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TALC's Complete HD Videos of Adam Lambert's performance in Sainte Agathe

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 31, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, July 31, 2011


Anonymous said...

I've seen some of these videos & those were great!Thanks to TALC!! THE URL for the sexiest man on 94.1fm( finale against David Cook ) is: It's gonna be hard now,but let's TRY HARD to win this last challenge.It ends tomorrow afternoon.GO!!We got behind due to what's been going on here,but let's try HARD TO WIN this one for Adam,ok?If this url needs to be put under another thread,& I'm not back here,somebody please post it again.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

These videos were my favorites!! Suz' videos were great but those annoying men talking non stop in the background just ruined them. Thank you TALC for sharing all these jewels with us!

Anonymous said...

I teared up listening to thousands of people spontaneously singing along during Aftermath. He touches so many hearts, so deeply. They knew every single word. Soon, thousands at upcoming concerts, will be singing all the words to Outlaws of Love too. That will be a beautiful day!

I know I have said this before, but I so admire this man, not only for his kind and loving spirit, but also for his conviction to spread the message of acceptance, love and equality. I am forever amazed by the tremendous personal courage that Adam displays through is music and as he moves through life.


Anonymous said...

Sleepwalker is absolutely my favorite song!!!! I play that song at six times a day!!!

Anonymous said...

Last night I had such a BLAST watching all possible vids of Adam’s performances in Sainte Agatha - thank you SO MUCH Suz526, TALC and many, many others!

And today I’ve rested my eyes on all the lovely pics of this GORGEOUS hunk of a man, who is more precious than GOLD (and we all know how precious gold is nowadays…) and re-listened all the songs and awwww-ed… He sounds so good, so happy and relaxed - he made me giggle, chuckle and FEEL GOOD allover…

There has been so much coverage and talk about the new song, deservingly of course, so I just comment on “the older songs“. He performed every song with such joy, enthusiasm and immaculate POWER VOCALS and “with some new twists” on (almost) all of them…Adam is so invigorating and his VOICE and ability to change the songs every time is such a constant source of amasement!!!

Love all the songs, but his Sainte Agathe version of SLEEPWALKER is in my book one of the most amazing vocally - and believe me I’ve listened them all…Have been listening the end part over and over again (from Monte’s solo) and just can’t stop…And check out the gestures and fierce look (@5:00 in Suz526 vid) - was hoping that was for all the rude people (mostly MEN!) constantly blabbering…The rain & thunder made WLL, WWFM and Purple Haze special, Adam improvised & played along with the powers of universe…

How is it possible to hate (even jokingly) someone so… Sorry peeps, just can’t deal with the hatred and other nasty issues of the blogosphere, NOT today.

GGD Gal, acceptance and love to ya all!

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank Suz, Talc and others for sharing their incredible videos. Without you guys, fans around the world won't see anything spectacular performance of our ROCK GOD INDEED.

My eyes are swollen because of too much watching.

I cried and laughed with him...... Just incredible

young man and no one can defeat him in this generation..

Anonymous said...

Amazing beautiful does Adam do it..he is incredible ..this performance is unforgetable just wonderful..thank you Adam Lambert have changed my life for the better..dont know how i woudl have coped over the last several years without your amazing presence

Anonymous said...

This silly thought just popped into my mind that maybe Adam is wearing the long shirt and the baggier pants because he is tired of hearing about the GB haha
How proud he must have felt to show off for his bf who hears all the cheering!

Anonymous said...

At last watched all the videos at my leisure(School hols over) Grandsons back at school.
Has Adam ever looked better or sounded better. I just love the new song "Outlaws of Love" but then the tender sensitive songs are always my favs. He is such a master of the stage loved the interaction with Monte, and laughed at his fairy comment, he is so quick.
Glad we are back to normal and happy here, would hate to go to another site as this one is definitely the quickest and up to date one. Anyway why should we let a few nutters chase us away.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

I love to listen to all of Adam's songs. I have followed him from that show. I still would love to hear him take a crack at singing Time for miracles and Can't let you go live " I know he CAN do it," even though these two songs probably are hard to do. I know I posted before that I heart "OUTLAWS OF LOVE" but gonna say it again. TALC and Suz, you guys rock for bring such good video of this concert, thankyou!!

Anonymous said...

I am going to save all these vids and when I need a pick me up, I will watch and listen to them again and again. The haunting melody and lyrics from Outlaws of Love just stay with you and say so much about this man, his life, relationships and negativity he has had to face. How can people be so hateful to someone who is so caring, loving, and humble. Adam Lambert has certainly made a difference in my life and the way I see things and even view myself. Thank you to TALC for sharing these vids with all of us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam and the band were fantastic , I´ve been in GNT in Copenhagen and Hamburg, which were great, but I would loved to have been in this concert, it sounds/seems like a fireworks of music!!! Outlaws of love reminds me of Brokenopen, to listen in all the peace and let the mind rest, just love them! Such beautiful and tender with great message!

Anonymous said...

I mentioned on another thread that I was trying unsuccessfully to find out if Adam wrote the music as well as the lyrics for this new song.
No luck after quizzing Google from every angle, but I have figured out why it's so important to me.....I'm hearing a ghost of music from ages ago and that's why I said on Suz videos thread that I felt it was a haunting song of displaced persons, refugees wandering to find a place for themselves. Many years ago a college friend went to Israel to spend a summer on a kibbutz ( she was a curious adventurous Methodist girl) and she fell in love with Israel and never came back. She sent me a record of Jewish music from people from all the countries who had almost been wiped out in the 40's WWII. The music had a quality of yearning that I hear in Adam's new song. So I listened to the videos of him singing My Prayer and Shir Lashalom (Song for Peace) in temple again and there's that longing feeling. I'm sure those of you who know everything he's done that we can find ,have heard them. Listen to them again and politely tell me if I'm cracking up (always a possibility)
or do you find a similarity? Mysteries I can't solve frustrate me.........^o^ ?? .......JAK

tess4ADAM said...

JAK ... ADAM tweeted that he .. BC Jean & Rune Westberg .. wrote Outlaws of Love together. I get what you mean about a longing .. a sadness for what could be .. if only .. but most of the ballads ADAM sings have that same langorous vibe to them. I'll have to re-listen to the two songs you mention but I get the same thing from Come Home ... I Can't Make You Love Me ... and even some of the ballads he sang on AI ... maybe we're both cracking up. Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

Finally got a chance to watch all these fantastic vids from the concert. Thank you so much to Suz526, Talc and all others for sharing these wonderful moments with all of us who could not be there in person. I find such joy in watching Adam perform. He is never ending entertainment that brings laughter and tears during the same concert...he is simply amazing. He has added a new dimension in to my life for sure. In my opinion he is a brilliant songwriter and vocalist and there's no one else I want to listen to now. Adam has spoiled me forever.


glitzylady said...

I just returned from a great weekend away from home, but with very limited internet/cell phone access due to location AND being very busy with family and friends, and still have only had time to listen to/watch two vids: "Outlaws of Love" and "Whole Lotta Love" (phew!!!!). I had to hang onto the table to keep from falling off the chair during WLL! Wow....

I have really only had time to listen to "Outlaws of Love" about 3 times so far, but found a good quality MP3 download, so will have it on my iPod and on a CD tomorrow. Simply stated: I. LOVE. THIS. SONG... It is stuck in my head. Not many songs get stuck in my mind like this one. There is something about it that touches my heart and soul. Probably because it came from deep within Adam's heart and soul. You can feel the wrenching emotion, both in the words and his voice. This version with Monte as his only accompaniment feels very personal and stripped completely bare, with just the raw emotion left to feel. I can hardly wait to see what Adam does with it on the album. "Stellar" is the word that comes to mind.

Here is the downloadable MP3. Or you can just listen. And feel.

Anonymous said...

I don't personally have to deal with that level of oppression in my life either, but I put myself in Adam's shoes before listening to "Outlaws of Love", and my eyes welled with tears.
What a kind and gracious soul Adam is.

Anonymous said...

What is Adam saying about Tommy's arm/tattoo during Fever? Can't catch what he said...

But awesome performances and videos. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


Yes I have been cracking up trying to find the co-writer or writers on that song....and it was on TWITTER !!!!! I am going to be forced to learn to tweet or at least to lurk.

Outlaws must be the song BC Jean was talking about when she said she and Adam had written a "divine and golden song"! "A sort of Romeo and Juliet Story"......I'd say she was right!

Thank you for finding the answer to my question it was really bugging me.......but I still think the music has a middle Europe meets middle East
melody!!!!I also agree Adam can wring my heart out with a ballad! Bless him!....Merci JAK

Anonymous said...

I just hate those screaming little girls spoiling Adam's performances.

Ronnie said...

Thank you Talc and Suz526 for these wonderful vids!!

Outlaws Of Love is playing in my head all day long!! Love the song! And how happy Adam looks! This concert was really something to wait for!

Tommy and Monte both tweeted that the concert was nearly the best they had ever experienced.
I feel LOVE in these vids.

Anonymous said...

I watched all the vids this morning again. STayed up way too late last night watching and re-watching. Can't take my eyes off of Adam (not even to watch Tommy lol!). Wow! Adam's spontaneous dance moves during Fever were SO SEXY! Adam is gorgeous and his voice so inspiring and angelic during ballads. "Outlaws Of Love" is stuck in my head and I'm hearing Adam's voice singing that haunting melody all day!
@JAK, yes I agree with you about the melody sounding similar to some Jewish music I've heard in Synagogue many times...many old prayers have that very haunting, beautiful sound. I used to think what a wonderful Cantor Adam would be(I mean if he ever wanted to be something else besides a RockGod lol!) because of the tenderness and emotions he shows when singing those gorgeous ballads.


Anonymous said...

@ CT

Thanks for replying....I was beginning to think my ears were playing tricks on me! Shalom....JAK

Anonymous said...

First, I would like to say thanks to Talc and Suz for providing us with the opportunity to experience this concert without being there in person! I love when Adam sang "we all feel the rain" in Outlaws of Love and then, later in the concert, it began to rain. It was like the Universe putting a punctuation mark on the meaning of the song, as everyone stood there together, feeling the rain.

Second thing I would like to say is that chocolate and bananas should ALWAYS be eaten together!


Anonymous said...

Sister, thank god for your last comment. I've always thought that it might be too dangerous to mix the two. Phew! Glad we cleared that up!
You are too funny!

Adam, Adam, Adam....I am speechless! So much talent, beauty, humor, passion, intelligence.....guess not so speechless.

And for those of you who can not relate to OUTLAWS OF LOVE....lucky are you who have never been never been told that because of who you love, you will surely "Rot in hell".

Like Adam says, maybe he's not for everyone, take him or leave him.

Thank you Adam for being so honest and brave!

tess4ADAM said...

How can we 'rot in hell' for LOVING someone?? How can it be a 'sin' to LOVE? If it's a sin to HATE how can it also be a sin to LOVE?? It's WRONG to HATE but it isn't WRONG to LOVE!!! They just DON'T fit into the same mold no matter HOW you try to put them there. And the ones who think this way need some very in-depth HELP!!

What a beautiful song ADAM!! AND you are still the SEXIEST man on the Planet no matter WHAT that stupid poll says in Las Vegas ... not David Cook!!

Thanx to the TALC ladies & Suz 526 & everyone else on Ytube for bringing this FANTABULOUS concert into my home via my computer ... otherwise I would have missed all the excitement ... Thanx ADAM 24/7 for posting them ... and last but in no way least THANK YOU GOD/UNIVERSE for giving us ADAM LAMBERT ... our ANGEL of SONG & INSPIRATION!! What JOY fills my HEART to have known ADAM in my lifetime ... I do so LOVE him dearly!!


Anonymous said...

I love how Adam changed up some of the lyrics to include the rain!

The Tattoo on Tommy's arm is a pic of John Wayne. He said something about that with I believe a Western twang.

Thank you so much Suz and Talc and all of you who brought such a wonderful performance to us!


Anonymous said...

By the way, did anyone notice Admin put an email link on the top right of this screen in case we had any tips or trolls to report?

Thanks Admin! Great idea.


Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:25pm

Yes, I too am glad that the universal question of banana combining has been answered! LOL Now you can go forth and live dangerously!


Anonymous said...

These videos are breathtaking!!! In clarity and sound. What a wonderful job, thank you SO much for bringing us these absolute treasures, beautifully filmed and perfectly framed.

Our starved hearts and senses pining for ANYTHING, hoping for something wonderful about our amazing Adam - certainly are full now, AND swelling with joy & pride I'd venture to say for most here...

I haven't gotten halfway through yet, but have to say I love the haunting and beautiful 'Outlaws' WOW.... That one is already on repeat. I know he's beautiful to look at, but close your eyes, put the speaker near your ear, (or use headphones) w o w
--> JAK yes I certainly hear theat longing.

LOVE - LOVE - love the BIG background graphics! Awesome touch, and so suiting for this larger than life singing God with the voice of an angel. The backgrounds & graphics he put together for the tour were great... but look at the difference with the FULL backdrop... suits his status as emerging SUPERSTAR perfectly =)

CAN'T even WAIT for this new album!!!! It's the 3rd most anticipated??? Lets make it the MOST!!!! Hope this is the MASTERPIECE that showcases & shows the WORLD his incredibe talent that puts him in the stratesphere where he belongs... just as long as he can always reach us.
Happy flight beautiful bird... what a joy to watch those beautiful wings spread, and see you fly... =)...
