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Adam Lambert Posing In The Studio Last Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Anonymous said...

He looks soooooo hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

His trade mark, the sun glasses. Looks like they were either having a great time or planning to. LOL

Anonymous said...

celebrating the finish of the single I presume? yay!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they have a little liquid encouragement to help them celebrate!

Anonymous said...

They all look very cool and Adam gorgeous as usual. Hope it is the celebratory it's a wrap drink!

Anonymous said...

all alcoholic beverages off the premises.

Anonymous said...

I've tried everything, ice cream, chocolate, cupcakes, muffins, whipped cream, jelly, penut butter and even...mentos!! but I can't...I'cant I think I need to start with something stronger... ...OMG...yes..yes..Fruit Juice!!! or I doubt I can wait for the 1st single!! so please!! I hope that's a celebration for that long wait!!lol!!

Anonymous said...

That will rot your gut!

Anonymous said...

Ot: The rock and roll hall of famer" niles rodgers "was available today and tommorow for adam. Wonder what happened there??? Will be watching tweets for this.

The Dark Side said...

whatever they are drinking sounds much more promising than that green stuff yesterday! LOL

Anonymous said...

According to Adam's face that green stuff was delicious....BTW even then he look good!!not fair....for the rest of us...I would also love to hear what he said at that moment!!

Anonymous said...

While we're drooling and voting for the MTV FanArmy, please keep voting for the Hot-Boy poll. Don't want to see Adam lose out to Joe Jonas and not get into the final round. (I know, I know, these polls might not mean much, but if you have time....)

Anonymous said...

12.58 I was kidding!!Thanks for worring, anyway. The real thing is that is becoming a really hard waiting!!!Don't you agree??

Anonymous said...

Personally I have taken to drink....I find that 2 teaspoons of vodka perks up my lemonade Crystalite!....Since I'm an old Grandma I feel allowed to use the expression...."Bless his heart" he is working so hard to make this album everything he wants it to be.
At my age it's not easy to be patient while time is whisking by, but I'm trying....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Maker's Mark is vicious stuff - I still remember the hangover I got from it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's why the sunglasses!

Anonymous said...

all that sugar in alcohol will cause tooth decay. water is so much healthier.

Anonymous said...

he's friggin gorgeous. can't wait for single.

Anonymous said...

Get Adam nominated for the 2012 People's Choice Awards:

I wrote him in as a nominee for Favorite Male Artist, Favorite Song of the Year for the Aftermath Billboard remix, and Favorite Tour Headliner. Let's try to get him a nomination this year.