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New Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Source: @IamCarmit

"@adamlambert You look good with her in your arms;) @kealarose wants to be your girl!!"


Anonymous said...

Aww... she is so cute... Adam looks good too!

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a natural with babies. They all look beautiful! He is going to have a bunch of god children!

Anonymous said...

So happy for Carmit, beautiful baby and the guys not bad. I am being very good, no comment about the haircut, he looks happy and healthy....That's enuf!....JAK

LP said...

Beautiful baby, Adam looks happy. I won't talk about the hair either LOL

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful baby and proud mama. Adam looks great and so sweet holding the baby.

Anonymous said...

So cute.Adam,you need one or two,don't you?;maybe someday.The hair's not too bad.I wonder if the left side is the same.I can see it's already growing some.I'm not saying anything bad either;just takes some getting used to( but hope he will grow it out all the way soon.I love the top)

Anonymous said...

adam holding the cute

lorraine said...

Three cutie pies---and Adam has the most tender grasp on that precious bundle....warms my heart

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good!! He always look so sweet with babies...and some day he's going to be a great dad.BTW I'm surprise but...I like the hair!!

daydreamin said...

That looks like a nursing pillow under Adam's arm. I had one. Maybe he just fed the baby a bottle! How adorable!

daydreamin said...

And here is the close-up version:

Anonymous said...

I AM going to talk about the hair....I LOVE it!!!! It looks good!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the up close pic Daydreamin! Love this pic up close. Adam's eyes and's so cute to see all of his freckles. He is a natural baby holder for sure.

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew how to do an avatar I'd get this picture before Tess. lol. Just kidding tess.

Anonymous said...

Only side hair color photoshoped

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so young and stunning with almost no make up. I think this is the hair style in the CD cover photo shoot. I love it, so edgy and modern. Adam with baby, what more can you ask? <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

Not a shock with his hair because he keeps changing it all the time. We are crazy about him because he is not a boring person.

Love the eyes!!!!!!!!! Sweet and fierce indeed...

Thanks for the picture...


Anonymous said...

Three cute . . all 3

love the full page . . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm drooling right now!!!! Sorry baby, I'm just focus on Adams face...

S*** I would like to lick his face!!!! Ok just gonna do it now in my computer!!! Yak!! Sorry folks, carried away.......

Anonymous said...

Three redheads is right! Looked at the closeup shot. Love the whiskers growing in on Adam's face. So masculine! Also, the freckly arms. I love babies, but Adam is a complete BABE!

Anonymous said...

Adam is surrounded by all these beautiful women and babies.

Anonymous said...

Razor sharp and cutting edge, the vibe of the new album!!!

Adam's natural ability to love and care deeply for others just flows from this picture.

Lizard Eyes

Rita said...

Gorgeous picture and I love Adam's hair. Enjoying it now because in a couple of weeks it will be grown out. I love his hair, no matter how he cuts, styles or shaves it. Oh, cute baby and Mama also!!

Anonymous said...

I don't love that hair shave. Did he join to the army?

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a lovely picture! Adam looks so relaxed,happy and so loving. What a pretty little baby girl. Carmit looks so proud and happy too! I'm happy for all of them.

Okay, Adam's haircut is not as bad as I thought it would be. I can get used to it (but by the time I do he'll change it again HaHa!). I wonder how far around the side it's shaved? Does it go all the way around to the back? Eeeek!

Anonymous said...

He maybe try to match his style with Tommy Joe. Adam also got more ear piercings, similar to those Tommy has. Adam is trying too hard and it isn't sexy. It just isn't going to work with that style, imo.

Anonymous said...

Can't stand the shaved hair. Cute face; awful hairstyle. Hope he doesn't have that look on the CD. Please, no army look, Adam!!! He does look great with the baby of course.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the hair and if that is the cover of the CD, then it is another bad cover. I am sorry, but if he wants to sell a lot of CDs, this won't "cut" it. I am disappointed. Still luv HIM but not the choice for a CD cover. Sabotage IMO.

Anonymous said...

Adam, the baby and Carmit look beautiful. Adams friends are so lucky to have him in their lives and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

I don't love the haircut but I really don't care what he does for the album cover!
He is the most freaking gorgeous creature who is going to change his look constantly, not because he is TRYING TOO HARD> but because he is an incredible artist in every way!
And he is fluid and smart and creative and does not like to sit idle with one haircut.
I can't believe these insipid comments about his hair. So THERE!

Anonymous said...

@12:16 I second that comment!!! I'm not crazy about the hair either and it looks like its shaved all in the back as well, but I don't really care because it's his voice and personality that I fell in love with!! I think you hit it right on the nail, he is a musical artist and this is what artists do- they are creative in every sense of the word. looks,appearances, styles and yes hair-cuts especially!

Sligo lambert said...

Adam so cute with baby

Anonymous said...

Right ON 12:16!
Adam likes to change things up, all of the time. He is always creating, inventing, taking from history, trying things out. He is an ARTIST!
He is actually very sophisticated and classy.
Have your opinion fans, but let's focus on the ARTIST Adam.
He has spend almost his entire life, trying to get out of the box that people would like to keep him in.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and will buy his CD - many of them. But, for those of us that have an opinion about his look, frankly, we are only saying how we feel. And we want the BEST for him cuz he is the BEST artist ever! He is a tremendously talented man, but people that buy records look at the covers of them. People (men) did not buy the last one because of the glam look. And this one with the military look isn't flattering to anyone. It is so 80s. I am a huge fan but his LOOK is as important to me as his music, talent, personality. So quit getting upset at us, so called fans, if we don't feel the hair does him any good careerwise!!

The Dark Side said...

Very pretty baby. Guess it's his hair and he can do what he wants with one telling me how to wear my, it's OK!

Anonymous said...

it's cute how Adam has his necklace out of the babies way.

Anonymous said...

Carmit looks like a typical new mom, happy, proud and tired eyes from lack of sleep!

Adam looks like he wants to look,
his face, his hair, his choice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I noticed too that Adam got his necklace away from the baby, and it shows how considerate and gentle he truly is! A beautiful soul that goes with a beautiful voice! What more do we want from him? I know we all mean well, but can we just let Adam wear his hair and his clothes the way he wants to and love him for the gentle person he is and for the great music he is giving us? Adam really makes me want to listen to music again and I can't imagine my life now without Adam and his music!!!

daydreamin said...

NO Adam's hair is NOT shaved all the way around. Look at the FULL version I posted above and you can see for yourself that it is NOT shaved that way all the way around.

Actually, now that I see it, I think I like it. Mostly because I see a beautiful man with a beautiful soul, holding a beautiful babay.

He makes beautiful music and I for one will always be his fan based on that. He is beautiful inside and out, no matter what he does with his hair. He just can't help it. He is a looker!

coloforadam said...

"Don't like his hair!" "Don't like his hair!" "Don't like the hair!" What ARE you talking about? What hair DO you like? He has had some version of spiked, shaved, glittered, color tipped, pop/rock expression for a loooooong time! If you're going to whine, at least tell him the old hairstyle on which you are fixated. I am forever stunned how someone can look at that gorgeous man see anything but drop dead perfection. Probably the same people who will whine about something in every song on the CD - "can't hear his voice", "those lyrics are not very nice", "why didn't he do more like Time for Miracles?" It's like that old relationship addage,"I love you, I want you, now CHANGE!" PLEEEEEEEEZ! He's putting a new CD out in the pop/rock/rap crazed universe!! He looks PERFECT!!!

HK fan said...

i think Adam looks gorgeous in this picture, so young and fresh, and happy. And Keala Rose is as cute as a button (not sure where that saying comes from as buttons aren't cute!) And its sweet she has her own twitter account, 2 days ago 'she' sent a tweet to Riff saying Hi!!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a twitter account, but maybe I should put my cat on twitter. If I ever see a picture of Adam holding a cat, I will melt and say awww. :)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here remember that reality television show Adam was on. It was called American Idol, I think. Every freaking time he sang a song, his hair was styled in a different way. Were you watching? What's the big suprise for you now?

I agree with poster above: I love you just the way you are. You're perfect, never change a thing except those pants are too loose, hate those medges, emo is better,
those lyrics...really?