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Random Gorgeous Clear Photo of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Anonymous said...

I have never seen this photo before. Anyone know where it was taken?


LP said...

It's clear but not exactly gorgeous. Just OK.
Now don't get upset, cuz I said that. I still love him, We don't always get a good pic. I know, I know, we are not supposed to be negative about Adam, but oh well.:)

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

his eyes are sexy!

Anonymous said...

LP, I tend to agree with you. Yes, maybe it's not the BEST pic of Adam ever, but he's still handsome and we love him no matter what, right?? LL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love his syes.

Anonymous said...

I think this photo is so damn sexy. Love that messy look with that cap. Ummmmmmmm! Argh!
And who on the planet has eyes like his. My God!

Anonymous said...

50 children were drawn by terrible accident which happend wich Russian ship few days ago. If Adam will find about it, hope he will find the name of the families of these children and send some help and hope straight to these poor people. Cause all donation money usually goes to Russian Goverment.

Also, the members of the rescue team are in the hospital. The Russian press said that most of this team can't back to the duties anymore after they saw these children.
Again, if somebody want to help, try to find the names of the families!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my spelling and poor vocabulary, but I hop you understood me, my dearst friends.


Anonymous said...

That's a sad thing about the Russian children.C Abrams has almost caught up to Adam on the AIOTM contest.The URL is under the last thread.Please VOTE for Adam now!!He needs our help..Let's keep him @ #3,at least.This pic above of Adam is very different from any I've seen.The lighting is very harch,I think.Of course,he's still handsome.

Anonymous said...

Delilah5, very sad about those children! I hadn't heard anything in our news about it.

On a happier note, I found another pic of Adam. Anyone know anything about this?

And another one of Adam walking into OZ after GNT (notice how his eyes follow you:

And another one entitled "Adam on the dancefloor with fans at OZ":


Anonymous said...

Two more pics of Adam:

AND a leaving OZ tired Adam:


Hk fan said...

Agree with LP, not the best photo, but still nice to see one I haven't seen before.

Here's something amusing to while away a bit of time

Anonymous said...

Hk fan at 11 17 - that was very entertaining, especially laughed at the drunk man trying to get on his shirt at the beach haha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but this is my favorite look for Adam.
O' Natural, artist, long hair swept back under the cap and those sexy eyes!
All time fav. look for me. Let's jump in the sack baby!
Oh my! Sooooooo sexy!

Anonymous said...

Not crazy about this photo and it seems I have to join to view the Oz photos (the things we do for an Adam fix :D). Thanks for posting the link to them daydream. :)

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful intense Adam look. The photo seems to have a slight 3D or cut and paste effect.
-Lam my

Ronnie said...

Adam is so beautiful!
Love the background too.

@delilah5 and parents of the kids! So sorry what happened with the ship!

Anonymous said...

Adam's hair NEEDS to be free flowing. Do not particularly like this pic. Too much of a pose. We're used to seeing Adam in more natural poses (nobody does it like Lee Cherry :)!

Anonymous said...

@delilah5: I'm so sorry to hear about the terrible accident and the suffering of the children. My prayers go out to them and their families and the members of the rescue team.
OT: I always enjoy your posts.
Peace and Light,

Anonymous said...

@deliah5: I heard about that, just horrible.
@LP: I'm with you on this one, but we all know adam is drop dead gorgeous anyway! Off to a 5 star resort in palm beach fla right now, must bring my laptop so I don't get too much adam withdrawals LOL

Anonymous said...

don't forget SYTYCD tonight and Sasha!!

Anonymous said...

@delilah such a tragedy, so sad. Sending positive thoughts and prayers. OT please keep voting for Adam on the VH1 do something awards. It will be huge if he wins this and the winner gets quite a bit of money to donate to a charity of their choice. Can't remember how much.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin - your links doesn't work because they require sign in.... :(

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of this tragic accident. My thoughts go out to those who have lost the beautiful young children that they love.

Anonymous said...


Where is the world are all the regulars who post with tag names?!?! Have they left for a vacation to Planet Fierce with the Glittery Alien and I wasn't invited?

@JAK, Glitzylady, Ronnie, Funnbun40, Fan4Fun, IreneRose...and whole bunch of postings for some time. Very strange...

Come back! I miss you all!


LP said...

@sister 10:07
I was wondering the same thing. Did they leave because of the trolls? I found their chats very entertaining.:)

Rebecca said...

wow nice

Everyday Life

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everybody who are voting on the AIOTM page.Adam is doing better,but it's still pretty close.The URL is Did anybody find out how many times a day we can vote on the "Do Something" awards?I can't find it anywhere on the voting site,or on VH-1..also,can we just vote for Adam in his category,or do we have to vote in every category?I wish they'd make it clearer.I'm voting,tho..just voting in his category sometimes,& sometimes in all the categories.With Gaga & Bieber in the same category,it will be tough,but just seeing Adam @ the Awards show will be great( I hope we'll get to)I have to leave for a while.If this thread is pushed down by a new one,someone please put it back on the new thread,ok?Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It's summer. Most people are on vacation....And in Adamland, there isn't anything that's why I think they're not posting as much. But when news of a first single comes out, people will be posting like crazy.

Anonymous said...

Peeps probably hurry up to fix real life stuff before Adam drops his 2nd CD, promotion and tour. Still remember those GNT concert night?
He looks good in the picture.

Anonymous said...

On anom. @ 11:28AM,I MEANT to say,please repost the URL for AIOTM,if a new subject is put up soon( while I have to leave the house)Thanks!

Anonymous said...

@Sister and LP,

You didn't mention me, but LP is right about why I'm not here much anymore. There used to be nothing but LOVE and it made my heart sing to come here - starting right after Idol.

But my heart hurts more than sings when I read posts lately. Even regulars with tags share stories of being proud of being unkind or snarky to others - when our hero would never do that and is a beacon of Love and Kindness and Joy.

Thanks to all of you who stick with kindness.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, off topic, but since it's SO least Sauli has been kind of active in Twitter, he started to follow some Adam's friends. Hoping that he or Adam would tweet something, give us something to talk about...:) Sauli also started to follow his sister (the artist & singer) and seems like a NZ radio station (the flea?) played her music. I guess that station plays a lot of Adam as well.

Well, if Adam is too busy to tweet to us right now, we can always look at his old pics (this one is cute too) and watch youtube videos. The Canaca concert is in a few weeks, so probably we'll have a lot to see and hear then. Really excited about the new album too!

Anonymous said...

I know Adam is nominated for a Do Something award, but does anybody know will he be performing there too? Would be great to hear him sing there.

Anonymous said...


Oh, there you are! ;) And I see @Ronnie is back too! Maybe it is vacation time. I hope it's not the "snarkiness".

Still seeing daydreamin, LP, Hk fan, delilah5, lmp and Lam my, so that's all good...and Anon regulars, not sure, as you are not identifiable.

I feel like I am taking roll call. HA!

Just checking in. I need to go back to work now. :)

New album to drop soon and then this site will come alive again!!!! Whooo-hooo!!!


Anonymous said...

OK. I see becca, CT, and The Dark Side too. :)

NOW I am done with roll call. LOL!!!!!


Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous there's no doubt about it. I've seen better pix of him but nonetheless, it's still our adorable Adam.

Anonymous said...

@ Sister....Yes, I'm here! Been a little busy with RL lately but always make time for Adam and the Glamily! xxooxxxxoo


Anonymous said...

Just saw this on twitter. New pic of Adam OMFG

Rita said...

Such a freakin hunk!

Anonymous said...

Tommy Joe has been busy again with NOH8, article and new pics. Nice to see he is continuing to support the cause.

Anonymous said...

New Pics of Adam, from Club Rhonda

Fan4fun said...

@ Sister

I'm around! No way I leave 24/7 Paradise lands...

HK fan said...

we need a twitter party......the last one kept us going for several days!

Anonymous said...

He looks a lot like Neil in this picture.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister, I like the way you do your roll calls...very nice and I always get mentioned. It must be part of your job to take roll calls, to make sure no one is missing. I can see some are already reporting to you...great job. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Lam my

LOL!!! Maybe I should get a job as a bean counter...or a prison guard!

Glad to see MOST have reported in. ha. :)


Anonymous said...

You are so fiesty and so dedicated to human rights issues, so prison guard is more appropriate; what is a bean counter anyway?

Hey Sister, I still feel bad about not signing your Uganda gay rights petition. I actually typed my name in the box and my email but dared not click, send; because the last time I did something like that on another site, my whole computer 'blew up', a sign came up that said: We can't find your C drive! Bought a new computer; a blessing in disguise though, now I hear Adam so much clearer, booming into my brain! Lol! :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Lam my

LOL!!!!! Prison guard it is then! ha. (bean counter = accountant)

Don't feel bad Lam my. I understand your hesitance. My computer was attacked and eaten a few weeks ago too. Thankfully, I had a back up so I could do my roll calls on 24/7!

A clearer Adam? Blessing in disquise. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Sister, sometimes I can be pretty naive...thought a bean counter is one employed to count coffee or cocoa beans; then on second thought...don't they use machines for this sort of tasks...Lol!
p/s...When there is no Adam, we have to talk about prison guard and coffee beans! Lol! :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Lam my

I like your idea of a bean counter better! One coffee bean, two coffee beans, three coffee beans, four... I am from Seattle after all! Adam news means creating our own fun!

I am done for the evening. I need to go check on the prisoners. :)


Anonymous said...

Yea, very funny, no need to rub it in. And a clearer Adam sitting at a corner of your bed...dream on! Good night. :)
-Lam my