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Two Phone Interviews on Glamberts

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Anonymous said...

aww, I wonder what he said about me now. lol

daydreamin said...

Well Adam, we adore YOU. You have pulled us all in with your talent and charisma. We just couldn't help it.

Anonymous said...

Awww, Adam, we love you so much too! How sweet of you to talk about and show appreciation for us Glamberts! You are so special...I hope you feel the love that's coming your way.xxoxx


Anonymous said...

Does anybody knows where did he do thouse interviews, I mean in whitch radio station or tv? Thanks!

lorraine said...

I'm glad you know you are loved and appreciated by so many. You can't begin to know the joy you give to us with your beautiful voice and your loving heart. You help me see the world through a different lens since the first time I heard you speak ....

Anonymous said...

You are always appreciated Adam.

Your real fans are here 100% and we are not going anywhere indeed.


Anonymous said...

Glad you notice us! Ofcourse.
We love you and support you since january 2009 : )

a fan from Finland (mom with teenage glamberts)

Anonymous said...

Aww love you more Adam! Radio interviews! The Adam storm is coming. Yes I wonder which stations.

Anonymous said...

Hope we can hear these interviews sometime. I know Adam really appreciates us Glams. He knows how dedicated we are. Hope this is just the beginning of LOTS of media time for Adam in the coming months!

Anonymous said...

Okay we have got to get Adam nominated for a People's Choice Awards. What other artist would spend most of one interview, let alone two, talking about his fans?

I think voting ends Friday so let's get cracking:

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:48
Yes, I've been voting on Peoples Choice awards. I just found out about it 3 days ago. I'm voting for the categories of Fav Male Star, Fav Pop Star, and especially Fav Tour Headliner! Who could ever forget the awesomeness of the GNT!

Also, please don't forget to vote for Adam in the Best FanArmy category at MTV. Sorry I don't have the URL right now. Just go to OMTVAwards..
Thank you.

glitzylady said...

New pictures from last night: Adam and Sauli leaving "TheLittle Door" restaurant in LA. Voted "The Most Romantic Restaurant of LA and the industry's favorite secret garden".

Anonymous said...

We love you Adam and how could we not? With your beautiful, amazing voice and your loving personality I am in awe of you. Can't wait for your new single and album! xox

Anonymous said...

Adam, in case you haven't noticed, we are an appendage.

Anonymous said...

Love you too BB

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a Glambert who occasionally indulges my heritage and wallows in country music....
the peppy stuff....whenever I hear Sugarland sing "Stuck Like Glue"
I think of Adam's fans, myself included. We are the ones who are happily and forevermore superglued.

glitzylady said...

Speaking of Sugarland, remember what Jennifer Nettles said about Adam back in April?? I've been a fan ever since..and although "classic" country is not my favorite music genre, so much country is now more "rock" or "pop" these days, very crossover, including Sugarland:one of the few "country" albums I own.. Even Lady Gaga has a country sound with her song "You and I"...who knew..

From 24/7 April 14th 2011:

"But isn’t it scary for any artist to come out? Even in mainstream pop it is. I mean, thank god – and I’ve said this before – for Adam Lambert. Thank god for eyeliner. I have needed a sexy man to wear eyeliner since The Cure. Since Robert Smith no one has really been able to do it for me in that way.

We need a country artist who’d wear eyeliner."

Anonymous said...

Voting on people's choice awards is so easy! Lets do this! especially headline tour- What other artists had people fly all over and go multiple times to the same concert? best male artist for sure also.

Anonymous said...


I'd forgotten about that, a double reason to like Jennifer!...JAK

Dinah-mite said...


The Cure?? Hmmm, I'm starting to see that we think alike.

Be afraid-


funbunn40 said...

@ Glitzylady, Thanks for the reminder of Jennifer Nettles comments and the info on other thread re: reason for this format. Hope we'll get to hear those 2 phone interviews! Glad he knows how much we're behind him and thrilled for his success!

glitzylady said...

Scary, huh??!! You'd probably be surprised... : )

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to read about how much Adam appreciates his fans. I think most of us know that, but it is always great to hear directly from him. I have been a fan from the first note he sang at the AI auditions. There was just something special about him that pulled me in for the entire season of the show. He set the bar so high that no one since then on any reality talent show has come close to his talent and stage presence. Adam has changed the way many of us feel and think about a number of issues and continues to speak out about them showing his support. Hopefully Adam will gain many more fans with the release of his new single next month?? and his sophomore album early next year.