Adam Lambert outside his hotel in NYC
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, October 21, 2011
Posted at : Friday, October 21, 2011
Adam Lambert heads out of his hotel on Friday (October 21) in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.

Source: justjared

Source: justjared
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I think this is very poor appearance, Adam. Are you for real anymore?
I like the jacket, the t-shirt, even the open boots, but those leopard pants...not so much. And I am not a big fan of the shaved sides of the hair. But I still love the guy and his music, and that's what matters to me the most. So when is that new single going to be released? November is almost here and no definite word yet on it.
I am sure that if this pic shows up on Joan Rivers FASHION POLICE show, she will tear him to pieces. Not the best look on Adam.
not feeling it. I love the leather clad Lambert with long hair.
I think the boots and leggings make him look extraordinarily unsexy.
O.K. so Adam is having a bad "outfit" day. Give him a break. I would still faint if I saw him in person.
Get used to it everyone, he's gonna do what he feels like doing. He's an artist!
I know, if we like the look he's gonna change it.
Are you freaking kidding me or what???
Wow!!!! You rock Adam my goodness!!!
You know how people will react about your fashion statement and I'm with you all the way....
That's how you do it baby.... The glasses???? Bloody hell indeed!!!! You are on top of your game and we are ready anytime he!he!
@8:27 Agree. He should wear whatever he feels comfortable in, and who are we as his loving fans to tear him apart. If we do this imagine those who are not fans.I love that he was working with Niles and we will get some epic music soon!
Oh Adam sweetie, now you've done look like my crazy niece Jodi....I picked her up at the airport when she stumbled off of a flight from a photographic safari in Africa! We figured she killed the pants herself!....^o^....JAK
I hope Joan Rivers or Perez will never see these pictures!
Cause if they will see these photos and make some "very special" Joan's and Perez comments I will agree with them.
Dont tell me anymore that ADam is perfectionist. He is not. ANd this is not just this one outfit. THere were a lot of them before and we have to expect to see a lot of these "special Adam's must have outfits" in the future.
Does Leila can be more helpful and supportive in this situation? SHe just needs to remind Adam that Boy George was one of the biggest clowns in music industry.
My son knows that I have very good taste and sometimes asks me if his outfits look good on him. And this is not about personality, this is about good taste.
Where is your fedora, Adam!!!
I wonder if the airline lost most of his luggage and he had to make do with what he had in his backpack. LOL I love him to pieces, but this outfit is soooo unbelievably bad.
Adam need to get rid of 70s seriously and stick to 21 modern funk punk and sexy not so old fashion.
Stop sticking to past come to future edgy Adam.
I lied he's emo punk hair in 2009 ,more suits him not this old hair make him older.
I hope he's music and album cover be modern
Loose the pants Idont want to be mean but Adam they really do nothing for you baby.
Just saw these pictures were add to all latest articles about Adam! It took just few hours and most of the subscribers love to add these photo to their new articles!
Perez, we know you're crazy about Adam! Don't make any comments. And may be you have a chance to stop River's or somebody else on E! to make any comments. Cause this is one of the most hilarious, disscussing outfits of the month!
This reminded me of prince.just noooooo,you need mirror Adam and yes fashion is important in music industry because that's show who you are as an artist.
I think we should twit him to go back to your cool 2009 style.
If you notice, all the celebrities where what-ever they want- they mis-match, put on whatever- hats, gloves, you name it.I've been noticing this for years, I think a every day normal person would get the stares but somehow it's cool with the artists and celebrities. They get away with any fashion these days. Thank god adam's not wearing his pants down to his knees like justin bieber- that's where I draw the line. lol. Anyway this album is going to be epic- I listen to top 40 alot on my xm-radio in my car, my god all the top songs are rap and more rap, no lyrics- I have to turn off everytime- What has happened to music today? Adele still in the top 10 so there is hope and believe it or not and believe me I'm not a teenager selene gomez new single is really good- I love it! That girl can sing! Not my faviorite look on dam, but he so looks like a musician now- doesn't he? Oh, yes we don't want joan rivers to get a hold of this but you watch, they will blast this picture all over!
It's Adam fans fault, anything Adam do they die for it ,but in reality it's very fugly,clowny looking.Adam style I hated now .
He's not cool anymore.
Here we go Adam, comments are coming in he!he! You did a good job of giving your fans something to talk about he!he! Peeps are just crazy about you!!!!! I really admire your strong will indeed..... Love yah!!!
Double slap Adam needs now and sauli too.
Get rid of gloves,pants and hair and the jacket and finally the wearing samething over and over please.
8:54 Sauli is a jeans guy.
Geez, Are we fans or not? I love Adam no matter what. Who frick'en cares about his outfit. He is hot no matter what.
I think Adam was to drunk on drag queens party last night he didn;t have chance to fix his makeup and change this ugly clothes.
What do you think about this idea, ladies?
Doesn't sound that everybody are such a crazy about Adam's perfect outfits like it was few months ago!
However,as soon as I tried to comment some of Adam's strange and hilarious outfits or makeup, I was named "troll" immidiately! And now I realy like this name. Aren't trolls pretty close to elfs? I know, trolls don't make the christmas gifts, but I like to wrap Adam's CD's and GNT DVD and send to any charity which want to get them.
So what...we all have "off" days, I think it's funny. Even Lovely Lambert can look looney.
Another good midnight laugh for me!
What's wrong with you people. Didn't you ever hear that if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all? Adam is a Rock God. He can do, say or wear anything he wants. He can do no wrong !!!
Saw this as part of the 'outakes' of Adam's Advocate interview:
"I also feel that’s part of the expression in fashion. At some point it just kind of has to be for you, and not for everybody else. So if I feel great in the weird asymmetrical blousy cotton shirt [gestures to his shirt] then I’m going to wear it."
So, people, this is Adam doing something for HIM and not everybody else. Lighten up!!
Lighten up everyone, it's okay to laugh, he looks silly! We still adore him!...JAK :)
This type of thread is the reason I don't post here anymore. Shallow criticism.
I thought you didn't post here anymore?
omg I am just shaking in my boots thinking that Joan Rivers and PH may get a hold of this. oooooh, so scary. Troll what do you do hover over this site night and day? How many comments do you make per thread? Please you are making a fool of yourself, just ask your kids.
I can't believe all these comments about his outfit. Who gives a rat's ass about Joan Rivers? She herself is a complete caricature. And who was in the studio with Nile Rodgers all day...exactly.That is what matters.
Lizard Eyes
Adam HAS to wear what WE want him to wear.Right? We,the fashion experts...
I don't care what he puts on just for fun. Robbie Williams once posted a pic of him wearing pink baby rompersuit and no one bat an eye. But I'm feeling that this outfit does not quite reflect Adam's personality.
ha,ha Adam,this is just one of the many reasons I love being one of your fans. All the others are milquetoast compared to you.
I don't think this is any deeper than "It's going to be a long day, I think I'll wear the stretchy pants"! Dressing for comfort.
Tomorrow he'll be all gorgeous and we'll be drooling again.
Adam always said he doesn't take himself seriously, and today he just proved it. hahahahahahaha
The taxi driver in front of him took his other suitcase for him.
Some of you guys are unbeilevable, for God sake stop trying to be Adams mother. He has a perfectly good one already and probably hasnt told him how to dress since he was about 5. When I saw the photos before I even read the comments I thought he looked gorgeous, not what I would wear but would he wear what a 65 year old women would wear. No. So give it up he is a unique individual.This is the world he lives in, so I dont think you will see him wearing a corporate suit any time soon.
When he has a big occasion he dresses up for it, have you not seen other celebs. most of the time if they are not at a big event, they look pretty rough, he is beautifully groomed.
Come on fans relax.
Jadam NZ
You know, ladies, I just looked through Freddie's photes, his live performances and interviews.
After all, I want to take all of my comments back.
Adam, baby, wear whatever you want to, actually, it is not nessesary to wear to much clothes, darling<3
You are special and this is the reason that only two men in music industry could afford to wear tights! Freddie and Adam! Do you know why?
Cause both of them have the legs to die for! Okay, Freddie had the legs to die for. But for me and most of Freddie's fans he is still alive.
Anyway, Adam, I am happy to see you and doesn't matter what you wear. Actually, I am dying to see you wearing only this leopard tights and nothing else! Go for it! Freddie did! Sometimes he performed almost naked and critics hated it but fans wanna die to see him like this again!
Love you, gorgeous!
Go to the Just Jared source link at the end of the photos, and read all the positivity there. Jadam.
With friends like these, who needs enemies? Hope most of these ugly comments are from the haters. Cant believe real fans are so f****** negative. Very sad.
Jadam, thanks for pointing out the positive comments on the J.J. site. I was beginning to feel like I was on the funny farm here. lol Watch them all rush over there to make negative comments now.
Adam should look at sauli and learn fashion because he's cool and edgy and have today fashion.
I think Adam possessed by fredie ghost and fashion and Nile guitarist with him .I hate Adam fans supporting whenever he wears.
He's look retarded of21century sorry .open your eyes wise Adam and lesson ,look .
Haven't he learned from2009 style for he's album cover the one with gaga pic next to it.I'm 19 not grandmother like you guys.Jared Leto or bill kaulitz will be good for him
I had those same boots to shovel snow back in northern Canada haha
He's still a handsome guy - nothing will take away from that.
@10:29PM Nobody can be good for Adam. I like to criticise he style or performarnces or even songs. This is the reason that I am like troll of the house:)
However, this is not such a think like Freddie's ghost. Nobody can do it, as less if this is somebodies destiny.
About grandmas. I am very young but I just got one grandson on June and another one yesterday.
It is doesn't matter how old are you by your birth certificate. Everything is about how young is your soul. And it is doesn't seem that your soul is only 19 years old. After I read your short comment I think you'are much older.
Sorry, hate bill kaulitz. I know is very popular but this is doesn't mean that he is talented for real
He is trying to hard to find his own image. I think he doesn't have any idea what does he want at the end of the story!
Here's a little news flash for all U-I won't even SAY what U R!!!
All over Twitter tonight peeps were beaming with joy at what Adam has accomplished. Niles Rodgers said that he had not worked with anyone of Adam's caliber since Bowie, DAVID BOWIE!! This is probably one of the highest compliments Adam will ever receive. And his REAL fans are beaming with PRIDE, bursting with joy for Adam's accomplishments. Adam is busting his chops to give us a CD that will be mind blowing. Of that I have NO doubt.
And what R U B**ches doing??? WOW, tearing him down, each one worse than the last. If U boring B**ches want milk toast- Get the F away from Adam! Cause in case U haven't noticed, Adam is DIFFERENT-ergo that is why millions LOVE him...
Honestly, I agree with @9:18.
Personally I don't give a flying F**k what Perez OR Joan or anyone else has to say about Adam. I accept the WHOLE package, and I think he is absolutely AWESOME just the way he is...
Seriously, go find a man wearing Chinos, that is more ur speed.
When I came here ,I have to write the grow up comment because English is my2 language and I'm not good at it,that's why I look at comments here and learn the words base on that I'm comment here.
Jared Leto is good style for Adam.
I may not personally love every single fashion choice he has ever made: almost all though. But one of the (MANY) things I LOVE about Adam Lambert is his strong sense of what he likes and who he is, and his love of expressing himself in unique and fashion forward ways. And he likes to have fun with it sometimes..That's what I support: his right to do it, whether we happen to like it or not..Maybe he wore this kinda "funky" outfit today to get into the feel of the music he was working on with Nile Rogers: funk..Inspiration..
And I have to say, if I saw Adam walking toward me in this or any other outfit, I sure as heck wouldn't be critiquing his clothes....Because he makes ANYTHING look good. He's tall. graceful, dark and handsome, and striking..He can carry it off. Now, if I could just make that happen... : )
My comment posted right after yours..Pretty much gotta agree with you on this...and said as much. One of the reasons Adam is so exciting as an artist and a human being is that he stands out from the crowd. If I wanted to follow someone who was just like every other middle of the road male singer, dressed in jeans, t-shirt, perhaps plaid flannel shirt, you know who would have been my choice on AIS8... : / No disrespect meant to that guy..but Adam grabbed my interest the first minute I laid eyes and ears on him..and he continues to do so..leopard pants and all..
Been following the Nile Rogers tweets all day and that's been the focus..Most people I follow loved Adam's look, and loved even more Nile Rodgers' fanboy flailing about Adam's voice and talent all day.. So excited to hear this completed track...It should be incredible!
I love love love this look of Adam in New York soooo much! It's edgy and got European/New York look to it! I wonder how you guys look like!
I liked the FYE look, the 70's glam look. The album covers and all the pics were great and in good taste. The 80's look is more tacky, but I will get used to the leopard pants, if they are part of his new image.
11:30 I am not interested in hearing anything about you. sorry.You are what we call a bore.
It's a fun 'look'. Why not have fun with fashion. Lighten up. It's not that deep, as Adam would say.
I can't believe this, all the comments on non-fan site about this Adam's look is all positive but here on Adam's fan site I see a lot of negative comments about Adam's look. What hell are you guys smoking. Pick up some current fashion magazine and get used to new styles. Adam looks fabulous, hip, edgy, and sexy comfortable in these pictures. He spent his whole day in studio with a legend and he wanted to look good and feel comfortable. Have you seen all the pictures Legend Nile Rodgers posted today? Have read all of his tweets about Adam? He compared Adam to David Bowie who IMO is even more epic than Freddie Mercy (I don't like Freddie at all since I discovered Adam).
Kinda hoping for a Prince type of song now, something like Cream. I don't like Bowie much.
Would anyone think twice if Steven Tyler were wearing this outfit of Adam's---and that guy is about 65 years old. Adam is a rock star---the clothing is all about expression. I was born and raised in NY. Believe me ,no one walking the streets of Manhattan finds anything unusual about anyone's outfits. Live and let live. Leave Adam alone! It's all about the music. I'm thrilled that the session with Niles Rogers seems to have gone so well. I can't wait to hear that voice again....
Oh, really! This is 24/7 in all its glory!
Thank you @Dinah-mite
and @Glitzylady for reacting to this garbage.
This day was very special in Adam´s life, he was working with a legend and twitter is exploding with flailing and joy. This place is filled with bullshit as usual. Shallow remarks on his clothes and hair from one or two people talking to themselves. This is supposed to be an Adam fansite but I haven´t seen so much negativity on any other site tbh.
And those who care about what Perez Hilton and Joan Rivers are going to say? LOL!! They are such fashion icons aren´t they?
The color of his pants doesn't much with the rest,so what!??In grey it would be perfect!!I like the boots, the jacket and the t-shirt. the best? the sunglasses! he looks so cool!!! One think that I like about him is he combine his clothe so he can wear them many times looking different,just like we do when we open our closets.
The pants scream must be comfy to create..they glow like Adam..He looks lovely as always..
I can't believe there are so many negative comments about Adam's outfit. His outfit makes him look more like an artist/musician, plus he looks comfortable and still appears very well groomed. I also can't believe that some posts have suggested he should ask his mother for advice on how to dress. This is insulting, Adam is his own man and way beyond needing his mother's advice. If you are a true fan try showing him the respect he deserves and support him for his music and talent.
OMG what a lot of written dribble here! Pathetic to even read and these are so called fans! Get over it and love the man for who he is because you are looking at the most talented, always beautifully groomed, entertainer in the industry, hands down!
You people have lost the plot.
I assume we have 'haters' looming.
No room for the negative.
Complain all you want and send Adam to Oz instead. We love the guy and he's music. Plus we love the clothes too. Way to go Adam!
Oh!!! C'mon people you are just jealous of him because he can wear anything and still look gorgeous!!!
You need to look at yourself first!!!! He!He!
Why you so defensive if someone doesn't immediately love the leggings. It's just the piece of clothing, not Adam, we're judging. It shows you are afraid and take things too seriously. Do you buy everything that is trendy and wear it yourselves? I doubt that.
I agree with the one who said Adam is an artist and will tend to express himself even in his appearances, whether meant to be private or for publicity.
You mean Adam walking to his car is performance art. Gaga does that, but I hope Adam doesn't go that far exressing himself. I like both the casual Adam and the flamboyant Adam, in suitable proportions.
I have to laugh at most of the negative comments, they seem to becoming from mostly the same person. They were the first to post and it just took off from there. We are giving slimey trollups way to much power here.
*expressing. My point is fashion trends get old very quickly.
If you met Adam on the street, would you be making these remarks about his clothes, or would you be reaching for your camera, and be so proud to have a pic taken with him. Or would you ask him to change into another outfit first?
Only say things about Adam that you would say to his face. :)
Adam and Nile in the studio.
9.21 PERFECT!!
9:21, I would let him be if I wasn't absolutely sure he wants to be bothered. I don't know how to be a fan I guess. Heh, I'm aware that I could be the type of personality that irritates Adam. I like to connect through music. I've been on a same wavelength with Robbie Williams for over a decade. I understand him and his lyrics. Probably because he's had paranormal experiences and so have I.
@Anon 12:43 AM
Back at'cha sweetheart. You really know how to make someone feel special.
I have been a fan of Adam since his AI audition. I have been obsessed with his music and supporting him in every way possible since that time ... a regular on his fan sites with 99.99% positive comments, voting till wee hours, requesting his music daily, supporting his charities, gifting his CD's, flying to another country alone for two days just to see one GNT concert. In short, I'm a consummate fan.
I have gushed profusely both here in other threads and on other sites about his collab with Niles Rogers. However, this particular thread highlighted his outfit, which I happen to think is mismatched and hilarious. I made an earlier comment that the airline must have lost his luggage.
My comment was MY OPINION on this ONE OUTFIT ONLY. I didn't say he shouldn't wear it. He can and should wear whatever he f*cking wants and I know he will do exactly that. IMO, he is always gorgeous, inside and out. I also don't give a sh*t what PH or JR has to say about his outfit. IMHO, more publicity for Adam.
There are two things going on here in these comments that I personally don't appreciate. I don't appreciate people who use this photo as yet another opportunity to continue a relentless campaign of bashing everything about Adam (trolls) AND I don't appreciate the condescending comments those who subscribe to the notion that I and others are somehow bad, non-supportive fans because we express a negative opinion on one outfit.
IMHO, Adam would be the first one to defend our right to "respectfully" express our opinion and then proceed to laugh it off. It ain't that deep.
Keep it real, folks.
ALfann (a regular both here and on AO)
ALfann 10:54 am
AMEN.....this fuss is ridiculous.
And if I did come face to face with Adam in this outfit, after telling him how much I enjoyed his music and admired him, if we discussed fashion, I'd say "What the hell were you thinking?" And I'm pretty sure we'd have a good laugh! HE has a sense of humor!
Glitzylady, I was talking to the first 11:30 right above your post.
Dinah-mite you ROCK!!
GOTCHA - all those who hate his outfit - gotcha here commenting - that's what it's all about, babes - picture all over the globe - love it. LOL
I don't have to like his fashion choices to like him, and I have a right to my own opinions and to expressing them on this public board. This look is ridiculous to me, but it's his choice. The music and the person are still fascinating to me. Just ditch the animal print tights and change the hair, please.
Way to go Dinah-mite!! So agree with you. The whole twitterverse and Nile Rodgers himself were going crazy about the incredible music session that took place yesterday. Adam, do what you want, wear what you want. I know that I will always support you and your music!
Adam will be Adam and be damned to those who don't get it. His hair, his body, and I think whatever he does makes a statement. Because we don't always get the statement is on us. Personally I don't want dull ole Adam, I want glam, in your face Adam.
I bought a jacket once - a leopard print! After comments from my husband and grown sons that I looked somewhat like a "lady of the night, I took the jacket back and bought a white one instead. But, in that moment, I really wanted the leopard one! So I do feel for Adam with his choice of outfit, but, I'm proud of him for taking a stand. He probably just felt like, hey, I look good!
Right now, I think my leopard jacket did look dumb, so maybe in a year or two Adam will regret his choices. Adam chooses to live in the now and I say more power to him! He is a rock star after all. Rock on you sweet thing! You look delish to me!
I think there is a difference in not liking an outfit and telling him what he should and shouldnt be wearing on one small occasion, surely fans know him well enough now to know this is a just a day in his life, it is not a whole change of image thing. Jeeeesh.
BEE,have a nice day.When do you sleep? Do you get 24/7 google alerts? lol
Adam did wear leopard pants after the photoshoot. Remember the pic with Jonte? :)
I am not as horrified that he actually wore those leggings in public as that he bought them in the first place. If you are going to wear a look like this, (and S. Tyler, Jagger, and Bowie all have) at least have "the package" nicely displayed. I bet no one would have negative comments then, lol!
Love the outfit - so in-your-face to all the pearl clutchers here with the dopey tsk-tsking. It's not Adam that's ridiculous, it's you.
I never said I didn't like the pants. With a black tee, black jacket and boots singing his new single on Jay Leno's show FANTASTIC
I'm starting to like this outfit, but the truth is I still find jeans sexier. It's a shame he never wears the white jeans he had on IIHY video.
@Anon 1:05 PM
My apologies...
Yes, where are those white jeans and the white shirt he wore at Kfest? I read a looooong 12 part bio of Freddie Mercury recently and they explained why he preferred to and so often did wear white on stage. Audience can see you better! Of course they were talking about tour stage.
The supreme self-confidence with which he wears this insane outfit (who else could wear it) is beyond sexy. He doesn't give a sheeet what any of us think. That's what makes him so fascinating.
Anon 3:50 Right back atcha, fanbot.
Adam lambert has had a enough bulling in his life he doesn't need to hear it from his suppose to be fans! How do you look after working all day & being under pressure I just hope he doesn't read these stupid comments. He needs all the positve energy he can get stop judging every move he makes. I love him just the way he is I am married have to grown kids & three grandchildren. I would be proud if he was part of my family. I will be one of the first to buy his album. in 1
This is what the man himself has to say about bold fashion statements, in this case the pants here: (from his Advocate interview, the outtakes)
"....I also feel that’s part of the expression in fashion. At some point it just kind of has to be for you, and not for everybody else. So if I feel great in the weird asymmetrical blousy cotton shirt [gestures to his shirt] then I’m going to wear it.That’s part of the fun of it, trying something new. One of the things I hear a lot, especially when making small talk with somebody and I’m wearing something kind of eccentric, is, “Oh, I could never pull that off.” It’s one of my pet peeves, that phrase, because the only thing you need to pull it off is the desire to do so. That’s what separates people who are taking fashion risks from those that aren’t, is that they just choose to do it. It’s just a choice. "
Glitzylady, thanks for the quote from the Advocate interview. I was just thinking that the problem with this outfit is that for the first time he can't pull it off. It's so not him. The black shirt he had on Advocate looks good on him.
those pants are so him!! and I think he pulled it off.
ha,ha lovin the pants Adam!!
OMG. So now someone on this board thinks making a comment about ONE clothing or hair choice is BULLYING? Good God, can you be more ridiculous??? Get a grip.
Whether he pulls this look off or not is simply someone's opinion.
And - no matter what it is - he doesn't care - get used to it, people.
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