.

LP said...

I thought Sauli was there, and I still think that Adam closed his eyes because of Liz Martin hair in his eyes.The camera just caught it, it's not a posed pic. But it sure caused a lot of chat, ha ha. Adam would say he is sorry , he didn't mean to look sexy, and adorable, it just happened, without his knowledge, he is innocent of all charges. LOL that rascal. That is a spray on tan, red heads do not tan that way. Everyone in Hollywood has that tan, but it does suit him very well. Sauli prolly sprayed him, what fun!!!

Anonymous said...

That's quite a nice substitute for a GNT video, isn't it?...Lips, skin, freckles, (implied) kisses, neck sniffs... Thank God for the upper body shot! Although the 'bugle' diversion was fun too... ;-) The 24/7 GNT summer was a blast. Glad to see my ladies are still around!
Just the other day I was wondering how many 'GNT babies' have been born in the last months... (American citizens first, of course, as always ;-)) I remember the last year's tweets during concerts... the GNT collective intoxication... the (post-show) needs for sexual encounters and/or cigarettes... HaHaHa. I hope the ..Berts are creative with the glambabies' names.

So curious about the next tour... A 30-year... LAM(of the)BERT. With his heart (still) full of love. With (still) plenty of cougar..Berts and Internet groupies. And plenty of virtual glitter..gasms/trails for the voyeuristic ..Berts to enjoy/follow. Long live the... (glam)hound mood/mode!

Is the ‘fake’ Nancy here by any chance? I feel like jabberwo..aaltzing with a... non-classical lover, musically-challenged or simply tone-deaf partner. Sounded like she might...'fake' me a dance...partnership ;-) But I’m always in for a good capoeira session as well. :-))

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:35 AM I enlarged the picture too and that's def not Sauli. Only similarity is that he is blond.

Anonymous said...

whether you see Sauli or not, I bet he was there, that looked like a social event, and of course Sauli is there, Adam takes him everywhere that possible.

Anonymous said...

I'm printing this one and cutting it out so I can use it when I fantasize. Maybe I'll paste my picture over top of the girl.

Anonymous said...

This picture reminds me of pictures taken in Paris where Adam was lying on a bed. The same expression.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the comment about the GNT babies. I can totally relate. All of my eggs have dried up, but I was revved up for a couple of weeks after the show. Took me awhile to come down. Also, immediately after the concert as I walked to the car with my much younger gay male friend (who I was hoping I could dangle in front of Adam in order to get closer to him cause my friend is very pretty) I told him I just wanted to scream. I had so much pent up energy. He said, "Go for it." I let loose with a big "Woo" about three times. Only to be met with a bunch of woos by people who were mimicking me back. It was one of the funniest things I'd ever been apart of. We still talk about it.

Adamluv said...

Anon 1;15 "dangle in front of Adam" - very cute! Thanks for the story. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

My gosh I'm enjoying all the comments here..... Babies that's nice indeed!!!! I want to have babies with Adam how about that ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

me too!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was out of town a week and now I come back to see this incredible picture! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. He never ceases to amaze me at how beautiful he is. Thud.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, laides? Who saw Sauli in this picture? I didn't see his hand, tattoo or even his shade!
Adam just enjoyed this girl company and deff liked smell of her parfume or hair or body.
I don't any boys invited in this photo:)


Anonymous said...

Well, it's not that important if Sauli is in this picture or not. Adam and Sauli don't have to be together in every single picture there is. This is a pic with Adam with a friend. Adam and Sauli have their own "together-pictures" and we will have more of those later for sure. Good for them to have some privacy at least for a while.

Anonymous said...

..Berts, I love you.. and your obsessions!
If that girl is Liz Martin, forget about her boobs (she can show me whatever she likes, I won't mind), listen to her music!
She should go out on the Internet more often. Look what YT did for Bieber person, now the "Canadian pop/R&B singer, songwriter and actor"!
Let the 'covers' go, girl, show us your bare.. soul.. your own music! You might even let the ..Berts do the managing work. HaHaHa.
Damn, that's why I stay around ..Berts! That's the positive side of craziness. :-)
"Dance A Little, Live A Little". Yeah.

Anonymous said...

So basically, what this photo looks like, is that Adam was out somewhere and likely drunk, and some woman took a photo of herself with him. You can see that she's the one holding the camera in her left hand.

Anonymous said...

The Liz martin in the videos look a little different than the Liz martin at Adam's b-day party and in this pic. She looks much younger in this one and the nose looks different in the Adam exposed boobs pic.Her skin looks much younger here, but video was also darker. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The gypsy/ blues vibe on her youtube videos was very haunting, especially the one at the Lair. Really unusual. Adam has some very eclectic friends and they're always interesting. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 4:14PM Definitely not a transgender if she's the same girl with boobs exposed at his b-day party, which is very likely. funbunn40