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"Freak Flag" No More

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 8, 2011

Posted at : Monday, August 08, 2011

Screencap credit: Kimberly_Caldwell_4_Life


Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened????????? (Always love a mystery even if there isn't any.)

Anonymous said...

Adam read my comment!

Slig lambert said...

I like adam with long hair ^^

Slig lambert ^_^cute said...

Adam looks beautiful with hair all black

Anonymous said...

Adam is a beautiful man inside and out

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert- unique human being and has a golden voice.

Anonymous said...

Adam must have received tonnes of tweets from fans that he has to clarify the title. :(

Anonymous said...

Freak Flag was trending world wide.

The Dark Side said...

Interesting how a short statement can grow into something that needs explanation, but that is how is always is with Adam. One or two words and fans are off and running with it. Freak Flag probably isn't the best title for a song Adam wants to go mainstream, or maybe it is. Now we will never know.

Anonymous said...

What is above Adam´s tweet? a picture? I can´t see it. :(

Anonymous said...

Why do some of you all care what people think about Adam. He is who he is and if they don’t like it they can fuck off. He should not have to change himself to appeal to everyone. Some of you guys are so damn fake and hypercritical.

This is a response to the previous whining and bitching about him changing the title of a song to appeal to small minded people. Well guess what they are people out there that will never like him whether he changes a tittle of a song or not because this for them will not change the fact that he is gay. So, this concern about a name of song is not going to change anything.

And I personally like the Tittle FREAK FLAG, Ohh so scary sounded, I know, let me go run in a corner. Its like are you fucking serious, it’s just a song. In fact I hope he has more scary title like "Suck My Dick",lol so it can really get the small minded mainstream people panties in bunch.

Sligo lambert ^____^cute said...

Of cours adam beautiful and more cute

Anonymous said...

troll alert!

Anonymous said...

Adam's been lurking :)


Anonymous said...

I like Freak Flag! Never heard a song like that before. So sad now that Adam has to change it . What Adam sings is what I like! Because it's that voice that is beautiful!! Mwah!! K

glitzylady said...

For the story on why Adam responded to the Freak Flag mention in Behind The Music, the resulting Twitter Trend, go back two threads to "Freak Flag" Trending on Twitter. He was just acknowledging the fans efforts and also letting us know of the changes. I thought it was a fun concept for a song. Either way, not sure why the concern one way or the other. It might have been a "working title" and evolved into something else since BTM was filmed. Things change. I'm just excited to hear ALL of his new music, whatever the final title!

Anonymous said...

OK! I give up Freak Flag. I am looking forward a naked Adam staring at me with his blue sexy eyes on the CD cover so I can totally drown with his VOICE and LYRIC. you know, he said he is going to be down to the Earth and open to his fans.

Anonymous said...

@11:21 I agree!
@12:16 Just because someone gets a little wild and goes against your grain doesn't mean they are a troll!

Anonymous said...

People seem to be "freaking out" over anything that is printed about Adam or tweeted by him. The man can't seem to make a move without someone reporting it or taking a picture, even Adam himself at times. What a crazy life he must lead. But I guess this is typical for someone who is well known and in the music business today.

LP said...

What is all the fuss about, over a song title. We haven't even heard the song yet, and some seem to think that Adam is not allowed to change the title or add lyrics. I imagine a lot of his songs have been retitled and lyrics changed. Grow up!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just don't know what to say! I don't follow anyone else, but do other artists go through this (curious)? or is adam becoming such a phenomenon that we are scrutizing over every little thing? Personally IMO I was secretly hoping that was not the name of his new song or album only because he doesn't need any more controversy what-so-ever in his 2nd album. I love him no matter what he does, or sings, or looks or names his titles but I for 1 want him to get to iconic level, which he deserves. My first opinion of freaky flag, was oh no, the closed minded people will have a field day with this and unfortunately that's what we have here in america. I just so want the best for adam, that's all.!


Sligo lambert said...

How's troll?

The Dark Side said...

I am not sure how an opinion whether a song title would or would not be mainstream can cause so much shit. It's called thinking out loud, nor did it say good or bad, should or shouldn't, just a thought. Kind of like wondering if the Acid Wolf streaks are sexy or not sexy. It also is not a statement of fact, just a thought. So everyone who jumped my case, please go back and read the post. As an active Adam Lambert fan I can and will say what I choose, without the commentary, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Try saying freak flag 3 times real fast. It is a tongue twister. or fly my freak flag.

glamitup said...

Damn!! Wish i would have saw hair!! Especially the end!!! Hahaha

glamitup said...

Just had bad grammer! Wish i would have seen hair!!

Anonymous said...

I will put my two cents in here, maybe Freak Flag was about the Westboro Church and their nasty signs. Adam was going to write about what he experienced. Maybe a better song title would be "Who are really the freaks". Everyone is having thoughts here, so this is mine.


glitzylady said...

I wonder if everyone here knows what "Freak Flag" refers to. It doesn't really have a bad connotation to me, and can be pretty "cool", depending where and how you're letting It "fly". I think I'm flying my own inner freak flag when I'm commenting here sometimes! I would certainly hope my "inner party animal" is let loose once in awhile for sure! (Has been known to be in the past...) So before you freak out at the term "Freak Flag", below are the Urban Dictionary definitions. Its not a new term to me but maybe it is to some here.

Adam certainly has some of these characteristic listed below with the definitions of "Freak Flag": For instance, he is unique, creative, adventurous, unconventional, non-conformist in some things, has some views and opinions that are outside the mainstream (some but certainly not all), can be a bit, ....errr, well, ...unrestrained (and we LIKE it!). His "inner party animal" has seen some pretty interesting parties,including "Burning Man" festival, that's for sure, and it seems to be alive and well. And he's DEFINITELY been known to be a little wild! ("American Idol's Wild Child" the title of his Rolling Stone cover story..among other things..). And then there's that (ahem..) one definition I left out..... ; )

So all in all, I think if Adam were to sing some lyrics about "flying your/his/her/my Freak Flag", it would be just fine, in fact more than fine.. By the way, somehow Westboro Baptist Church (referenced above) doesn't come to mind when I think of that phrase. "Freak Flag" is a fairly "cool" and desirable term in my book and WBC is DEFINITELY not cool or desirable, in fact about as far from it as you can possibly (ICK!).. Adam and most of his millions of fans are, VERY cool and desirable, so it's all good. Guess we'll eventually see if he actually did anything with it., or did indeed throw the lyric out entirely .

So here we go, The Urban Dictionary Definitions for "FREAK FLAG":

1. A characteristic, mannerism, or appearance of a person, either subtle or overt, which implies unique, eccentric, creative, adventurous or unconventional thinking.

2. Letting loose, being "down" with your cool self, especially in front of a group of strangers. Your inner freak, that wants to come out, but often is supressed, from social anxiety.

3. Unrestrained, unorthodox or unconventional in thinking, behavior, manners, etc. One who espouses radical, nonconformist or dissenting views and opinions that are outside the mainstream.

4..Your inner party animal. "Letting your freak flag fly" means acting wild.

5. A flag, of sorts, strung up a pole at an outdoor concert/festival to signify where your seats are.

There was one more "definition" but I left it out..had to do with male anatomy. [wink, wink..] Hmmmm..

Anonymous said...


Well I guess my two cents were not worth two cents. I will take a stab at this, but I don't think many people know the Urban dictionary, I first heard of it on the NewNowNext show with Michelle Collins and the sloshing bit. I seldom refer to it unless someone says a word has two meanings. Guess I am not hip anymore. HaHa


Anonymous said...

I'm late to this discussion but like @ P.A.S.
I will put my two cents in. In many people's minds the word freak still is a negative.....something abnormal, unusual, unpleasant. I don't think Freak Flag would have been a good name for a song.....JAK

Anonymous said...

What I have known about the urban dictionary scene high school.

glitzylady said...

@ P. A. S. and @JAK : )
Haha! , we all have our two cents and yours are worth just as much as my two cents! I just thought it was fun to know all of the definitions of the term. Freak, the word, by itself does have a negative feel to it but when you add "flag" to it, it can be very positive (but of course sometimes not at all..). And if too many people don't know what it means, that could be a problem. Sounds like perhaps Adam and whoever was working on the song with him decided to go with something else. As I said elsewhere, maybe it was just a "working title/phrase" and was changed as the song lyrics evolved, but was referred to in passing toward the end of VH1 BTM and of course we all picked up on it. Twitter was alive with "Freak Flag" tweets and of course the Twitter Trend. Everyone on my "feed" (those whose tweets I follow) were very excited about it. Until Adam basically said "Nope, not happening with Freak Flag".....Then we moved on to something else..We're a rather fickle fandom sometimes. : )

@P. A. S. Anyone who is a fan of Adam is "hip" as far as I'm concerned!

Anonymous said...

DEFINITELY definitions No. 2 and 4 last Thursday at the Dungeon in New Orleans after several beers, 2 "Horny Gators" (vodka plus ?) and a couple of test tube shots for good measure!!!!


Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

I personally have no problem with the other meanings of "freaky", I've often been happy to be a bit unconventional, adventurous and eccentric, they are family traits of long standing which we take care to culture in our children. My grandson is our masterpiece, he's hard at work preparing himself to be CEO of Disney by the time he's 40! He's REALLY unconventional!...That's my boy!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been around much tonight. I have been out flying my freak flag!!!!! Whooo-hoo!!!!


tess4ADAM said...

Guess you might say I'm 'flying my Freak Flag' of sorts as far as my family is concerned nowadays ... just about everything I do/say is far out of the norm since I became a PROUD Glambert ... gracious! not at MY age ... their eyes roll & I get that 'really?' look so I tell them I'm ENTITLED ... I've been 'conventional' long enough so DEAL with it!!! Gotta LOVE those Glamberts & ADAM ...


Anonymous said...


Fly your freak flag proudly!!! You deserve it! Adam would be proud! We all need to be "who we are"...whatever that is for each of us.

Are you going to change your tag to tess4ADAMflyingherfreakflag? Maybe a little long? LOL.


glitzylady said...

Freak Flag has been around for a long time..I remember it from "back in the day"! (And that was a while ago!) LOL! But I have to say, I have learned a WHOLE LOTTA things from Adam and the Urban Dictionary...Very "educational"!!! If it weren't for easy computer access, instantly, I wouldn't know what he was talking about sometimes! "Um Adam? Translation please....". "Rusty Umbrella-Ella..."......Hmmmm..... "OOOOHHH!! " [Blushes.....] Yep, definitely a learning experience..... : )

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

My family has finally given up teasing me about my excessive, obsessive interest in Adam and just refer to him as "Mom's Hobby". But they still give me a "poor old thing" smile. Doesn't bother me, this "old thing" is very happy with every step Adam takes up the ladder to success, I guess he is my "hobby"!..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Freak Flag was a song in a musical...Just put in freak flag lyrics and hit search.

Anonymous said...

Some people and the media are always looking to sabotage Adam and his music.....looking for negative words, meanings and whatever......
Let's not give them ant ideas...especially his friend PH...Let's get this CD off and running.