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The Advocate's Twitter background depicting new Adam photo!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, October 17, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 17, 2011

Source: @TheAdvocateMag


Anonymous said...

Just love that guy.... Fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

Right now I can hear Adam is singing at the radio, FYE : )
By the way almost every day I can hear Adam singing at the radio here in Finland!
a fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful. He is in his element and we are so excited for the single release in Nov. Love the full head of hair. ;)

Anonymous said...

He looks so gorgeous and happy him soooooo much. Looking forward to reading the full article from The Advocate and excited about his new single and album.

Anonymous said...

that is so cool.I can't wait to get my hands on that magazine and all those pictures and article. Hi!fans from Finland, so nice to hear that Adam's music being played over there still.

glitzylady said...

@ Anon11;22 PM
The full article is here.. : )

And is here on 24/7 as well, a few threads back, with the link as well.

"Adam Lambert Covers The Advocate"

Anonymous said...

Parts of this Advocate interview has been published yesterday on the website of finnish afternoonmagazine and it`s one of most popular (most read) : )

Anonymous said...

Now IIHY on the radio!!
sorry, I´ve being active this morning..
greetings from `Sauliland` ; )

Anonymous said...

I don't think that straight men shun Adams music because he's gay as much as is claimed.

Anonymous said...

@fan from Finland Love that they are playing Adam's songs. Love this picture and counting down to November when that single gets released!

Anonymous said...

Drop dead GORGEOUS photo. :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice looking, nice personality, nice outlook, CRAZY NICE AMAZING OUT OF THIS GALAXY VOICE, can't wait for next album. Hope more peeps get on board in U.S. cuz this dude's talent is not to be missed!

Anonymous said...

Seems like The Advocate is getting the full Glam Wham from us AL fans! He's got fans all over the world panting, panting, panting for more articles, pix and MUSIC!

LP said...

Gorgeous pic. But don't forget this was taken back in August, before the haircut.

Anonymous said...

Now I want this pic for the album cover! I keep changing my mind.

Anonymous said...

Anon At 1:49pm . . . .I have four close male relatives who won't even listen to him and when I mention Adam's name . . . homophonic remarks. . .their lost . .

Anonymous said...

The Advocate is sold out.....duhhh.
They said more copies might be printed...

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

@ lizard eyes, What?? I just e-mailed them to find out where I can buy this without digial downloads- I want the magazine on my coffee table. How can it be sold out already??? it's still oct. P.s I did tell them you have the whole glamnation wanting this issue lol!

Anonymous said...

Hot-boy poll. Keep Adam in the running, PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

OT - Rumor Adam will be performing at the AMA's on Nov 20. Introducing his new single??

Anonymous said...

@ 9:50 AM

I'm wondering the age of the males you know who are homophobic? Are they 40 or above? I am hopeful that the younger generation will be more accepting. My 23 year old grandson has many gay coworkers and classmates and never gives it a thought. They all go out together with their girlfriends or boyfriends and dance or do the theme parks, river rafting,etc.
Several times when he has a couple days off he will bring a friend home with him for a visit with his folks and his Grandpa and I. Weeks later he will say something about Josh's new boyfriend!!! It never came up that Josh was gay while he was here, and why should it? Maybe this generation will get it right....value people for the right reasons. I hope so!...JAK

Anonymous said...


I wish everyone of YOUR generation was as accepting... You rock!

Anonymous said...

@ 3:15 PM

What a nice compliment, thank you.
But, I've been thru this before. My daughter's were in school here in Florida in the 70s when the schools were first integrated.
Racial equality was slow in coming.
Everywhere I went with my girls the summer before that happened there were people with petitions they wanted me to sign to refuse to send my girls to an integrated school. I always refused to sign and took a lot of verbal abuse. It was a rough first semester for my girls but worth it....the rest of their school years were a mixture of races. Change comes hard sometimes but progress does come...
children learn from their parents.
Parents need to lead the way in accepting gay and lesbian equality today.

Sorry, as a former teacher I do have a tendency to get "wordy"..JAK

Anonymous said...

@3:05PM Unfortunately, this is a rumor. Just read Matt Carter article. He said that the list of AMA's performers was already revealed and Adam's name wasn't included in this list. ABC still can forget Adam AMA performance. It sounds very sad but this is the true.
Also, all artists who are gonna perform on AMA released as minimum 5 or 6 singles and music videos during last year. Adam didn't release any single over the year.

Anonymous said...

I hope since Adam says they have written so many songs for the new album, some of them will be set aside for singles released frequently thru 2012....JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK: With words this good, it is okay to get wordy.

Anonymous said...

JAK, your grandson had a good education. He growup in a open mind family and that's "the secret", as simple as it is. I really hope that much more people of your generation have their mind more open to acceptance, hopefully some day soon.I feel very sorry for all this people who don't like Adam because his gay, they're missing a great singer and a better person.

Anonymous said...

Love this picture of Adam. He is just so good looking, so gorgeous. He does seem happy here and I guess he is at a good place in his life right now both professionally and personally. The article in the Advocate is very revealing and honest, but what else do you expect from Adam. He has told us so much about himself already, perhaps more than we are entitled to. And anyone who won't listen to Adam's music because he is gay is at a loss not experiencing the best vocal talent in the music industry today. There is just so much "garbage" out there that passes as music today and not to give Adam Lambert a listen is absolutely crazy. Can't wait for the new single and the sophomore album to be released. I think it will be amaaaazing and blow us all away!

Anonymous said...

JAK, yes, I'm hoping that Adam gets lots of good singles out of this new album throughout 2012. In fact, I confidently predict it! BTW, I'm a former teacher, too, and I also tend to get wordy sometimes!

Anonymous said...


It's a curse!....JAK

glitzylady said...

@DRG and JAK
I'm not a teacher but I am often possessed with the same "wordy" affliction, as some may have noticed. It must be my years of working in dentistry: all those one sided conversations! : )

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

Just what I needed here at bedtime, a good laugh. Had my 6 mo. teeth cleaning today and tech. talked 45 minutes and I said "uh huh" and "uh uh" at the appropriate times! Weather station just announced the first cold spell of the may go as low as 60 degrees tonight!
Brrrrrr....snippy Fall weather!

Anonymous said...

Working through the night on another legal brief and checking in for my Lamber fix. Thought you fan s might like to know that according to a certain frat party chairman I know, many houses on campus play Lambert at Friday night parties. The males in my family don't care for the gay talk because then they have to listen to Lambert in private on their iPhones which they do because they really enjoy FYE and Adam's incredible vocals and they all say he is the very best of the best. They are not threatened by Adam's good looks either, because they like to listen to him, not look, besides, they all play rugby and football and are themselves gorgeous specimens, secure in their identity--all straight, scholars and captains of their football teams, buffed and six-packed etc. And they all dance and do the moves to the grooves. Hope someone passes this along to Mr. Lambert, my drop of sunshine. I hope he doesn't overthink his second album. Just sing, Adam.

funbunn40 said...

@Oct,20th 4:04AM, Great to hear that buff, smart, secure males listen to Adam's spectacular voice and appreciate his talent. I hope when Adam's album comes out there will be millions more hearing the voice and not letting other inconsequential things get in the way. His talent is undeniable and I think this long awaited album will be a winner!