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Picture: Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Jogging

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Source: @aquariussue7


Anonymous said...

Great, great! Adam will be in terrific shape for Fridays's show in Canada!

Anonymous said...


Everyone can be happy now....Adam is not in a gay bar, he is not drinking, he is not being photographed with anyone "dressed up" !

Just exercise, fresh air, sunshine and an acceptable companion.

Glory be!!! He appears to be "quite normal"!

...JAK...(just a smidge of sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

It must be murder coming back up that hill......

Nice the black outfits!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that at first I wasn't sure about Sauli. But now, I think he is so adorable, and he seems like a sweet person who has captured Adams heart. I love his reading his blogs and his descriptions of how his life is now in LA. He is independent and makes his own way and is making friends away from Adams. I can't stop smiling when I see his pictures of just how adorable he really is. He has made Adam so happy and that is the main thing. Adam works so hard and I am glad he has someone to finally share it all with who really loves him for him. I can't wait for the new album to really hear how much his life has changed in the past year now that he has found Sauli.

Loved the pics of them jogging - only thing - watch out for the snakes in the canyon!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli told in an interview (in May) that they have normal daily routins (incl. jogging)and that they go out for a drink only at the weekends. That's when paps find them and so people think that they are drinking constantly.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is a very balanced person. I think he has to push the exercise thing though...however I think Sauli is a good influence on him in that way. A positive feeds a positive and that is a good thing for both of them.

Anonymous said...

How you can be sure that it's Adam in front of Sauli? That seem's to be Sauli because of those tatoos but that man front of Sauli I'm not sure is it Adam. He looks so tiny. Maybe Adam took that picture.

Anonymous said...

I love how they have their daily routines and go jogging together. I wonder if they do housework together too? I can see them dancing around as they dust!! haha (I know they have other people that do that for them.) But, I do wonder if they cook together? If you read his latest blog, there was a picture of a squirrel that was looking into the window and I think Sauli called it a raccoon! haha so adorable. I couldnt find a complete translation of the entire blog, but just found little pieces of it. He also said when they go jogging in the canyon, there are snakes, spiders and bugs! Don't worry Sauli, Adam will protect you from the snakes!! Have fun boys, you are just so adorable together!

Anonymous said...

The source is Sauli's blog:

There are more pictures.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's blog translated:

Anonymous said...

@936 I don't think that's Adam, that guy looks too short and small.

Anonymous said...


HaHa! Love your "smidge of scarasm" I totally agree!


Anonymous said...

Do keep in mind that items or people in the foreground look larger.

Anonymous said...

"How you can be sure that it's Adam in front of Sauli? That seem's to be Sauli because of those tatoos but that man front of Sauli I'm not sure is it Adam. He looks so tiny. Maybe Adam took that picture."

Exactly. That´s what I am thinking too. You can´t be sure if it´s Adam jogging front of Sauli.

And to all delusional people, I am not July 26, 2011 9:36 AM Nor July 26, 2011 9:51 AM.
So, I am not agreeing with myself, as some of You have claimed that so many times before. :D

Why You (July 26, 2011 9:15 AM) keep repeating that at first You were not sure about Sauli etc.. we have seen You saying that so many times.. Strange that other´s won´t blame You for reapeating like they use to remind other people for doing that..

Anonymous said...

sorry, one e-letter too much, It should be repeating. :D but I quess You understood it.

Anonymous said...

This is cute:


Anonymous said...

what´s that EVA ? can´t find it. is it some kind of fan video, huh?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:37 I would love to be that spying squirrel LOL

Anonymous said...

He is def. Adam. He looks tiny because he's on the background. Exactly the same effect when Adam is in front and people think that Sauli is extraordinary tiny.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's Adam, maybe it's not, don't know. I guess Sauli's point was to show great scenery and view over the city, not Adam's pic (since the blog's not about Adam). But apparently they do jog together and that's really good. Great exercise and together it's much more fun than by yourself.

Btw that squirrel (or whatever it's called) spying through the window in that blog picture is so cute. A very nosy little creature. lol

Anonymous said...

I am so with You, July 26, 2011 10:45 AM.
and to all delusional people, I´m not July 26, 2011 10:45 AM :D

LP said...

I will put in my 2cents worth. I feel sure that is Adam, with his hat on backwards. They are on a slope and Adam is ahead of Sauli, which of course would make him look smaller. Haven't you ever had a pic taken and you stand and put your hand out, and a person further back can be made to look like he standing on your hand, we did that as kids. Sauli said more than once that they jog, often wondered where that would be.

Anonymous said...

I think it's Adam - just the body type and posture seems like him. I just wonder who took the picture. I felt that Sauli wanted this for his blog and Adam said ok as long as he was in the distance. But who knows? haha

Anonymous said...

I would like to have that spying squirrel picture here. It's so cute. Maybe it's spying for us.

Anonymous said...

This is an older picture. You can see it from Sauli's hair.

Anonymous said...

As Long as I can´t see the face of the man with hat backwards, I can´t be sure if he´s Adam or not.

Anonymous said...

I just think it's weird they'be been dating all this time and not 1 picture of them even hugging, kissing on the cheek or hanging out at Adam's house. And please don't give me that privacy excuse, this whole relationship has been well publicized. Adam is plenty affectionate with fans, friends and bar people, but not with Sauli. Something is very off.

Anonymous said...

"Rakastan" pic wasn't enough for you?Or red carpet hand holding?This relationship isn't for your entertainment or fan service purposes, so sorry it doesn't meet your criteria.

Anonymous said...

Please don't forget to vote on the VH1 Do Something Awards. Just keep clicking the button and you can get alot of votes in in a minute.

Anonymous said...

@July 26, 2011 10:20 AM

Yes it´s a fan video. If you can´t copy/paste the link from here, go to YouTube and search
Adam to Sauli - Coz You've Got


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and Adam and Sauli. Read S translated blog. He posted couple more pictures beside this one.

Anwy, Do you guys find it kind of out of the ordinary that we haven't seen any tweets from Adam's band members and concert organizers about this Friday's Quebec concert for rehearsal. I think there will be a surprise. Adam might perform new songs from his second album. JMO. Those fans who are going to the concert, have a great time and please remember us. Can't wait to watch SUZ526 and other fans videos. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

From previous thread, yes Adam said he used Mac eyeliner, and he would give a thumbs up, I think he was hoping for a free supply. We havent heard, if Mac had approached him first, but I think Adam wanted his own line, with his name Adam Lambert As has been said he is using a different line now. He prolly can't endorse for financial gain without RCA approving it first. Since he is getting away from the makeup anyway, he may have lost interest in that direction. I think it was Sauli that wanted a more private life, without people taking pics of them smooching or kissing, remember he is from a different culture. We do hear of them kissing at a night out, BUT, no pics allowed.

Anonymous said...

11:20AM. I don't mean to be rude here, but are you serious?? Rakastan pic, lots of pics of them very close, cheek to cheek, pics of them with Adam's godson, BBQ at Adam's house, the red carpet, the tweets, etc etc. And don't forget those first pics from Helsinki where Adam is holding Sauli's face in his hands.

You can't seriously be comparing the kindness that he shows to his fans or "bar people" with the love that he has for his BF. The relationship is real and obviously stronger than ever, as tough as it seems to be for some people to accept it. Adam's happy, be happy for him.

Anonymous said...

JAK - Thanks!!! -glad you said that!! Your sarcasm was well stated to those who feel, because they are "fans", they get to pick apart every event, picture, facet of his life and give "just cuz I care" comment, like he has no clue what he's doing.

LP said...

I wouldn't get your hopes up, about Adam doing any songs from his new album. It would ruin the suspence of people buying his new album. I am sure his band will be there, but no dancers. Just like the show in Russia. It was a great show, with just his voice carrying the whole thing. wtg Adam.

Anonymous said...

my opinion about that pic:

usually, sauli never talks about adam in public. so, did sauli made an exception this time and published a picture oh him and Adam ? prolly not..
I think that the other person is not Adam but I assume Adam took this picture. maybe they´re ( Adam & sauli ) laughing their arses of right now because of the speculation if it´s Adam in this pict or not :D

Anonymous said...

a picture of.. sorry for the mistake.

Anonymous said...

Endless, mindless speculation, can't we just pretend that Neil took the picture?

Anonymous said...

@1150 you left out Adam being very affectionate with his friends too. You seem to not understand my point is that Adam has always been cuddly, kissy and huggy with everyone but Sauli. You forget that Adam posed for dozens of pics kissing, hugging and dancing with Brad "Cheeks" who he loved so why so hands-off with Sauli then? You guys make a lot of excuses for A & S odd behavior. Oh and I guess I better add I'm not a Tommy freak, they are just friends. Before you accuse me of that.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:37 and 9:47 thank you for the links! So good to hear from Sauli on his blogs.

This is what Sauli said in his blog about running (thanks to anon 9:47)about running :

"All right, and after all this eating and drinking it's best to once more start a more 'healthy' life. :D Today begun with a proper run and I just love how much energy I get from that. Wow!! Why don't I always do it?? Here in Hollywood the running tracks aren't that boring. I usually run in Runyon Canyon Park, which is right next to Hollywood, up in the hills. The track starts on street level, but once you get up there, the view is really awesome!!

Here is something posted by some guy who tried to hit on Sauli sometime ago:


strayed into the most dreadful place on earth, the suomi24 forums and found a lulzy bit where a dude was like man, Finnish boys just aren't as hot as Asian boys, and some other dude is like srsly, you don't like ANY Finnish boys and the guy's like except Sauli Koskinen, I tried to drunkenly hit on him and he was like plz go away and a month later I heard his bf is Adam Lambert. you can't score with these celeb hotties. sigh, going to Pattaya.

Don't hate on me, but I am going to post a vid that some may have already seen, but I don't think I have. It is obviously done by paps wanting hits and has all kinds of star sightings I am guessing in Beverly Hills area and Adam is one of them. They even titled their youtube video "Adam Lambert is getting fat" which you can see starting at 1:23 that he is obviously very thing, so they titled it that way to get hits. Surprise, surprise! So, go ahead and pass it up if you don't want to give it hits. It is him outside of a MiniMart looking over and choosing drinks (I know there are others out there of him getting drinks, but I hadn't seen this one) He is very nice to them and later they joke about how fat he is getting, but they are so obviously joking. Just look at the size of each of them, lol! They were excited to get shots of him.


Anonymous said...

11:20 AM So, you have not seen all pics. There are plenty of pics where they are cheek to cheek. And at least one where Sauli sits on Adam's lap etc. Sauli has said, as someone mentioned here, that he does not like the pics of kissing and smooching. But there are pics of them walking hand in hand (the red carpet, Sauli's birthday party), but their relationship is still young, so we don't know if his mind will change and we will see also the first public kiss some day.

Anonymous said...

I was just reading an old interview of Adam and this is what he said about internet blogs:

"....Going back to the Internet thing, it amused me how people can be so misinformed. When I read certain things, I just want to tell them, you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s an endless source of entertainment for me."

Anonymous said...

Sorry, NOT "very thing", but "very THIN"!


Anonymous said...

@12:37 Don't you think that this might be the case because since Adam is now a celebrity (which was not the case when he and Brad were together) he realizes that it's better to try to keep his personal life out of the public eye? Therefore he is not kissing Sauli in public in front of the paparazzi or fans because their relationship is no ones but their business and they don't want everyone intruding in something that they in all likelyhood consider very private and want to remain only between them.

Just because we are not seeing kissing pictures of them doesn't make their relationship any less real. I would actually say that it makes it all the more real and important because they are not willing to expose it to the public to see :)

Anonymous said...

12:37 PM
So, what do you think is going on between these two? What is your theory about their relationship? I'd like to know. Is Sauli some kind of a toyboy who is entertaining him till Adam's getting busy and doesn't need him? Is that where you are aiming at? Or, is he some kind of a cover up when there is a hot relationship going w Adam and somebody, who no one must know of? Or what?

Anonymous said...

Really, who cares if it's Adam? Sauli attached the pic on his tweet with the comment "pic of some fools out running". He didn't say it was Adam -- and, once again, who cares??

Anonymous said...

@12:55 Good god, get your facts straight!! Sauli did not say that, it was a comment of the person who translated Sauli's blog in english! Maybe you could check Sauli's actual blog first for the pictures at least (and notice there was no caption under the picture) before commenting.

Anonymous said...

OK - my 2 cents on them showing affection in public is this: that as soon as there are public photos of them kissing, he will be attacked by the media and some fans saying they should not be doing that in public! Poor Adam, he is dammed either way. I believe that their relationship is REAL and yes, he did have pics of kissing Brad all over the internet, but remember, they were both young and not famous. He wants to keep his private life PRIVATE people!!! We need to respect his wishes and let him have some "normalcy"!!! I am very happy for him - he just seems to be extremely happy with Sauli and I think they are so adorable together. If he wants to show public affection, he will. But otherwise we should just focus on Adam, the international rock star, not his personal life. We are very fortunate that he does share some details of his life with us.
And yes, I think that is indeed Adam in front of Sauli going down the hill. Body type, black clothes, hat backwards and sexy arms! haha He is going down a hill in front of Sauli, so yes he does appear shorter. And, it could be anyone of their friends taking that pic.
I don't mean to rant, but please peeps, Adam is happy!!! Cant we all just be happy for him. He is living his dream of being a rockstar and being in love! In his words "its just not that deep, people"

Anonymous said...

Look at the shadow, Adam's shadow is much smaller than Sauli, and they are walking down slope, Adam is far away from Sauli. Probably have a light weight tripod for taking the picture if Sauli likes to start a blogging business with interesting stuff. About those passionate pictures of the boys (naked , on the floor or wall) they may want to save for their autobiography in the future. He!He!

Anonymous said...

Could it be Neil in front of Sauli and Adam taking pic? or reversed? Does it really matter?

Anonymous said...

Sauli has been always a very private person concerning his love life even though he has been in publicity for years. I was very suprised and happy to see the first hand on hand -pictures and later that Rakastan picure and pictures from the red carpet. If I see some day a kissing pictures from him and Adam I pass out with happiness.

Anonymous said...

11:20AM & 12:37PM. This relationship is not a show to fans. It's different from the affection of fans, friends or even family. And when Adam dated Brad, he was much younger. When he kissed Drake in public, it was cause media wanted it, and that didn't last long. Adam said he wants at least TRY to keep some things private. It's not all possible, since he is a celebrity, but there are some boundaries. They are entitled to privacy. Please respect that. Adam has said that he's in love (Twitter party). I think that's more than enough personal information to fans.

The Dark Side said...

Not only has Sauli probably, I said probably, signed a confidentiality Clause, but I'm thinking that Adam and Sauli have agreed to keep their relationship family friendly, so to speak. Adam got burned badly for pictures of him kissing a guy in the past, so why put themselves through that type of thing. Besides most couples don't do their love making in public. This is a class act! Let it be. Wonder how many ppl on this site make out in public?

Anonymous said...

What are You talking about,July 26, 2011 12:55 PM?
Sauli didn´t tweet anything like that ! maybe You´re following fake sauli on twitter !

glitzylady said...

@Glamm86 and others...
Exactly..First of all, Adam and Sauli don't need to kiss in public, because it is obvious to me by the way they look at each other, the happiness on their faces, the pictures of them holding hands on the red carpet at the Idol Finale say everything. We as fans would be thrilled to see them kissing..but the media would have a field day..and right not Adam doesn't need that..Someday perhaps, when the time is right in their lives. He and Sauli are smart to avoid that for the time being. And for those who question their commitment to each other, I have to say "Baloney". (Being polite...)

And I assume that's Adam in front of Sauli, but in reality, it doesn't matter. Looks like him...not worth arguing over in my opinion. I did love Sauli's blog..especially when he described the raccoons and posted the picture of the squirrel. A little peek into the the lives of Adam (I assume) and Sauli. I makes them very "real" and rather just like the rest of us, with critters coming into the yard and digging up the flowerbeds (I have the occasional deer who eat my geraniums and rose bushes.. and the occasional raccoon peering in the window or sauntering through the yard..). Love those two guys (Adam and Sauli..not the raccoons and the squirrel, by the way, or the deer....although they're cute too!).

Anonymous said...

July 26, 2011 12:55 PM there are some morons on twitter posing as Sauli Koskinen. Which account are You following ?

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that Adam should have to prove his relationship with Sauli to anybody.

If you look at Adam's tweet from Monday, you can see a very happy man. That's what's important.

Anonymous said...

On Sauli blog he said he was going on a trip out of LA this week....would that be Quebec, Canada..sweetie...wish I was going.....

Anonymous said...

Sauli has told many times that he doesn't want his private lovelife into publicity. Naturally they don't kiss when paps are around.

Many people have thou seen Adam and Sauli kissing each other. It happened for example in a night club in NYC at that time when Adam went to NYC to meet Sauli. They've been seen kissing at Gaga's concert etc...

Here is one more example:
by @idolme922 - (parts of her story):

“Adam and Sauli lit up the room. It was very crowded but no one could miss Adam. He and Sauli were sweet, a little affectionate, not over the top. I saw them share a brief kiss which was too cute. They shared sweet looks, but they also seemed very secure with each other. It takes a very secure person to be with Adam and Sauli, having been in the public eye a lot, seems to be that kind of person.
Adam was attentive and they literally put their heads together when ordering from the menu. I was one table away so I could see them very clearly.
- -
I did have a couple of brief moments with Adam. How nice
would it be to just sit down and chat with him? That wasn't meant to be. This was not the time or place, but I got a couple of smiles and a few words. He remained very focused on his parents and his adorable BF. I did talk to Eber for several minutes. Get him going on politics or the environment and he will talk! Our talk was about geography, but whatever. It was a great evening filled with love. It's clear that all the Zodiac 'family' really is a family and they really do love each other, a lot. “

Anonymous said...

How on earth you can suppose that the pic in Sauli´s blog and now here is of Adam and Sauli...? It´s not!! Sauli would never ever show any pic of them in his blog.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady I live on the hills and when I read his translated blog I LOL'd cause I go through the same things with raccoons coyotes squirrels bob cats and etc. The only solution to keep them away is to have a fierce dog. My fierce dog died last year and raccoons started swimming in my pool. Have to pay extra each time they mess up my pool. Time for me to get another dog.

Anonymous said...

OMG! The size of a shadow is of course smaller farther away.

Sauli's tattoo confirms that it is him.

Anonymous said...

A happy birthday to you Mick Jagger!

Anonymous said...

11:08 Wow! I'm impressed with your wisdom.

Anonymous said...

July 26, 2011 2:20 PM is a troll.

Anonymous said...

@1:57 idolme922 is a fan fiction writer with a vivid imagination who is obsessed with Sauli and Adam. I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. With no pics it's hearsay. Just like all the other times people claimed they saw Adam kissing a guy in public. I have no idea what is really going on with them and neither does anyone else really. I just think their behavior is weird and not like a couple deeply in love. And please why would Adam get harassed for just kissing Sauli on the cheek or something thats ridiculous.

Urethra_Franklin said...

JAK!!! Right on babe!!!

Is this topic if "is it or isnt it" really newsworthy? Just sayin...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:05 PM
Speaking of dogs...and critters swimming in pools, a true story:

Late one night last summer my husband (and fellow Adam fan) and I were finishing up watching a movie with with a dog in it..As the end credits were rolling, my husband commented "Haha! They have the dog barking during the credits..cute!" to which I responded "I don't think that's in the credits: Its outside..". We don't have dogs in the neighborhood who typically bark at midnight, so we opened the patio door and heard a dog barking frantically, and sounds of splashing..We immediately realized that there was a dog in our neighbor's pool below us. And they don't have a dog. We ran to the fence on the far end of our backyard, my husband vaulted the fence and ran down the hill to the pool. The neighbors appeared to not be home,no lights on, so he ended up stripping down, jumping into the pool, and yelled to me "GET A ROPE!!" (Ha!) into the quiet of the night..By the time I ..finally..found a bungee cord, but no rope, he was out of the pool, dressed again, and climbing over the chain link fence. He said he got the dog (a chubby yellow lab) out of the pool, who looked at him, shook the water off, and ran off into the night.., without so much as a "gee, thanks"! Hubby drove around looking for the dog, hoping it was okay, and finally came home..The next morning he went to the neighbors door, intending to leave a note for them, explaining why the pool cover was askew (the dog walked on it and fell into the pool..). The 2 ladies that own the home were indeed home, had noticed the pool cover askew, and said they were having their morning coffee, and preparing to face whatever they might find in the pool, since they had also had raccoons, etc. in the pool. When my husband came home, we thought about what might have happened if the ladies had heard the commotion, turned on the yard lights, only to find a dripping wet, naked man standing next to their pool, and not a dog in sight! We still laugh about the possibilities and the hilarity that might have ensued, and at the same time are glad the whole thing had a happy ending..

Anonymous said...

Anyone interested in using your imagination? Go back in the Recent Posts to July 23. "New Photo of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen." We have heard Adam say many times that he loves kissing. Look long and hard at Sauli's lips.
Now think of the two of them...........

Shiggles said...

Glitzy: You know how they say "truth is stranger than fiction?" Well truth is also way funnier than fiction. What a great dog rescue story with a twist. Thanks for sharing.

Urethra_Franklin said...

OMG the sneak peak of his Behind the Music is HERE!!

Anonymous said...

Preview of VH1 Behind The Music about Adam. Post it 24/7:

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin Beat me to it. Oops!! <3

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh and BTW can we start making plans now on how to get any potential interview he does with l**a_rr---y###f...l__i++c''K posted to the net??? He hates the glamberts at this point and I seriously doubt hes gonna post it online as in the past and let us not forget he does some of the BEST interviews with adam. Dare I remind you all of "sheet drag." SO yeah and I put his name in code so he doesnt get wind of this espionage thru a google search. WHO CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN COVERTLY???

Anonymous said...

@2:37 PM

It is so obvious that you are one of those sick Adommy crays. You act exactly as they do. You are a lier too. Idolme922 is NOT a fan fiction writer! You can read all her tweets and find it out.

I have been deeply in love, but not being kissing in public. It's the normal way to behave, when you are really in love. It's no theater act.

Adommy crays say that A & T are lovers, because they have seen PICTURES of them kissing and that A & S are just fake because there a no pics of them kissin. OMG!

Anonymous said...

Heterosexual couples aren't always displaying kissing, etc. in public. Why is it an issue with Adam and Sauli? They don't have to display their feelings to anyone but each other and like many, prefer to express their love in private. They're damned if they don't and damned if they do.( The homophobes will say they're gross or pushing gayness down our throats, ridiculous, but true.) The negative ones will try to create unwarranted strife in their relationship. I think they both are classy guys and are most likely very affectionate when among trusted friends that won't exploit their very special relationship. They don't have to prove anything to anyone or are obligated to make any public staement of affection. They should live their lives for each other and not the public. The loving way they look at each other is enough for me. Adam is wearing his fave black hat with the skull on it in the jogging pic. No mystery for me. It's Sauli's blog, not Adam's and Adam is always very conscious and considerate not to intrude on other's camera time when they are to be the main focus. He's very aware that he would be a distraction and he respects that fact and acts accordingly. Adam is a very thoughtful, smart guy. Sauli's blogs are very upbeat and filled with good humour. I really like the way he writes and his thought process. He makes me smile and is like a ray of sunshine. :) funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_ Franklin, I know of whom you speak, and have faith you have the creativity to get the job done! Those interviews were the best and lengthy enough to hear all the good stuff! Didn't know he hated the Glamberts. Did some get obnoxious with him? funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady That's what we get by living in their territories. My backyard turns into a zoo at night. Once I get another fierce dog they end up at some else's yard.

Anonymous said...

nice picture.wish I had that view for my walks Sauli is very proud of it. thanks for the VH1 news.I noticed this site has a serious troll virus that is ruining most threads lately.

Anonymous said...

I viewed Idolm922's tweets. There seems to be more discussion of her meeting w A&S.

- "There is a lot to know about Sauli. I met him once. He is absolutely the nicest person! I love him."

- "I love reading your kind words about Sauli. Seems like everyone who meets him says he's the sweetest guy."

- "Oh he is, Marion. Sauli is sweet and when he smiles at you, it's like your the only person in the room. He's just a great guy!"

Anonymous said...

JAK - Part I - I’ve decided to come clean, now that I’m out of the anon closet. I’ve come to this site daily for over two years. Sometimes I’d post a sentence or two. Mostly I’d stand up for Adam if I felt he was being treated badly. I tried to do it with kindness, but was jumped on several times during the really hateful threads. I’ve watched as Adam fans came, stayed for a while and went on to… whatever. I remember 15 year old Emmaline, Michael, Robert, Love and Light and her son Army Sgt Jason Foster, Orson Wells, Big Mama and Big Papa, Maggie Longfellow and I’m sure many, many anons. I helped MGF (who must be really busy with real life now) pick her tag. Stands for Mass Glam Fan.

When you started posting, it was with such assurance and pride. You said in one post that you were a “word master.” I admired you and thought I’d do an homage to you by using short sentences. The first one I posted was: “Lord, it’s a black and lemmon sparrow.” I figured you’d get it immediately, but you posted “Are you on the right thread?” I couldn’t help but laugh, because it was of course so very out of place. The next post was “Mason isn’t on an even par with Warner.” No reaction from anyone. The third was “Russell hit the head of Daniel’s ass with a hammer.” I believe that an anon responded “Okay…?” to that.

Anonymous said...

JAK - Part II -Here are all the rest that I was going to post when I thought the time was right:

Warren the rabbit: ‘What’s a duck worth?
The wolfman will hunt the shepherd
Be leery of a bellman with swagger
Bring the Bentley down to Whitehall
Tis bliss to twist a straw blott in a web
Wild in the sack with a young blood
Trainer Cox ate a barkin ham off the bone
Is there frost on ruby beach?
Flash! The ripper was a tripper in London

These are all the “Jacks” I could think of:

Lord, Black, Lemmon, Sparrow, Mason, Paar (sp), Warner, Russell, Daniels (sp), ass (sorry), Hammer, Warren, rabbit, Duckworth (sp), Wolfman, Hunt (don’t say that fast), Shepherd, Leary (sp) Bellman, Swagger, Bentley, Down, Whitehall, Bliss, Twist, Straw, Blott, Webb sp), Wild, Sack, Youngblood, Trainer, Cox, Barkin, Ham, off (sorry), Frost, Ruby, Beach, Flash, The Ripper, Tripper, and London.

Had I stayed anon I would have gone on with these silly sentences until someone (and I was sure it would be you) caught on. Now that I’m out and free, I want you to know who is another admirer of yours on this site.

Thanks for the stories, the laughs, the poems and most of all for your good humor.

3> Shiggles

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam looks so gorgeous in that VH1 BTM preview. Can't wait to watch it on Aug. 7 @ 9:00 P.M.

Shiggles said...


Thanks for the link to the sneak peak. Now I really can't wait. Also hoping for an interview with the "coded" one. I want him back on Leno so badly to reunite with Ricky Minor and also maybe some more 'safe plucking.'

Anonymous said...

Glamberts, don't forget to vote for Adam on VH1 #DSAwards. Go to the link, vote for Adam, press F5 key, vote again:

Anonymous said...

3:20 PM, I am the same person who started this discussion at 1120 also 1237 and 237. If you read my comment at 237 you will see I've already shot down your stupid assumption that I'm a Tommy crazy. Adommy is not real, never was. As far as idolme922 you are obviously ignorant about her, she has been writing Idol fanfiction for a long time (quite good at it too). Ask her or anyone who knows her.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:20 pm continued. Actually 12:37 is where I said that about Tommy. I get confused debating with so many Sauli lovers at once. You can't even express a different opinion here without being attacked but I don't care I'll keep putting my 2 cents anyway.

Anonymous said...

Lordy, lordy I do love to hear him say his name

glitzylady said...

Yes, soon we'll be getting some performances and interviews, and I have to say, Adam's "Safe Plucking" moment was one of the funniest things I've ever seen..The look on Adam's face when he realized what he'd walked into was hilarious! I think those two could really have fun together: just give them a topic and let 'em go..And we know Jay and Ricky Minor are both very big fans of Adam, so he'll definitely be on Leno this fall. I think he would be an amazing guest host sometime when Jay is gone..wishful thinking. I think Adam would be very good at that; Quick witted , charming, intelligent, funny, well-spoken..and good to look at too! What else would be need????And he'd be on for a whole hour! Even better : )

@Urethra-Franklin 3:10 PM
Ah, yes, the "coded one". . The interview with Adam was excellent. I was going to post a link to all of the 2009 interview segments in one place, but that link would include "the name" so will skip that.. : )

Anonymous said...

@4:30 PM So, your message and opinion is simply:

You can't be in love if there are no kissing pictures of you in publicity.

I just wonder if you are over 10 years old? Not mentally anyway.

Urethra_Franklin said...

3:28 i dont have the satellite radio that hes on so I cant creatively do it. someone else is gonna have to do it for us all...and YES the crayberts went bat shit nutty on his ass and he set them straight BIG TIME!! I have no doubt he will NOT be posting any further interviews on the net. So if you dont subscribe to his satellite station you cant listen....SOOOOOOOOOOOO we need someone who DOES SUBSCRIBE to handle this very secretly for us. Cause if he gets wind...hell have it deleted just to spite. And with all that said, i dont blame the guy. He was manhandled by the crayberts who were too insane to realize that HE has supported Adam since day one. And I mean SUPPORTED HIM BIG TIME. So im sure he felt kicked in the gut. Hes gotta do what hes gotta do...........and WE gotta do what WE gotta do!!! SO who can do this?????

Urethra_Franklin said...

Glitzy good idea. We need to be WAY COVERT!!! lol

And all this adommy BULLSHIT is sooo mind numbing. REALLY PEOPLE??? Get a fucking life!

Anonymous said...

Just shove it people!!!!! Leave Adam and his boyfriend alone!!!! If you really care for Adams happiness just leave it alone and just concentrate in his music plssssssssssssssssssss???? Fight, fight until he is recognize by his amazing talent!!!

Enough with this nonesense indeed!!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to dissect those adommy lunatics to see how their brains work. Its amazing how they achieve that level of disease.

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:24 PREACH!!!

5:27 BAHAHAHAHA!! I like you!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, obviously anyone on the planet who doesn't love Sauli must be a crazy Adommy fan. Simpletons.

Anonymous said...

@5:06 (not Urethra) Oh, nice insult :) I wonder if you're a clueless girl who's never had a relationship in your life so you don't even know what love looks like. Here's a hint- it's not walking 5-10 feet in front of your man in public and letting him lag behind you like a dog.

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra_Franklin Yah!! U can call it a PREACH bec. it's the truth indeed and suck it up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

5:56 pm - the walking behind Adam is so yesterday!!!! That was done for Sauli's protection from the paps. Adam diwas very protective of Sauli at that time. Now, you see them hand in hand or arm in arm or side by side.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert VH1 Behind The Music Preview on YouTube for International fans:

HK fan said...

if you are lurking on here, happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

6:09 PM Excuses, excuses. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

Lyndsey Parker in Reality Rocks: Adam Lambert 'Behind The Music' Preview Spreads The Kradam Love, Puts End To Fan Wars

Anonymous said...

Good lord, I cannot believe someone would question the authenticity of a relationship because they have not seen a photo of the couple kissing! My dh and I have been together a long time and the only photo of us kissing is from our wedding ceremony. Little did I know the lack of photographer facial sucking must mean that we are not in love and don't have a real relationship! And now that I think about it, the happiest couple i ever knew were my maternal grandparents and while as amateur photographers they constantly took pictures, there is not a single one of them kissing. Well, I will now go and cry myself to sleep because the fact that the last time I saw them together before my grandfather died (53 years into their marriage) they were walking down the street holding hands was not good enough.

Anonymous said...

I think the part in Sauli's blog where he tells about the raccoons is really funny. I can just imagine Adam and Sauli running around and chasing those cute little creatures away. And would have loved to see their faces when the raccoons jumped into the pool...Sauli gives us a hint of what kind of life they live together (obviously a very fun life) without telling too much private stuff. He's adorable.

Anonymous said...

@5:24pm & 5:27pm Love your comments!


Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity. How do you know that this is Adam jogging with Sauli? Also, how do you know that this is Sauli?!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are not a freak show! They have a life too and one that is invaded at every second. Adam is more than gracious keeping his fans up to date but still they push for more.
Give the guys a break and some darn respect.I often wonder if many know Adam at all, because if you did you'd give him space to breathe!

Anonymous said...

I've been on recess, but I see that Congress is meeting again and sounds just as harmonious as ever. How does a walk on a summer day get twisted into a pretzel of a thread like this?

It took awhile to catch up....and a lot of eye rolling and a few genteel swear words. It's been an education though.

I've learned that Sauli is a decoy used to protect the identity of Adam's phantom lover.
Also that public displays of affection are required to prove one's love, so I'm gonna plant a big kiss on my 74 year old hottie husband when we are in Target tomorrow. I now realize that critters on both coasts of the U.S. end up using backyard pools, only in Florida it's alligators!

I also think a lot of craziness would have been avoided if Adam had just kissed audience members!

Anonymous said...

Yep, this is my favorite jogging areas too and so no doubt this is Adam here. Shame of the invasion of his privacy though.

Anonymous said...

@ MGF, I too wish you Happy Birthday if you have time to lurk! Missing you and your comments. The threads were so good with the ones that have been missing. Hope all will return once Adam's new music and tour gets cranked up. Missing the posts of those here a year ago. Where's AdamFix and Adamluv? funbunn40

Anonymous said...

...................Crafty One....................

This post is addressed to @ tag Shiggles.........
Your confession reduced me to cascades of giggles
There would have been no solution soon...........
I just thought our mystery guest was a loon!.....
I doubt I would even have caught on in awhile....
The truth is I'm just a simple, old logophile* .

* "lover of words" .......and bad puns.

"How many ears did Davy Crockett have?"
"Three..a right ear, a left ear and a front ear!"


Anonymous said...

JAK how many knees does a man have? three.. a left knee, a right knee and a wee knee. So lame I know.

Anonymous said...

Groannnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......3 knees!

I can't stay anymore, 1:00 a.m. is on it's way
I must say goodnight, I'm too tired to play
And in truth after all, Tomorrow Is Another Day!

Anonymous said...

An old but interesting interview of Sauli: Big Brother's Sauli - The gentleman of reality television

Anonymous said...

There are posts on this topic that are absolutely ridiculous!!

Why this obsession of wanting to see Adam and Sauli kissing .... it's PATHETIC!!! Let Adam have his private life PRIVATE .... it's none of our business. Further, if Adam kissing Sauli in public is what some people crave, then they live very limited, uninteresting lives.

Is this Adam jogging with Sauli? Well, WHT else would it be!! Geezuz peeps, get over yourselves and get a productive life!

Anonymous said...

@10:10 Thanks for the link to this information about Sauli. It's easy to see why he and Adam fell for each other, theyhave so much in common.

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that Sauli has another person he jogs with that looks a lot like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! This site is so funny! I can't believe what some of you are saying..... I don't have to see pics about them kissing, that's their private life! Sauli has said (years ago) that his lovelife is HIS business and not anybody else's. He is not the guy who kisses in front of the cameras.

And who cares if that bloke jogging isn't Adam? He is or isn't. Not big deal.....

Anonymous said...

Yes everyone, that is smog. Welcome to Los Angeles.

Anonymous said...


Poor stupid girl. You wrote:
" I wonder if you're a clueless girl who's never had a relationship in your life so you don't even know what love looks like. Here's a hint- it's not walking 5-10 feet in front of your man in public and letting him lag behind you like a dog. "

That's exactly how the Adommy crays argue in lack of real arguments. They forget categorically that A & S are not a whatever couple. They are chased by paps wherever they go and they have to act accordingly.

Adommy crays logic doesn't function. When Sauli was on the red carpet hand in hand with Adam, they accused Sauli to be a famewhore who just wanted attention for himself. That means that Sauli is not allowed to walk behind or beside Adam....

Anonymous said...

This thread is so funny!
1) SAD AK 8:34 PM; The pic is from Sauli's blog. That is def Sauli; you can see the tattoos on his left hand. This is not a new pic; you can see it from Sauli's hair. The other man in this pic can be anyone. The fact is they jog together.
2)5:46 PM; Nobody is saying you or anyone must love Sauli; it's a question if Adam loves him. And their are some hints that he does.
3) They must kiss secretly (hahah) or is it purely platonic friendship? I've heard rumors that they kissed passionately in Paris (yes, yes llong time ago); there are people who lived in the same hotel and have reported that they were kissing in a club and did not care about anyone else but each other (yes, long time ago).
4) How on earth does their relationship belong to any of us? Kisses or no kisses - at least there must be much smiling and laughter, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:17 yes and I have noticed that Adam's mother, brother and friends usually walk behind Adam when he moves in public with them or is surrounded by paps. I am thinking that he tries to protect his family and friends from publicity.

Anonymous said...

The Adommy crays brainwash each other without any kind of self-criticism. The worst hatemongers are middle-aged women and the not-so-clever little girls follow them. All that is very sick and insane and surely hurts Adam.

Anonymous said...

10:10. That old interview is lovely. Sauli is a gentleman with a positive outlook on life. His family seems to be very supportive, no wonder he grew up to be a confident and balanced young man. His background is in many ways similar to Adam's. They also have so many similar characteristics and Sauli himself has said they are quite similar.

Sauli told in an radio interview that when they met, Adam tapped him on the shoulder. They smiled at each other and haven't stopped smiling yet. And now he's moved across the world to be with Adam. And yet there are some who don't believe it's real...OMG. Sauli hasn't talked about his boyfriends in public before and probably will keep private things private now as well.

Anonymous said...

Sauli had a relationship with a guy and it lasted ab 1,5 years. People don't know who that guy is or how he looks like, though Sauli is a celebrity in Finland. He wants his private life to be private and I can't blame him for that.

Anonymous said...

"I have noticed that Adam's mother, brother and friends usually walk behind Adam when he moves in public with them or is surrounded by paps. I am thinking that he tries to protect his family and friends from publicity."

hello, How old are you, July 27, 2011 12:33 AM ????????

maybe these person are walking behind of Adam because of their own free will. I don´t see any protection stuff in this.
I would also do that ( walk behind ) If I don´t like to be photographed.
Just use your common sense...

HK fan said...

@anon 7.29
I was just going to write the same thing when I saw your post. I have been with my husband 31 years (since I was 15, although not married at 15 obviously!) and I don't have 1 picture of us kissing. All these years I'd thought we were in love...but alas no, because we don't have a kissing picture...

Anonymous said...

I agree with You, HK.
I don´t like to kiss in public places. there´s Nothing wrong if some people will do that, but kind of, it´s not my style to do that. everyone can do what ever they want to, but I IMO I don´t have to prove others that I´m in love with someone by kissing my Boyfriend in public. Didin´t do that when I was Younger and not doing that nowadays either.

I´m sure these are just teenagers who think kissing in public is the only way to prove others that You love somebody.

Anonymous said...

Almost every time with the paps, Adam walks really fast (with his lovely long legs), like to get away from paps quickly. Not all friends or family want to be photographed, so they'll probably stay behind on purpose. It doesn't mean that he's being rude to them or that his BF wouldn't be his "true" BF just because he's behind him...

Please, give the man a break (instead of constant criticism). Adam himself speaks for tolerance and diversity, love and being true to yourself. He's not perfect, he never said he would be. He's a human being, living his life.

Of course this site is for exchanging opinions and that's fine. But sometimes the negativity is so overwhelming that I wonder where it's coming from. There's so much positive stuff happening in his life right now, new music, love, concerts etc. These are happy times!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a boyfriend . His name is Sauli . I believe they live together . Pics posted on Saulis twitter are not an invasion of their privacy. And pics of them at public events are also not an invasion of their privacy. Its show biz ! Im not into the bar scenes but I like seeing them in these casual situations They obviously enjoy each other . Reading Saulis blog ,seeing the country thru his eyes, is very entertaining I love it and I love them BOTH -AS A FAN- not wanting to run their lives .

Anonymous said...

4:36AM(July27). EXACTLY! I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

ummm....first any comments about adam and his night life are really unjust...adam is single and of age...please people...he can do want he wants...has broke no laws..and is simply enjoying his life...comments about this sound very prudish...second...comments about him and sauli and public people have a hard time dealing with american taboos...yes...america is not as liberal as we advertise...when adam held sauli's hand at grammys everyone was very supportive...but if he had kissed him...even innocently to show his love...all the press and some homophobes would try to make it look like he was doing some publicity stunt and that he should not have done it...we are so very one cares if a heterosexual couple holds hand or kisses in public...but we freak when anyone else does...people here...if you are a true or adam and you truly care about will quit acting like high school kids and just accept him for the way he is...wonderful...caring ...talented...and his own person...independent...that is why i love him...get over yourself people!!!

Anonymous said...

The Adommy crays brainwash each other without any kind of self-criticism. The worst hatemongers are middle-aged women and the not-so-clever little girls follow them. All that is very sick and insane and surely hurts Adam.
July 27, 2011 12:39 AM

I agree with You.

Bing said...

I adore Adam and Sauli as a couple because there's something in their eyes and in their smiles that tells me that they are great for each other. It simply warms my heart when i see them together maybe because i can relate with what they are exactly enjoying now, it's a gift that not everyone can truly understand. I've been there so i should know and the feeling is heavenly.

24/7 has been plagued by probably 1 or 2 persons who have all the time in the world to spew hatred in my favorite Adam site. It's pretty obvious that everything has been done with malice. You know i envy them so much because they have the luxury of time to spend on undiscerning thoughts. Oh how i'd love to trade places with them so that i can indulge in doing exactly the opposite, that is spreading love and understanding instead.

Majority of the people here respect our differences in perspectives and preferences in life. We have learned to celebrate our diversity as fans which led to various intelligent and healthy discourses. I see that as a continuous learning process for me. Adam has so many incredible fans here and i'm deeply honored to be a part of our glamily.

Their attacks are unrelenting. But our dependable regulars and ANONs have done an awesome job in responding to these obnoxious posters. Thanks for that guys. And since these losers are determined to stay maybe it's about time to ignore them completely to render their efforts to sabotage each thread futile. These are just my thoughts and you don't have to agree with me. It's so easy to spot them because their rants sound like broken records. Anyway that's just for me.

And to all the loyal fans, instead of worrying for Adam to no end, why don't we just relax and enjoy his career now. With all that he has achieved in a short period of time, it would be safe to say that Adam is definitely successful in his own right. The way Adam is being acknowledged by very important people in the music industry speaks volumes. To top it all, the creative community would not be that enthusiastic to collaborate with Adam if his talent isn't that extraordinary. What we are witnessing is the birth of a SHINING STAR.

I would love Adam to be exactly who he is because he has fought hard for that all his life. No pretensions for the sake of stardom. But simply being ADAM, THE MOST PHENOMENAL SINGER I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFETIME!

Anonymous said...

@ Bing

You do spread love and understanding, I always know that your comments will make me feel better not worse. Yes we have some who come here for mischief and one who is a repetitive ranter. My first reaction was to "talk back" but that was futile so I really think just talking round them with no acknowledgement is the best tactic. If we don't retaliate, maybe even they will get tired of their rants......maybe......perhaps! lol

Anonymous said...

Adore you ADAM Lambert and now you've taken my jogging trail too! HA!

Anonymous said...

me and my husband were holding hands and kissing all the time in public, up to the very moment I found his girlfriends phone numbers in his wallet. lol now. x husband.

Anonymous said...

it's always funny when ppl forget there's two persons in their relationship. Maybe Adam's previous boyfriends have been different and wanting to share their private kissing etc. moments with the world... Sauli is very private person about 'the stuff that really matter'.
In Finland he has been in publicity for years, yet we still know hardly anything about his private life. And I don't think Adam likes PDA any better anymore. And why would he ? Those moments don't belong to us or the paps, they belong to them and them only. If they were straight couple, no one would stalk them like that, for private pics or demand to see them ( and otherwise assume their whole relationship is fake ).

See, that's the difference between real things and showing off.

The real thing makes you feel very protective and vulnerable. You know you got so much - too much - to lose, and until you learn to relax a little bit, it can be nerve wrecking time.

I have never been more confident that this just might be the real thing for both of them.

Anonymous said...


You said it so well. Thank you.

I was talking to 77yr old hubby about this thread and previous thread. He said Adam is a talented singer and entertainer, and as long as he pleases his fans in these fields, we should not ask for any more. My hubby is not one who cares how others live their lives. He said Adam is smart and will take care of his business, and that Adam will be around for many years to come. I agree with him.


Anonymous said...

Construct a remote control squirrel robot with cameras for eyes and microphonwa in ears .Position it at Adams bedroom window .Show the world what goes on in there ! Ridiculous ? Just read some of the comments re these two lovely guys who are just busy getting to know each other and maybe falling in love . Congrats and i'm sending much love and only positive thoughts your way!!

Anonymous said...

lol 8:59am and 9:49am.

Anonymous said...

Bing - Thank you for your wise comment! You expressed also my feelings so well.

Anonymous said...

is the paps jogging with them. the paps should go home and get some much needed sleep. I think all they do is follow Adam Lambert and his partners. Didn't Drake get the same thing? I would've left also if I had to put up with that shit constantly. It gets old.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if Adam tried kissing Monte in the mouth? hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Sauli wants a private life? He isn't going to get that with Adam Lambert. AL is one of the most famous people in the world. Don't go after the most famous singer in music if you want a private life. The media scrutiny is a death sentence.

Anonymous said...

anon @7:54 hmmmmmmm well hmmmmmm a black eye.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:59 PM Sauli has kept his love life private. He has told that he has been dating, not a suprise, and also lived together with someone but we don't know anything about his previous boyfriends. BTW it was Adam who went after Sauli when he saw him in Jenny Woo.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Adam is always in front of sauli.

Anonymous said...

7:59 PM Does private life mean you have to tell everyone the most intimate things and all about your love life and what's happening inside your home? Adam does not do that and Sauli does no do that. So they do have their private life and on the other hand life that they want to show to the world. We ooutsiders see just a little bit of their everyday life. Private is private. what's so difficult to understand in this?

Anonymous said...

10:46 And what's so haha there? Of course he is. He's the celebrity, Sauli is his partner and stays calmly back.

Anonymous said...

10:46 When/if they ever come together to Finland, it might be so that Sauli is in front of Adam. Then I'll say Haha to you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:09 AM it would be funny to see LOL!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:50 AM
No, the paps weren't following Adam and Sauli in these pictures. Read the thread, and you'll realize that these pictures are from Sauli's blog that he writes for a Helsinki radio station. No doubt the picture was probably taken by a friend..Sauli included the picture in his blog along with some others. And by the way, paparazzi are just a fact of life in Hollywood and LA. They hang out at certain "known" celeb-frequented places and events. And they give us some pictures of Adam and Sauli out in public sometimes. The pictures are relatively few, in reality, if you think about it.. As long as they are not invasive and are respectful, I would guess Adam is fine with it. He's told them more than once to back off if they are not respectful or are too invasive. For the most part, Adam and Sauli have a nice private existence. Adam is a celebrity and expects a certain amount of paparazzi photos to be taken. If the paparazzi were to stop taking pictures of Adam, I'd start to worry. The reasons Drake and Adam split up are their own to know. They're still friends.

Anonymous said...

Aon 9:22 AM Maybe it will not happen if Adam knows all the shops and restaurants and clubs and jogging grounds of Helsinki and Hyvinkää (well, he can use the map). Then he can be the leader also in Finland. :) Then you'll miss the joy. (: Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's blog is in a finnish evening paper Iltasanomat, same as Tutka earlier. Sauli will start reporting for the Aalto radio station in August I think.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's blogs are boring. How is it that he gets paid for such drivel? Oh, right, because he drops hints about Adam into them...

Anonymous said...

love Sauli's blogs and find myself looking forward to them. He seems like a good person, what more could I ask for? plus is interesting and sincere. Dam, I wish he was my brother.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling the trolls will be out like cockroaches soon, they get very jeaulous when Adam has a busy period.Why someone would follow a fansite of someone they don't like is so beyond me.

Anonymous said...

@anon 2:16pm How do you know that Sauli's blog is boring?

Like Sauli's pictures. He has great body which looks much better without tattoos
@anon 4:21PM Don't be suprise about trolls. They visit this blog cause they love Adam:)

Don't you forget that this blog has troll of the house?LOL

Anonymous said...

I love Sauli's blog. It's like a breath of fresh air.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:16 PM You don't have to read them if they are boring. Ignore them. There are many who like them. They are meant for Finnish people and most of them have not been in USA or LA. It's interesting to hear about the differeces between these two countries. TV and movies don't always say enough. One mutual thing there is, in every country there are mean people who only want to hurt other's feelings.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:16 PM
We Finnish people are so simple that we like the Sauli's drivel. :) He is very talkative and uses colourful language and expressions that only simple Finns understand; so the translations don't always tell the truth. But isn't blog a blog, not an official article? That's a diary in internet and if you think Sauli's life is boring, so be it. Sauli has never mentioned Adam's name in his blogs. So you use your imagination if you think that there are hints about Adam. LOL You don't even know where he lives (he has never told that) and you assume he's telling about Adam. If the IS (to whom Sauli has been working for 2 years) wants to pay him, it's not away from your pocket. If you want to comment the blog-text to Sauli and hope some deeper analyses or so of things, in the original blog there is a comment-session where you can leave your message. Sauli is pleased to get critic directly; he is a straightforward person. It's easy to bark at the back.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:28 yes we Finns are simple people. That's why Finland is the best country in the world and Helsinki best city in the world. Sauli's employer Ilta-Sanomat tried to prove that actually Switzerland is the best country but Newsweek confirmed that Finland won, due to its superb scores in education:

"In a matter of hours, though, Finland’s leading tabloid newspaper, Ilta–Sanomat, exposed an error in Newsweek’s survey: it seems the magazine may have mixed up the top two scores, and Switzerland should win by a whisker!’

However, Newsweek has since confirmed that Finland won, due to its superb scores in education."

Anonymous said...

I know someone from the US that worked in Finland for a long time and he also declared it the best country in the world and he has worked just about everywhere. I would love to go there. I love Sauli's blogs, he is a breath of fresh air.