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Adam Lambert at Kitchen 24 last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 13, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 13, 2011


Anonymous said...

is Lambert single? he looks differnet. what's up with the new look?

Anonymous said...

ugh i love him!

Anonymous said...

is he mingling of late?

Anonymous said...

I want him dating a tall and sexy , older (not by much) wealthy gay celeb - i hear George Michael is now single - to boost his image

That would be perfect PR for him

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's there with his brother Neil. Probably wanted to celebrate the 'finishing touches on the potential new single'

Anonymous said...

I feel Sauli is more and more like a Cinderella surrounded by evilness. He needs to escape to the ball..

Anonymous said...

honestly, i do hope he's dumped that guy he was dating, he can do much better and should know his worth

Anonymous said...

Sauli deserves all the VIP cards he can get. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to ask this but wasn't sure how you would all react but honestly, was Adam a drag queen once?

he seems fascinated by them and always attends local drag shows. Also most of his closest friends are e.g sutan, puja aka rehab etc

just curious

Anonymous said...

9:16, no Adam was never a drag queen. Drag Queen is an entertainer, they are becoming more and more mainstream. You don't even have to be gay to be a drag queen.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes to dress up! He likes to get into character, & with Halloween being his favorite holiday or at least one of them, can't wait to see what he'll be this year! I'd like to see a sexy zombie!

Anonymous said...

How well do you know Sauli? Is Adam worth him? Sauli is the most beautiful person inside; if his outer looks also pleases Adam, you have nothing to say. Adam's personal choices are none of your business. Enjoy his music and leave his personal life alone!
How do you know how healthy George Michael is? And Adam's ex's have never been tall or older. He does like tiny, slim and younger guys. So you would not succeed as his matchmaker. LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam has stated repeatedly and recently that he is in love with Sauli and VERY happy. What is it about that statement that some people don't seem to understand?

Anonymous said...

8:34 The new look may be from the album photo shoot be tweeted about a few day ago.

8:59 tweets indicate Sutan and Sauli, one tweeter said he was "kissing a boo" so probably sauli, or at least I hope so, the guys seem happy together.

Nope never a drag queen although he did say he has dressed in drag,once for a contest that he won, he needed the money.

Anonymous said...

To me it doesn't matter who Adam or Sauli are with, as long as they are BOTH happy. Sauli is not dependent on Adam. His only challenge is that he is in a foreign country, but he's adaptable..

Anonymous said...

Somebody contact the admin. The trolls are back and bitchier than ever. Sauli and Adam are still together and if you don't like it, suck it. Just keep your mouth shut and leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

doesn't VIP stand for Very Ignorant Person? just sayin'

Anonymous said...

The trolls are ridin' in on their trollies again. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

That does look like it could be the back of Neil's head,but who knows for sure.That's such a grainy pic,that we don't know when it was really taken,do we?As far as we know,Adam is still w/Sauli.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is always people who thinks adam deserves better than Sauli.You can't please everyone.But luckily there is so many fans who loves these together:)And i am one of them.

Anonymous said...

The trolls exist and are strong because Adam and Tommy have been feeding them. Only Adam and Tommy can stop or encourage the madness.

Anonymous said...

All we need next is a photo of Adam and Sauli kissing and to hear his new single!!!!!!! A person can dream cant they???

Anonymous said...

10:18, I hope there is not going to be a kissing picture of a'la GNT fan service. A & S don't have to do that kind of fan service. :)

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE everyone voting in the MTV O Awards, PLEASE give all your votes today to Adam in the "Must Follow Artist on Twitter" category. Today is the LAST DAY for voting in this category. If you look at the graphs for each nominated artist, Adam has a good chance to win this but we NEED every vote possible until this category closes tomorrow. We will all switch to voting "Fan Army" once the "Twitter" category closes. PLEASE HELP. Thank you. Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam is feeding the troll but someone in the band did by tweeting Happy Birthday to the troll head. Did he sleep with her/them? WTF?

Anonymous said...

TJR, Liz and Adam would make a hot trio. 3some?

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam's profile, so classic and chiseled. He and Sauli are grownups who are not joined at the hip and can do things apart. I think they're still together. Adam obviously likes to go to gay clubs. He feels comfortable. No, he isn't a drag queen, although he says he's dressed in drag before for an event or two. He said he looked "amazing." And he DID! Who are we to know who is "worthy" of whom? A and S are human beings with flaws like anyone. Relationships are complicated, especially in the public eye. I can't imagine Adam dating someone tall or older than he is. He is the alpha male. Leave them be, and wait for the music.

Anonymous said...

maybe there will be makeout pics of Adam and Kesha in the near future. they say she is looking hotter than ever.

Anonymous said...

NOTE To MTV O Award voters: Normally MTV makes you wait 24 hours after maxing out your votes. However, today I was able to vote again after only 12 hours. Sometimes there are glitches in the system. Please check occasionally to determine if you can vote early today and vote for Adam in the "Must Follow Artist on Twitter" category. This is the last day to vote for Adam in this category and we need all the help we can get. Adam CAN win this one if we all pull together. Thank you. Link:

Anonymous said...

I'II try again to vote tonight, I have voted very early this morning.

Anonymous said...

I hardly come to this site but my god you guys have a weird hilarious troll here. lol very loud!!

Anonymous said...

10:53 Ha, ha you're not telling us anything new. Almost cries of desperation, sort of feel bad for her. Everyone get voting now.

Anonymous said...

glad to see our guy relaxing. what kind of restaurant is that?. looks pretty casual. imagine going out to eat and Adam being there. eeek!

Anonymous said...

What's with all the weird comments? Is Adam single? What's with the new look? I hope he's dumped that guy(Sauli). He should date George Michael? Drag queens...Does this one picture evoke all these outrageous remarks? Or is somebody just having a bad day? The only single I am interested in is the one Adam will release from his second album. All these other remarks are total nonsense. The focus should be on Adam's voice, the music and the rest is his private and personal life.

Anonymous said...

at 9 36 duh? things can change

Anonymous said...

Mom's and dad's little darling: didn't mommy and daddy say that YOU don't always get what you want. But Adam is a big boy and gets what HE wants. That's the difference.

Nice to know that George Michael is single. If Adam and Sauli break up I'll send his photo to Sauli. He's much Sauli's type. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam goes to gay clubs becuz he feels comfortable and because he doesnt run into straight crazy girl fans who stalk him like idiots. Gay men seem comfortable with him and leave him alone.
They dont scream and go gaga over the sight of him. I dont blame him.
I wish he would frequent some mixed clubs , maybe get drunk and kiss another girl. He is to hot not to. To young to settle down, live life Adam do crazy things like you used to. It was more fun I would think.

Anonymous said...

trolls, ha is charlie sheen in the house? how do we know a troll is a guy or a girl or adam or sauli or anyone who can enter this site and start some hilarious fun? ever think of that. just to see reactions.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! The only single... YAY!

Anonymous said...

11:22 You said it all!!!!!! I agree!

Anonymous said...

I like George Michael's music. What type of comment is a good comment? I don't expect people to like my comments, but it's good if they make someone laugh, or cry. I made about 10 comments on The Gay People.. thread. I made 20+ comments on the Cam and Leisha thread previously, because i don't like Cam.

Anonymous said...

Sybil, Sybil, Sybil please get the help you need.

glitzylady said...

This thread is just a bit weird, but oh well.. : )

Here is a picture Terrance posted today from his birthday party pics taken a few days ago...with Adam, Taylor Green, Terrance, and other friends. Hint: if you click on Full Size, the pic becomes VERY large...

Anonymous said...

I use to love this site. It was fun, informative, and there was great Adam funs. We didn't always agree on clothes, hair, or songs, but we were respectful of each other. Now with the people/person, who has these hateful comments and into Adams personal life, is to much. I see many of the regular, old time people are not here as much. I thought the ADMINS were terminating their blogs, but I guess not. They are not Adam fans, they just plain nasty. I come to lurk, but we can't have good fun here any more. Shame.


Anonymous said...

I want Adam's 2009 hair back right now :(

Anonymous said...

Wow! What ridiculous comments, making Adam's fans sound really stupid. My God! Get a life!
Are we in high school?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember the thread polices. Bye bye.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:19, go buy a Justin Bieber doll!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam goes to gay clubs, dresses up in costumes, does crazy things and as someone suggested he should live his life, not settle down and have fun. But...if he wants this second album to be a success and have that amazing first single become a hit, I think that Adam must appeal to as wide a range of people as he can get. And that may mean that he has to "change" his behavior and image to some extent to draw in the fence sitters , nay sayers and those critics to whom he did not appeal with FYE the first time around. For me it has always been about the music, that spectacular voice from this articulate, smart, witty, self-confident performer. For others, they were turned off by the flamboyant behavior on stage during his tour and whatever they read or saw in pictures or videos. Adam Lambert holds the key to his own success and we shall soon see the path he takes on his journey to fame and sustainability in the music industry. We have heard so much(with small clues and lyrics) about this new album that the anticipation is killing all of us who are fans and we just want it to be successful and bring in those sales in tremendous numbers.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:00 AM,

That's you (VIP) He!he!

Why did u exist in this world?????

Just live in the jungle and bring all the trolls with u!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this the same place he was with Sauli and Tedder? This picture isn't getting it.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is hungry for Adams attention!!!!

All the negative comments are F***!!!

You are not real fans!!!! Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Go away!!!

You don't have brains!!!!!!

Adam is happy and that is the most important here!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We just have to give up on Adam being mainstream, he's not going to do it or be it. He's an acquired taste. What we want for him is immaterial, it's what Adam wants for himself. I think Adam practices " to thine ownself be true" in every sense. No pretense about him, as he's often said, "he's an open book".So we can like him or leave him, our choice. I've decided to like him.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam likes straight guys and girls? is he a straightophobic?

Anonymous said...

he needs to put his glam tongue in practice and tongue some sexy chicks down. that's my opinion on the matter.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like a straight guy from the 1980's.

Anonymous said...

How old are these trolls? Definitely emotionally immature.
In their spare time do they bully classmates or neighbors? Such a waste of space.

Anonymous said...

Don't expect Adam to do much "compromising" or changing his image to attract a wider audience. He'll just be who he is. Funny that millions world-wide DO accept him and love him as he is. Those who can't accept him now probably never will. He'll change only as much as he sees fit. To me, no matter how he looks or who he's with, I still see the same Adam shining through.

Anonymous said...

Adam is just like us! Can't we all just except that not everything he does is gonna please us fans or everyone. The wait for the second album is killing me but it will be worth the wait.

tess4ADAM said...

I used to comment here a lot ... not so much anymore. I love seeing pics of ADAM but not personal & private ones from parties he attends. I think those should be left to ADAM to post if he so wishes ... they bring out all the NASTY comments & I for one do NOT like to see them in print ... so I just come here to read about ADAM & look at the pics even though I don't think they should be posted by anyone other than ADAM himself. Sorry ... don't feel like part of the 'crowd' anymore ... JMO ...

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

George Michael and Adam. Ha! Are you kidding me! Don't think so!

Anonymous said...

Time to give Adam some respect and stop dissing Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Pictures are taken out of context and imaginations run wild as always. It kind of gets older every time. Wish the energy would go into promoting Adam and his music and not worrying about trivial fake and insincerities.
Afterall this IS Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's about the private pictures as much as who's in the pictures. Fortunately many regulars approve Sauli. Some may like Brad or Tommy. I hope there aren't anymore fans who want Adam to be straight, because I find them most intrusive.

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S.

I'm with you, missing the fun days and so many of our crowd. Missing the input of Ronnie and Sanni, Kentucky Fan, Mom from Toronto,
Elli, and JAK's writing partner Sister. Remember their Gang of Eight fanfic? We did have a lot of fun and banter that was never mean spirited. If they are lurking I hope they know they are missed.

Eva said...

Missing the old days for sure. This place has gone down the drain real fast. Lots of stupid immature comments from children(?). It can´t be grown up people writing this bulls**t, can it?
There´s an uproar on twitter about the "bastard" album. No one cares on this site, bc Adam´s music and career is of no interest to anyone. (Sorry, I forgot this person who keeps reminding Adam not to be too gay because it will ruin his career). No, let´s all talk about Sauli and what we think of him. Do we approve of him or not? Like it is our business , like Adam would give a shit if we did or not.
I miss a lot of the old "gang" with name tags. JAK is still here, bless her. Glitzy´s voice of reason from time to time. Tess4ADAM is also worried and feels she doesn´t belong here. I feel the same. This site is hijacked by a few lunatics and reading the comments is no fun anymore.

Anonymous said...

Eva, I agree we should talk about the bastard album. What comes to the other parts of your comment, I think you are twisting the truth a bit. This site cannot be just for those who are friends together. That would be like a sandbox, right? I've never told anyone to get out of here, not you, not Sanni, but you are telling me to go away..?

Anonymous said...

What's George Michael got to do with all this? This blog site is about ADAM LAMBERT!!

Anonymous said...

The 'bastard album'?? WTH is that??

Eva said...

@October 14, 2011 6:11 AM

Did I tell you to go away? You have no name tag so I don´t know if you are one of the crays here, and even if you are, I did not tell you to go away. Simply put: I miss the fans of Adam Lambert. The funny, articulate, inspirational crazy lot that used to be here. They seem to be a dying breed on this site. All Anons are NOT crays, far from it, but the crays are always Anons.

Anonymous said...

Why would dating George Michael boost Adam's image? Adam is a much better singer than George Michael.

HK fan said...

I'm still here, just don't always comment when its to do with hair, clothes etc...And I've chosen to ignore the trollish, stupid comments that keep appearing, just acting as if they're not there. Maybe if we ignore them completely they'll get bored and go and annoy another site.
I'm sure once the new single is out, with all the promo that goes with it, many regulars will come back. They're probably just using this quiet time to catch up on real life. At least I hope so.
Don't you disappear too, we've lost enough people the last couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Why are people so serious about the comments if they are not offensive. Smile, this is just a blog.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I wasn't here during the early "fun days" of this site, but I've been here a while and almost always sign. No reason we can't bring back the great camaraderie. I post on other sites, too, but this one is more free-wheeling. I like each site for its own personality. This long interval without new music is making us all nuts. Hang on and get ready for next year's wild Adam ride. It'll get really fun again!

Eva said...


Glad to se you here. Ignoring the trolls? Yes, we have been doing that for months now. It´s what you do on 24/7. Ignoring and scrolling. Is it going to be better when the music is released? Well let´s hope so.

Anonymous said...

@ Oct 13, 2:17 PM I don't understand how you can be an Adam fan and want to change him so much. I don't understand your remark about how his flamboyance during his GNT turned people off. I went to 4 of his sold out tour shows FOR his flamboyance. Louisville's show sold out before tickets officially went on sale! Adam is brilliant. He designed that show. The more I learn about Adam the more he utterly amazes me. He's like a rarefied work of art. Sometimes the higher the quality, the less the masses understand it (or him).

Most of us had already previewed his GNT on YouTube &, thus could not wait to see him live. At the New Oleans show (which I drove to from KY) I met people who had come from Brazil, LA, NYC, Fla, Pennsylvania just to see Adam live! The former judge I went to Adam's Louisville show with has been all over the world & lives in NYC part of the year. Bill even saw the original Paris production of Hair. He thought Adam was "fabulous".

I think this site took a strange turn with the Sauli fandom. While I think the guys are adorable together, honestly--it's Adam I'm interested in. Sauli does seem to need to get a productive life of his own going somehow, or I suspect it will be Sauli who may tire of Adam having all the power in their relationship. I also love Tommy. He is an extremely beautiful and interesting man in his own right(I follow him on Twitter). I do not see "Tommy crays" on this site, only Sauli crays.

I do lurk, but have opted to stay out of the fray. I agree with Eva (as I do most of the time). There are more interesting issues to discuss like the Beg for Mercy album and Monte's role, if any. I still don't understand it, even after reading Monte's and Eber's comments (via Twitter). Is Crawl Through Fire on this album?

Kentucky Fan

funbunn40 said...

I also miss so many of the older,friendly posters and the sense of fun that has dwindled with the troll/trolls that think they are so hilarious. Just a waste of space polluting what was a sharing of excitement over adam and all of the good things coming his way, including finding sauli and having a full personal life. It's sad that one or two people that love to also answer themselves have spoile3d this site for so many. It was a happy site that I looked forward to everyday, now not so much except for the ones that really have something to say, not just to provoke or push senseless buttons.There was fun, camraderie and differences of opinions, but not malicious,designed to provoke arguemants. There was respect,even when we had different preferences. The fighting on reality tv shows is just as enlightening and obnoxious. Sick of it all :(