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"For Your Entertainment" used in Singapore's TV series 'The Kitchen Musical' Promo

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 16, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, October 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

I've completely lost my appetite.

Anonymous said...

enjoyed seeing this again!!

glitzylady said...

Which one? ; )

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

I've spent most of my life in the South, it it's not deep fried, mashed or barbecued I generally pass it up. Don't have a gourmet taste bud in my body!....I'm with Paula Deen....butter is my best friend!....JAK

glitzylady said...

@JAK wasn't necessarily talking about ; )

Anonymous said...

OT but...just saw Adam's "Happy Sunday" tweet. I hope he reads Huffington Post and tweets about the boy who got kicked off cheer team and suspended from school for kissing a boy. You know it wouldn't have happened if he kissed a girl. Adam has the power to shout out about this inequality. Ok, rant over. Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady are only a fuzzy memory in the deep recesses of my brain. However my brain occasionally indulges itself in "Let's Pretend"!......JAK

P.S. What the heck happened to Majors and Minors? My TV is on the Hub channel and it's not! Nor is it listed anywhere! :(

HK fan said...

I saw this started on one of our channels the other day, but didn't watch, thought it seems a bit strange. Is it a cooking programme or a singing programme? although I would like to watch Adams songs on it?

Anonymous said...


Sometimes you're naughty. I've saved all the Adam Poems!

Anonymous said...

I think Majors and Minors will be on next Sunday night on Hub. Keep checking the listings.

Anonymous said...

This is disscussing!And this is only news we have about Adam through last week?
He even lost his fans' votes for Must to Twitt!
Give me a break, Adam! Release your new single until you lose most of yout fans!
Ladies! You are agree to wait for Adam new single, CD, whatever! But 90% of his fans just gave up!
Wait for nothing!

Anonymous said...

90% huh? How did you arrive at that figure? Don't read the darn polls they don't mean anything and most of his fans don't know they exist! I never look at them and strangely enough Adam is getting press and hasn't put out a single since the acoustic. 90%, gee that makes me one of the 10% who are waiting impatiently but still a fan.

Anonymous said...

6:28 bad sport? lol Is there some law Adam has to win #ff every week?I forget to do it most of the time and most of Adam's fans I know aren't even on twitter.Glad you care so much though.Get your dancing shoes ready, it's almost ish time.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:28 PM

You know you are allowed to listen to other singer's new songs ,so it's not as if you have to go without music until Adam's single comes out. I'm quite content and finding lots of good music and frequently treating myself to one of Adam's familiar gems.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I care only about Adam and Rock God and Legend Freddie Mercury. I am perfectionist and don't listen anybody else,except drunk and drugged Elvis' Christmas Songs:) Have you every heard it? This is hilarious!!!!!!
And as far as Adam doesn't make any single every 6 six months and one album per year, he doesn't remind me my rock God and legend anymore.
Adam, for right now only Bohemian Rapsody, Jailhouse Rock, or One can put you back on the Billboard.
Sorry, but you know that this is the truth. Good luck

Anonymous said...

everyone please vote for Adam on the mtv poll, fan army ftw. max your votes out everyday and you get more points when you use both fb. and twitter.ty

Anonymous said...

@7:55PM Please, darling, what are you talking about? As far as everybody gave up on Must Follow Twitter, you think it will be enough votes on Fan's poll which give Adam chance to win?
Do you know that I can open this blog just because I attached it to my Favorites?
This blog isn't exist when I tried to browse "news about Adam Lambert"! I don't know what's going on, but I hope that Adam rating will grow up after his single will release.
Again, good luck. Adam, and his leftover fans ( including me)

HK fan said...

Adam won on Q102 Hottest male poll against Nick Jonas, and is now up against Joe Jonas in the semi final, and he's losing so throw a few votes his way, just refresh the page.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan Do you care about all of these polls for real? Aren't we have to wondering about People Choice, MTV, or Grammy's?
Who cares that Adam won the most of Flecking Records' polls? Have you heard about Flecking Records before?
However, I heard about AMA or Grammy's for many years.

Anonymous said...

Are you're gonna give us a sinlge, Adam or we have to enjoy watching the "Kitchen Musical' Promo"?

Anonymous said...

poor 8:52 you aren't going to have anything to whine about when his first single comes out, are you, boring one?

HK fan said...

@anon 8.49
Do I care about these polls, no, not compared to most things. Do I like to see Adam win, then yes, it keeps his name out there, especially in these quiet times between music. And as far as I understand it Q102 is a radio station, so hopefully that will help with future spins with them if they realise that Adam is still popular. I haven't been voting on the MTV ones as I don't have twitter, and do not want to vote on anything linked with my FB account, so I do my little bit with other ones.
And yes I'd heard of the Grammys, but never watched them, but had never heard of the AMA's until Adam appeared on them. Believe it or not the music industry doesn't totally revolve around the US.
And yes I have heard of Flecking records, visit their site at least once a week, its a very important site to Adam as it seems to be one of the only UK sites that is actively trying to promote Adam in the UK, so winning their polls can only be good for him.
If you don't want to vote then don't, nobody is saying you have to

Anonymous said...

Boy! This thread sure is crabby! Adam isn't the only singer to take a long time to put out an album. It'll come and YES, he still has millions of fans world-wide who will buy it and love it. This "between time' is hard for us all, but when the music comes out, the real fan action will begin again!

Adamluv said...

@Hk - thanking you again for the update on the Q102 vote. Think this is valuable to vote in this contest. Off to do just that! ... Adamluv