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TALCvids' Version of Adam Lambert's Debut Performance of "Outlaws of Love" (HD)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 30, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Outlaws of Love" LYRICS

Oh, nowhere left to go.
Are we getting closer, closer?
No, all we know is no.
Nights are getting colder, colder.

Tears all fall the same.
We all feel the rain
We can't change.

Everywhere we go
We're lookin' for the sun.
Nowhere to grow old.
We're always on the run.
They say we'll rot in hell
But I don't think we will
They've branded us enough
Outlaws of love.

Scars make us who we are
Hearts and homes are broken, broken.
Far, we could go so far
With our minds wide open, open.

Tears all fall the same
We all feel the rain
We can't change.

Everywhere we go
We're lookin' for the sun.
Nowhere to grow old.
we're always on the run.
They say we'll rot in hell
But I don't think we will
They've branded us enough
Outlaws of love.

Outlaws of love.

Out laws of love.

Lyrics Credit: Don't know who wrote these but if you wrote them, please leave a comment so I can give you credit! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Listen to piano instrumentation of this song by this little girl:


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert wrote it.

Anonymous said...

This song is just gorgeous! Love it no matter what others think about this! IMO, Adam almost performed this A Cappella. Adam's voice totally hid Monte's guitar instrumentation. I can't wait to hear studio recording of this song. Brilliant lyrics.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:45 am

Music and lyrics?.....then he's even more talented than I thought! It's a winner...not necessarily with the general POP culture but with those of us who want a song to move our hearts and not just move our feet.

I'm sure there will be hand clappin, finger snappin and toe tappin songs on the album too for those of us who love to dance (though my dancing is limited physically, my heart dances with wild abandon).

Can hardly wait for summer single to be released and give us another surprise.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Goosebumps. Chills. Love it. Such powerful lyrics. I'm thinking it will be a power ballad. Way to go Adam. Love it.

Now, who forgot to bring the socks to stuff in the mouths of screamers?? Hunh?


Anonymous said...

Has somebody seen or posted the SETLIST somewhere???
I would love to look at all the vids in the order Adam performed the songs...
Or just confirm was the setlist as in GNT (except for the new song, of course)...

GGD Gal, being a bit anal

Anonymous said...

Here is a set list I saw on twitter:

GirlPhenom Lina the Phenom
SETLIST WITH "OUTLAWS OF LOVE" (please note, I resuscitated it from a muddy puddle)

Shiggles said...

The posts on the music forums I visit are all positive for Outlaws of Love:



"Awesome, Awesome, Awesome"


"Truly a beautiful song"

"Astonishingly good"


"Gorgeous immaculate vocals"

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with all the adjectives on the music forum posts about this song. Thank you for the cleaner, clearer version of it with this video. This was such a beautiful ballad. Why must people talk through it? If you want to talk, stay home, go somewhere else where it doesn't interrupt the quality of the song and the singer's focus. There really is no reason for the screaming either. This is such a powerful ballad and you must just listen to those lyrics because they will remain with you for a long time. Can't wait for the final studio version of it on the album. Will it be Adam's first single release from the new album? Who knows? Maybe he needs something more upbeat, with more energy to capture the listening public's attention. However, I think this ballad will be Adam's keynote song, one that truly identifies him as an individual who has gone through so much during his almost 30 years of life experiences. He appears happy, looks well and seems to have matured overall. So looking forward to the release of his second album this fall. Hearing this song has just whetted my appetite for so much more.

Anonymous said...

I have listened to this beautiful song all day! I like the screaming fans....they are just showing what they feel inside. Express Yourself!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:43PM - THANK YOU for the link to the set list pic!!!
And thank you @TALCvids for this WONDERFUL TREAT --- beautiful vocals, gorgeous close-ups

There’s this ONE VOICE that makes me a total loon…
Yet I don’t need the stars nor the moon
to show me the way and light up my skies…
All I need is ONE LOOK in to Adam Lambert’s EYES…

GGD Gal, loving the new song, love & acceptance!

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the concert goers and you can't control the screamers if they want to. If you don't express what's inside you will get a heart attack.

Just be cool and if you don't like screamers just stay home and don't watch concerts.

Anonymous said...

This song is sooooooo profound and so meaningful. I feel it's iconic already.

Anonymous said...

@ GGD Gal

Very nice!...............JAK :)

HK fan said...

Like I said before, don't mind the screams, its the talking thats so rude. I'm not sure where I saw (heck maybe I even imagined it, as I've read so many posts in the last couple of days), but I read that where Suz526 was standing was in front of where several of the festival staff were standing and it was them talking all the way through everything.

Anonymous said...

I opened up this video in two separate google chrome tabs and I let one run two seconds ahead of the other and the result is just amazing to listen to. Adam's voice echoes and makes it sound a little like WWFM. Try it and use your headphone to listen.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam to pieces and love his voice on the song. But I have to admit I don't like that line "they say we'll rot in hell" at all. Not much of the world population really feels that way and it seems to give power to the small fanatical groups by acknowledging their comments. Some of the other lyrics are quite poetic. The fact that the note on "hell" is a graceful and vulnerable high note makes it even more strange to me, sorry.

Anonymous said...

What a treat from Adam!!! So so happy for you my baby and you once did it again to blow my mind away. Love you from NZ xxxxx

Anonymous said...

not feeling the lyric content at all. The voice is sounding more sexy and seductive which is a treat for the ears.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere over the rainbow hmmmmmmmmmmm????

I'm loving it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This song is from Adam's heart, his experiences and his feelings about acceptance. You may not like a certain phrase or the lyrics overall, but these are his personal thoughts and suggesting he change this word or that phrase will then change what he means/he feels in regard to the difficulties or negativity he has faced through the years. This is a hauntingly beautiful song and I can't wait to hear the final version in the album. I can't get this song out of my mind and keep coming back to listen to this vid. Thank you Adam for giving us something to keep us going until the release of your second album.

Anonymous said...

Haunting is the word I also want to use, 7:21 pm. It also made me want to cry for Adam. Being gay is still a tough road to travel and Adam evidently still feels it and needs to express his feelings in this song. If only the virtual hugs and love his fans continually give him were enough, but I'm sure they help.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:17 PM What do you mean over the rainbow"?
Adam said about dark theme of his new album. This song is put me in the bad mood when I listened and in the worst mood when I read the lyrics


Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam didn't include any songs like this one in his new album!!! Or, he doesn't want to have any single and music video from this new album
Ladies, can you imagine to hear this song from radio?
Hope the studio version of this song sounds much much much better than this A Capella version and can be release as single!!!


Anonymous said...

I think this would be great on radio! Course I might be a tad biased cause I loved everything Adam has done so far. I can't stop listening to this song.

Anonymous said...

"....I'd like to believe I'm immune to this stuff but it's closer to the truth that I can't get enough. Might as well face it, I'm addicted to HIM!!!" (Stolen words from Addicted to Love by Florence and the Machine). It sorta puts the whole Adam experience into cooooooo perspective!! Those people screamin' and talkin'... were feelin' it!! Wish I had been there but VIDS and some Jim Beam and tonight, it's the next best thing. He's goin'na have a hard time living down FYE as his signature CD - those songs are PRICELESS!! Can't imagine a concert sans Fever, or FYE or Sleepwalker.

Anonymous said...

6:19 Awww. That's my favorite part, where Adam sings rot in hell in those exquisite, achingly beautiful notes. People have said that to him (and others) over and over on blogs--even on his own It Gets Better YouTube video site. Someone was on there last weekend telling Adam & gay posters to kill themselves. Did you know when he sang in Malaysia, it is against the law to engage in homosexual activity there--he could have been arrested & put in prison for years? And that he was protested by Islamic extremists there? (But, a packed house of 16,000 came to hear him.) That Moscow Gay Pride participants were being beaten & arrested the very hour Adam was singing in Moscow a few weeks ago? That there are only a handful of states in the USA where Adam has equal rights to everyone else (i.e. to get married)because of religion? He certainly doesn't have equal rights when it comes to being on major media in the USA (right, ABC?). Although this song, of course, can be interpreted much more broadly (for anyone who is not accepted for whatever reason). I get tears every time he goes up to that vulnerable note on hell. Only Adam could make something beautiful out of hell.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing this Japanese/Chinese tone in the melody but generally universal. I remember Yanni and his great orchestra had this kind of east/west music. He performed both in China and India. If for instance Adam sings this song in Asia, it might fuse well with eastern backdrop accompaniment using the Chinese mandolin or pipa, just an opinion. It will be a super hit east and west. Adam did it again.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Beautiful man with a beautiful voice singing a beautiful song ,,,love it

Anonymous said...

I have heard Adam sing Outlaws of Love six times already and each time still feel the same intensity. Some have remarked it is a simple song, fair enough, but watching Adam sing, weaving in and out of his voice and falsetto, tells me it is a difficult song to sing. So beautiful...
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Here's the full lyrics:

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice on Outlaws of Love is beyond stunning! I don't understand how anyone could find fault with the lyrics. They are so beautiful and touching. Adam has done it perfectly - again! Congratulations Adam! You are iconic! Your star is rising and nobody can stop you or top you!
Love and Peace,