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Adam Lambert Behind The Scenes Pictures at The Advocate

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, October 17, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 17, 2011

Scott McPherson (@GayCreative) Tweeted: "Here's a behind-the-scenes shot of me and @adamlambert (deep in True Blood talk I'm sure) at the November cover shoot!"

Matthew Breen (@matbreen) Tweeted: "I'm interviewing @adamlambert for @TheAdvocateMag November cover story. Great guy, lively chat"


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, beautiful hair, I'll be glad to see you back from the temporary (?) vacation you are taking. Adam you look scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

Another link where you can buy single copy of Advocate mag. once the Nov. 2011 issue is out with Adam's pic.:

Anonymous said...

Adam's interviews are always interesting and self revealing. He does seem to let us in on a bit of his life. He's certainly the most open celebrity I've heard or read interviewed. He appears to be at ease in any situation and at peace with himself....Lucky man..JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam is at his beautiful best in this interview. And the pix are scrumptious. Glad to see the link to the magazine issues. Especially glad to see Adam is in good company with other big names!

Anonymous said...

Great interview and pics from the Advocate's Matthew Breen, Scott McPherson and Eric Schwabe. I love that the Advocate's logo is a black and white rectangle with a big 'A' in the middle!

Anonymous said...

Schwabe should read Schwabel :)

Anonymous said...

@ anon2:38 Thanks for the link to buy the magazine. the pictures of Adam and article are great. Another souvenir that will be treasured forever!

Anonymous said...

According to these tweets you can buy a digital copy of the magazine once it's up on the site:

Hey Glamberts! You can buy the @adamlambert digital issue of @TheAdvocateMag at this link #reinventingadam

Matthew Breen @TheSpindleshay @icebrat515 I spoke too soon, but hopefully that issue will go online this afternoon. I'll re-tweet when the link is live

glitzylady said...

The photographer's blog post: behind the scenes:

"I had the great pleasure of working with Adam Lambert recently for this Advocate cover shoot, which came out today. This was one of the more unique shoot days I’ve ever experienced (on par with photographing Kirk Douglas at his home), as the Advocate wanted not just the set-up cover shot, but a number of candid photos of Adam going about his day. So, about 15 seconds after we were introduced, I was in his car, speeding through Hollywood, my crew following behind. We joked that it was a slightly awkward introduction, I met him, I’m in his car, I have a camera in his face. We both knew the job though and went about it, and snapped some pretty great shots, not all of which made it to publication.

Adam Lambert photographed by Eric Schwabel for the Advocate
Adam and I spent a bit of time chatting in the car between each location (and getting yelled at by a gas station manager for taking pictures — but I was able to calm him down…). It turned out we were both headed to Burning Man in a few weeks, so that was the main topic of discussion.

I shot the candids on my Nikon D7000, with the occasional reflector fill.

Our final location was the recording studio where Adam was preparing his latest single and album (this is his official 2nd album, dropping in Q1 2012, the single, I’m told is coming out in November). We set up a few shots in the studio but ultimately opted for the outdoor location for the cover shot, which made me a happy camper – I love photographing mixed light outdoor situations, and the grounds of the studio seemed to match Adam’s vibe for this new album.

The studio shots were all shot on my Mamiya with the DM28 digital back – very similar to the setup I used at Burning Man.

Adam was a gracious host to myself and my crew (a few asked for autographs when we were done), very focused on getting the shots and trusting both our teams to get it done. I have to thank Adam and his team for their help, and also to Advocate Creative Director Scott McPherson and Editor Michael Breen."

LP said...

So these pics were taken before Burning Man, and before he got his hair cut. Hmm

Anonymous said...

Everybody who works or get to know Adam sais the same, that he is a really good person, and that why I like him, because he's honest and he doesn't hide anything so it's very easy to love him.

Anonymous said...

When Adam posted one of the shots to twitter, he said, "this is how I look when YOU'RE buzzed" (I added the caps myself) He doesn't know how truly beautiful he is, does he? I don't think much photo-shopping was done, as he suggested. He's just that gorgeous. Inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Lambert would ever go out with a woman? isn't he curious?

Anonymous said...

Please not this again, I'm sure he resolved his curiosity about women years ago......and he chose men!
Just respect his decision...JAK

The Dark Side said...

Thanks to The Advocate, we are seeing/hearing more Adam every day. Takes away the sting that the music is being pushed back. Thankfully, we are a patient group.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Adam is beauty on legs. And again, everyone who works with him loves him. BTW, I'm watching DWTS tonight, and it's '80s night. Wish Adam was singing on this week's show.

Adamluv said...

I usually dont push contests but when I see one titled "the Hottest of the Hotties" - it just screams ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!! Go over to Q102 and cast your vote. He's up against Joe Jonas and right now, its close. Thanks @HK for reminding us as well. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv I have been voting on the Q102 Hottest of the Hotties. Adam has gone down quite a bit, so since he is the hottest man on this planet imo lets try to throw in extra votes thanks!

Anonymous said...

Advocate used one of Adam's new picture as their twitter background:!/TheAdvocateMag

lorraine said...

Adam-beautiful inside and out-and I don't have to get "buzzed" to notice this about him. I,too get so annoyed, Jak, when anyone starts asking about Adam dating a woman. It is such a dismissing and disrespectful thing to say to someone who has already shared his sexual preference with the world. The message it says to me is that Adam isn't being accepted for who he is -and that must hurt to the core. What else does he have to say before everyone finally GETS it?? I'm so happy he has found a special someone to love. We all deserve that.....

Anonymous said...

He's look older here and bad hair cut.

I'm happy he's finally on magazine cover.long time no see.

Anonymous said...

The magazine is available international?Im very sad that I didn't get Adam cool rolling stone cover.

Anonymous said...

10:25 he is older here, aren't we all getting older? the hair is pretty cool for me it's just a matter of taste. I'd like him to do more magazine articles, doesn't necessarily have to hog all the covers though. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I get what he means by the "buzzed". I just realized I haven't had alcohol since last spring.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:26pm . . .try Ebay . . .that's were I found a copy....

Anonymous said...

Relax on the thoughts of Adam dating a woman. He's flattered at the thought, it is not disrespectful to him. Fans do not take things to deeply.

Anonymous said...

O.K i went to my local grocery store, walgreens, book store- They do not carry the advocate s--t)why not??? So the only way I can get this is to order on line- how does this magazine make any money if they don't sell it anywhere???

Anonymous said...

I live in L.A. and I went on a hunt for the Advocate Magazine today too. success at grocery stores' magazine racks, two large newspaper/magazine stands and local drug store. I'm trying to decide if it would just be easier to order online or drive to Hollywood and randomly start searching.