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Adam Lambert's American Idol Journey (Compilation Video by LambertGlowbugAgain)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 15, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, October 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed watching these videos again!I knew from day 1 that Adam would be in the finale.The AIOTM is

Anonymous said...

Okay okay I'm in love all over again. Don't torture me.

Anonymous said...

What is this?????? Shame! Shame!

I'm obsessed, crazy about this freaking amazing unbelievable Mr. Rock God Adam Lambert!!!!!!

I would like eat him up!!!!

Nuts!!!!!!!!!!! Love u so much!!!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot (to):)

lorraine said...

I can relive these performances forever. From the first time I heard Adam on Idol,I was very touched by his recognition of the musicians and arrangers involved in the production of his songs. A true artist-and gentleman-and sexy as hell performer; he's got it all,including my heart!

Anonymous said...

thanks LambertGlowbugAgain, you did an amazing job here.

Anonymous said...

ot, I hope everyone is voting on the MTV poll on the FanArmy FTW. We need every bert out there!! Just do your best.

Anonymous said...

I'll NEVER get tired of watching the Adam Lambert Concert....ooops I mean Season 8 AI featuring Mr. Adam Lambert, Rock God! OMG, he really does have it all, doesn't he? So handsome, so talented, so so sexy. What a guy! I totally love this man.


Mwah!! K said...

Thank you so much for posting!
All I can say is that Adam Lambert changed my life forever! During a lonesome time in my life, I thought happiness does exist! Never watched AI again & never will. Went thru different kinds of music in my earlier years, & now I know who truly owns my heart when it comes to music, Adam .
Adam can promote all the artists he wants but he truly is the one & only music artist for me!
Thank you Adam ! I love you very much! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glowbug . . . love this and your Halloween video . .

Anonymous said...

Before he ever auditions, he tells the reporter, "I want to go out there and give them a show."

Love it. We had no idea what he was capable of at that time.

Anonymous said...

I love Paula's comment after his audition. "He's the best singer we've seen in every city."

Anonymous said...

to edit...she said he's the best we've seen in every singer and just let's go of her pen.

Anonymous said...

As much a Randy Travis loves country music, you could really tell that he liked and respected Adam as a unique artist. When Simon was criticizing Adam's performance as indulgent rubbish, you could see that Travis was very uncomfortable with those comments.

Anonymous said...

Adam had me at "Mama." Nothing's been the same since. Someday, somehow, those who never saw him perform on Idol (or even after Idol) will see these performaces and finally realize what they've been missing. That time WILL come.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just told me that I'm obsessed of our Rock God!!!!

I question myself too. Really??? Do I???? The answer is I'm insane not to love his voice!!!! :))))))

Crazy indeed!!!!!

He really rips the Music Industry...

No one can't deny that!!!


Anonymous said...

That probes that Adam can make any song better. I heard "Soaked" sang by Muse, and it sounds like a regular song BUT when Adam sing that song OMG!! It's 1000 times much better!!Did you notice that anybody tries to sing that song?? I wonder why'.....

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonderful treat to wake up to. Although I bought all the live videos on you-tube back then, it was so good to relive the comments. Just can't get enough of adam back then, now and in the future. It's been an amazing two and half years with this one-of kind amazing artist.


Anonymous said...

I like Broken Open a lot more than Soaked. I wonder if Adam will ever sing Time For Miracles and the original version of Aftermath live. They are classics.

Anonymous said...

Love It . . cried that he was denied . . . F ...AT&T

Mwah!! K said...

I have hope that someday AI will award Adam Lambert the trophy that was stolen from him. That title belongs to Adam & it's a fact that he was the best idol ever!!!!! Kelly, Carrie , & daughtrey ? , are mainstream artists. Adam, totally out of the box, a true artist & the most amazing vocals!
Remember after Feeling Good, the staircase & one of the AI light fixtures broke down, a lot of stage malfunctions.
Why didn't Fuller or Cowell or any of the other judges say something to Adam's loss? We know Cowell didnt stand when kris was announced the winner. So many hard feelings toward AI & that may be another reason why I & many others don't watch the show anymore.
It's never too late to make a wrong a right AI !!!! Mwah!!! K

Anonymous said...

Forget the past injustice and focus on the present. Juneau and Xena are making me nauseous..

Anonymous said...

I mean Juneau and Xena have declared this week Adam Lambert week, focus on TJ's birthday and Monte, of course. I'm assuming they too don't like Adam's bf. Nonetheless, Hyvää Syntymäpäivää Tommy, from Finland. :)

Anonymous said...

OT: I just checked out the stasis of those polls . Fan Army is now closed- when I hit on super fan points to check stasis they were in the hundreds of thousands each which were all for hotel tokoyo and Adam!!! Hard to tell who won. Twitter is still open. Thanks for the 2nd round of AO videos- this is awesome for a rainy sunday day.

daydreamin said...

Anon 10:16, it is NOT closed! I am voting right now on Fan Army, and when I checked last night it said there were 16 days left! Refresh your screen and go for it!

Anonymous said...

the twitter poll is closed but the fanarmy is still open. Last night when I voted they had the graph partially hidden but it seemed to have to many low spots for my satisfaction. Keep going.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin- sorry you are right. It's the twitter category that looks closed. Just tried. Fan Army still open.

Anonymous said...

I have these AI videos on another site and just watched them again last night. Adam Lambert had me at the first note he sang on AI season 8. I waited anxiously each week to see him sing again and was amazed by each new song and its interpretation. He is just amazing and set the bar so high that no one since then has even come close to his performances and that voice. To me he is the most talented singer in the music industry today and Adam proves it every time I hear him perform. These videos are a terrific journey down memory lane and the beginning of a spectacular career for one articulate, smart, witty and sexy artist.

Anonymous said...

Adam's performances with KISS and QUEEN still make my heart skip a few beats when I watch them. That has to be an iconic moment in television music history. He just fit in so easily with both groups and proved to so many of us why he should have won American Idol that season. WOW...that's all I can say. That sums up my reaction to that finale. And the rest as they say is history. Even though Adam lost to Kris Allen, he won the hearts of so many fans who have been with him for the past two and a half years. It's true; there is no one like him in the music business today. He is that special. Can't wait for the release of his sophomore album and the first single, hopefully next month. It just keeps on getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

had me at hello

Anonymous said...

Lambert Glowbug, thank you so much. I enjoyed every moment of watching the videos and experiencing the joy of finding Adam Lambert and his amazing music at American Idol. You are wonderful and made my day.

Anonymous said...

I could never count the number of times I've watched those performances. Even if he hadn't told us he'd been on the stage we would have known. He acted and staged every song.
Exceptional! CK

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM was/is/always will be the BEST AI ever saw/heard BAR NONE!! He brought sooo much JOY & Entertainment to so many people through his TALENT/VOICE!! I NEVER get tired of watching his incredible journey on AI ... it's like a story in SONG!! ADAM was/is always there for US ... singing & entertaining to the ULTIMATE degree ... THANX for reminding of AI's "GLORY" days ... too bad they 'muffed' it!

Please VOTE for ADAM @ ..

He WON over Nick Jonas & now Joe Jonas is running against ADAM so he can use ALL the Glambert VOTES that we can give him. There is unlimted voting so PLEASE go there & VOTE as often as you can! Spread this message all over ... ADAM deserves all our support EVERYWHERE!! ~~ thanx ~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

tess4ADAM said...

Hey!! Glamberts!! Just heard that Majors & Minors has been switched to Sundays @ 7PM. If this is true then how can ADAM's segment be airing on a Friday Oct.28th? Could someone Please clarify this for me & post it here on this thread? I'm all confused now & I DON'T want to MISS it!! THANX!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

tess4ADAM - I read somewhere (don't remember where) that the episode planned for 10/28 will now be on 10/23, a Sunday. Hope this is right -

tess4ADAM said...

THANX!! @Anon. 10:35PM ... I saw the same info about the switch to Sunday @ 7PM but there was no mention of ADAM ... I'll keep checking my Cableguide for that day & see if they mention ADAM!! THANX again!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw

HK fan said...

Whew, finally got round to finishing watching these, just amazing. Never get tired of watching them.

Anonymous said...

I just fell in love all over again.

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

I have watched for Majors and Minors on Sundays for last couple weeks and it is not on! I don't know what has happened to it, I check every day to see if it has moved yet again and no word of it. It's a mystery. But of course I will be watching again this next week hoping it shows up with our Adam! :( JAK

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... just posted on another thread ... my cable guide has Majors & Minors on this Sun. Oct. 23rd @ 7PM EST with Ryan Tedder & Leona Lewis as the guest mentors ... so I'm just assuming that MAYBE the one with ADAM has been switched to Sun. Oct. 30th instead of Fri. Oct. 28th ... now this is only MY conclusion mind you ... not a fact!! So I'm gonna keep my eye out for any further info & will try to post it here @ 24/7 on the most recent thread no matter what the topic okay? That might be a bad night for me b/cuz it's the night before Halloween & kids are going to be coming to the door about that time ... I'll do my best to keep you posted!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM

Thanks for info. I hope the program shows up...I've been putting my TV on HUB channel every Sunday last couple weeks and another kids show has been on???
I will not give up though. I've had my ADAM VHS tape ready to capture him when and if he shows up!....I am a dedicated "hunter" when following my prey!....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I really really miss the American Idol Adam. I couldn't have loved him more.

funbunn40 said...

I stayed up half the night watching the entire videos. I never tire of them and appreciate the great job LambertGlowbugAgain did compiling all of them! Adam is such a pro and impressed me all during Idol, always acknowleging the band and musical arrangers. He has excellent social skills that were very apparent along with his exceptional voice and showmanship. It truly was the Adam Lambert Show for me, from the audition to the finale.

Anonymous said...

No one could ever be better. I can watch these over and over and still love them.

Anonymous said...

I bless the day I first saw ADAM on his audition.
That was the start of my being inspired and finding happiness during a difficult time in my life, all because of a beautiful creation called ADAM.
I love you so much. You inspired me so much.
You put back joy into my heart and let me enjoy music again. I thank GOD for you, ADAM.