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New Old Picture of Adam Lambert with Nicolina Royale

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Anonymous said...

Oh my, battle of the pretties! JAK

funbunn40 said...

The boyish charm in this pic that we've grown to love has developed into a stunning Such a transformation in the past two years! He was handsome and sexy then and still is on a different level. He's handled the trappings and demands of fame extremely well IMHO! What a man!!

funbunn40 said...

Oops! Lost part of my sentence!Meant to say stunning,mature man. So easy to lose train of thought when his image takes center stage in your brain or what's left of it!

Anonymous said...

I like the genuine smile better than the pouty-lips posed look.

Anonymous said...

The boyish charm was lost forever after AMA. And Adam never will find it again. He lost everything in one day. And still can't get back his personality which got our hearts and souls during AI season. He just continues to break his own ideas and dreams.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the essence of what entertainers should be - exciting, moving, charming, talented and beautiful. I love the way he looks here. Fell in love on AI and still in love.

Anonymous said...

9:03 Maybe Adam has lost his charm for you, but to many of us he has shown it hundreds of times in the last several years. But, he's charming with an edge. This is what makes him different from so many others. This is what makes him fascinating and exciting. A constant nice guy (and I can think of many) is kinda boring to me.) Adam is never boring, and his risky, edgy personality is one of the main reasons so many of us love him. He can't be expected to be the AI choir boy forever.

Anonymous said...

goddamn it Lambert! keep those pouty lips and sexy eyes to yourself!!!!! best look!

Rogogon said...

One of the contestants of Polish "The Voice" sang Whataya want from me. here's the link:

Anonymous said...

@ 9:03 PM

I'm confused, if you think Adam has lost his charm, his personality, his ideas and dreams and apparantly your heart and soul
why are you here?
If the change in him disappoints and distresses you to such a disturbing degree, why continue to "follow" him? ... JAK

funbunn40 said...

@ 9:03, Have to agree with JAK. Why do you continue to follow an artist that you so continually seem to view in such a negative light? You don't seem to be able to get over his AMA performance or find any positive things to admire in him. Is there anything you do respect or like about Adam or do you have another agenda? Just trying to understand where you're coming from.

Anonymous said...

The boyish charm has not disappeared, I think. It shows on video WWFM!

a fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

9.03 Really!!?? Still with the AMA thing!!??come on!! I don't get it, it was just one performance and it was great btw, he just kissed a guy and it was hot, so get it over with!!!