Older Photos of Adam Lambert at The Box in NYC (7-16-11)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, October 23, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, October 23, 2011
"Yes! Just came across a few pics of Adam @ The Box NYC from when he was there 3 months ago?"

"Yes! Just came across a few pics of Adam @ The Box NYC from when he was there 3 months ago?"

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OT, but in case you missed this one, this is for the fans who are never satisfied with Adam's hair:
I live such a drab life. lol
What did I tell you.. ;)
Reminder, when you've voted your quota for FanArmy, please throw in some votes for Adam on the Hot-Boy poll. He's in the final round against David Archeleta. It might not be as important as the FanArmy, but it would still be great to beat Archie.
I don't think Adam want to be famous,all he think about maybe just have album he loves for what he dreams for and fans buy it,that's all.
Unfortunately Adam have 70s personality and style,not today style.
Adam docent act smart,because he could release he's album or single in nov for sale well not spring,who buy album in spring.he's have to think fast to gain more fans and break idol bubble fans in to new fans.like daughtry.
He's have talent and work hard but he's album didn't sale well,daughtry when put he's album out it's sold well.Adam disorves this a lot ,I hope 2 album sale more.
I'm tired of people saying he's gay,loser,hes15 min is up,I wish he learn more,
I m just want him to make it big and successful,be a bit today fashion.
Adam should know and management to work hard for promotions and advert like they pushed Katy perry.
Adam should know we live in today and future.before he's AI he's styles was punk and cool,he's hair too and before he's album he take cool pic,now he's back to70s style.
I hope he's album not be madonash,prince style because that's old and for new fans and style it docent work.
Lots of luck for him.
8:20,8;25,8:36 for the hundreth plus time, we get your message, really we do.Thank you but really no need to post same thing every other thread.Not everyone is as dense as you.please go back to the pickle boat.
Anon 9:01 - I'm with you! Am so sick of reading the ill-spelled, bad grammar, negative comments of whoever it is sending them! Almost makes me want to stop checking comments on these threads due to him or her (presumably a her). Go away!!!!!! ugh -
on the hot boy poll,I am only getting a black wide line down the middle of the page..no names at all.I see 2 light,what looks to be holes.Is Adam on the top place?If he is,then Archie is quite a bit ahead of BB...I can't tell cause I can't see the names.Somebody please answer my post,.My PC is being repaired now,& on that link,I am lost.This is not my PC
People, people, Daughtry did well but internationally he was a hit and miss. Adam has impacted world!
Nice guy Daughtry but not in the league of THE Adam!
Anon 10:02 - I'm having the same problem and no problems with my computer. Am afraid to vote on one of those choices because, as you say, there are no names - just that black wide line you mentioned. Anyone else have a clue??
Clearly the negative posts are from someone who really doesn't know Adam Lambert at all. Oh well, you cant please them all.
i've just voted on the q102 poll and its working, unfortunately Adam is way behind David A. And nothing against David A, (loved him on AI) but hot he ain't...
Just maxed out on my daily votes on FanArmyFTW (500 votes/day) and went over to Q102 and voted for 30minutes. Adam's #s are gaining on Archie just a little bit now. At least he is moving up closer to Archie but still a ways to go.
just voted for Adam on Hot Boy poll.needs many votes tomorrow. I will get up and start voting but will still max out the 500 MTV votes too.I still can't figure out what I did before I started following Adam.lol there wasn't a poll in site.
Have you noticed Adam's latest facial expression - his cute, pouted lips? The Finnish equivalent for the word is "mutrusuu", try it out in front of your mirror and your lips will look the same - or almost the same, not as sexy, of course...
We know, Adam wants to be the role model for the youth, for the young gays. Look at these pictures, what a wonderful future is awaiting for you!Relax, have fun and be free - there are no boundaries!
There is actually a poll called Hot Boy? And Adam ( a close to 30 year old man ) is opposing David A.? Doesn't that tell you how stupid this contest is? If I were Adam I'd be embarrassed to be in such a ridiculous poll and even more to be the Hot Boy Winner.
What is this ? High School?
Mostly whiners are not reliable fans and please if you feel bored to see Adam like this, no one is forcing you to stick around. Adam is not for you if you want new and fresh.
Just move on and leave the site you moron people!!!!
Everywhere he goes pictures are taken. There are pics of Adam where he's wasted in these friendly places. Also from this bar trip. You should be able to get drunk without someone taking pictures of it. In Europe it's not allowed to take pictures inside clubs. Just because someone is gay, doesn't make them more trustworthy.
Hey, want to know, is that a He or She, can't see too much booty here. Adam look amazing as usual and I love his vest, hope he has lots of fun after working hard in the studio!
It's a girl. I'm assuming the two girls are a lezzie couple.
6:48 you know what it means to assume. this girl wants some of Adam, oh yes you can see this very much. He may, well you know what the drinks do to him.
Sauli are you enjoying the beach? lol
Apparently Adam is back in LA and was at a dinner party. Some semi-celebrity tweeted about seeing him.
In the first pic, looks like Sauli sitting next to Adam, in the blue t-shirt. He was with Adam that night.
Adams pics are just that, pics of him posing with some people.
LP, we are just joking about these pics, not taking seriously. Adam did the Project Runway on this trip to NY and Sauli stayed home then.
2:57 C'mon. It's just for fun. If you don't want to vote on these things, then don't. Some of us just like doing fan stuff.
If something can break the adommy fans' delusions, I'm all for it, but I don't think anything can.
Or actually the delusional are not the only problem, because there are also glamberts who depreciate Sauli. Kind of disappointed on Adam for not realizing it..
off to voteland now. These polls are truly just fer fun.
To be honest, I adore discreet men... :)
Flirty and discreet men, with he look..
*the look
need many more voters on the hot boy poll. Adam goes up by small margin and back down again.Hey 9:26 Wake up I think you finally bored yourself to death.ha,ha, I knew it was going to happen soon.
@ Anon 6:48 AM
I take offense to your use of the pejorative term 'lezzie'. Just as I would, if you were to call Adam a 'fa**ot'.
Elli, I apologize for my comment. I checked it from ud and thought it is only a slang word, but you are right it is disparaging.
Oh and Elli, I suppose only straight women can be called w***es?
@ Anon 12:02 PM
Excuse me?!
Anon. 0820, 0825, 0836 are same person, someone name Tuti from mjsbigblog writes negative comments in same poorly written English. I am thinking Tuti has found her way here.
Elli, Let's say that I've been called that name because certain people didn't like my comments here. I didn't take offense who said that, because I know it was a joke and I got humour, but I did take offense from the others who were seriously hoping me to be offended. You have been seeking their favor. So, my apologies that I don't like you, but we can still both comment here.
@ Anon 12:31 PM
First of all, maybe I'm just thick but I have absolutely no idea what w***es means. Second of all, I don't know who you are, hence me calling you anon. So, with that said, I don't know anything about any 'feuds' or whatever that has been going on between you and whoever it is you mean. Third of all, I haven't been seeking anyone's 'favour', as you put it. I have nothing against you, except that I didn't like your use of a pejorative term. Now you've apologized for it, and as far as I'm concerned the matter is closed. I'm sorry you don't like me and I don't know what I've done to deserve such dislike. That said, I'm finding this conversation to be moot and I suggest we stop here.
Elli, sometimes I find calling someone a troll offensive too. It's the trademark of the bullies to call someone a troll. I hope you keep posting, although you said you left because you didn't like the comments.
@ Anon 1:49 PM
I think you and I have wildly differing ideas about what trolling is. I left for a while because of comment threads being full of a)mindless gibberish b) tasteless jokes and c) homophobic slurs. I did not go pointing fingers at anyone. I simply felt I'd had enough of reading those kinds of comments and I left. I would really appreciate it if you would honour my wish that we leave this conversation here.
whose that chick in leather? she wants some Lambert tongue.
@ Elli
I was puzzled by the w***es too, and then it came to me.....whores, I suppose. Which makes no sense at all, because of course anyone can be a whore! Even males are called that in some cultures...which I learned to my surprise! It's an all inclusive derogatory term. I do love to google!!!!!
As far as having someone who doesn't like you...join the club! I have a doozy who slams me quite often, funny how they never leave a tag!..xxxxxxooooo's from JAK
Elli, yes we can leave it here. Finns don't have to agree on everything. Your english is very good, by the way. I can only write briefly.
Oh, what would I do without you. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
Lots of love,
So good to see you again. You are missed and so is Sanni. Welcome back<3
Elli dont be frightened away a again, we love you here.
While I am here where are the other regulars Icon, Fan4funn, Sister, Funbunn etc, I miss you.
Exciting times are coming up, dont miss out. Soon I hope to hell it will be all about the music.
That was an interesting obsiervation about the poster here and om MJs being the same, I think that is correct looking at the grammer etc.
Sorry thats "grammar"
@ Eva and Jadam
Aw, thanks. It's good to be back. And I'll try to stick around for good this time.
Again, so nice to see you here..There has been more than a little negativity and craziness here lately. Your response was perfect. Please stay.
I too miss those who have been scarce lately.. Hoping this can be a place of positivity and major Adam flailing again soon.
There is no room for bullying in this world of Adam Lambert. He takes a stand against it: so should we. When that feeling of love and mutual respect returns in full force to this site, I think we'll see many back posting again. I hope so...
@ Jadam
Icon and Fan4fun and funbunn40 still pop in, but Sister is truly among the missing and I am really missing her. We were lucky to have Elli reappear so I am hoping to see Sister's tag show up again and Ronnie, "where is that boy?"
I really miss @Sister and @Ronnie too...and I hope @Sanni comes back again: hoping her tormentor has moved on..far away from here! So many others are missed as well..
Maybe when Adam's music starts to be released everyone will start checking in again : )
@ glitzylady
I hope so. We'll have a flurry of comments when that eagerly awaited single shows up.......but when the album comes out there will be a blizzard of comments! Every thread will be filled. Hooray Hooray for that happy day!...JAK
that chick is wanting some Glambert! what is up with the tongue?
He (She?) knew the camera was there, so put on a show!
@Jadam, I'm still here, but sometimes have to take a break for real life and when the Adam/Sauli bashing and denial of Adam's sexuality gets too ridiculous and repetitive. So glad to see Elli posting again and also missing Sister, MassGlamfan, Ronnie and so many others that were long time posters. I hope they will be back again. I've also been away from home so much the past year and have to catch up on home maintenance and much yard work before winter sets in. O)ften Glitzylady and others post my thoughts, but I try to read as many comments as I can and try to catch up when I'm gone for a few days. Really getting anxious for the new CD!
Adam Lambert, Minoo Mirsaidi and Kristina Kiss at The Box. Photo is taken by Minoo Mirsaidi!
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