Adam Lambert Covers 'The Advocate'
Filed Under (magazine scans,news ) by Admin on Monday, October 17, 2011
Posted at : Monday, October 17, 2011

Letter From the Editor:
For his new yet-to-be-titled album Adam Lambert says he has been writing and recording songs of a more personal nature. “Outlaws of Love” is one track that lyrically addresses the fact that Lambert and his boyfriend couldn’t get married if they chose to do so. Paired with his new activism over the past year, the song (a live performance of its debut in Quebec is viewable online) is emblematic of a seemingly new openness in his life, and an evolution on his understanding of what it means to be a gay public figure.
Lambert allowed us a rare look into his life in the second annual “A Day in Gay America” project, in which we display photos of our readers all taken on a single day in August. Visibility is a key theme that connects both Lambert’s interview and all the amazing photos you’ll find in this issue. (The rest, along with much our editorial team’s, are viewable on And the fact that he, and so many of you, chose to be out and proud, is no small demonstration of how far our movement has come.
“I got a smoothie and I pumped gas!”
Adam Lambert’s mornings aren’t so unlike those of many Los Angeles residents on their way to work.
“These are my days,” he says at Conway Recording Studios in Hollywood, teasing the last ounce of his smoothie with a straw. “I woke up, I got on my treadmill at my house this morning and ran for 20 minutes and got ready. I love this juice place. This is called the singer’s remedy, and it’s lemon and cayenne. It clears your throat and gets your cords ready. And it’s something I actually do. And I need gas to drive. It’s a normal day.”
Normal to a point. Then there’s the whole magazine interview, photo shoot, and a day working in the studio. Lambert is recording his follow-up album to his 2009 debut, For Your Entertainment, and has been writing and recording for the last five months. And a lot has changed since the most controversial figure to come out of American Idol first took to the national stage.
At age 12 he wowed the audience of his San Diego children’s theater company with a powerful operatic solo in Fiddler on the Roof, an experience that launched a budding theater career. Fifteen years later his unexpected reboots of some beloved songs (Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire,” Tears for Fears’s “Mad World”), paired with a more decidedly glam aesthetic than that of his largely all-American competitors, made him the most interesting thing to watch on American Idol’s eighth season, where he finished as first runner-up.
Lambert has long been comfortable in front of an audience. It was the other trappings of fame that threw him — and the media — for a loop.
Before the show had even finished filming he appeared on the cover of Entertainment Weekly in an article speculating about whether he was gay and why he wouldn’t say so — all without having given an interview. (Idol contestants are prohibited from giving individual interviews while in competition.)
He came out in Rolling Stone and appeared in a provocative photo spread in Details magazine suggestively grabbing a naked woman. When he did agree to appear in a gay publication, in Out magazine (owned by Here Media, the parent company of The Advocate), his management issued so many conditions for the photo (“must accompany a straight woman”) and interview (“not too gay”) that Aaron Hicklin detailed the conditions in his editor’s letter. Lambert responded via Twitter, suggesting that others not force their own agenda on him, and then shocked media watchers on his first post-Idol TV performance by kissing his male keyboard player at the American Music Awards.
“I kind of asked for it in a way,” he says of the fuss surrounding the kiss, which prompted CBS to censor a later broadcast of the performance and led ABC to cancel a morning show appearance. “Not everything is so premeditated as people think it is. There are things that just happen, there are things you just do. It was an impulse.”
Lambert admits it was “a bit reactionary on my part. I think I was a little overwhelmed with everything. It was me reacting a little bit to that ‘you’re not gay enough’ thing. At that moment for whatever reason I was like, Well, is this gay enough? It was me being a little bit pissed off!”
And that Details photo shoot? “Taking a picture with a girl — I thought it was just sexy. Most of my fans are female, and it was kind of a fantasy for them, and why not? There’s no question in their minds” that he’s gay. “No question in my mind, not an ounce.”
A generally more speculative matter is the content and release date of his new album, which, as of press time, is untitled and tentatively scheduled for a November release. Lambert describes a more personal album, driven by vocal singer-songwriter tracks, electrofunk, and synth-pop in a “Nine Inch Nails meets George Michael” sort of way. “I know that’s a weird mash-up, but that’s what it feels like,” he says.
“No matter what the genre is, it’s all very personal, even on upbeat, fun tracks. The last album was a little bit more of a fantasy escape…even my image for that last album felt very theatrical and kind of over-the-top and intentionally tacky. I get a kick out of making artistic statements that are kind of ridiculous.”
The pop sensation thinks the last album cover was more campy than provocative. “But in America, camp is not something that is mainstream. It’s not something that is always grasped. You kind of have to hit people over the head with things, especially in pop music.”
He’s going slow with the sophomore release. “It takes time to get it right,” he says. “I don’t know how other artists do it, but for this project I’m adopting the mentality of just keep writing and keep recording as much as possible, and then when we know that we’re ready to decide which tracks are going to be on the album, we’ll look at everything and narrow it down.”
There’s a different pressure with a second album, especially with the helpful hype of the TV juggernaut a full two years behind him. “But people recognize me, people know who I am, so hopefully that’ll help. I don’t know. It’s hard.”
Of the new album’s personal nature, he says, “I think it’s going to let people underneath my facade a little bit — a self-created and totally admitted facade. I’m trying to convey to my audience that you really can’t judge a book by its cover, and there’s more to the universe than you can see with your eyes. It’s like existential pop.”
Lambert is of two minds when it comes to gay visibility and his place as a gay cultural figure. He’s become increasingly involved with gay rights organizations, yet he asks, “How many ways can I spell G-A-Y? Everybody knows I’m gay. And the thing that’s hard is, where’s there balance for me? I’m a musician and I’m writing music. I’m also becoming more involved sociopolitically, I’m getting involved with the Trevor Project and Equality California — these are things that I really do care about. But I do want to maintain a balance. What am I going to be known for in 15 years? I want to be known for my music, that’s my art. That’s what I’m contributing actively. I think visibility is a great tool, and that’s one other reason that I’ve been so verbal about it, but the irony is that here we are, talking about it.”
“It’s been the weirdest battle with identifying as a gay man in mainstream culture,” he says. “I think The Advocate is an exception — I think a respected gay publication treats it differently — but in regular journalism they make such a big deal out of homosexuality! I’m starting to grow really fond of the post-gay concept.”
Before Idol, Lambert’s life, he says, “wasn’t defined by my sexuality,” but now “all of a sudden it’s all about being gay. In some respects a lot of good can come from that. When I was a kid I didn’t have that many people to look up to. And if I’d had people in the public eye who were really up-front about it, it probably would have helped me. I feel like this is a conversation [Advocate] readers will understand where I’m coming from, because it’s tricky — I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing sometimes. Seriously. No one teaches you how to be a gay celebrity.”
Lambert says he’s become increasingly at ease in the media spotlight. “I’m more comfortable with myself in the public eye. That’s an adjustment.… There’s also a flip that comes from being in a relationship; it changes your perspective and your frame of mind and what you want. I’m lucky enough right now to be in a relationship.”
Though he’s tight-lipped about the nature of his relationship with boyfriend Sauli Koskinen, the 2007 winner of Finland’s Big Brother, he will say they met in a Helsinki bar last year after one of Lambert’s shows. Without knowing he was a TV personality, Lambert approached Koskinen to say hello, and they’ve been dating since last November.
“You know, honestly, when you start talking so much about your relationship, it opens the door too much. I’ve only been in one major long-term relationship prior to this, and I’m really, really happy. It’s done a lot for me, and it’s grounded me, and it has inspired me as a writer as a performer,” he says. “I just think everybody wants that connection, and I’m really happy to have found it.”
Lambert’s more forthcoming about his gay fans: “From what I can tell, there’s more of a gay presence internationally than domestically, which I found interesting. I feel like the [gay fans] that I meet are the ones that kind of feel weird.… I pick up this kind of energy among young people that it might not be the coolest thing to say you like Adam Lambert’s music. People don’t think that I’m cool. So I love that I have the kids who are like ballsy enough to be like, ‘Fuck it, I like Adam’s music.’ I mean, I am kind of a nerd. I feel like there’s a collective eye-roll when it comes to me, in the media and just in general consciousness — with the exception of my amazing Glamberts, my hard-core fans who are the opposite.”
But he’s taking it all with a grain of salt.
“It really is a dream job, and it’s really cool. I do stop and keep it all in perspective. This is pop music, and it’s not fucking brain surgery. I mean, some of it’s serious…but some of it’s just really fun dance music. And I’m wearing eight pounds of makeup because I fucking want to. Why not?”
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can you get that magazine over the counter? I got to have it!! Love the pictures and excellent article. eek, that smoothie sounded terrible. lol
Is there anyone more gorgeous? That c over photo should be on his album cover.
Gorgeous, gorgeous pics of Adam!!! OMG! Yes, anon 10:22 it def should be the next album cover! It takes your breath away.
Also, great article, really let's us into Adam's thoughts. This magazine and article is a "must have" for my growing collection of "all that is Adam". LOL
I posted my thoughts on another site this morning, but here's alittle more. I simply love Adam's candid and honest expresssion of his awareness of how he is perceived by the public. He understands that many people don't get him and that he is often thought of as uncool and that it is even uncool to like him in some circles. I have worried about this a lot as a diehard fan, but I'm somewhat comforted knowing that Adam doesn't seem as worried as I am sometimes. He is just who he is. He is so perceptive and well-spoken. He is aware of the complexities of celebrity. He gave us Glamberts a great "thank you," also. Can't imagine not havin him in my life.
That is a great magazine cover. I liked the story too. He even mentioned Sauli, hehe.
I AGREE! I love BB'S hair on the cover of the mag.I sure wish he DID still have that style w/o the shaved sides for the new album...but,oh,well,I guess not;interesting article,beautiful pix..Maybe he'll have another photo shoot before the album is released & the hair will be grown out some by then.( I wouldn't care if the shaved sides were only for the first single)Of course,I'll still buy the album,whatever..can't wait for new music from Adam.
@DRG Great post. I do think from being around my teens that they are starting to perceive Adam in a different cooler light. People are staring to get him more and see what a great person he is beside the talent. Where can you buy the advocate. Read on another site it is bundled inside the Out magazine. Got to have this picture GORGEOUS, Wish that was his album cover.
Where and when can we buy this magazine? I love the cover pic. of Adam. Wished it could have been his album cover. Everybody please read this article.
Read this article but I felt like there is more to this article that it'll be published on Advocate magazine. I'll keep my eyes open to buy this magazine to read the rest of the story.
I'm buying this, I've seen the advocate everywhere, airports, grocery stores, it's something you can buy anywhere. When we make this the best seller like the rolling stones cover maybe more will sit up and take notice. It's all about money in the end!!!
as much as I love this and will buy it. Why does he only get on the cover of magazines that have to talk about his sexuality! Rubbs me the wrong way- interview him as an artist and leave out the world gay for once. I know adam wouldn't of done it if it bothered him, but it bothers me because he is so much more than that!!!
I wish I could just tell Adam that those "collective rolling eyes" that may be seen in response to hearing his name are really a result of fear-and an inability to freely see a gifted artist because of that fear and ignorance. I thought of Adam again when I watched 60 Minutes last night-they were covering a story of Vincent Van Gogh--one of the most misunderstood souls-and of course an artisic genius. And, as Don McClean sang in his song VINCENT, "This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you." I'm glad I, and so many others recognize the beauty in Adam's voice and in his being and we are here to share in his gifts for many years to come.
That part about the gay fans actually made me feel so connected to him. It's so true!! I would know =']
The picture of Adam is so fine! It would make an excellent cover for the new album! So beautiful inside and out! Love him so much!
I noticed this on twitter:
Advocate sold by subscription only, they are selling the 1 copy Call 2 order 1-212-920-2844 leave msg, they’ll call u back. 5.99 +4.50 S/H
But I suppose you can check magazine stands in your area to buy it as a single instead of subscription.
sexy is sexy. is that what he says? he had no problem posing with that female naked. I think alot of other people did.
Just noticed this on twitter:
Scott McPherson:
Here's a behind-the-scenes shot of me and @adamlambert (deep in True Blood talk I'm sure) at the November cover shoot!
Go to this link to see another picture of Adam:
One more picture of Adam:!/matbreen/status/126026838714748930/photo/1
Sweetheart you can wear ten pounds of make up and I still love you and your looks. Great story. Just one question, where does one buy this magazine. I'm thinking B&N perhaps????
He must do alot of lurking to get information on himself, because he is correct on the young folks. I heard from many of my grandsons friends, "he is gay, can't have his music or the girls will think I am gay". I think girls are different, they are more accepting.
He looks so young, and cute, like he did on Idol, and so innocent. I feel sorry for small minded people, they are missing out on one of the greatest artist of our time.
More info. here about how to buy a hard copy of this magazine:
@ lorraine I saw that same thing on vincent van gogh and thought the same thing. Also all you JOHNNY deppe lovers out There he was on or a full hour special with Larry King last night. I put Johnny in the same catergory as adam- awesome, sexy and priceless!!!
I woke up to this fabulous article and the GORGEOUS cover and other pics early this a.m. on Twitter and thought "Yay!!!" The publicity begins! And unlike anyone who might find it troubling that this is a GLBT oriented magazine, I say au contraire! Its an informative, honest, and respectful interview. The theme of the magazine in November is "A Day In Gay America" and I think its a huge honor for them to have chosen Adam to so beautifully grace their cover and be their featured interview. He has not always been treated as well by some in the gay community so this is a very positive step in the right direction. I'm sure we'll be seeing other media/magazine articles in the coming months. Its all good!
I just saved the whole blog in my favorites so I can click it up whenever I want to "rest" my eyes on something inspiring!....JAK
I posted a comment earlier today on the comment section of the article, apparently the website crashed, of course, because of all the traffic generated by the article (we Adam fans are quite well known for that!), and they put it in a different format. Long story short, all earlier comments were apparently lost, including mine..Might as well post it here, no sense wasting a perfectly good comment! (I saved this rough draft on my computer.)
My comment to The Advocate:
"As a long-term Adam Lambert fan/admirer/supporter, I would also perhaps sub-title this article "The Re-Discovery of Adam Lambert". This year has been so good for him personally: his relationship with Sauli Koskinen, his immersion in his soon-to-be-released new music (conceptualizing, writing, recording), his charity and human rights advocacy work, various awards and recognition, and the opportunity to take a breather from touring/performing, and to perhaps feed his own soul. Certainly his biggest focus appears to be his music: " What am I going to be known for in 15 years? I want to be known for my music, that’s my art." But I have a very strong feeling that he will be known for so much more. We have 4 generations of Adam Lambert fans "Glamberts" in my family, ages 9 to 92, who all admire, adore, and respect Adam Lambert for his incredible singing voice, his persona, but also for his increasing use of his "Voice" for raising awareness of social-political issues, including those within the GLBT community. As Editor Matthew Breen states in his editorial "Let's Get Visible" in this same issue: " “Outlaws of Love” is one track that lyrically addresses the fact that Lambert and his boyfriend couldn’t get married if they chose to do so. Paired with his new activism over the past year, the song (a live performance of its debut in Quebec is viewable online) is emblematic of a seemingly new openness in his life, and an evolution on his understanding of what it means to be a gay public figure.", I see Adam being an inadvertent, and at the same time intentional, catalyst for change, along with other out, proud and visible members of the GLBT community helping to bring that "visibility" to the larger human community. And lastly, I hope he will come to the place in his career and his life when he no longer feels that his image is met with a "collective eye-roll". He deserves more than that. In his words "there’s more to the universe than you can see with your eyes". That is true of Adam Lambert as well. Thank you for this insightful, informative, and respectful article.
Adam looking so gorgeous in these pictures. Have to get a copy - probably available at Barnes and Noble as someone above mentioned. OT - there is an absolutely wonderful, heartfelt, honest and smart article at a site called It's titled "Brother to Brother - a letter to Herman Cain" written by Max Gordon, a black gay male. It brought tears to my eyes. Hope a couple of you will take the time to read it. I think you will find the time spent very valuable. He addresses some of the inane statements made by Cain on The View last week. ... Adamluv
Editorial from The Advocate re the November issue:
Editor's Letter: Let's Get Visible
It's clear from the pictures you sent for A Day in Gay America that we are a diverse and passionate group.
By Matthew Breen
For his new yet-to-be-titled album Adam Lambert says he has been writing and recording songs of a more personal nature. “Outlaws of Love” is one track that lyrically addresses the fact that Lambert and his boyfriend couldn’t get married if they chose to do so. Paired with his new activism over the past year, the song (a live performance of its debut in Quebec is viewable online) is emblematic of a seemingly new openness in his life, and an evolution on his understanding of what it means to be a gay public figure.
Lambert allowed us a rare look into his life in the second annual “A Day in Gay America” project, in which we display photos of our readers all taken on a single day in August. Visibility is a key theme that connects both Lambert’s interview and all the amazing photos you’ll find in this issue. (The rest, along with much our editorial team’s, are viewable on And the fact that he, and so many of you, chose to be out and proud, is no small demonstration of how far our movement has come.
The rest his editorial here:
....and one more piece to add... : )
Fun blog by the photographer, Eric Schwabel, who took the pictures for the photo shoot Behind the Scenes..
"I had the great pleasure of working with Adam Lambert recently for this Advocate cover shoot, which came out today. This was one of the more unique shoot days I’ve ever experienced (on par with photographing Kirk Douglas at his home), as the Advocate wanted not just the set-up cover shot, but a number of candid photos of Adam going about his day. So, about 15 seconds after we were introduced, I was in his car, speeding through Hollywood, my crew following behind. We joked that it was a slightly awkward introduction, I met him, I’m in his car, I have a camera in his face. We both knew the job though and went about it, and snapped some pretty great shots, not all of which made it to publication.
Adam Lambert photographed by Eric Schwabel for the Advocate
Adam and I spent a bit of time chatting in the car between each location (and getting yelled at by a gas station manager for taking pictures — but I was able to calm him down…). It turned out we were both headed to Burning Man in a few weeks, so that was the main topic of discussion.
I shot the candids on my Nikon D7000, with the occasional reflector fill.
Our final location was the recording studio where Adam was preparing his latest single and album (this is his official 2nd album, dropping in Q1 2012, the single, I’m told is coming out in November). We set up a few shots in the studio but ultimately opted for the outdoor location for the cover shot, which made me a happy camper – I love photographing mixed light outdoor situations, and the grounds of the studio seemed to match Adam’s vibe for this new album.
The studio shots were all shot on my Mamiya with the DM28 digital back – very similar to the setup I used at Burning Man.
Adam was a gracious host to myself and my crew (a few asked for autographs when we were done), very focused on getting the shots and trusting both our teams to get it done. I have to thank Adam and his team for their help, and also to Advocate Creative Director Scott McPherson and Editor Michael Breen."
Holy mother of everyone!!!! When I open the site, I just melted with his gorgeous personality...
Have mercy on me......
Love, love, love the pictures!!!!!
don't ya just love him??? why can't everyone just think of everybody as everybody?????
He can melt you with his eyes, OF COURSE!! but more important he can melt you with his thoughts and his personality.
I just love it that he still has the black mustang!!!!!!
He looks so hot driving it . . .
If he had a more expensive car (and he deserves it) I just would not find it as sexy . .
Absolutely love these pictures of Adam. This cover photo should be the album cover. He is so gorgeous! From what I have read in the article, Adam really lets us into his thoughts, his feelings in an honest and candid way. He so often has let us into his life moreso perhaps than we are entitled to. In addition to being the best vocal talent in the music industry today, he is articulate, smart, witty, and self-confident. I hope with the release of his second album that it will bring Adam the success and critical acclaim that he so deserves. I realize that many people "don't get him" and that is certainly their loss. But for those of us who have been fans from his first note on American Idol, the journey has been one of love and devotion for this exceptional individual. I also hope that he comes to a place in his career where he will not be identified solely as the gay performer Adam Lambert but as the truly talented, exceptionally amazing artist and person that he is.
I really should say 'not only is he Gorgeous ... to look at ... Adam is GORGEOUS on the inside and without (make-up) ... I LOVE HIS SOUL!!!!!
Every time I see another gorgeous picture of Adam(like this cover photo) or read a well-written article about him esp. if he is interviewed, I just fall in love with him all over again. He is so honest, so candid and let's us know exactly what he thinks and how he feels about something even though we may not always agree with him. And we don't have to. He knows who he is, what he wants, and how to get it. I think he is very savvy in his musical career and also in the business aspect of it. Taking his time with the second album proves that. He is striving for something close to perfection for himself and for his fans in the production of this next release. And somewhere along the way he has become a voice for the gay community and now with this cover and article we learn more about what it is to be a gay public figure. For me, it's always been about the music with Adam and the fact that he is gay never entered into the picture. He just amazes me and I am fascinated by everything I read, see or hear about him.
what was the point of him doing Details magazine with a woman? If he likes men he shouldn't pretend he wants to be with women. sending mixed signals.
saying he was bicurious in RS was a big mistake.
We've exhausted this subject!
These blogs express my feelings so well. Adam is growing in my heart the more I see and hear him.
I know what Adam means that some people don't think he's COOL! I have a friend who likes indie music and he teases me about Adam. I am fierce! and tell him to listen to his music. NOT worried! Lots of people don't like pop oriented music but I have also turned many people on to Adams music and they "get it" how incredibly talented he is.
Again, not worried about Adam or his career. He is already global and it is just going to increase one hundred fold.
AND he is so gorgeous! and so HAPPY! He is having and will continue to have a great life cause he is a GREAT human being!!!!!
there should be a Details part 2 with him under the woman.
I am so tired of always reading these "Oh he's so gorgeous and talented that it doesn't even matter that he's gay" comments. Perhaps it is somehow meant well, but to my ears it just sounds so condescending. Yes, he's gorgeous and talented and yes, he's gay. I say hurrah to both aspects of him!
gay girl glambert (who's tired of wanting to be part of "us" and instead always categorized as "them")
give it up
Nothing more I can say, just THUD!THUD!THUD! <3<3<3<3<3!!!!!!! Love him :)
This is one of the best photos of Adam I ever saw.
@4:09, I so agree with you about his car. What a guy!
When I first saw this pic I was mesmerized by his eyes, omg, amazing eyes! & I read the interview , good but the RS interview is my favorite.
I absolutely love the pictures of Adam Lambert and hearing more about his thoughts. As a member of an oppressed group myself who has suffered from being vocal and visible and I understand how he must struggle with being open about himself. It takes a great deal of courage.
You know, I don't understand the problem people are having trouble with Adam being gay. You, the people who loved him before you found out and now you don't.Shame on you. He wants us to love him for his music and his artistic gifts, and you have to admit, he is the best thing that has come along in a long time. Love him for his talent and leave his personal life alone. Get a life of your own. I have loved him, like Randy from AI says, from day 1. He is not just talented, but beautiful with such a wonderful personality how could you not love him. He is not stuck on himself and will give ANYONE a hug and greeting like no other entertainer. Support him and let him know you love him and if you don't then just stay out of his life. The ones who love him get tired of all this jibber least I certainly do. Adam,saw you in Houston and got a good picture of you giving me the peace it and love you.
Air brush Away . . .I know Adam doesn't mine!!!
Details 2 would give a whole new meaning of "over and under".
Beautiful pictures of Adam, love his sexy eyes! Great article too, and more personal self awareness. I wish people would get over his sexual orientation and stop obsessing about it and concentrate on his exceptional talent and beautiful voice and personality.
I am looking forward to his new album and future tours. Will always support him and be a fan forever.
Please go away, you have no respect for Adam at all.
My "go away" comment was of course meant for @10:17. Why are you trying to spoil our happiness?
@4:14, 4:43 and 9:07 kudos to you all !! You couldn't have said it better!!!!@glizlylady of course we all look for you for infor and you always deliver!
Great article. Adam always true to himself and refreshing. How tiresome it must become to have to keep the 'gay' tag everywhere you go. What the blazes does it matter whose 'gay' anyway, time to accept people for who they are.
I cannot understand what all the fuss was and still is about.
@ 9:07 AM
Adam has fans who are willing to accept his being gay as long as he doesn't act gay, dress gay, hang out in gay bars, be photographed with gays in drag, etc..I suppose they are fans with reservations.
I respect Adam for what he is doing but please dont leave us straight people out in the dark.
Why are you in the dark?
Adam is an equal opportunity entertainer. Giving us straight ones the beautiful, dramatic, erotic photos in the Details magazine shoot was thoughtful and he did it for his female fans fantasy. Fantasy being the key word. Of course we know he's gay and I for one just wish there wasn't such devisiveness and attention paid to it, anymore than being heterosexual should be a big deal. Gay men should be able to act in movies playing a straight parts with no bias. Acting is just that... acting. Why does there have to be such separateness and why can't we just accept all at face value and not get into personal sexual preferences. I'm just glad Adam has someone to love that loves him in return and hope he will be able to play any acting part that he wishes and sing whatever he chooses. I also hope that people will get the difference between fantasy and reality and allow Adam to feel free to express himself without some reading something totally ridiculous into it. Adam is playful and likes to have fun with his fans, but unfortunately he has discovered he'll have to carefully choose his words and actions from now on. A pity, as it forces Adam to become more private and ultimately removed from the very fans that feel an undeserved sense of entitlement. As Adam has said, "It's not that deep" and I think that is how he would like to keep things with his fans, lighthearted, positive, silly and happy. This was a thoughtful, well done article and I also have seen the eye rolling when Adam is mentioned. A gay man said to me when I mentioned Adam, "Isn't he the Liberace, glittery type guy that was on American Idol?" I had a long conversation about the many facets of Adam, with much more than meets the eye. I hope some of these perceptions will fade as Adam becomes more well known and visible. Adam is a man of many faces and talents. I can't wait for the world to discover what we already know. To know Adam really is to love him!
IT sounds like ADAM had some regrets about that photo shoot.
I have some regrets about photo shoots I did long long ago. One was for Coleman outdoor stoves for camping. I was 19 and standing next to a burly guy about 50 and he was cooking steaks on a grill.
The photographer kept telling me to look "hungry, look eager". When the magazine came out I was in my red short shorts and tee and gazing at those steaks like I was going to attack them and make love to them. My family has never stopped laughing!
Adam should appreciate the cover, because most of the fans love it. Every cover photo gets photoshopped and this isn't overly done. Have you seen covers or pics from German magazines like Bravo. They are photoshopped to the max and don't look good.
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