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Adam Lambert Spills New Album Secrets

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 18, 2011

From ClevverMusic:

Hi guys, Bridget Daly here for ClevverMusic. Adam Lambert is opening up in a new interview for the Advocate and talking about his upcoming album, which recent got bumped back to a 2012 release. Though fans do have to wait a little longer, Adam promises a more personal album, with synth-pop, electro-funk and singer-songwriter influences on it.

He tells the mag quote, "The last album was a little bit more of a fantasy escape...even my image for that last album felt very theatrical and kind of over-the-top and intentionally tacky. I get a kick out of making artistic statements that are kind of ridiculous."

Adam goes on to say his fans can expect a lot of fun and upbeat tracks, saying quote, I'm trying to convey to my audience that you really can't judge a book by its cover, and there's more to the universe than you can see with your eyes. It's like existential pop."

Well we cant wait for it! Also rumor has it Lambert will be performing at the AMAs November 20th, so lots to look forward to! Keep it here on ClevverMusic for more Glambert news to come. See ya next time.


Anonymous said...

I am really hoping that is true the rumor of Adam performing on the AMAs. I would have to actual watch that award show. I have not watched it since the last time he was on it. I thought that performance was really good.

Anonymous said...

I always like clevver news. But hey, look who's not so clever. The Liesangeles guy who Adam tweeted a while ago. He really believed Adam would release a single on Tommy's birthday..


Adam Lambert……………………………………….”Beg For Mercy”

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that AMA got over the double standard issue. I hope this is true, but will wait for tweet from Adam himself before I dare to believe it.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked to hear that they may let Adam perform.Its about time they woke up but as 3:06 said I will believe it when Adam says it himself on twitter.

Anonymous said...

If it is true, let's hope he doesn't touch, sing to, or even look at another guy or the idiots in charge will ban him for another 2 years. Of course if he did a duet with some female and acted like he was going to do her right there on the stage, no one would bat an eye. Hypocritical bastards.

Anonymous said...

I would really love Adam to perform on the AMA's mostly because I would just like to see him perform, no major hidden agenda going on. How cool would that be for him to sing his new single release there. Not getting my hopes too high though,but still hoping.

Anonymous said...

They have mixed up thingsagain. It's Adam LEVINE who's going to perform there!

Anonymous said...

Why are Perez Hilton haters defending LiesAngeles guy? Ngl I still trust Perez. I'm not even ashamed to admit it.

Anonymous said...

Now they want Adam to tweet and play with LiesAngeles..

Anonymous said...

So which Adam is it that will perform at the AMA's? Our BB or Adam Levine???? I soooooo wish it was our Adam.


Anonymous said...

Don't think it's a mixup with Levine. But I'm still holding my excitement until it is official that Adam LAMBERT will be on the AMAs. If it's true, the ratings will go through the roof!

Anonymous said...

ha, ha, never a dull moment in the fandom is there.

Anonymous said...

If it's true, I guess the AMA people have finally grown some balls.

Anonymous said...

If you ask me, which you don't, but I would not be in good terms with someone who's opinion obviously can be bought.

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear if it's true but just wait for Adams twitt!!!!

Can't wait to hear his voice again...


Anonymous said...

I want Adam to get stoned, tweet Tommy Happy Birthday Glitter Baby and flirt with Liesangeles. Now I'm stronger than yesterday.. xD

donnaw said...

Synth-pop, and electro punk??? I'm not quite sure what to expect........what audience does Adam want to appeal to?

Anonymous said...

Heh, maybe that Liesangeles guy is a playa after all..

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be kissing ABC and the AMAs ass after what they pulled back in '09. I would say NO THANKS.

Anonymous said...

I am a born pessimist and skeptic so I'm not letting myself get excited, but oh, wouldn't it be a perfect launch for his single?

Adamluv said...

@anon 5:50, as much as I would love to have Adam say "F*** you" to ABC, the benefits of him performing on the AMAS far out distance the personal satisfaction of telling them to stick it. IMHO!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

I can't remember if I thanked you for the Brother to Brother letter info. What an articulate man. I wish everyone would read it...especially all voters!...JAK

coloforadam said...

Please - No AMA's - he had NOTHING to make up for, or undo. He is SO moved on, has carved out his fan base and NOTHING is to be gained in image adjustment on a stupid awards show.

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would get it straight whether it is Adam Lambert or Adam Levine performing on the AMA show. First, it was that Christina Aguilera would be recording with Lambert, but it turned out to be the Jagger recording with Levine. Now it's the AMAs. How can anyone mix these two guys up? I would love to see Adam Lambert on it performing his new single; that would be marvelous. I think he learned from his experience on the first show and will not repeat any of that again esp. if he is singing a new single and wants positive public reaction to it. Like everyone else, I will wait to hear it directly from Adam before I get too excited and believe it to be true. He is the best vocal talent in the music industry today and should appear on this show which is all about music although some of the performers don't even belong on that stage in my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, don't believe it. Not a chance Adam is performing at the AMA's. He doesn't have a current song out at the moment and they plan months in advance for these shows.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is performing at the AMA's this year, i swear to god i will throw a party and make my whole family watch him whether they like it or not haha

LP said...

If it's true that Adam will perform at the AMAs, I wonder if his new management had anything to do with it.
Adam you might have a second chance, DON'T bugger it up this time. Prolly why he had a hard time figuring out which song would be his single, I think he agonized over it. Sauli has had to live thru all this, I am sure he has been a soft sholder for Adam . If Adam isn't going to be on AMAs, it won't matter too much, his new album will be great, and we will see him on other TV shows promoting it.

Anonymous said...

Would luv to see Adam on the AMAs, standing at the mike, showcasing that gorgeous voice, no dancing to worry about. Sort of the total opposite of FYE. Then see the audience give him the Standing O he so deserves! Would be a "full circle moment"!!

Anonymous said...

Since Adam Levine's band has been nominated for the Best Pop/Rock band, I would imagine he's the Adam who will be performing. Phooey!!

I'd like to see our Adam beautifully dressed in formal attire, standing at mic singing Outlaws of Love as tenderly as he sang it in Quebec.
Then I'd like a teary eyed audience on their feet!

Past midnight here, I'll go to bed and dream it's possible!....JAK

funbunn40 said...

@ Adamluv, I totally agree with you. As annoyed and disappointed in the double standard at te AMA's, it would be an opportunity to redeem himself and showcase his voice and stage presence, hopefully amazing the milions of viewers with his voice,and let the others rely on shock instead of pure talent. This most likely is a rumour and not the first time he and Adam Levine had been confused, pending an appearance. I hope it will be Adam, but with no album or single out, doubt it.

tess4ADAM said...

I would LOVE to see/hear ADAM perform on the AMA's so then this whole issue would come full circle & ADAM would once again be in the 'spotlight' on TV where he should have always been from the start!! Hope it's true & that it will be a launching pad for his new single & album.

I know this is OT but does anyone know when we can expect to see ADAM on Majors and Minors on the Hub? Now that they have switched to Sundays @ 7PM EST Oct. 28th is no longer the date since that falls on a Friday ... checked my TV listings & Ryan Tedder & Leona Lewis are the guest mentors this Sunday ... could the 30th be the new date for ADAM? If anyone knows could you PLEASE post it here on this thread or any info where I can find out for sure? THANX!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...


I've been trying to figure out when Adam's episode on Majors & Minors will air too. Since we saw Oct. 28 as the date listed on AO as next upcoming event I got confused. Majors & Minors new time for Sundays will begin Oct. 23. I agree with you, logically Adam's air date must be Oct. 30 (Sunday). I'll keep checking too.


daydreamin said...

@tess4adam the last we heard, Adam was thought to be on Major's and Minor's this Sunday Oct 23rd.

daydreamin said...

That would be so great if Adam was to sing his new single on the AMA's, but pretty doubtful. What an amazing opportunity for Adam to bring back those that left him way back when. Prolly is Levine. We can hope though! He will break through sometime, somehow. I am so hopeful this new CD will do the trick.

HK fan said...

It would be great if Adam was on the AMA's, no fancy stuff, just singing and blowing everyone away with his vocals. I think its probably Adam Levine too, although they have already announced Maroon 5 as performing, so why then say Adam Levine separately? It seems they have many of the same performers they have had for the last couple of years.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see Adam on the AMA performing with the same attitude he sang "A change is gonna coma" years ago at Zodiac(only this time BY Armany!!)so everybody's jaws drop and hit the floor.The best way of saying I'm a great singer so fuck you!!

Anonymous said...

According to matt carters article - it is just a rumor. I wonder if we voice our opinion to the ama's it will become a reality? I can't believe they are havin the same performers again. They seem to be the core group thats on every award show! Adam's so much better!

Anonymous said...

Get Adam nominated for the 2012 People's Choice Awards:

I wrote him in as a nominee for Favorite Male Artist, Favorite Song of the Year for the Aftermath Billboard remix, and Favorite Tour Headliner. Let's try to get him a nomination this year.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - thanks for taking the time to write that article I mentioned. It was special, wasnt it? ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

You would think as long as I've lived that I would have accepted the fact that life is not simple. That people are not necessarily basically good. I am naive though, I just keep wishing the world could be fair and honest and kind and helpful and respectful to one another. Fat Chance!

I guess that's what John Lennon was feeling when he wrote Imagine!
....JAK :(

The Dark Side said...

I will believe the AMA thing when I see it confirmed. Pretty sure he is still on their no fly list. This would be my only reason for tuning into this show. I have seen all the usual suspects so many times, I am thoroughly sick of the whole bunch.

Adamluv said...

@JAK, of course meant to say "read" the article instead of "write" it! The song "Imagene" will always be one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv

Of course I knew what you meant....we all goof up, some of us on a regular basis....that's why I rarely use proper punctuation. I find (....) much easier! Hopefully, as CK calls them, the Grammar Police are not lurking!....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I visualize Adam on the AMAs wearing a slim black tux ( kinds jazzed up, but not too much) and formal bow tie, hair perfect, not too high, not to low, moderate make-up, but enough to show off his eyes, one spotlight shining on him on a dark stage, AND THEN HE SINGS HIS ASS OFF SHOWING THE WORLD THAT NOBODY CAN TOUCH THAT VOICE.

LP said...

Adam Levines performance on the AMA has been confirmed. But there was rumor that Adam Lambert might have the second spot, or Adam Levine is doing two performances, it is a bit mixed up being that there are two Adams that will be performing.

coloforadam said...

Sorry - I know what you all mean about the fantasy of Adam blowing away that ol' AMA crowd with a soul-ripping performance but I don't trust those show managers. He is being black-balled and I think it started before that performance of 2 years ago. They knew 90% of what he was going to do, the rehearsals were open and on their stage, they knew the reaction that would come and they just let it happen. I don't trust them AT ALL when it comes to Adam and I hope he steers clear. That performance just gave the old school music industry guys an excuse to shun him and they have been doing it ever since. For one so stunningly talented, he unfortunately and unfairly has an uphill battle. We are behind him in an unshakable manner that is truly remarkable. We just have to hang on, love and trust. He has achieved a lasting place in this industry that he loves and in which he belongs but it will never be all that we wish for him.

Anonymous said...

Adam Levine may be performing with Maroon 5 & then Xtina on "Moves Like Jagger". Would luv to see our Adam as an unannouced surprise guest: stage goes black, one spotlight comes on, slowly pans up from the shoes to the face, then...BAM, the voice blows everyone away! Followed by a 5 minute standing O! *happy sigh* :)

Anonymous said...

Adam has Bonnie makes the hit maker producer for Britney, Katy perry and Kesha as well. Adam must targeting new fans of catchy pop.
I hope he show the list of he's track and sneak pick of he's single.

Anonymous said...

"Followed by a 5 minute standing O! *happy sigh*"
Oh, you mean ovation!

glitzylady said...

@Anon10:27 PM
I have to say: That's FUNNY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't resist! ^o^ JAK