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New Picture of Adam and Sauli at a Club

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that no matter how many people are in a picture with Adam, that he is always the best looking, the one who stands out and holds your attention. I like this suit on him...very sophisticated, very fashion forward with the entire style. Don't really care for the hair cut on Sauli, but I suppose Adam likes it and that's all that really matters. I seems they both had a great time at the club. I am certainly learning something about all these different clubs that Adam goes to both in Hollywood or in NYC. We can all live vicariously through these pictures and the information we learn about them.

Anonymous said...

Adam is too thin nowadays! He'd eat more.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:20, I was thinking the same thing. Adam is gorgeous, of course, but he is SO THIN! I guess since he was heavy for a while as a teen, he is now kind of obsessive about not gaining weight. That suit looks fab on him. Takes my breath every time.

Anonymous said...

Adam is like many of us, his weight goes up and down. In videos from Quebec he was chubby, arms, tummy and chin. Now he whittled some off, better for his health.

LP said...

Adam and Sauli looking good, Adam enjoys healthy food and Sauli loves excercise, makes for a great combination.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam looks too thin @ all.That nice suit is slimmimg and sharp looking....I love it. When BB was in Canada the last time,some said he had gained weight.I think he looks great now.The only thing I don't love is the haircut,esp on his right side,which looks different from the left side--more cut off,it looks like.Oh,well,it will grow. 7

Anonymous said...

LOL another pic with bad body language where Adam is leaning so far away from Sauli that there hips don't even touch.

Anonymous said...

Do you have some kind of degree in body language? What does Adam's tilted chin mean?

Anonymous said...

Well, I see that Adam has his hand on the back of Sauli's coat. They both seem to be having fun together and enjoying each other's company.

Anonymous said...

Good, I enjoy seeing a happy couple

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like one of the queens in this pose. I think deliberately.

Anonymous said...

3:42 ha,ha she thinks she has a degree in everything. She lives here,just ignore, wants constant attention.

The Dark Side said...

Adam is very thing these days...guess that's what love does. Always worked for me. That said, I am sure he loves being model thin. Does look great in everything he wears.

Anonymous said...

Adam may have his hand on the back of Sauli's coat, but its pretty much closed. Body language says not good. The propped up chin says, look at me bitches.

Anonymous said...

Good God. They're just standing there for an impromptu picture. Enough of this negative body language stuff!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if they posed with their hips or fronts touching, he would have an orgasm!

funbunn40 said...

I thoght Adam looked healthy and every inch a sexy man in Quebec. So much attention paid to the emaciated look which has created unrealistic, dangerous eating problems. Just hope he's healthy, excersising and not obessing about his weight when health and happiness should be bottom line.

funbunn40 said...

OT..Is there a reason for this inconvenient format with having to switch back and forth? The darker background was also easier on the eyes, at least for me. Any other opinions out there?

glitzylady said...

The administrator had to switch to this format due to issues with "Blogger", the web-blog publishing tool from Google. There were problems for many who were unable to get comments to post. This is temporary until the problems are corrected with "Blogger". Other blogs were having the same issues... : )

Anonymous said...

Love the beautymark!

Anonymous said...

Sauli too can look hot.

Anonymous said...

I've been looking thru family albums today and the "body language" is atrocious! Several members of my family circle appear to be demented, exhibitionists, haughty, asleep, bored and/or disinterested. Fortunately the babies all seem pretty happy!...JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, I adore your comments they make me laugh out loud and put everything into perspective.