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Vote for Adam Lambert in this year's VH1 Do Something Award!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, July 11, 2011

CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

They didn't mention DonorsChoose or Charity water.

Anonymous said...

@10:18 Agree those projects should have also been mentioned. I am so happy that he is officially nominated though. He's up against some big names, but lets vote!

Anonymous said...

I asked this on the last thread:How many times a day can we vote on the "Do Something Awards"?Anybody know?Also,do we have to vote in all the other categories that Adam's not in?I voted 2 times( first time in all categories),but the second time,I only voted for Adam.I can't see any rules anywhere about voting.

Anonymous said...

Adam is still @ #3 on the AIOTM..Let's keep him there @ least,ok?URL is under almost every other thread..gonna vote there now,but will also vote for other polls,too.

Anonymous said...

Is this for FB accounts only? I'm not on fb or twitter.

Anonymous said...

You can join on your own it looks like. I have an account there and it is difficult for me to get in.Keep trying and experimenting to get in and vote, this would be so nice for Adam to win. I don't see any rules either.

Anonymous said...

Someone said on other Adam forums that you don't need to be on FB or Twitter, but you need to log in to a VH1 account (or join in if you don't have one)? Don't know if that's true. I tried to vote and it asked me to log in, I don't have an account there. I was wondering too how much time there is to vote? Would be really nice if Adam got this award. There are others with huge fandoms too, like Bieber and Gaga. But Adam really deserves this one. :)

Anonymous said...

I voted and also posted on FB and Twitter. Get the word out to Adam fans who know what he's accomplished as such a newly recognized artist. He doesn't have fan base or money of Bieber, Gaga and others. Yet he immediately went to work doing charity. Bravo Adam.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to post to Facebook. Just register using e-mail and PW. Do it.

Anonymous said...

I have been a member of VH-1 ever since Adam had his videos played on there,& when we were voting on them for the top 20.I wanted to be able to post under the videos,& that's the only reason I joined..all because of Adam..I guess I'll just keep voting several times a day,since I see no rules either.Thanks again to all who are voting on the AIOTM..Adam's still # 3.I guess we should vote in every category,or the vote for Adam may not count.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:12pm

I did what you did and joined VH1 when Adam's videos were on Top 20 so I could vote. I didn't have a problem voting on the Do Something awards for Adam. I just clicked on the Vote button. You don't have to share on FB or Twitter if you don't want. The vote will count anyway.


The Dark Side said...

I voted and it look like to took. Will try again and again. I think he should win this because he really does make a difference.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 10:18 - my question as well. He raised a lot more money for those 2 charities. Any ideas about this? ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

They've all done some nice things, but Adam's charity towards people on a daily basis (generosity and kindness) makes him truly deserve the honor most.

Anonymous said...

When you vote, which I tried several times today, I have no idea whether it took, Nothing about thanks for voting? It just makes a shading color?? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

HELP! I really want to vote for this for Adam, but nothing seems to work. I joined, gave them my e-mail, gave a password and the name I would be using, but everytime I vote (the green bar)_ it tells me I'm not logged in when I am!!

Anonymous said...

Finally voted, it kept asking tweet or facebook- but it took it I believe. So I did it like 30 times. Whose knows how many times you can vote? Bieber better NOT get this one.

Anonymous said...

I VOTED .. clicked on the X then refreshed & VOTED again ... kept coming back w/ADAM on diff positions on the VOTING list so I am assuming that they all counted!! Am I right??

Anonymous said...

Just registered and voted no trouble this time, thank goodness.

Rebecca said...

doneEveryday Life

Anonymous said...

Logged on and voted at VH1. Noticed Donors Choose tweeting to support their "buddy" Adam Lambert. We teachers LOVE him for so many know, besides the obvious. He really deserves an award like this. Love the tanned look and highlights.


tess4ADAM said...

VOTE 4 ADAM at ... ... unlimited voting ... poll closes today July 12th @ 4PM Pacific Time .... PLEASE go & VOTE 4 ADAM ... thanx ...


Anonymous said...

i am voting Gaga

Anonymous said...

Adam is cheating Sauli.i am woting Gaga!
and that`s it

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:13am?

What are you talking about... Please explain
"cheating Sauli"??

Anonymous said...

To those voting for Lady Gaga: What are you doing on this site?? GET OUT OF HERE!!

glitzylady said...

VH1. DoSomething has now updated Adam's charitable activities to include Charity Water and Donor's Choose. Take a look, and vote, vote, vote! Its easy: just register and vote . No Facebook or Twitter account is needed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I tried voting and had the same issues...was asked to create an account, which I did, but every time I tried to vote, it said I was not logged in, so I would log in (again) and the same thing would happen (again) - GRRR! Annoying!!

I was using Internet Explorer. Switched over to Firefox (as I can access some sites with one browser, others with the other) and had apparently registered previously (don't even remember when!) and was able to vote. Try a different browser...see if that helps...this is an important vote so do you what you can to get yours counted.

- Adam Fix