Adam Lambert is One of the 17th Annual OUT100
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Monday, November 7, 2011
Posted at : Monday, November 07, 2011

Adam Lambert, Pop Idol
Though Adam Lambert admits he felt "a little uncomfortable” with his role model status early on, the flamboyant singer has since taken a major stand for gay rights, lending star power to causes like Equality California, PFLAG, and The Trevor Project. Lambert's second album, which he is executive producing, is due out next year, and he promises it will be "even more personal than the last."
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Is that picture photoshopped? It is aweful! Doesn't even look like Adam.
Perhaps inspired by this
It was OUT magazine's editor that ripped Adam before. Is this another dig at him? My goodness, they could have picked from hundreds of other pics that are 100% better! Just wondering what's the reason for choosing this unflattering pic ...
Adam's photo is is the first one in the series after the introductory page. Are these photos in random order or was there some type of ranking in effect? Whatever, Adam looks gorgeous as a modern day gunslinger. However, I had to LOL a bit at the context because the "gunslinger" vibe to me is somewhat of a country music reference and we all know from Idol days that country is one genre of music that Adam avoids.
He is an outlaw of love
If you go to the source "Out" website and click on page 1 of the series you will see that all of this year's portfolio is inspired by iconic portraits of the 20th century. Adam is obviously paying homage to the iconic Andy Warhol portrait of Elvis.
@Eva 8:11AM Perfect comment. LOL As for the quality of Adam's image, it's art, and I think adam probably got a big kick out of this photo shoot. It is obviously an homage to Elvis, whom Adam admires and definitely resembles. I personally think it was an inspired choice to have Adam recreate this iconic image. Even the camera work on it is less high tech, reminiscent of the Elvis era. I like it.
I love him in a red shirt!! Wow with that black hair- gorgeous
exactly what I was thinking Eva. Your long lost BFF MGF ;). Love the photo, love the reference.
shooting his pistol;) he better watch where he points that pistol!
Love this Pop Art of Adam. Wish i had the skills to show you the identical shot of Elvis
I think they could have left off the red lipstick. Adam never wears red
Just Google "Andy Warhol Elvis Presley" to see the image. The likeness is freaky!!
Elvis photo.
I read the OUT interview. Have to say that when I became a fan I was shocked how verbal the Glamberts were. That's why I never call myself a Glambert. I just don't think you achieve much by being verbally aggressive.
HaHaHa. Vintage Adam Doll!! It matches with the Grammy (GlamCam360) Adam Doll. Does it come with a proper wardrobe and a makeup kit? How about those Rick Owens (Queen fitted) black boots?
After last night... THIS, my friends, is pure fun! Never a dull moment in the dollhouse of Hollywood! Call it an 'homage' and make money out of it/him! Out-Standing! (as Jake Sully's avatar would say) :-))
I have just had a look of the Elvis photo, by Andy Worhol.
Imust thank the learned Fans on this site for extending my cultural Education, I learn something new everyday.
When I first saw the photo I thought um is this the best? But knowing the history makes a world of difference.
Jadam NZ
Slightly off topic, but I think we will be talking about Adam and Queen for a while yet.
I dont use twitter but follow Adam by using the link here or google. so I did this and went off to a link on Paulas tweet, to a guy called ShockUhDeliCA (or a gal) and read lots and lots of positive tweets about the Queen performance.
One stood out and gave me a laugh,
Rick Owen Boots $2400
Gareth Pugh coat$3500
Adam Lambert performing
with Queen priceless.
I don't get the popularity of the fan fics. It's like straight from the 60's when women read romance novels and were not yet liberated. I know these are gay fan fics, but still something backward about them, imo.
OT:TO all the glamberts around the world that love MJ also. Dr murry- just found GUILTY!!
I agree about fanfic, pure trash.
I read one a year ago and said "Who reads this junk?" Demeaning and disgusting, and don't tell me "they are good writers"! Porn for the bored.
Just read the interview with Adam and Aaron Hicklin of Out magazine, it was very very good, I read it on MJs blog but is it possible for Admin. to bring it here. Thanks.
Better go to work now instead of monopolising the comments section.
@GLb - Nice to see you posting! Wasn’t last night GREAT!!!
Have not been able to tear myself away from the Adam with Queen vid, been watching it over and over again…
Thank you for the pics, links and quotes in “the Video of Queen and Adam Lambert Performing at the EMAs” thread!
Here’s another quote (from another AL fan site) by someone called Russ:
"I'm old enough and lucky enough to have seen Queen in concert several times. My favorite band growing up. I'd heard about this guy Adam Lambert a little but didn't know much about him. When I heard he was going to sing with my favorite band, I thought it would be a disaster. Some kid who was trying to be another Freddie. But, I had to watch, it was my band.. They were great. But, I have to say, that kid was phenomenal. He knocked me off my self righteous pedestal He's not Freddie but I don't think he was trying to be. He has his own style and a voice like I've never heard before. Not Freddie, but just as good. I looked him up online and saw some of his other performances. He's really got talent. You can bet I'll be following his career from now on.”
Adam is always ORIGINAL, also when covering other artists’ music - he is not trying to be or imitate anyone, he makes the music his own - and that’s ONE of the things I love about him.
GGD Gal, going to watch the vid one more time… J
@gggd gal- I read that also somewhere and warmed my heart and said to myself- yup another glambert just came on aboard!!!
@Rita - thanks for the link. Had forgotten about that famous image of Elvis. Like this image of Adam as well and the lipstick too. ... Adamluv
I LOVE the homage to Andy Warhol. Adam......Please wear red more often. I know you're more into the purples, blues and greens, but, WOW, red close to your face is fantastic. I also LOVE that you were able to wear purple pants and bring YOUR taste to the party.
11:53 Not understanding your comment.
This is not 11:53, but I understand his/her comment perfectly. I love Adam and am definitely a fan, but I would NEVER call myself a glambert. I have read comments from the crazies on many other sites. The aggressive obsessiveness of some of them is outrageous. Examples? Well I witnessed one response to a less than enthusiastic reception to Adam. The "glambert" used racial and ethnic slurs directed at the person just because they did't "love" Adam's voice as much as she did. The person even said that they liked Adam.
The pop art is fantastic. Some of you need to get out to a museum once in awhile. It's fun. No reason to nitpic.
heres the link for the Out interview that Adam tweeted :D
I'm okay with Adam dressed like that,it's just fun art. Love Elvis and Adam!and yes Adam was great with Queen!!!
I had the same reaction as some of the fans on here, like WTF is OUT magazine trying to pull off with that picture. It is considered art and I am glad they used this one for Adam. I am now more cultured because of this site and will go to some museums once in awhile.
@GGD Gal Follow my link to see what I think. (Rhyme time! Haha) I wish I could make this a private invitation, but what a heck, I'm not (too) skerd of the ..Berts. Or am I?...Oh,yes I am!! :-))
Aanywaay, I'm running on fumes...of happiness ever since AND contemplating the stupidity of my own excitement. :-))
@GLb - I’m so honoured for your invitation, thank you! Did not dare to comment, just admired your writing skills…and enjoyed the music!
Been listening to Adam & Queen Medley (MPEG-4 file, no vid), concentrating on his VOICE, not distracted by his BEAUTY... :)
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