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New Single Coming Out Next Month, Album Early 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 12, 2011

Posted at : Monday, September 12, 2011


Anonymous said...

2012!!!! NO!!!!
I want it yesterday

Anonymous said...

single next month-ish? ok I can deal with that. I would have been more confident if he would have said 99% though.

Anonymous said...

OK, I repeat - I can wait as long as needed, as long as I know you are DEFINITELY putting it out there… the CD, I mean!!!

GGD Gal, wishing You happy strutting - and no more dry spells, please….LOL!

Anonymous said...

I am waiting patiently from Canada, good album takes time and I have faith in Adam. Hope single drop next month!!!

Anonymous said...


I'll wait; I promise!!!

LP said...

Well I guess I won't be giving Christmas gifts of Adam's new album. I think that BM took out 2 weeks of time, One going to BM and one to recover from it LOL.Now he better get back to work, no more vacations, except on weekends. I am sure that his new management, are really primed for releasing the album in the new year.They are paid to do a good job, and I think they will.Don't forget it's not only Adam, but aren't his band involved, or is that added after he records the song.Maybe Monte has some obligations too. Adam could always get some one else, but I don't think he would, they are so comfortable working together.

Anonymous said...

Disappointed....First early 2012...

Anonymous said...

OMGGGGGGG!!!! No album until 2012. We'll have to keep reminding ourselves of the proverb "All good things come to those who wait". Waiting PATIENTLY is a completely different story though. Sigh!!!

Adam's perfectionism is going to drive us all craaazy. LOL However, I can't complain too much, because his commitment to doing quality work rather than trying to make a fast buck is one of the many things I love about him.

At least we'll have a single soon to tide us over.

Anonymous said...


The Dark Side said...

It is what it is so we must adjust. Will look forward to the single and try to figure out what is happening to the music business. As far as I can see it is in some sort of turmoil mode.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can put out soso albums every 8 months or so, but only great artists take their time to ensure that their vision and sound are appropriately reflected on their new CD. Adam also has a new management team. This new team and him surely want to handle things differently than before. It takes several months to create a new dynamic between an artist and a manager. Like your Dad said, Adam, trust your gut! We can wait (eagerly, but we can wait :))

Anonymous said...

Why early 2012? Wouldn't sales be better if it was before Christmas? I thought he had finished it. Guess not.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the BEST birthday present we can give Adam is to put his new CD at the top of the charts! It's the best way we can show him how much we love him. (And I hate to say this about those artists who put our so-so albums fairly often, BUT, unfortunately, those so-so albums often sell by the millions. Just sayin'.) Anyway, here's to the best-selling album of 2012: Adam's sophomore album!

Anonymous said...

Haven't most artists lately released their first single several months before the album drops? We would want it to have been this year, but Adam knows exactly what he is doing and we can't rush a true artist. Good things come to those who wait. I think for it to be released in Jan. around his 30th birthday would be his present to us and we could celebrate both occasions by making it a number one seller and requesting air play for that single when it comes out. From what I read, it is a digital market today and not CDs so much, so I guess Adam and his team want this to be the best quality product to give to the listening and buying audience. He has to appeal to as wide a range of people as he can get to achieve the success I believe he so rightfully deserves. So we must not drive Adam crazy with our demands, comments and wants,but just be patient realizing he is doing what is right for him and his career.

Carlos said...

So excited about October then!!

Anonymous said...

All along he's been saying November, if he spent more time working on his album and less time going to all the social events he attends then perhaps people wouldn't have to wait as long. I'm afraid I've lost interest in Adam's new album now, his left his run go far too long!!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that everyone is trying to stay so positive, but really, people tend to buy things before Christmas and not many people buy in January, except his die hard fans which won't go to millions, sorry. To be honest, I think he is taking his time so he can have a life, heavy sigh..

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! String us along some more Adam. Why should we believe you

First it's November and I think most of us understood that too make a good album takes time, but what possible other hold-ups could there be? Disappointed and tired of waiting, and I'm sure I'm not the only fan who feels let down.

Anonymous said...

I almost agree with you anon @ 11:52. I haven't completely lost interest, but it's waning. I'm getting tired of all the anticipation by now. Wonder what the hold up is.

Anonymous said...

A good album is a good album no matter when it's released. I trust Adam and could never lose interest just because he wants to do his job well. Adam's active fans are anxiously waiting, but there's a big audience out there who have no idea that he's even in the studio. So this little "delay" is not a delay for them.

When he gets his single out for the radio play, people will remember him. And who could forget him? In many parts of the world his FYE songs are still frequently played on the radio.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the timetable has much to do with Adam at this stage. RCA has done their calculations and everything goes accordingly.

I read an experts clarification to this and it surely made sense.

Anonymous said...

Do you know Eminem last album took 5 year to finnish and Avril's was 4 years to complete. If you cannot wait, there are lots of new CD out in the market to wait for buyer. BUT I am happy for Oct/Nov single, Project runway and Major and Minors, looking forward to see Adam on the TV!!!

Anonymous said...

11:52 and 11:57


Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:16: I think you are absolutely right in commenting that Adam's devoted fans know exactly what is happening with his career and are anxiously waiting for the second album. It is the non fans, the audience he needs out there who have no idea what has happened to him or his career. He has to appeal to a wider range of people to achieve the superstar success he wants. Hopefully his new mangagement team knows how to handle him and what to do regarding the release of that first single. And I suppose there has to be a video to accompany it since that seems to be what sells a single nowadays. Adam Lambert is such a talented peformer with the best voice in the music industry today and yet the listening public settles for the mediocre or even less than that. Let's hope that Adam can break that pattern (as Adele did) and come out with an amaaaaazing single from this second album and very soon too.

Anonymous said...

Copy from Adamtopia:

I work on Wall Street and know nothing about this business except what I have learned here, but it seems to me that what we need most is a single and that seems to still be on the "in about 8 weeks" time range. Once we have the single we will see Adam everywhere....debut, talk shows, radio interviews etc.,. We will have an album title and presumably a pre order on Amazon and other places. More importantly tHe rest of the world will see him too....and hear him. If there is one thing that has been made crystal clear to us all t is that the first single is critical and this will give Adam and the team the time and focus on the first track that it needs. It's not as if he will sing anything else than the one song on TV for months anyway, even if he had 10 albums out that would be the plan.

As for sales, I think for Adam the first week being in the high sales black Friday time frame is just a bit less important as he has us to give a boost to week one. And he will have a chance to chart higher than he would in November. Add to that, the fact that this album will have to last us, and him, for a long time. This timing means he could have had two smash singles and a still high charting album on people's minds just as he starts to tour for the summer...

So, bring on the single, and let the games begin!

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Yes! We Adam-maniacs follows his every move, and, to us, he's always in the limelight. But most people don't have a clue what he's been doing, even if they do remember him and even like him. That's why his new management is so important. They apparently have a plan that they think is going to work. We have to trust that they know what they're doing. The CD release date is probably not Adam's sole decision. It's probably a management decision based on factors we don't know about. I have to believe that they realize Adam has vast potential if they just market him correctly. We're forced to trust their judgment and hope it works out. I certainly will never "give up" and stop being a fan just because one CD is taking a long time. That's ridiculous to me. I'm here for the long haul.

Anonymous said...

12:48, you've just made me feel a whole lot better!

Anonymous said...

He can take as much time as he wants as far as i'm concerned. I would much rather he not feel pressure from the money making machine and create something that he loves.
Take your time Adam. I for one, know your next will be well worth the wait.

Adamluv said...

Arent most people a little short on cash after Christmas? I'm especially thinking of the potential new fans, not us hard core ones.

Anonymous said...


Really don't understand yr logic. Do u mean that the album would have been worth to buy if it was released now, but not if it comes later???

Anonymous said...

I've been away for two weeks vacationing in real life. So I started with the oldest thread and now I'm here finally. Yay!! I'll wait as long as it takes for Adam to be satisfied he is putting out the best product he can. I'll be a fan forever and can't wait to see him on tv promoting his first single.

I have to agree with all of you who posted OMG on so many threads. Yes, Obama Must Go!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, once the album comes out you have forever to buy it.

Anonymous said...

Shame on us who cannot wait without spewing off childish rants because someone makes decisions without our permission, like we own them. Adam never promised us anything but the best he can, and that means on his time, not ours. This is not a business that demands a specific deadline be met. Some would want the release dates of to coincide with buying cycles, the commercial, but not necessarily prudent thing to do. And if you dictate that you will not wait or else, then you go elsewhere, and we're not going to cry after you.
There are many factors that go into producing quality, (none of us know this except those in the album's production circle) and if Christmas season sales are sacrificed, it must be for the sake ultimately of artistic quality. Those who respect and understand Adam's values and sensibilities should know all too well not to second-guess him on his decisions.
This topic brings to mind a human behavior study which tracked two groups of children over several years: those who could not wait and required instant gratification, and those who chose to delay gratification, and waited to get a greater reward (twice more marshmallows). Some years later, the latter, more patient group proved to have more success/achievement than those who could not wait.
Adam, unlike people of ll:52's ilk, has a life, and for you to suggest that Adam curtail his social life, from which Adam might draw artistic inspiration (and so what's it to you if it doesn't) and because rest and relaxation have proved conducive to creativity, borders on what I call NOYB (none of your business). Could we all lay off our BB? No one else in my entire life have I seen anyone have to tolerate such harassment from so called fans. Please, foolish fans, get a life and get a Bieber or Groban, or anyone else who has a pre-Christmas CD for sale. atm

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:22 pm : totally agree with you
first of all, is adam life, not ours

Anonymous said...

@atm: Finally, a sane voice in the wilderness! Bravo, bravo. bravo.

Have you had your operation yet, Adamluv?

Anonymous said...

I don't need instant gratification. I just expect that if you say you are going to do something within a specific time frame, it gets done. It would have been better to say "not 'til next year, folks" than to say "Mid Summer", "no, late August" "no, wait..maybe September", "ok, not then either". I understand that these things take time. (I've been in a studio or 2 in my time) But comparing him to Eminem or Aviril Lavine is ludicrous. He doesn't have that kind of fan base or world-renown. They both had had multiple platinum albums in the past world-wide and so were proven sellers. And with less than 1/10th Adam's talent. You have to be seen/heard to be relevant; that's not happening with Adam, new management be damned. It's also bad business to have the entertainment rags/shows tout a new project with a proposed release date then say "Never mind". After a certain point, it becomes a joke and a turn-off to those that aren't hard-core fans. I really hope this latest delay won't hurt sales, but it's worrisome.

Anonymous said...

2:12 you do realize he said early 2012 not 2022, don't you? Just wanted to clear that up for you.

Anonymous said...

Adam never has a fix day for his album release date, he does mention late fall this year, so what? Why a few months delay make people so upset, some people sound like it is the end of the world and he will have a single out at anytime soon. I just don't understand what the fuss about.

Anonymous said...

1:22 are you related to Glitzsylady? You have her wisdom.

Anonymous said...

hey! I have an idea. why don't we all start bashing Adam's new management team.

Anonymous said...

Maybe part of the problem is that the new management co & his departure from the old may be causing some delays..who knows,but I'm looking forward to the new single( & video,I hope)I'll buy 2 albums when they come out..Jan.,or whenever.Most of us die-hard fans will wait til that album is perfected the way Adam wants it.wish it would come out sooner,but Adam knows best,I'm sure..

Anonymous said...

CHECK OUT Eber's answer to Adam's tweet:

adamlambertAdam Lambert
@negativeneil @milestougeaux @saulikoskinen1 lovely by-the-fire-wine-n-cheese-listening-session w you guys!!!
15 hours ago

in reply to ↑
@milestougeauxMiles Tougeaux
@adamlambert Enjoyed it! Wish it could have been longer. Keep up the good work. Trust (and defend) your gut!

And I totally concur with Eber:

GGD Gal, having a GUT feeling, too...

Anonymous said...

Don't quite understand Adam's dad tweet: wish what could be longer? and Adam had to defend his gut from whom or why? Hope everything's well for our BB.

Anonymous said...

To tell you da truth i dont care when the alnums comes out i just want one thats, that and to say that some casual fans will think its a joke if his album comes out later than is expected is stupid. Regular people dont give a fuck when is albums come out, they could care less, some of you guys live in a fairy tale world and thats sad. There is a real world out there, go explore it a little. One thing is 4 sure I get a good laugh reading the comments.

Cheril said...

I'm sure Adam knows best and so I will wait. Hope the single is sooner than later (ish). :)

Anonymous said...

New managment, new timing. Of course all the glamberts are collapsing right now but they'll get over it and love the album when it drops.

Anonymous said...

If you think you'll be out of money after Christmas because of gift-buying, start putting a little away each week right now into an Adam CD fund. Then you should have enough to buy maybe TWO copies of Adam's CD when it comes out in Jan. Not trying to be sarcastic here, just saying, plan ahead and you'll still be able to buy it. As for Eber's comment, I assume he means he wishes the CD was longer, because it's so good, and that defending your gut means going with your own best instincts. JMO

Anonymous said...

OT, did they show any part of Adam's program on MTV last night?

Anonymous said...

I'm just feeling sorry for myself, have memorized every word to every Am Idol song he sang, every word to FYE album, every word to Upright songs, some of the Citizen Vein songs, every word of Wicked songs and hum and sing Outlaws of Love till I get threatening looks from my husband. The Ten Commandments songs are a snap for me, learned them 2 years ago! I can even manage the Hebrew parts on the temple songs.

I need new material!....I admit to being a crybaby....I was looking forward to new album being available for my 76th birthday in December.
I am thankful he has a happy personal life and is a perfectionist, I understand that recording is not just standing before a mic and like magic an album turns up ready to go. I'm reasonable, I'm sensible, I'm sensitive to his needs but
WOE IS ME......I need to whine just a little bit!
I'll be so happy when this new baby is born!

Anonymous said...

I don't care if his album won't be released till 2012. I got One fye album with 14tracks and his live album plus the tour video. I am happy that he is making us an awesome new album and we will be rewarded for our wait.Just have to put out there Adam has a life to. I am a diehard Adam fan:)

Anonymous said...

If you really a true and loyal fans, you will save money to buy Adams cd/album right???? Stop the BS and wait if you can..... If you feel that you're not interested any longer, free to leave this site and let the true fans concentrate with our ROCK GOD!!!!


Anonymous said...

Disappointment was my first reaction to the later release date of CD, but never once was annoyed with Adam. We dont know what is going on behind the scenes. Lots of changes with management etc, I trust Adam to do whats best.
Maybe Ebers tweet was to do with this decision. Also I think Ebers remark about wish it could be longer was simply about the length of his and his partner Amys visit with Adam.
Who knows we have fun speculating though dont we?

Anonymous said...

I hope ABC finally lifts it's "ban" and let's Adam perform the new single at the AMAs in Nov!! At the end of the show, like before! Talk about generating some "buzz" for Adam and the new CD!! And the whole world will see the true superstar he is! Like Adam often says, "Would be a full circle moment!". Meanwhile, I'll wait forever for you BB....luv, Robin in TX :-)

Anonymous said...

We should not be disappointed about a delay in the new CD. He is able at present to balance his personal life with professional life. Remember what he said at one time...that he could not have a relationship with his schedule.
His happiness is most important. If I had you, that's the most important thing......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Spring of 2013! Bite your tongue!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Spring of 2014! LOL! Come on guys if you truly love Adam you'll wait for his music! He isn't any less than Lil Wayne!? Lil Wayne fans waited for him for couple of years and he sold his album on first week for over one million.

Adam will appear on two t.v. programs. One being Majors and Minors and the other Project Runway. His single will come out in few weeks. Then he has to do a video for it. Promotion on radio. Appear on different t.v. programs to promote his single. Then may be another single. Go through the same things with his second single and then his album. Adam isn't a machine. He is human and he is allowed to have a life as well. No?

Anonymous said...

@September 12, 2011 4:42 PM --- Wow! that's some dream. I don't see it happening. but I do hope you're right and I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a looooooooooooooooooooooooooser!
He gonna lose a lot of fans. Cause most of them aren't such maniacs who will wait for this CD forever!
Adam, seems you have a lot of parties and spend a great time with love of your life but don't have enough time to finish new album. Glamberts will forgive you anyway. But some of them will leave you.

HK fan said...

I must admit, was a little disppointed when I read this yesterday, it was on my christmas list. But for those moaning about it missing out on the christmas sales, if you were planning on buying it for people, give them a homemade 'IOU Adams new CD' voucher, and save your money for when it is released. I suppose there are some advantages, at least he won't be up against all the other Nov releases, especially Susan Boyle again, so hopefully will get a higher place on the chart with a later release.
And maybe its not Adams fault, there have been so many changes with RCA lately, they've been pushing many release dates back, plus a change of management. Maybe they needed more time to arrange all the promos and tv appearances that they want!
And for everyone that say jan and Feb are the worst months to release albums (have seen that comment many times), Adeles album was released in Feb...

Anonymous said...

if its good dont matter when its released

Anonymous said...

"Adam Lambert is a loooooooooooooooooooooooser!"

Oh please.

Folks, this is what a "troll" is - not Adam fans who might have slight critcisms of him and his decisions. Don't jump on fans who might be a little disappointed. Jump on people like this, instead.

Anonymous said...

Be honest, I am very dissapointed. Because, I planed to buy as minimum 4 albums for my friends for Christmas. But they are not such a crazy Adam's fans who will wait for their Christmas gifts for while. Actually, we even don't know for how long time we have to wait.
So, instead of 4 albums before Christmas, I can afford to buy just one after holiday season.
So, I never will buy Beiber album in my life, but probably buy Groban's album if he will release new one. Groban is very talented musician and I am a big fan.
P.S. Probably made a lot of mistake in this comment, but I hope I can be forgiven:)

Anonymous said...

@ 5:20 PM,

You are the looser here my dear because you don't even have the guts to stand for yourself indeed....

I felt sorry for you and get some peace....


Anonymous said...

I'm on vacation and only brought this laptop to keep up with adam and us glamberts. I did not read any of the comments yet, I can only imagine. Yes, at first I was very disappointed when hearing adam's cd will not be out till 2012 and then I'm like O.k. I love him to death SO WHAT- a few months longer-it's all O.K. people. We will have a new single in a few weeks. All those that are mad, chill out!

Ephyne said...

I'm not trying to be rude, but honestly some of you! To all the people upset, whining, or even trolling about the changing dates:
You DO realize that he NEVER guaranteed any of those dates???? The only reason he ever said anything is because people kept asking him! So he gave a prediction. And you're blaming/mad at ADAM for this??? If you're not going to be happy with an answer, next time, don't ask. I can understand being disappointed (I was too at first), but some of you are taking this too far and acting childish.
I believe Adam is working VERY hard, and also being very smart. I think his new management knows what they're doing, and I can understand the possible reasons behind all this. I'll take quality over quickness any day. People have waited much longer for other artist's releases, even some not-so-established ones.
Calm down. Grow up. Find another hobby in the meantime (I'm an artist & student, I'll draw & study. This date change may actually have some benefits for me, actually...). Don't forget that Adam's a HUMAN, not a ROBOT.
Okay, I'm done. Not usually one to comment, but I just felt that should be pointed out. :)

P.S. Love ya, Adam. Don't let the negativity get to ya. :D

Anonymous said...

For those of you who want to buy gifts for your friends and family members, how about buying gift cards from AdamOfficial for them. Then, once his album is out they can purchase his album. Check it here:

Anonymous said...

Every singer try to release the album on November for sale,does Adam can make it in2012 for album sale after huge nov sale?

Adam decision make me nervous , I hope with single release Adam new management try to promotion him hard and grow he's wider new fans like daughtry have.Adam need to be smarter and wiser for he's 2album and hope released it worldwide .

Anonymous said...

Expressing disappointment is not disapproval of Adam. If we didn't love him and his voice we wouldn't care when and if an album came out.

Being disappointed is not negativity. It's just disappointment, a perfectly natural reaction.

@ 1:11 pm

OMG stands for Obama Must Go? Since when?
I've considered his opponents very carefully and my OMG stands for Oh My God don't let any of them be our next President! The thought is chilling.

Anonymous said...

One thing that Adam has taught me is to be more positive. I have no doubt that his album will be wonderful. I believe in him and his decisions. Adam is smart and he has probably one of the most dedicated fans of anyone including more international fans than Daughtry. He is very articulate with the media and honestly who can put on a better live show! I will wait patiently because I have trust that everything happens at the right time. We need to love and support Adam, not try to second guess things that ultimately are out of our control--- Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Adam is not gaga to have huge fans ,Adam only have AI fans that left after amass so he need break into huge non fans specially new younger fans like rocker rock concert you see lots of younger fans that are crazy to buy singers album.
Stop defending Adam every time he make decision,he's 1album sucked ,lots of fan get upset,I thought he could be second daughtry for success ,he didn't break any success like daughtry did,that's shame.

Anonymous said...

David Cook lost a lot of fans because he didn't release his on the right time

Anonymous said...

6:46 and I am too tired right now to look up the other times you posted comments, maybe Adam should fire his management team and hire your agency. oh wait your just an internet troll. Adam's twitter numbers and fb friends are decent and growing and his income wasn't bad either. I think he tied with someone,no?

Urethra_Franklin said...

Well considering his international success, Id say he's knocking Daughtry on his ass. Adam is global, not local. If he never properly conquers the US market, hes still set for life. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

@7:03 Yes troll alert. Oh or maybe it is Adam's new management, that was funny, thanks I needed a laugh after hearing some negative and ridiculous comments. Nite everyone!

Urethra_Franklin said...

And to the people bitching about the release date...get over yourselves. There's more to LIFE than this damn album. Go out and live it for fuck's sake. When its ready, it's ready. Moving on...

Anonymous said...

Adam do you want from us?

Our dear Adam, you need to take the time to create. The increasingly will be more demanding of himself in his art, it is right now, it's a Superstar has enough freedom to analyze vocal and auditory, every word, every phrase, every sentence, every note, every melody, accept, remove, praising, delete, approve. .... to find what you express, his real artistic feelings based on their most intimate emotions, which is what you want to share with their followers, offering the best of him, it would be unfortunate not to have that opportunity and his great love for music, became only anxiety and pressure to deliver a product that does not represent the true Adam Lambert, needs time and space to give performances, where he expressed his vocal talent in all its magnitude, letters full of deep emotion, of truths, of romance of stories, fun, adventures lived .... Make it pleasant, to fill you with love, pride and satifacción, to create his new masterpiece, and then show the world with all its splendor and originality on stage, delivering his great art to our lives!

Anonymous said...

On Another note What was everyone's favorite for your entertainment song?

Anonymous said...

Really another month or two is not going to make a difference.

At the end of the day what is the point of him putting out an album that he is not ready to put out! I say take your time Adam because when it comes out it will be worth it and all your regular fans will be here ready and waiting and new fans will embrace you even more.

In the meantime I watch his twitter and you tube hits daily and see they are steadily climbing in a healthy way and not in crash burn artist way. This man is not going anywhere whether his album comes out a little later than us regular fans are expecting!!

I support this artist in a way that he wants to make his art and anyone who is a true fan will do so as well - just saying!!


Anonymous said...

disappointed with the 'fans' who say they have waning interest because of a few more months' wait. Tired of whining fans period. Putting out CDs is a business and w/ new mgmt be happy its not more of a delay than that. All of these things are not under an artist's control so get a grip.

Anonymous said...

7:39 fave FYE song is Aftermmmmmmaaaaaath and not on FYE would be Acoustic Live! EP Mad World.

Anonymous said...

If you are a true Adam Lambert fan, you will wait patiently for the release of his second album. It might actually be better in the early part of 2012 because it seems there will be a glut of new albums released in November. He is a performer who is striving for the best compilation of songs in this sophomore release and must feel right about it before saying it is done. There are so many facets to the release of an album today, that every aspect has to line up and be in place for it to be a success. We see and hear the "garbage" that is out there and passes for music each time we turn on the radio or watch a video. WE have in Adam the best vocal talent in the music business today and with our support this album will gain for him a new group of fans and the success that will make him a superstar. Until then listen to FYE, watch the dvd of The GNT, catch up with the vids on you tube of his many appearances esp. on American Idol or just follow this blog which does entertain me with all the comments. Yes, there is more to life than this album so go out and live it, enjoy it and make a difference as Adam has done.

Anonymous said...

When this whole CD release date brouhaha is over, these couple of extra months won't seem like a big deal. Let's get over it and enjoy Adam in every way we can.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam takes seriously his carrier. He likes to have fun, traveling, parting. And ocasionally to spend some time to make new single (last one was in 2010 which he made in one day like he said) or put together new album(which may be will released on 2012).

I am sure Adam is smart enough to understand that for musician who wants to get million fans around the world, including US fans, he needs to release more singles.Also, two and half years between two albums for musician who just start his carrier it is not enough. We can't count GNT DVD. It's still didn't get Gold. So, for while Adam will not have enough money for the next tour:(

But this is just my own opinion. But these are the reasons which make GaGa, Katy, Beyonce and Beib such a popular in US and internationally. They work much harder than Adam, even this teenager forever Beib.
Just don't tell me that Adam well known as international musician. It is still not enough for US Music Industry. They don't get anything from Adam for while. As far as Adam doesn't have any new single he can get noms and awards or increase his popularity in US.
Call me troll or whatever you want.

Anonymous said...

Adam will lose some so called fans because of this misunderstanding..but he'll make sure trillions of new fans tune in, turn on, drop out with his sophomore album (no matter when it is released)!!

To those who have been with him all this time and many years to come, I think we are the best b*****s Adam can have! :D

Anonymous said...

I Have two favorites from For Your Entertainment. Sleepwalker and Sure Fire Winners. Side Tracks I absolutely Love Can't Let You Go and Voodoo. Off the live Album Soaked.

Anonymous said...

delilah5 ok you are a troll and always have been. I hope you don't start posting here again, it was nice without you.

Anonymous said...

Cudo's to all in this feed who say positive things. Sure we are disappointed! Keep in mind Adam just changed management so he is getting new advise from a new team of people. I must say I find that exciting that maybe just maybe someone will handle his CD correctly this time. You know and I know how many singles did not get realeased at all in the states.....that was BS to say the least. Now with the"new" management team (as in Katy Perry's)they are looking to bank on every aspect of Adam Hot little CD. I think we are in for an amazing ride in once the ball starts rolling. He is working hard as heck on this project. Negative comments don't help him they hurt him. Beside I thought we were FAns that support and trust him! Now let's hear some good comments.And to those who don't have anything nice to say..well just go away OK?

Anonymous said...

8:54, I agree so many songs that could of been singles here were passed up. I believe these new people will take Adam were us fans know he belongs! We can be disappointed, but I am not cause I want the Album to do and be as good as we all know. Haters are always gonna hate no way to shut them up. I just think of Adam's words he told us On the Glam nation tour before he sang Aftermath.

glitzylady said...

Oh my...When I saw Adam's tweet last night ( I happened to be on Twitter right then..) I, like most, was a little (ahem) disappointed that the album won't be out until "early 2012" because I'm dying to hear it NOW! LOL!! I need more Adam! NOW! (Don't we all??!!! Yes we do!) I sat for a few moments trying to decide what to tweet back to him (as if he actually would see my tweet..but one never knows, I have several friends who have had the shock of their lives when he tweeted back).. but anyway, I digress...

So, some thoughts:
1. A couple (or a few..) more months waiting for the album won't kill us (I keep telling myself...), and in the whole scheme of things isn't long..Because the GOOD NEWS IS THIS: We're getting a NEW SINGLE next month (ish)!!!!!! We've been waiting for this day for a very long time and its DEFINITELY something major to celebrate just in itself! Its been FOREVER! Last one (in the US) was If I Had You, released in May 2010 (I think..), 16 months ago.. Literally...Well over a year..other than Outlaws of Love, but doesn't really count (yet). Too fricking long! So new single is REALLY good news!

2. Waiting for the album release will allow Adam and his management to promote the HECK out of this NEW SINGLE! YAY YAY YAY!!! When you think about it, what do we generally think of when we think of an artist, for instance, Lady Gaga?? Their (her) latest SINGLE, not the whole album necessarily. They can also produce an amazing music video to go with it and to prepare the way and create excitement for the new album..Get his name back out there...People will say "Yeah, that guy Adam Lambert is GOOD..I'm gonna buy his album when it come out"..As opposed to: hmm..vaguely remember him from Idol...and didn't he sing WWFM??

3. He has new management who we hope will very actively and aggressively support and promote Adam to be on every morning, daytime, nighttime, talk show, reality talent show..etc., etc., and wherever they can get him some exposure to as wide an audience as possible. Maybe even some guest spots on some Holiday variety shows and specials...and a few select concert venues..(please..). He should be finishing up his album tracks soon so he'll have time to do this..All the while paving the way for the new album. Again, create interest and excitement. This is his chance to reach a whole new demographic . Guessing he and his management have a plan for how this is going to happen.

4. The way people buy music is changing quickly...albums may be a thing of the past someday, at least "physical" ones..Digital downloads are taking over, record stores are disappearing, and singles may be the way of the future..who knows. I am really hoping we get more singles this time around...So I'm happy with a new single for now, with perhaps more on the way.. sooner than later!

5. Don't get me wrong, I am dying for his new complete album, but I'm sure not going to leave him as a fan, just because his time frame doesn't suit what I want! I have faith that he and his new management team know what they're doing. I wouldn't want him to skimp on production values or make hasty decisions on what to included just because I NEED more new music of his now! I would assume the switch in management has necessitated some re-imagining of the album, dates, etc..and I'm willing to wait until everything is in order.

End part 1 (!) Continued below...

glitzylady said...

Continued: Part 2 : ) From above at 9:09 PM

6. As to the pre-Holidays release date being better for holiday gifting: A gift is a gift..give it when the album comes out! It might mean more then anyway...A "mid-winter" gift. A gift out of the blue: "just because"! Sounds like a win/win to me..and maybe he won't have so much competition on the release of new music from other artists!

7. I have a huge amount of faith in Adam and his new "people" think positive, enjoy the fact that we get a new single soon, and know that we have something amazing to look forward to in the midst of the "winter doldrums" in the Northern Hemisphere, and new "summer music" for the good people of the Southern Hemisphere!

****8. By the way, who knows what might be going on behind the scenes in Adam's professional career: maybe something fabulous that we haven't heard yet, that might take up a little of his time...Another possibility...Just throwing that out there.. : )

So, in conclusion: New music from Adam very soon! An aside: I think he has been working his (sexy) ass off to get this done, and I don't think his week at Burning Man has had one single negative effect on the complete time-frame of this album...As the old saying goes: "All work and no play makes Jack (Adam) a dull boy" and you KNOW we don't want Adam to be a "dull boy" so please cut him some slack and celebrate the fact that he was able to do that one more time, with his partner, Sauli...Who knows what inspiration he got from a week away from his labors. If it weren't for the "inspiration" of Burning Man, we probably wouldn't all be here discussing his new music in the first place: He might still be in the chorus of "Wicked" or possibly on Broadway by now, but still sort of relatively unknown, his talent untapped by the world. Thank the Universe, or whoever you wish to thank, that Adam went on AI and here he is today, putting out his second album, a brand new single, and beloved by so many..and hopefully is poised to be discovered by a whole new audience very soon.

Excited yet????

Okay, I'm done ; )

Anonymous said...

Yes I am extremely excited. You reminded me that if he didn't go to Burning man he would not of been on Idol:( No Awesome Adam Lambert rocking that Idol stage. Oh wow could of been Danny and Kris finale.(I don't dislike them)Only one Rocks and that is Adam Lambert folks,HEHE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Glitzlady, you are always a well-written inspiration.
I don't really understand how recording works. When Adam says he is working to finish the songs next week, does it take several months to produce the album after that?

Anonymous said...

I guess I have overplayed the FYE album so now I'm getting a bit sick of it, my fault. And I am not a troll, but I don't think this was the greatest album to be honest. I just loved Adam so wanted to buy it. I think he made this first album in a hurry and maybe wants to avoid that mistake again.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:49 PM Thank you! So glad, you still remember me. You just gave me compliment.
By the way, I don't think you read most of my comments, but who cares.
Also, I don't think any star needs to hear some critics. I don't mean Perez's blog cause he is an idiot.
Again, thanks for remember me:)LOL


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant that any star needs to hear some critics.

Anonymous said...

my favorite on FYE is TFM and STRUT. I like the FYE remix he opened his GNL with too.

Anonymous said...

9:59, I didn't care for the song for your entertainment. However when I heard the remix of it I fell in love with that song and the original version as well. I like Time for miracles too!

Shiggles said...


This is what you so called adults sound like, crying to Mama that you can't have what you want right now. If I were your Mama, I'd see to it that you NEVER got your cookies. This is not because I'm mean, it's because you're all spoiled brats. Grow up for the love of God.

Glitzy, Glitzy...again you come up with the wisdom of the ages. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@Shiggles Spoiled by whom? If we been spoiled by Adam, what about GaGa and Katy's fans? They have to be in heaven now.

Anonymous said...

Verse 15...dedicated to Adam's 2012 album release:

Just you wait Glamberts just you wait
Adam's spunky album will be great
No room for tantrum, fret nor hate
Sales through the roof to celebrate :)

-Lam my

Anonymous said...


It isn't that you've been spoiled by's that you act so entitled to having everything your way. You can't possibly be as stupid as your question. So childish!!!!

Anonymous said...

How can you say that Adam doesn´t work hard? He toured the world for 6 months, didn´t cancel a single concert. He worked his ass off and you know it. He doesn´t have the promotion Gaga, Perry and Bieber have. He is not the one that decides how many singles are to be released. Countries outside US released more singles from FYE. That wasn´t Adams decision. The delay may not be Adams decision but the managments and RCA´s, we don´t know.
Sorry, delilah, but to accuse Adam of not taking his career seriously and not working hard enough is disrespectful and plain bs.


Anonymous said...

AMen! Well said. Adam is one of the hardest working celebrities I know, and he doesnt get credit for it coz he never fails to do it with a smile on his face. ALso,ppl who say album was delayed coz Adam was partying and going to burning man, Seriously??? You think that was all ADam had been doing? sure those aspects may seem more visible coz those are the only ones we get photos of, but He had written 30 songs this year and would have recorded good many of them as well, a whole lot more than what makes it into the album. That takes dedication and hard work!

Anonymous said...

I like Adam Lambert because of his amazing voice and talents as a performer. NOT because he spews out albums whenever I please.

Anonymous said...

Eva (2.56am), you're absolutely right: "to accuse Adam of not taking his career seriously and not working hard enough is disrespectful and plain bs."

Urethra_Franklin said...

SHIGGLES!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Uuuummmmm I for one am GLAD he isnt taking the Gaga/Perry/Beiber fast track to mass brainless music consumption. Gaga is sooooooo over done and over exposed its disgusting. She needs to take a few years off to give US a break! Perry is genuine but ALL OF HER SONGS ARE THE SAME!!! And Beiber, well hes a product of the tween market. And their growing up fast. His days are numbered. SO the chillax people. Hes gonna be fine no matter how long he takes with his album cause devoted fans will not go any where and there is always the opportunity to make new ones if the music is good enough. The Scissor Sisters took 4 years off between their last albums. Yeah I salivated, drooled, and WANTED the damn thing but in the patience of the fans came out THE BEST album they have ever of the BETS albums Ive ever heard EVER. So patience people. Trust the art, the artist, and his process. He knows how to make what YOU love. Shut up and let him do it.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, Adam has some excessively spoilt and obsessively demanding “fans”.

Adam toured nationally and internationally for 6 months which must’ve been incredibly exhausting so it’s more than reasonable to expect him to take a little time out after his tour for some overdue and well-deserved R&R.

Adam started working on his 2nd album in February this year and it’s now only September. Albums do not grow on trees. There are artists who don’t release an album for 3 or 4 years!! How would the trolls like that?!

Why the hell is Adam being compared to Chris Daughtry? They are completely different in their artistic talents.

For Your Entertainment album is an absolute joy. I love it a lot more than any of the other albums in my collection and that’s saying a great deal.

Trolls, stamp your childish feet all you want but don’t stamp them here – and give Adam the consideration and respect he deserves.

And on a much happier note, one of my local radio stations plays Adam’s songs twice a day, and I live in a land far away.

Anonymous said...

Not good but would be better is there were some tv appearances with him performing or mag articles or mini concerts this winter. You have to be out there to stay in demand and the only things weve been seeing are pics from club or BM sightings .Im afraid only his diehard fans will remain with him

Anonymous said...

Good god is patience too much to ask!!

Adam has my unwaivering support for the process and time he wants/needs to take to make an album he wants/needs to make. Any genuine fan should feel the same. If you want an artist that churns out music in factory fodder style go check out Biebers site and don't call yourself an Adam fan!!


Anonymous said...

some of the posters here are really rude with adam
how can some of you accuse Adam of not taking his career seriously and not working hard?
is disrespectful and sad
if you can´t wait, so find another musician!
it´s adam vision, adam work and adam life

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:03AM. In a few weeks there'll be Project Runway on tv. Then there'll be Majors and Minors. He was just on Behind the Music and MTV Talk Playground. And with the new single he'll get a lot more publicity.

I agree with you Anon Sept.13, 5:54AM. Adam has worked hard with FYE and touring. And you can't expect him to deliver a new album right away, it takes time. Even when he finishes recording the vocals, there's still plenty of work to be done to finish the album otherwise.

I live in a far away land too and my fave radio stations play FYE songs several times a day. He is clearly not forgotten. Trust him, he knows what he wants. This is his dream.

Hk fan said...

I agree with Eva. I was rather gobsmacked when I read your post. Adam was touring until December, then he had a few weeks downtime to catch up with friends and family that he hadn't seen much of for 6 months. He started working on his album in feb, its now sept. And in that time he had a week off to go to burning man. Many of the 'parties' we've seen photos from are 'working' gigs, where he gets to mingle and network with industry people. I take it that you never go on holiday, or out to dinner and parties with friends, or even the occasional family wedding!!!
To say he doesn't take his career seriously is probably one of the most ridiculous comments I've seen on here.
Yes Adam could be releasing singles every month like Gaga, but then we would be reading all the comments from people about how 'old' he was getting, and that they're fed up of seeing him everywhere. and we need a break from him.
As to the 2 years plus between albums, that seems to be the norm for most artists.

Anonymous said...

My best hope for Adam is longevity. I remember him saying that he wants to do this for the rest of his life. I want to be hearing him sing songs, old and new, for decades to come, and I believe we will be doing just that. He will not be a short-term pop star. This is why this "long" wait for the next CD isn't sending me into a tizzy. I believe Adam is taking gradual steps to build his career. This is one of many small steps. This is a "SLOW RIDE." So "TAKE IT EASY!"

LP said...

What is the matter with every one. If the album isn't ready yet, then the album isn't ready yet.What are you gonna do about it? By complaining you just put more pressure on Adam.This album is so important to Adam's career, if you want Christmas next week, you won't get it either, so what you gonna do about it? It doesn't matter what other artists are doing, You have to wait anyway for Adam's album and his single. Adam has to wait for his management, and that must be frustrating for him too. You should feel fortunate that he tweets anything for his fans. Just remember you cannot buy it until it's ready, you have no other choice, but to wait.

Anonymous said...

I did'nt realize Adam had an official committment with his fans! Ha! I have read some comments on here that are ridiculous, insultive and SO demanding. I thought this was all about Adam and his music and not about a lot of spoilt annoying people who obviously have lost the plot! Get a life and give the guy a time to breathe. Adam is a creative genius and timing is the essence and you will clearly reap the rewards in 2012 when the album will take the world by storm!

Anonymous said...

Give some money to Adams charity for Christmas and think of those less fortunate. The album will be close to hand.

Anonymous said...

I suggest some of those posting rude comments go and find some other artist. Even Bieber fans
act more responsibly.

Kathy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I can't believe number of "concerned" trolls posting on this site. Delilah5 takes the first prize, I'm reading her comments for a long time, she is always complaining, whining nothing is ever to HER liking.She is what Adam calls an "entitled fan".
I don't enjoy coming here anymore.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see a few more positive comments now. Yea! Time will pass very quickly then next thing you know the new release will come and then the new amazing CD. In the mean time do someething nice for someone like an elderly member of your family or a child in need. I gave to the Trevor Project ;Grant it is wasn't a huge amount;but it felt good none the less. Feeling self indulgant buy yourself a peace necklace and help out not only the Trevor Project but when you wear it around your neck you will feel a sense of peace and it starts up some good conversations with those who ask Where did you get that? I know with my "Infinity" necklace many people have ask me What does that mean? I think they thought I was in some secret society or something! LOL! We can be a positive voice out there you know? You decide right? We can choose to be negative or positive. Sure some of you are disappointed at the delays however that tells me his management is actually managing him and advising him how to promote his new music. We should shout from the roof tops and be happy about that. We all know he got poorly managed prior too this. How many songs didn't the radio play because they were never released. Be a fan,not a stalker, be a friend,not a hater,do something to make a differance,not a disrupter. Just my thoughts! I praise all who put the awesomely positive comments on this tread; that lifts me up I know. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Ok dearest Adam & fellow Glamberts, I'll be honest, I was a little "aww shucks", but it's no big deal. I'm here, you're here, Adam's here, nobody is going nowhere. We are one big happy Glamily, we're here for each other no matter what, support those who seem negative, & be thankful for all the positive thinkers & motivators. Thank you!!
Adam is part of my life, for good! & I'm here for him. I know he is here for all of us too. A new single? Yea, I can certainly taste it, cuz Adam is just the sweetest piece of music I've ever tasted! Yummy!!!
My favorite song from FYE, ALL OF THEM!! But if you want me to pinpoint just one song, it'll have to be "LOADED SMILE" ! Dam! I love the way he sang it live! Omg! & the way he expresses himself thru that song. So freaking deep!
Just wanted to say what was on my mind. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

@Mwah!!K I agree with you. I am here for Adam no matter when his new music comes out. I believe and trust in Adam and it will be worth the wait. Other artist's music and albums were delayed also. Kelly's was suppose to be out this past spring, but coming out in Nov. So it happens and for what ever reason it is what it is.

tess4ADAM said...

Okay! So some people will 'blow the whole bankroll' on Christmas & won't be able to buy ADAM's new album in January ... so what? Then buy it in February or March or whenever you can afford to ... sales aren't going to come to an end in January ... that's just the release date. So that knocks that complaint down.
Next ... ADAM isn't working hard enough & isn't taking his career seriously ... by whose standards? Do you have some special way of measuring ADAM's work ethic that the rest of us don't know about? If you ask me ... ADAM is still giving 150% of himself to finishing this album PLUS encouraging his fans to support several charities for which once again someone else got the recognition for (Gaga .. Beiber .. etc. DSA Awards) PLUS helping to design YET another jewelry collection that will also benefit Charity .. PLUS getting ready for several TV shows ... need I go on? Good!! Another KO!!
ADAM has said several times that this album is going to be released ... now wait for it ... WORLDWIDE .. not .. just the USA!! THIS is no small undertaking ... just thinking about it makes my head spin!! NATURALLY it's going to take more time to make sure it is done RIGHT & a special date has to be agreed upon ... lots of things to be considered ... promos .. distribution .. etc. WHY do this at a time when the music market is 'glutted' with so many other artist album releases ... why not when everything has calmed down & promos will be few & far between? Sounds Logical to me!

So I will Patiently await ADAM's NEW Masterpiece for I am SURE it will be NOTHING less & WELL worth the WAIT!! Love 'n Light

BTW ... I have to agree w/@Mwah!!K ... A LOADED SMILE is my fave from FYE followed by SOAKED ... SLEEPWALKER & CAN'T LET YOU GO ... they just melt me everytime ... but I LOVE that whole darn album & ADAM <3<3<3 ...


Anonymous said...

Some people think that they own Adam and he must jump when they say it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with those who say that time doesn't matter. Adam's voice and spirit have changed my life. On May 22 an EF5 tornado nearly destroyed my home town. The medical center I'd worked in for 15 yeras was in ruins. The places I'd went to as a child, and had taken my children to were just gone. At first I wasnt't sure how to deal with all the sadness, then I remembered the joy I felt when I listened to Adam's music. So I started listening to FYE everyday, and you know what it helped. When things got me down I'd just pop in the old ipod, and listen until I felt better. So, for me waiting is no problem. And to those who fell it's takeing too long I say be patient, be glad for all you have, and that we've all found Adam you never know you may need his help someday.

Anonymous said...

I trust Adam, and will wait for his music. He just gave us Outlaws of Love. He may only have one album out, but he has many many youtube songs to listen to, since he has been singing for a long time. I go back and watch videos, or listen to his music of his early twenties. Beside the fact there is RL to put up with, and that can take up time.
I love Adam and want him around for a long time, for everyone, because he will change things for the good. Some people have stopped being fans and have become so critial. Go about your daily lives, the music will be here.

@Fan4fun: How you doing, my friend? Thinking of you.


Carlos said...

Dear god I can't even read through all of the comments without feeling sick. That's the downside when you become so obssesed about an artist. Now suddenly Adam OWES us an album for Novemeber when he clearly said in one tweet that he expected a single for November but wasn't sure about the album. What's the fucking hurry? Are you guys dying of Cancer of what? JUST WAIT, we'll get a new single in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Kicks butt!!! Love his music and what he brings to the music table.

Anonymous said...

You go Carlos! and yes @1:11 Adam does kick butt and he will kick everyone elses with his new music.@P.A.S. It was so generous of Adam to sing outlaws of love in Canada and give us a treat. He did not have to do that. Everyone be patient and quite worrying and be happy for what is to come!!!

Anonymous said...

I just read this entire thread. It's unbelievable how you people can make such a mess out of nothing! Wouldn't a simple "damn, I'm disappointed, I was relly looking forward to November" been enough? The complaints against Adam are ridiculous and the lecturing from the peacemakers are equally ridiculous. What crap!

Urethra_Franklin said...


Anonymous said...

@ Uretha_Franklin

<3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun

So wondering how u r? Sending lots of light and love ur way!

Love 2 U and My T Icon,

@Urethra Franklin
Ur great! Love ur posts. I agree with everything u say! Dana

Glamitup said...

Crap!! MSN page today says "Lambert's new album". I was so excited until I clicked on it and realized it was Miranda Lambert!! UGG! Adam better get his headline when his album hits!! Lord knows the guy deserves it!!

Anonymous said...

@crap 1:42, I'm assuming that's ur tag, what's crap, is ur crap, so go crap on yourself! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

To all the true and understanding fans around the world please enough of these BS..... I know in my heart that you all love him to death that's why you are acting like little kittens fighting for milk!!!!

Adam really needs our help for him to be respected by the Music Industry. Let's show these people that Adams fans are solid and not panicking about loosing grounds everywhere......

We all grown ups and be respectful to one another....


Urethra_Franklin said...

Mwah!!K, She answered that...its ALL crap! Perhaps you just stepped in it. Maybe you should check your shoe.


Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I know you're not a troll. You have to realize that a lot of fans here are too obsessive and have placed Adam in a catagory with the superhuman. They are not in reality. When they hear criticism, it is automatically from "trolls", because they assume that All of his fans think like them or should. They cannot possibly conceive of anything else.
Maybe we should come up with a new name for ourselves - "Adam fans that live in reality" - no, that's too long. How about just "troll fans"?
As a matter of fact, I think we're BETTER fans. We're more realistic - if we see concern for Adam, we voice it! Get used to it!

Urethra_Franklin said...

5:12 to be honest I didnt read Delilah's comments so I don't know that she qualifies but I think the term you're looking for is "Sanebert." If the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't, loosen up for the straight jacket honey.

coloforadam said...

Nothing would ever keep me from buying anything ADAM, even if it takes until 2020. Time doesn't change the quality of that lovely man who is a part of my every breath. In the meantime, I have had a ball buying lots of music from all the bands and individuals that he so knowledgably recommends to us. Just wish all that money was going to HIS success, not theirs.

Anonymous said...

@anon September 13, 5:12 PM Thank you for your comment. Finally, somebody understood what I am talking about in my comments. I think "Troll Fans" is great name! How about to start new blog? Do you have any idea how to do it?

coloforadam said...

Here's an idea. Open ITunes and check around some other artists that have been producing albums for some time and see how long it is between album releases. 2 or 3 years between albums is not at all unusual, in fact, it is kinda the norm. I know that when I get impatient for something new from Adam, under the surface I am afraid that something is wrong. Then we get his cheerful tweets and see the smiles in photos and...... TRUST.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how many people that we used to hear from regularly seldom comment anymore? It's become a frosty place to visit. That's too bad it used to be fun.

Anonymous said...

Verse 16...dedicated to diligent Adam:

Diligent Adam in full control
Not to worry, he knows his role
Back from recharge and full of zest
To conquer the world cuz he is the best!

-Lam my

-Lam my

Bing said...

Hi guys! Getting a new single next month is a great reason for me to celebrate so i'd rather take that route :) Of course i do understand the disappointment among the fans who sorely miss our Diamond Boy, certainly a natural reaction. I dearly miss him too that's why i am so thankful for my gift this October and i'm glad you are too Carlos because that is our month!

We've learned to respect each others opinions in 24/7 but to those who are kinda exaggerating with negativity, not really good for the soul :( Take a deep breath, lighten up and relax. I also believe that things happen for a reason.

Thanks Adam for sharing your exceptional talent with the world. You've been an inspiration to many of us and you continue to enrich my life. You have no idea how your positive attitude has helped me cope with my own trials and tribulations. Discovering your artistry has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me and i started to live again. You are my most precious present to myself. You are the gift that keeps on giving and i'm so proud of you.

Congratulations to your achievements despite many obstacles and good luck to all your projects. ILYSM ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT!

@Eva - i just want you to know that you always manage to make me smile with your posts :-)

Diverse views may have been expressed here but the one thing that fascinates me is the genuine love and concern for Adam from everyone. That is good enough for me.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Be interesting to tell Adam to his face that he is procrastinating by enjoying his life too much to get his album completed, as some has already posted! OMG, I would love to hear his answer to that! Ha! The man has busted his butt to please his fans and yet it seems some cannot stay true to him when needed.

Anonymous said...

Personally me thinks its time to get those glitter cannons ready for 2012. We're sure gonna need em.

Anonymous said...

I believe there are most likely some anti-Adam folks here posing as fans. Such is the way of the internet.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty interested in numerology and I think 2012 (total 5) is a more prosperous number than 2011 (total 4). Besides what may be recorded in numerology, my own observation is the number 5 sits on a steady base and looks impregnated; 4 seems to be standing on one leg with a heavy top. Just a humble fun opinion. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Thank you! You make me smile too:D
@delilah5 6:33PM
I think we all understood what you were talking about in your comments. It was very clear.
I would never call you a troll, I have even defended you in the past, but now you seem to think that "troll fan" is a suitable name for you and you want to start a new blog with fans "who live in reality". I wish you good luck with that.
I have never been worried about Adam and his work ethics. This fall will be fabolous and when his CD is released all of this waiting and angsting will be forgotten. Time flies.


glitzylady said...

Off Topic, but here is a little bit of interesting (and postive!) news: another fashion-related show that Adam will be a guest judge!

"Sundance Channel Orders Second Season of Fashion Rehab Show 'All on the Line'"

"Nicole Miller is among the designers who will submit to a top-to-bottom makeover with Elle creative director Joe Zee.

Sundance Channel [Cable]has announced a second season of fashion rehab show All on the Line. And this time Nicole Miller is among the designers who submit to the top-to-bottom audit from Elle creative director and series star Joe Zee.
The second season also will feature even more boldface names and friends of Zee who help judge the designers’ progress. They include American designer Rachel Roy, American Idol finalist ADAM LAMBERT, Mark Badgley and James Mischka of Badgley Mishcka and model Veronica Webb.
The show received positive reviews in season one, with Zee in particular earning accolades for his TV-ready persona.
“The fashion crowd lapped it,” says Sarah Barnett, executive vp and general manager of Sundance Channel. “But what appeals to people is essentially the struggle, which is a human struggle.”
Sundance has ordered six one-hour episodes of AOTL, which will bow Nov. 18. Viewers will see Zee’s influence on Miller’s spring 2012 collection, which last week was unveiled at New York Fashion Week. Other designers who will submit to Zee’s discerning eye this season include: plus-size label Qristyl Fraizer Design; Kathy and Eric Wilson’s Kathy Wilson Atelier; South African designer Angelo Lambrou; Aysha Saeed; and Cesar Galindo’s Czar."

The rest of the article here: More exposure for Adam!

For those not familiar with The Sundance Channel, it was originally started by respected actor Robert Redford, CBS, and Showtime.

From Wikipedia: "Sundance Channel is an American cable television network devoted to airing independent feature films, world cinema, documentaries, short films, and original programs, such as news about the latest developments from each year's Sundance Film Festival."

Anonymous said...

We're not all stupid!

Anonymous said...

ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys sound like you just pulled up to the dinner table only to find out the cook is going to be late starting your meal!!!!!!!!!
Breathe Deep, stand up, start your engines and run to the first drive through and get your gut some carbs and cals!!! When you are full and satisfied, you can better understand how long it takes to do a super job on a great CD!
Happy waiting for the CD,, and, thank you Adam for putting in so many hours and thinking of US, your fans! :)

glitzylady said...

@FF 1:36 PM
Not everyone is complaining....Many are celebrating and rejoicing...Just thought I'd mention that... : )

Anonymous said...

Anyone feel like voting for ADAM for Musician of the month? ........ supposedly ends today

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed. His new album was going to knock out a lot of my Christmas and Hanukkah shopping. I hope this is not an omen. Adam is very talented and maybe to nice to survive in the music business. I will be a great loss if he does not receive the recognition and opportunites he deserves.

coloforadam said...

Oh I think he got a comment in to all those *(^%(&(& who were complaining that he took time to go to Burning Man. The Tweet was prefaced "FYI, I am working hard this week...." You don't have to explain anything Adam darlin' - anyone who has taken the time to feel what that festival means to you was REJOICING that you got to go!! And I bet we'll sense the inspiration in the final product. Freakin' Cooooooooooo!!!!

HK fan said...

@lam my
you may have something there, we all know Adam is into astrology and stuff - and 4 is the bad luck number in Chinese, something to do with it looking or sounding like the symbol for death.....or it could just be te albums not quite ready!!!

Anonymous said...

@Eva Sept 14th, 5:41PM I never will forget that you always respected and defended me.
I didn't have chance to make any comments for while. But I coudn't stop myself this time. And if most of this blog members agree that ALL MY COMMENTS were trollish and annoying, I agree with this fanny name "troll fans":)
About new blog:) It was just a joke. But I don't think I will make any comments about ADam on this blog.

But I will always miss you, glizylady, Fan4Fun, Bing, and many other ladies with whom we had good time. But now I found that I was mistaken, and nobody never liked my comments at all.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady@ 3:38,
I stand to be corrected. And thanks for the gentle way you called my hand. I should have mentioned only a few were complaining about the Janurary-ISH dropping of the new Adam CD. I would loveto hear something new from Adam everyday but that is impossible!! So, I will wait and savor the moment it does hit the market.. Just like all the rest of you. Adam has a huge and wonderful fan base who loves him very much and I know he only wants to add to those numbers! I AM A FAN FOR LIFE.......Thanks again,,

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear this new single!
Love you, Adam<3
I wish you will perform this year on Jingle Balls

Bing said...

@delilah5 anything that is excessive isn't good for our spirits. Worrying too much for Adam will just unnecessarily poison our minds ergo disturb our balance. Maybe, just maybe you could just sit back, collect your thoughts so that you can see the little successes of our Shining Star whose devotion to his craft is remarkable from the get go. All of us even you and me deserve a much needed break at some point from work so that we can recharge ourselves. All the more with creative people and i know what i'm talking about being surrounded by artists in my own family, friends and being one myself. Sometimes it helps a lot to count our blessings than worry with what we don't have yet. I consider Adam as a blessing in my life because he makes me feel better than good.

Adam is no ordinary artist. He is a rare treasure and he obviously loves his profession. I believe him when he says that he is working hard on his second album because even at a very young age Adam took his work seriously. Do you recall an interview when he was in high school where he said that if he could do what he does all his life, he'd be the happiest person? @daydreamin gave the link to that. I also remember his mom saying the same thing.

Adam is one earnest performance artist who is always after perfection based on his standards. Moreover he is the total package that is why i have more faith in him. He commits mistakes once in while and that makes him more human just like all of us. But it is the combination of his professionalism and enormous talent that will guarantee his successful career in the music world. Trust him more @delilah5 because Adam is a fast learner and i know that he will deliver the goods. It pays to look at the brighter side of things girl!

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

@Bing 8:04 Thank you, you gave me very good advise

Anonymous said...

Hey HK fan
Glad you picked up on numerology; but the number 4 sounding like death (Chinese) is based more on sound rather than the combination-study of art/science/mathematics of ancient times; used even today, for example for choosing occasions of celebrations or even at the stock market. But about Adam's album launch, I don't think it was used. More like teething problems when working with a new management. I personally am quite wary of the number 4 because I am a number 8 person (birth date); because when 4 confronts 8, all hell breaks loose but not as bad when 8 precedes 4. I am at this point recalling some personal experiences. Princess Diana died on 31/8/1997 (4/8/8). You may argue it is just coincidence, fair enough. Also the total of day/month/year that adds up to 4 or its related numbers 13, 22, 31, 40, counts as well. I believe if I remember right, you are also a number 8 person. Welcome aboard, lots of problems even by itself, but lots of triumphs as well for number 8. Thanks again, nice talking to you HK fan. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@ Bing, Wise, kind words to Delilah. I sooo agree with you! funbunn40

daydreamin said...

Anon 6:46, both Adam and Daughtry made $6 million last year.

Anon 6:40 I couldn't agree with you more about your OMG statement. It's a crazy, scary world out there and yes, I am VERY fearful for the reasons you have stated!

I agree with the overwhelmingly supportive posts for Adam to do his thing the way he and his new management want and need to, take his time and make a top quality CD (AND be able to relax once in awhile for goodness sake!). Not sure how the doubters would feel if you were under the same microscope you have put Adam under. He only wants true fans anyway. I HIGHLY DOUBT anyone would really leave his fandom anyway just because of the album coming out a little later and being so much better with a little extra time and tweaking of the CD.

daydreamin said...

@Delilah5, @Bing said it beautifully. Have faith that things will work out for the good. Let's just "sit back", relax and enjoy what is soon to blow us away. And then we will say, "no wonder this masterpiece took so long-it was marinating to perfection.

Hk fan said...

@lam my
my birthdays the 8th too, 8/8 so very lucky.
I used to live in a flat on the 4th floor here, but there are many buildings that don't have a 4th floor, or 14th etc.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan
8/8 is very lucky indeed for you and Cantonese people because it sounds like fatt choy (prosper/good fortune). So it is a double fatt choy for you! You are a Leo; my daughter is 3/8 which translates directly to triple prosper. LOL! I love Leos, full of energy and zest for life. In fact I wanted to name her Leo but she turned out a girl. I am 8/3 the reverse of my daughter's birth date. Pisces.
Hong Kong's numerology is based much on sound and other aspects as well. 14 in Cantonese means sure die, so it's worse than 4 which sounds like die. LOL! But in numerology 14 is interpreted as 5 (total). I like 5.
By the way Adam's AMA performance date was 22/11/2009 (4/2/2). Can you see the 4 confronting the (total) date 8 in brackets? To be honest I was hoping nothing unfortunate was going to happen when the date was announced. Anyway, stubborn if you want to call me, his AMA performance of FYE was spectacular! Kentucky Fan and Fan4fun agreed wholeheartedly with me on this and some others too. On a luckier note, his new album launch in 2012 seems to coincide with his birth date, 29/1/1982 (2/1/2). Whoa! But I still need to know the complete launch date to gauge if this new album will break the camel's back! Nice to have someone to share my numerology craze. It's more for the fun of it. Thanks again HK fan! :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I hope the album isn't too personal and the worst scenario would be that the muse is Tommy Joe Ratliff. Then I might not buy the album. No more Adommy for me.

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